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Wrap some of that shit up in tortillas, then wrap your new breakfast burritos in parchment paper and freeze them. Take one out every morning, microwave that shit and boom, you accomplished your original goal!


Meal prep Sunday helps a lot. Great suggestion on the breakfast burrito.


Meal prep Sunday is the only way I wouldn’t just buy take out every day before. Now that we’re with my MIL again (who has no boundaries and way too small a fridge) I’ve basically skipped eating dinner and buy breakfast and lunch at work. Slightly better than take out but still more expensive and mind taxing than just grabbing a prepped meal.


Do you have any suggestions on easy meal prep for super picky eaters? I have tons of sensory issues around food (mainly around reheated meats and certain textures, like crunchy veggies are a no-go), and I find that many of the google searches I’ve done usually return options that are way beyond my level, like prepping fancy salads etc. I need meal prep options for an adult that eats like a child (and yes, I do take all my supplements prescribed by my doctor, so nutritional value doesn’t need to be super high on the food items). I’m just really struggling to eat lately and I’ve been living off of DoorDash and protein shakes 😭


Honestly, look up meal prep recipes for kids, I love "kids meals" (chicken nuggets and smiley potato faces are one of my fave meals) kids recipes are usually way less full on with flavour and textures


No idea why I haven’t thought to do that yet lol, but definitely going to now! Also same - I love kids meals haha - most fast food places I order from I’ll get the kids chicken tenders😂 thank you for your suggestion!


Do you have an air fryer!? Game changer for quick meals and textures!! Also for meal prep- I find it way better tasting and mouthfeeling than microwaving previously prepped meals!


Looking up “kids lunch ideas” on Pinterest is a game changer. Is how I came up with most of my low prep sensory issue friendly meals


If you don’t like crunchy veggies, you can try roasting or sautéing a bunch at once and storing them in a Tupperware. That way, no matter what you’re eating, you grab a scoop or two for a serving of veggies for every meal.


That’s a great idea! Thank you!! Have you ever tried freezing them? I imagine they would be kinda gross thawed, but I’m curious because if I can freeze it and reheat it, it’s definitely a go-to for me. Lately my chronic pain hasn’t been so great, so the simpler and easier, the more likely I am to actually do it.


When my daughter was still in school, and I was a single mom working full time and with a long commute, sometimes, for dinner, I would prep the food the night before. For example, chicken thighs on a dish. I would pour marinade/sauce on it, cover, and put it in the fridge. You could eat that with rice and/or a simple salad, like lettuce and tomatoes. There are a few simple pasta dishes, too.


Thanks for the idea! My boyfriend helps A LOT with making food now, and between the two of us, this would totally be do-able! I always forget rice is a good healthy option/add on too - so thank you!


I tend to do a meat and cheese roll, rotating between roast beef, ham, and turkey depending on what’s on sale that week. Then I have a hard boiled egg, because I found more protein helps adhd meds work better, and then I’ll do something like pickles or olives. If I’m feeling fancy I might have small veggies like celery or baby carrots with peanut butter.


I have some of these issues, and a crockpot has made all the difference for me. Throw almost any vegetables in there with a cup or two of broth (or if you also put in meat, water instead of broth). Do it just before bed, set it on low. You'll have lunch ready tomorrow. No crunchy veg! Crockpot company also makes tiny crockpots that will warm up food for you if you take it to the office.


>crunchy veggies are a no-go Probably unhelpful suggestion because I simply relate too much to your comment to just shut up: find someone like me who can't stand any non-crunchy veggies and together you form 1 full non-picky eater to eat all the veggies. Teamwork etc etc


I make grazing boxes for when I'm not in "real food" mode. Pepperoni bites, salami slices, dried fruits, crackers, cubed cheese. Think charcuterie board or lunchables. Apple sauce pouches, fruit snacks, grapes, berries. I can pack it the night before and just throw in my bag the next day. I can also build a plate for at home days, and a lot of it has a shelf life that will last me a few missed consecutive days ETA my brain skimmed over your sensory issues, sorry. Hopefully there's some info here you can use? I also do freezer burritos if that meshs w your reheated food needs. Here's the 2 recipes I keep in my freezer [Vegan black Bean wrap](https://thevietvegan.com/starbucks-copycat-quinoa-and-black-bean-wrap/) [beef and bean](https://www.melskitchencafe.com/moms-freezer-beef-and-bean-burritos/)


What are a couple of your safe meals/textures? That could help us give suggestions.


Anything that reheats well in an oven works well - aforementioned burritos are great, no microwave necessary. Same with most burritos! My other tip is to just try prepping parts of the meal - eg mix up a sauce and add to pre sliced or frozen meats/veggies - which is still less expensive than takeaway (for me)


Could you maybe freeze a thing of quesadillas or something? Small items you can reheat within a couple of minutes?




This is literally what I was going to suggest. Premade breakfast burritos are great!


Yup I do English muffins, sausage, cheese wrap em up and freeze them. Partner can grab at 4AM headed out for work, kiddo eats anytime. If you don’t have time to make a ton just make one or two extra when you make something for yourself and throw them in the freezer. Future self will be thankful.


The parchment is a great idea. I’m tired of foil getting stuck inside the freezy foldy bits. And then you can microwave it in the parch


Here I was just thinking how bad I wanna try this with foil so I can chuck that frozen bundle straight into my air fryer




+1 for using parchment. It’s the best for reheating burritos.


This is the way.


I am so hungry right now. Dont drive atm so must learn to cook, its a skill that i missed not learning tbh.


I actually love cooking, but I hate cleaning up so much that I often avoid cooking in the end


This is going to sounds crazy, but I replace my old double basin sink with a huuuuge single basin and new strong ass faucet and it has taken away so much of the pain of cleaning up. Could be novelty for sure, but it hasn’t worn off yet and it’s been about 6 months. Sometimes I think we say we hate doing something, but there’s actually just one or two little things within that process that we actually hate. For me it was dealing with that annoying sink.


Totally know what you mean. When my partner (who sometimes does good cooking), because i dont, i can but had a real adhd connection to the kitchen for some reason. Im grateful of course, but the amount of table preperation and washing up afterwards is immense (my job), compared to the actual cookery. They do a course here which will attend for beginners. I actually love cooking too when things go as should be and a really good fun and practical thing to do.


As someone who lives alone / has to do both the cooking and the cleanup, I’ve learned that I’ll only cook things I can cleanup in the dishwasher with minimal cleaning required. I meal prep on Sundays for the week, clean as I go, and often I’ll even run the dishwasher twice by the end of the day. Then all the meals are also packaged and those containers are easy to throw in the dishwasher as well


At the very least rinse things as you use them, makes the eventual clean much easier and less daunting


I saw these two apps that might help you! I think they’re kinda like duolingo but for cooking : Parsnip / Zest


Thanks for this. That Parsnip app looks really good.


YouTube is a godsend for learning to cook. Everything I know I learned from YouTube. Also, instant pot cooking and slow cookers are super adhd friendly and worth the money.


if you can afford it I recommend getting a recipe box subscription. Don't wanna say my age but I am waaaaay too old to not know how to cook, and I only (finally) learned how to in 2018 thanks to recipe boxes. I get 1 box of 4x recipes for 4x people. There are only two of us (my partner and I), so we cook one recipe in the evening and have the leftovers the following day for lunch. We bulk up the recipes with some added veggies etc and can eat the whole week on the surplus, even freezing stuff sometimes! The recipe boxes are amazing as they break everything up into clear steps (explaining everything as if you'd never cooked before) with pictures. I had never been able to cook following recipes before and messed up many an attempt in the past (sometimes to disastrous levels, like the time I forgot to add water... when making pastry dough and only realised when we tried eating the resulting burned mess). On top of that I had years of guilt issues re food and taking care of myself which made cooking really really difficult (I'd often end up in tears just attempting to). But recipe boxes fixed that. We still subscribe - it's worth it. And now I can cook and get awesome different recipes and ingredients every week. And if I forget to select my recipes (which is most weeks), they send us recipes based on our previous choices, so we still get food. Also this saves you having to plan recipes and avoiding distractions in the supermarket. For me it turned out to actually be a saving when it comes to money too (despite the apparent higher cost) because I stopped spending money on random items of food that I didn't need and that I would inevitably forget about and then have to chuck away when they would rot. Now almost nothing's wasted.


This sounds really good, especially for someone whos not a natural at cooking and yet can follow clear instructions, and will definately check this subscription out. Saves time as well, from what you say, and much better on waste. Nice to read you and your partner going well with this. There are not many to cook for here so can easily use the surplus later in the week. I seriously know what you you mean about the frustration with typical recipes. Thanks so much for this and have a great week.


That‘s ok! I only really started cooking at age > 25. It is never too late to learn :)


Separate into containers, your breakfasts this week will take 30 seconds in the microwave. Also, fwiw eggs are usually fine way past the stamped date. Bacon and sausage should also be fine - just smell it before you cook it.


I would have just shoved it all in the freezer, only to discover it again 3 months later and be delighted that I can make breakfast for dinner haha


Eggs and bacon are some kind of magic button for locking my brain in for the rest of the day and making my vyvanse perform at peak potential. Unfortunately I rarely have the patience and energy to cook them in the morning before my meds kick in, especially on weekdays. Sometimes I prep egg cups (beaten egg, veggies, bacon or sausage and a little cheese if desired, bake in an oiled muffin tin until puffed) or freezer breakfast sandwiches in bulk and toss them in the freezer for quick weekday breakfasts, and morning me is always so thankful to weekend me’s forethought. 🥲 Also, shout out to boars head microwave bacon. Yea, it’s kind of pricey but the convenience of being able to microwave a few strips of bacon at a time in the morning and have it ready in 30 seconds is an adhd godsend and is a better option than buying a pack of regular bacon and never finding the motivation to cook and store it all before it goes bad.


> Eggs and bacon are some kind of magic button Protein for breakfast is such a game changer. I try to have some kind of protein every morning.


Protein and fat, man. More people, ADHD or not, should recognize that those two are *really good* for keeping you going well. Unfortunately, the latter got demonized and replaced en-masse with sugar... And in addition, amphetamine-based meds are sensitive to pH. The more basic the environment, the more lipid-soluble, the better absorbed. Which means you need the lipids for them to be solved in.


Meal Prep Sunday Breakfast Burritos/Bowls: 1 can rotel tomatoes, drained 1 big carton of egg whites 2 whole eggs 1 lb chicken sausage Little taters, diced and boiled (or 1 can whole potatoes, diced) Start your potatoes on to boil Remove the chicken sausage from casings and cook it in a hot pan as you would ground beef until no pink remains. Turn the heat down and drain any fat Dump in the carton of egg whites and two whole eggs, stir while it’s cooking until the eggs are scrambled Dump the can of Rotel tomatoes in the pan and stir Drain the potatoes and dump those in the pan too Put a lid on this and cook on low for 10 min (or leave the lid off to cook on low if you have too much liquid) This makes 5 large breakfast burritos or bowls. It’s extra tasty if you top it with shredded cheddar too.


Thank you! I needed easy directions because google results are overwhelming. Any tips for wrapping and keeping burritos? Do you freeze?


I freeze portions in small Pyrex containers. Then I nuke it in the morning for two minutes for a tasty breakfast. Sometimes I simply stick it in the fridge for the week and scoop it out a serving at a time. ETA: sometimes I add things like diced bell peppers, mushrooms, or frozen corn to add a bit of variety.




I had spaghetti for breakfast the other day. Like, not leftovers; I wanted spaghetti and it was 7am so I made some meat sauce and boiled pasta. Everyone was eating their toast thinking I was crazy but, like, why are there rules about stuff like this?


same some weeks ago i was CRAVING pasta with pesto and i just cooked it. i live alone so who tf is gonna judge me? me? nope. done with that.


I'm a chef this type of chaos is my heaven


Adding shame feast to my vocabulary right now


A couple tips: - Sell by date != expiration date != date after which food will make you ill. If it looks off (e.g., your bacon is going grey) or smells off, toss it; otherwise, it might not taste fresh, but it's probably fine. (I am not a medical professional/food scientist/nutritionist, look for sources you trust on this.) - Something "easy" I do with eggs: boil ~8 at once, let them cool, and put them in the fridge. Eat one a day. Does not work if you hate boiled eggs. I find them okay, but this is really convenient.


What is a breakfast sausage and how does it differ to any other sausage? Definitely pay attention to use by dates, but don't worry so much about sell by dates.


Breakfast sausage is seasoned more mildly, and occasionally has a little maple flavor as well.


I love breakfast food so much but all the frozen food options are expensive, crap, or limited (after a while, one can get REALLY sick of Jimmy Dean's...) but microwave is the quickest and most convenient way for me to attempt to get food in me before I have to rush off to work. Maybe one of these days I'll just pre-cook everything in the evening then freeze it myself. I've heard of people cracking eggs into a muffin tin and freezing them which seems like a smart idea. But I've yet to try!


I just typed out a very witty and entertaining reply to this. ( Not normally that quick with the words). On the gardening sub Reddit. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why does it matter about the sell by date? Are you selling the breakfast?






Agree! I just check to make sure my eggs aren't floaters before I eat them, but I'm not American so I also don't have to keep eggs in the fridge. Edit typo


I didn’t look at which sub this was and was wondering how big a brekkie bong someone started their day with hahaha. The way I deal with cooking breakfast while being shit at time, is I work my morning into “never fucking sit down”. 1. Hot plate on, pan on heat 2. Morning shit 3. eggs and bacon on pan 4. Quick shower 5. Breakfast ready under zero observation while having taken 30 seconds of my time inbetween things I had to do to get out the door anyway.


this is like cookery and universal soldier combined. i actually think i over worry to much about the details (oz levels, time of each item that is being cooked and so on. Instead of just getting on with it and not over worrying about all that.


Just remember eggs are meant to be medium heat not high and it’s all fine. Also use a heavy base non stick pan, it’s a lot harder to just leave things if you have some thin base crap that potentially warps making inconsistent contact, even heat is the key.I put it all in the pan, sprinkle a little bit of cheese on for flavour, leave it, then throw it all in a wrap with some sriracha.


Cheers for that !. I do ommelets sometimes and pans need replacing.


Sharing is caring. In all seriousness, what I would do is make something with it for tomorrow so you can just grab breakfast without worrying about making it. I normally miss breakfast because I don't feel like making anything even a bowl of cereal


My dad will cook all his breakfast sausage /bacon on a Sunday then fridge or freeze em, it's a matter of sticking them in the microwave when he gets up and by the time he's dressed there ready to eat / put on bread for a buttie etc. I've adopted this. It's especially useful for executive disfunction days where it's just much to try cook and eat stuff.


Yo I do the same stuff. So I make (haha I have made in the past and have full intentions to do so again) egg bites or an egg Bake so you can just grab and reheat in the morning!


I did that yesterday and the day before but I’m 29 weeks pregnant lmao


I thought this was going to be a post about meal prepping lol. I have the same problem as you, don't matter how many alarms I set, I don't get up. I keep some nutrigrain bars in my car. Not the best, but better than others


>I appreciate the suggestions for leftovers, however I have since posting finished my shame feast. You ate all that in one sitting? Sheesh


Yay for protein! Maybe meal-prep is actually your solution, one session of cooking high-volume and then chuck it in the fridge, and voila! Breakfast every day for the next few days. Not sure if you’re medicated, but eggs and Vyvanse are a match made in heaven!


I hate crunchy veges too! On Sunday I mix meal-sized portions of meat and marinade in freezer bags (biodegradable bags made from sugarcane so I’m not adding to the plastic problem) olive oil, lemon or balsamic vinegar, garlic, herbs and spices) and freeze them, grill a huge tray of Mediterranean veges on the BBQ ( capsicum, eggplant, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower, zucchini) with garlic, basil, spices, balsamic vinegar and oil) and freeze them in individual servings as well. Then when I need to cook during the week, roast the meat in the sir fryer and in the last ten minutes and throw a serving of the veges in there to get warm and crispy. It’s really yum and easy. The other thing I do is make a huge stew/curry/casserole in the slow cooker and freeze meal-sized portions of that too. Week sorted.


I believe in you!


Do that more often and save leftovers. Most of that will stay good for days with some plastic wrap thrown over it and put in the fridge to microwave quickly in the morning.


Ron Swanson likes your style.


This is the best thing I’ve read in a while… the edit just made it pure perfection


Lmfao. That’s a lot of food. Next time freeze the meat. Eggs last WELL beyond the sell by date.


Have NO shame! You did what you had to do to prevent wasting food… Be PROUD! I’m completely shameless when it comes to my unachieved goals. You are the one who set that goal. So no one has any right to even think about whether or not you reach it! Be kind to yourself and stop putting shame on you.


May your assault be fierce and swift sir.


For a future meal prep day, try these. Fantastic if you work at an office and have access to a microwave. I also put them in a gallon freezer bag after wrapping them up. https://www.artofmanliness.com/living/food-drink/save-time-and-money-with-make-ahead-breakfast-sandwiches/


I will toss some frozen tater tots in a pan with chicken stock and a small pat of butter to soften the tots faster and then smush them. I will add whatever seasoning I want then. Toss in whatever leftover meat or tofu I have to warm up. Crack a few eggs in and scramble while mixing with everything else. Toss in shredded cheese and turn off pan while mixing to let cheese melt. It's great with some sauce on it(ketchup, gochujang, hot sauce, BBQ sauce, etc.) Or toss it in burritos to freeze for later. I find if I make a big batch one day then I can split it up and eat it however I want later. Also veg can definitely be added as you want. And viola breakfast hash!


I actually cook like this for breakfast most weeks. I fry or scramble eggs and make a bunch at at time and put in the fridge for the week. I buy microwaveable bacon or frozen sausage and then boom I can easily and quickly have a healthy ish breakfast sanwich every morning.


Whenever i buy meat, i freeze it right away to avoid this scenario


Well, you can freeze a lot of stuff. Meat included. Actually fairly sure you can freeze it even cooked. I mean, my freezer says you can. I have whole meat section there. Just remember its good to eat it eventually. :D


Once cooked the sausages and bacon would keep okay.


Bacon & Egg English muffins freeze really well, an reheat pretty good in a microwave oven. I beat the eggs, chuck a bit of seasoning (usually just salt & pepper but you can do whatever) as then cook it on a lined sheet pan in the oven for a few minutes, then let it cook, cut into squares. Top lightly toasted muffins with a slice or 2 of your choice of cheese, bacon (I like the streaky bacon, usually also cook this in the oven on a sheet pan), a slice of the egg, wrap it up in baking paper, I think US calls it parchment paper? And then wrap that up in alfoil and chuck it in the freezer.


Divide all that into several different containers. Pop in the fridge. You have breakfast for a few days. Congratulations. You just meal prepped.


The way to test to see if eggs are still good is to drop them in a large tall glass with water. If the sink on their side they are fairly new, if they sink and stay on the bottom and they are vertical they are older and almost ready to turn. If they float they are no good and need to be pitched. I find mostly eggs will start to go truly bad about a month after their expiry and a bit longer if I get them at Costco :)


Sell By dates have very little to do with if the food is expired or not, just smell it first. If it smells or tastes weird don’t eat it, but if not ignore that capitalistic driven date bs


You are stuffing yourself with nitrates, animal fats.


Animal fats!? Heaven forbid we eat something we've been eating for... *checks watch*... around 4 million years since we lost our cecum, rendering our digestive tract useless for extracting significant fatty acid chains from fibers. But don't let me convince you; listen to your own body, which stores almost all of its excess energy as saturated fats and has 5 different organs made for digesting them. Seems our body prefers it. Also, do some reading into linoleic acid and omega-6 fats. There's really only a few good plant fats out there.






What about second breakfast ?


Me before I take my adderall


Meal prepping is your friend.


good! you ate lots of food that'll give you energy. now you just have to aim to have another breakfast the next day. it's ok if the next day you don't manage, because then there's the day after that. i understand the shame, i've wasted A LOT of food myself over the years, but be proud you ate. besides meal prepping like others said, you can aim for simpler breakfast foods. fruits or vegetables you may like to snack on, maybe string cheese. you also don't have to eat breakfast food specifically, you can have leftovers of any kind. what's important is getting SOMETHING in your body each morning rather than nothing


Proud of you for staying away from the carbs.


As a carnivore, that's a normal breakfast for me.


Fml. I’ve looked at the breakfast sausages in the fridge every single day this whole week saying “remember to cook these before May 5th.. remember to cook these before May 5th.” It’s May 6th. They’re still there. Faaaak.


Sup breakfast club!


You just reminded me I need to toss the stuff together for a loaf of bread for next week’s lunches. I find it’s therapeutic/relaxing to assemble, weigh, and bake something. If you are exacting and understand the underlying science - it’s rewarding as well.


Mm, bacon. I feel ya on this; one thing I found helps a bunch is to just meal prep the heck out of the week -- that way, you only need to cook once. (And only need to 'dishes' once, too, which is awesome!) That way, less wasted food! You can also just freeze some if you've got the containers for it. :) Hope you enjoy your post-feast nap!


sounds reasonable. enjoy.


You go, beaaaatch!!!!


Haha. This sounds exactly like what I did a few weeks ago. Bought eggs and bacon and everything. Didn't cook breakfast once. Not once.


Every year for my birthday I buy 3lbs of bacon and just spend all afternoon frying it and eat it as I fry it while listening to music why? because that's the one day a year I have bacon. Not for health reasons, but for this reason. Bacon is just too expensive to risk having to throw away. Better to have an insane amount of it all at once and call that my "bacon fix" for the year and pretend it's celebratory.


You could always meal prep it and have breakfast all week.




I f love breakfast food! Have you ever used a griddle


Stuffing yourself with food because you don't want it to go to waste is a waste on its own. Idk what were you thinking...


Fyi just leave the meat in the freezer and they'll last a while even after whatever date it says


You don’t always need to religiously stick to the best before dates for things like eggs, though I am assuming you’re in the US and salmonella is a more likely contaminant in US eggs, but then again you probably won’t be eating them raw anyway. (I hope that doesn’t cause you to keep them in the fridge for a few months extra now XD) But so… are you going to go without eating breakfast for a week after today?


Right now I am extremely jealous and would love a cooked breakfast ngl


I've essentially given up and being the kind of person who makes breakfast before work. Best I can do is buy cliff bars that I leave at work, and eat that for breakfast.