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This is a great question! I’m Kutchi Gurjar, so my family only speaks Gujarati even though we’re from Kutch. I’m completely fluent in Gujarati - speaking, reading and writing but I can’t speak or understand any Kutchi. I can speak Urdu/Hindi as well. I think you should definitely stick with Option A. I’d love to start learning Kutchi myself, do you have any resources to share?


In terms of learning Kutchi through resources, I've only found one book called "Teach Yourself Cutchi" which contains pure Kutchi (non Gujju-ed). Apart from that, I believe that there's a few websites out there that contain bits and pieces of Kutchi grammar. I'm fortunate enough to have parents who speak the language quite fluently, but apart from that I feel like the language is becoming more and more useless (at least in Canada).


Do you have a link to the book? I speak kutchi with my family but I wanna improve my grammar!


I do actually! I would note though, that it is ACTUAL kutchi (aka. no Gujarati mix), so I had lots of trouble with it, especially considering I'm ismaili and my dialect is kutchi-swahili. EDIT: Forgot to put link, here: http://tycutchi.weebly.com/uploads/5/2/1/7/52171069/tyc_-eng-v2.2.pdf