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This is honestly the biggest reason why I can’t stand Silver after S1. She and Annie were best friends and then she abandoned Annie for Naomi and Adrianna (who she shit-talked all of S1). She became just like the people she was criticizing and forgot about Annie. People like to defend Silver and say Annie pushed everyone away, but Silver chose to side with Naomi. Even after the nude picture leak, Silver defended Naomi and stayed by Naomi’s side even when she found out Naomi sent it out. She was such a hypocrite, ugh. And yeah, their chemistry depleting in S2 was so weird. I’m not sure if it was the writing, production, or tension with the actors, but everything felt so bleak after S1. And this show was just horrible at writing female friendships smh.


This. I’m not sure if it was the writing or the tension between the actors (Which apparently was a factor too?), but I was never able to see their friendship the same way after S1. Even in that one episode where Annie and Silver go shopping for a new car (Which is one of the only few scenes they had just the two of them that season). The chemistry just wasn’t there anymore :/


wait i would LOVE a full post on the bts/blind items on set omg can we make this happen


Shenae and AnnaLynne said that a girl on the show staged an intervention in Shenae's trailer to tell her she was being a diva and making the whole show about her and "everyone" thought so. The girl supposedly tried to get AnnaLynne to join her in the confrontation, but AnnaLynne declined saying it was just work and she didn't want to get personal. After, Shenae said the guys didn't know what was going on, but she assumed AnnaLynne was still in on it. It seems pretty likely the "girl" was Jessica Stroup which might explain why their friendship wasn't the same after season 1.


this is the kinda tea i love thank u


The writers were bad at writing all friendship. I’m watching for the first time now i can’t get over how no one actually cares for anyone. Ivy will be talking about how she’s stressed about Raj and somehow the person listening will make it about themselves. That’s all how friendships go. Maybe the actors just aren’t good but it’s like they aren’t actually listening, they’re just waiting for their turn to talk so they can relate whatever it is to themselves and change the subject. Idk if it’s intentional but these characters are so unlikeable and self centered 😭


I detested silver! Just awful


Even though the show tries to push the idea that they are still friends at times, it’s like even the chemistry they had in season 1 isn’t there anymore? What is that about?


Probably the backstage drama. I’m positive that Stroup and Shenae did not get along 😭




It’s all super vague honestly lol but apparently Jessica Stroup had a problem with Shenae and came to her trailer and confronted her. Jessica Stroup also approached AnnaLynne and asked her to come with her to Shenae’s trailer and have an intervention with her…. Shenae and AnnaLynne talk about this in a podcast they did and although they didn’t take Anyone’s name it’s clear they’re talking about Jessica Stroup


Wasn’t it like there were false rumors about Shenae being a diva in the tabloids and Stroup said that all the guys in the cast were saying she was horrible so Shenae was crying and apologizing to all the guys lol???


Something like that lol Also take this with a grain of salt, but I knew someone who worked as a regular background extra on the show during the high school seasons and she said that both Shenae and AnnaLynne were very mean 🥴😶 I didn’t ask for details bc I didn’t want that to change how I saw them lol


I always felt AnnaLynne and Shenae were the real mean girls.(I love them both but yeah) Jessica Stroup and Jessica Lowndes both seem very chill especially Lowndes she seems like the sweetest person in real life


I agree! Also Gillian. It still rubs me the wrong way that Shenae left her (And Trevor Donovan) out of the reunion 😂 Even Ethan and Max were there! lol




They were actually pretty close but had a few hiccups I feel like that happens in most friendships especially on set 😂


https://preview.redd.it/21rgmnwudlfc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81bffe21c12a10f825e1c589f974348001acd6ae I missed Naomi and Ade as Besties more 🥺❤️ I feel like Naomi had good chemistry with them all Ade,Annie,Silver and Ivy…even Holly in season 4 lol


This was another friendship I really missed! I liked how everyone was paired up with their own bestie. I kept going back and forth on which side I was on 😂 Then they become more of an ensemble after that… kinda lame lol


YES - I think at least we had a couple of good moments between them in S2. But it’s also clear that once Ade relapses, that trio sort of breaks and Naomi’s only bff is Silver (At least until she grows closer with Annie again). It doesn’t help that after that Ade drops out of school and is off doing her own thing. I feel like the show was never able to recapture their chemistry/dynamic either


Naomi really did have great chemistry with everyone, huh?? It was like Annie with every single guy 😂


It was always supposed to be Annie and Silver BFF's and Naomi and Ade BFF' And the it morphed into Annie & Naomi And Silver & Ade. But I feel Ade and Silver were friends of convince that didn't have much depth


Silver just doesn’t feel the same after s1 we can all attest to that one


I feel like in season one they were painting her more as the outcast and angsty one that didn’t fit in then all of a sudden she just fits right in with everyone it was weird I felt like maybe they rewrote her character a little bit


Silver such a FAKE ASS BITCH


Honestly, I don’t feel bad when she makes her sex tape with Dixon because she was always putting ppl on blast on her stupid blog so that’s her karma. Homegirl got worse and worse as the show went on and she was a Homie hopper! Lol


I'll never forget in on the last episode, when they did that little cast thing. Silver's actress being like, omg I slept with everybody.


I never felt bad for Silver either cuz yeah she thought she was a HOT shit Messing with ppl with the vicious circle blog 🙂. Glad Navid was friendly enough to bring her on the blaze that way she can channel her energy into something more positive


But if it’s any consolation, Shenae recently said she reconnected with Jessica Stroup!


Really? Where? When was this? I know they all did that zoom reunion during COVID… but yeah it’s been years I feel like they put it all behind them now


She said it on a [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/scheananigans-with-scheana-shay/id1355212095) back in August! Here’s what she said about Jessica: > But while Lanter and McCord are the costars she's closest to, Grimes is still in contact with other members of the cast, like Jessica Stroup, aka Erin Silver, who she noted she "recently reconnected" with.


They try and shove the idea that her Adrianna and Naomi were close growing up because of the tattoo thing but idc she abandoned Annie which was Lame asf


Very early in the series Silver explains that her and Naomi used to be best friends.


Ik that but she was also close with Adrianna too growing up


I loved their friendship in the first season, it made so much sense to me and I also loved Naomi and adriannas friendship and Naomi and Annie’s friendship


They did have that cute moment taking that car for a joyride.


Cause Silver chose Naomi over Annie in season 2 and then later on she has a weird gross thing with Liam even though it was weird and gross. Good for her for sleeping with every guy in the friend group lol but it was still weird and gross.


what’s funny about their friendship and silver ditching her, in the end annie and naomi were more best friends than silver and either of the two


they were all so skinny in the first season I noticed on 2nd rewatch. on first watch it was normal to me bc that was the ideal but its quite depressing that the heroine chic was so alive and making a comeback


I felt bad for saying it but pic #17 looks so scary to me. Neither of them looked healthy. Especially Stroup 😞 It’s sad that this was the beauty “standard” at the time, especially in those shows. Just compare her legs to the slide before that, taken while Season 4 was being filmed. She looked so much healthier.


don’t feel bad I understand what you mean, I also don’t like to comment on people’s bodies but in this case it wasn’t just one, it was all of them that looked like they had an eating disorder and I don’t blame them because as you said, that was the beauty standard back then that’s why I didn’t even notice the first time, I was a teen myself. Pic #17 reminds me how shocked I was on second rewatch, cause I didn’t remembered them being so skinny. Glad they looked way healthier as seasons progressed




SAME - Also I wish they had her hair like this at some point 😩 she would’ve slapped so hard https://preview.redd.it/z49ogw2ybnfc1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5d9cbcdcd99931bdcbfb396b7828b7e4c3d141 I feel like the shorter her hair got, the more annoying she became 😂




It was short because that cut was huge in fashion/trend back then. All the big celebs had that cut (Rhiqnnna, Eva Longoria, Becham, loads of others). It was as fashionable as the long wavy hair with middle parting is now or the rachel cut from friends. The short hair is coming back slowly again too. It won't be long until people start ripping the poss into middle partings again.


It was chin length more than half the time with the actress periodically growing it out herself, though? Production doesn't always and honestly shouldn't have control ever over the actor and their body.




I misread as hadnt, so my bad. But i do disagree that short hair aged her. It just made her more edgy. And with the actresses face shape, short really suited her better than the long.


I miss this friendship so much. I go back and Watch season 1 episode bc season 1 silver is superior to all Silvers😂 and her and Annie are the cutest. Even Annie is do much better in season 1 then all the rest


I want to rewatch this series, it was my fav. Is it streaming on anything?


Amazon prime


Off topic but where can I stream 90210 other than Amazon Prime? Not really tryna pay for another subscription


The CW app has it!


A streaming website called soap2day, few pop ups but alright. https://ww8.soap2dayhd.co/ Some episodes are missing so go on this one for those missing episodes https://movies123-online.me/


The best thing the writers did with this show was make Silver and Naomi bffs. They both made some questionable choices, especially Silver having an affair with Navid. But everything else aside, Silver and Naomi were my favorite bestie pair on the show.


I didnt really like annie at all tbh or dixon.


I honestly cannot stand Annie after season one… lol