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I play on ps5 have 1000 hrs in it..a friend on pc was crashing bad but me on ps5 i didnt have no issues, fight is smooth


1k hrs? Lol I have 170hrs and I'm 524 power level rightnow. Props


Yeah i love the game its my safe place… im addicted to cyberbunk now 😂😂


Cyberpunk is addicting too


Playing on PS5, no crashes and very few bugs :) Haven't tried river raids yet which someone else flagged (am only 30 hours in). I did get soft locked once. in cave but just fast travelled out. Had a funny instance where my longship spawned on top of another boat, but no crash and could still use it once it finished bobbing up and down. The game is absolutely gorgeous and frame rate is very stable (on performance mode). No issues at all with popin or lag. Minor niggle is animations of distant things (in particular birds) can look a little janky as they have a lower frame rate.


Pretty similar I guess but do not use quick resume on Xbox. Something about loss of connection to Ubisoft servers by doing so leads to the game becoming more glitchy... Or just leave that on if you want that.


Though, to be fair, a lot of third party games suck when using quick resume.


I completed the game on series x (season pass' expansions included) and barely had issues with the quick resume. However, it is wise to keep saving just in case you have problems with this feature.


I played with quick resume and it was probably the best of the games I’ve played to support it, for all my playthrough it got cancelled two or three times. Not trying to say everybody has the same experience, but mine is this.


Only issue I've found with quick resume is switching between Xone which pulls cloud save, and XSX. So I'd play on XSX in the living room save and exit out, then head to my office so and load up the game on the Xone, no issues. Go back later to XSX and it'd crash out the quick resume, I'd just quit the quick resume and start the game up again and it'd work just fine. Noticed it with some of my other games as well, but I've gotten better about selecting "quit" from the menu options on the dashboard for games and haven't run into any issues since really.


It's not that the system itself is off but the app is still open so it creates clutter files every time you fully close a game and play it again it refreshes the files. It's the same on playstation with rest mode you leave a game open and it starts to bug after a while those are the clutter files. Just restarting the game fixes that💯


You just need to restart the game every couple days. It slowly starts to mess with the smoothness. Otherwise loving it on XSX


It's almsot always fine except for chasing the damn flying tattoos.


Given my experience with the Series X the game looks stunning at times, I haven’t seen any playgrounds of the game of the PS5 so I don’t know if the graphics and lighting is on the same level.




I don’t think mine ever crashed on xbox series S but it did crash a few times on xbox one




The posts asks about series X, not one X


I have been playing my recent playthrough on PC with character textures modded to be extra detailed, reshade to improve the lighting and colors in game. Had a couple of crashes after many of hours of continuous play, but nothing problematic.


My understanding is they’re pretty identical between the two consoles. The only time AC has a big advantage on series x is when playing origins or odyssey, as those 60fps patches that released are running on the one x version of the games, which output a higher resolution than the ps4 pro versions did.


Series X, no issues apart from the game’s native bugs.


I had some small lags on Series X, maybe quick resume..


I'm on the series S and haven't had any issues other than the occasional NPC doing NPC things. (And like one horse doing something weird.)


I played 200 hours so far on series X. No issues here! Other than the occasional crash. But that happens with all games on all systems. And it’ll happen more if you don’t clean your consoles once a year.


Series x, no issues...


I'd say Xbox due to the fact you can screenshot and upload. As for crashes idk had a couple in the beginning but haven't as any since. Usually it was my WiFi at that.


PC, works fine here...


Unless your planning on playing it on some un released switch version you should be fine... The game as been out for some years now Soo it's been patched.


I played on Xbox One with no issues. Seems like it should be fine on either. Do games play differently between consoles of the same generation?


Can't say about PS5 as not had PS since PS2, but Xbox X, I do get the occasionally crash, maybe once a fortnight, but I do play it for a few hours everyday, I also have to set to best graphics, so also get very occasional lag, but this does not last long and the game doesn't crash when this happens. Crashes at random times. Saw comment below about quick resume, I tend to save it and come out of the game properly twice a week, so that could be why I get the occasional crash (using quick resume).


Had a weird issue when this first dropped on Game Pass and tried it for cloud gaming that it would repeatedly disconnect my controller every 5-10mins. Bought the complete bundle on sale with Origins & Odyssey a month or so ago and finally installed it. Hasn't happened once since, and can't say I've noticed a difference gameplay wise between XSX & Zone or PS5. Visually between PS5 & XSX I can't tell the difference with all the options tweaked for next gen and newer TVs while playing the game.


Playing on Xbox s/x and no crashes, even using quick resume. Not near as many glitches as some have. It did get glitchy and keep crashing one time, but my wife and I both have our own accounts and had been back and forth playing over a few days. I eventually realized it hadn’t been off in a few days, shut the Xbox off for a few minutes and when I came back it was fine.


It would be matter of optimisation . I own series x and alot of games aint optimized to run better than ps5 . Some have fps unlocked but that is it i know they could go far more . So all in all ps or xbox for ac vallhala is probably the same with more stable fps on xbox


There is awful screen tearing and stuttering in Performance Mode while in cities on Xbox Series X. No idea why, and no idea if the issue is present on PS5 too. Quality Mode runs swimmingly though.


Ps5 smooth! Don’t get me started on the graphics- I’m in honest awe after all the trash I’ve seen online about this game. I’m 14hrs in I think and love it so much.


From my personal experience, I would say the PS5. A relative of mine owned an Xbox Series X copy, and his crashed a fair amount. I owned a PS5, and mine never crashed. I've also kept up with patch notes with every update they had released for the game. Now, I won't speak for all notes since I do not recall all of them perfectly. But generally speaking, it seemed like the patches for the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC versions would be bigger than the ones for the PS5 and PS4 versions. Of course, both sides will still have bugs, as is expected of many video games. But the pattern I've seen is pretty telling.


Ps5 and no issues save for when I got stuck in a tree once but that was 100% on me being lazy and not wanting to climb up a wall lol


I have played dozens of hours on both PS5 and Series X. I prefer PS5, the occasional stuttering is less frequent


Had no glitches ever on PS5 + loading times are so fast it surprised me when I first launched the game Don't know if relevant but I play with a PS4 disk and just downloaded the free PS5 upgrade


Ps5 no problems


They are both pretty similar with graphics and performance. PS5 may be better overall, but you really have to be looking hard for minor issues. Whether or not PChas more or less issues really depends on your setup, but I've never had s cradh on PS5 or XSX. My opinion: Pick whichever controller you prefer.


Can't say anything for the Xbox but ps5 version has much faster load times compared to ps4 like my friend showed me how long it takes from the moment you load the game to the moment you're playing and it's like over 10 minutes but on ps5 I recently bought it and it's like a fraction of the time, like 2 maybe 3 minutes at most also the visual upgrade is noticeable and I assume it's the same for Xbox it again i can't talk for Xbox as I don't own any nor have I seen it running on Xbox


Overall I'd say neither compared to Odyssey or origins. There is no naval action (just travel that makes you feel like it's a computer game) and no action practically anywhere except cities. Everything is just a copy of the last place Somehow burning england down is completely superficial with less flammables than other games, And the fact that by doing so, the story implies your, checks notes.... Building england up with trade and friendship? *YOUR ANCESTOR DID NOT GIVE CIVILIANS DIRTY LOOKS (so so be careful while neatly burning down there top hay later of their roof of animal droppings)