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That marketing decided to call the kid in the wheelchair "Wheels" will never not make me laugh


looks like they even stuck a "W" on the side of the wheel. You know, just to make sure we knew that he is Wheels.


the intial name was burden


Did kids ever really dress like that? I was born in 1988 and I don't recall baggy clothes with random electronics strapped all over taking off as a fashion trend outside of commercials. The VR headset is pretty forward thinking, though.


For the longest time I thought Vince from recess was a cameo from burger king


No free kids meal? At least a coupon?


Yeah I got this when I was a kid and got mad it had no gift card or anything??


Wow. This really takes me back.


They're all named after their traits. Perfect. The smart kid is IQ, condemning to a life of being a VerySmart, no doubt. The kid with a hamburger is Jaws, named after either a James Bond villain. The girl with a camera is Snaps, she's probably sending nudes to all the other kids. The disabled kid is Wheels, which is just hilarious. Damn.


Man, I've been super nostalgic lately and seeing that beautiful yellow border with the sperms or whatever in it just took me right back!


Born in the early 80's, I can't remember having friends dressed like "Kid Vid" at school. Even in the 90's, there were clichés on the 90's.