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I’ve decided I’m going to take up sewing. Bought like 15 patterns for different clothes on Etsy. I bet I don’t even make one.


Hey sewing is great for us! There are soooo many disciplines - bag making, garments, quilting, art - that when I get bored or burnt out on one I just put those projects to sleep for a bit and work on a new discipline. I made bags for a year before burning out and switching to garments. Got really sick of my serger and had a bunch of scrap around so hey it’s the winter of Quilt As You Go. I’m bored enough over Xmas break I’m going to hand sew a block or five and a pair of pants for my husband. I hate hand sewing. But it’s now an extension of the skills I’ve learned that is portable and relatively low clutter. You will get overwhelmed. Try to make muslins or mocks of projects before committing even though they’re a “waste”. Dm if you need advice!!


I took up sewing. It’s been 4 months and I am now onto making a website to sell my items bahaha


I get \* really \* into knitting for like a month of every year. I've accumulated so much yarn over the past decade since I learned how to knit.


Me but with crochet. A friend sent me a Snapchat memory from when we were college roommates and she took a video of me with my yarn mountain… needless to say, I’ve acquired even more now that I’m no longer confined to a dorm 🤣


Reply to me in a couple weeks with what you end up making




Bought my first TV last week. Researched OLED, QLED, Mini-LED etc. Read and watched reviews, compared models, looked at showroom models for about 3 weeks. Went into the minutest of details. Eventually narrowed it down to 2 models. Continuously weighing the pros and cons for a few days. Lots of stress. Eventually made the choice. Freedom! I’m happy with my choice but honestly don’t think it would have mattered either way.


It’s not about what you end up getting. It’s about the satisfaction in the process of making a decision :)


So true, it’s just knowing that task is done. Feels good


But did you check which gave you the blackest of black/deep black color? When I was shopping for a TV, I was so fixated on that.


That deep black though


As much as I enjoy those deep blacks, a very minor con is that sometimes the screen goes to a little too long and I'm nearly convinced that the TV turned itself off lol.


Lol me too what did you get?


Also want the answer haha


We must know!


Yeah I can't believe they went into all that detail to leave us hanging like that. Praying they reply 🙏




he bought a projector the last minute 😂😂😂


Not op but I did the same a couple years ago and went with the oled LG. Great choice for my bedroom not for well lit rooms


Also ended up with LG Oled. Great smart TV. Fantastic panels. Makes normal TVs look silly


What did you end up with? Save me some research!


Lg c3 is a banger. I have the cx and would upgrade if I could for sure.


got the LG C1 last year, was worried I'd regret spending that much on a TV and I'd just get used to it and it becomes normal, but it turned out truly amazing. it still has it's "woah" effect on me after more than a year of having it.


It was last year, but I went with a Sony Bravia OLED. Absolutely amazing blacks, paired it with a 5.2.2 audio system I've put together and it's perfect. Sony performs slightly better than LG in most categories but is significantly more expensive in comparison.


Ya I went with a Sony a95k. Insane tv honestly. I got a killer steal for it too and saved $1700. Dopamine was hitting


I was told I might have cancer , biopsy is taking 3 weeks and my mind has spiraled out of control. I find out tomorrow and I’ve been riddled with all these bad emotions and feelings . Update: I phone at 8am to confirm my appointment and they tell me sorry, we still don’t have your results . That they’ll just call me instead of scheduling unneeded appointments. This is 22 days after the biopsy surgery!!! Update: 12/27 , no results in sight. Dr. Is out of office till next Wednesday so hoping by then 😵


My heart goes out to you. Here's hoping for good news. ❤️


Thanks everyone for the well wishes 💜


Had something similar. Knew already it was cancer, but had to wait a week for the biopsy results to know whether it's one of the best curable (in the sense of actually getting healed) or one of the worst treatable (in the sense of a 2% survival rate after three years) sorts. Well, getting into chemo felt like a relief after that and I'm healed now. 😊 Sending you all the best wishes and all the luck I can muster up.


You beat it! So happy for you, what a rollercoaster isn’t it? Thank you for sharing your story


Yeah, big rollercoaster. What helped me at the time was keeping in motion. I contacted support groups, I organized my last will (way too early, even if it would have been the other sort), stuff like that. In hindsight, I hyperfocused on staying in control. With such a (pending) diagnosis, a lot of control is yanked out of your hands. Filling that void kept my mind from overthinking and gave me some agency back. At least a little. Stay strong, you got this!


I am so sorry to hear this. I was going to reply to this saying cancer: My dad was just diagnosed and that has been my fixation- learning everything I can about his cancer, treatments, research, history of cancer in general. googling. THREE WEEKS is so long for biopsy results.. it is criminal to keep people in limbo that long. Hoping for the best. I know waiting for results is grueling.


Three weeks??? What country? Whish you all the best.


This is USA. The results were supposed to be ready on the 18th, exactly 2 weeks after the biopsies. They called me at 9am to tell me they don’t have them and to wait 1 more week 🥲


Wtf. Germany here: Histological revision, Genetic cancer screening of biopsies, Antigen test for biomarkers in biopsis Immunological test for biomarker (pee and blood) 24-48 till result. Imaging could take 1-2 weeks depends. Why I know that? I had that my self. Was not cancer. What does it cost? Nothing. Edit: 24 hours.


That’s very interesting to hear . Got to love universal healthcare! Glad to hear you were clear of anything!! So far this whole process has cost $600 with health insurance. It’s been such a fiasco. I’ve seen 6 medical people so far and only 1 (that really counts) decided I needed a biopsy.


Will you come back and update us pls? Sending so much love and hope and good luck your way.


I will update after 12:30pm MST on the 26th! Thank you for all the support!!


Hnnngh my heart hurts for you. I had to wait a month for my sleep apnea consult after the study and that was enough to send me over the edge. I can only imagine that for something more serious. I hope you get good or at least actionable results


I'm actually in between hyper-fixations at the moment, so I'm just very bored. Hoping to get a new one soon.


Same. And the more i try to get into something, the more bored i get and end up scrolling reddit/ pinterest for hours. The fixation has to find me, it has to be some random comment i read on reddit or something someone says in passing.


So much of this. I'm really hoping to get hyperfixated on something regarding health and physical activities, though.


Maybe these other comments will inspire you!


My youtube fixation has been videos on how large meals are prepared for military deployed on ships and submarines. Very interesting stuff. Amazon is a different beast. I’ve been on a kick of buying things I need for around the house then letting them sit in the box while I watch youtube videos of how these large meals are prepared.


I love the sound of this. Any links to get me started? I used to watch a lot of like? sandwich production line videos haha.


Haha yeah my interest started with this particular one https://youtu.be/AvwHiY0JbXM?si=YfYzdk2tc-oX3FgT Then I watched all the linked videos and my new passion for feeding large crowds began.


Are those the Business Insider videos? Because I've been addicted to their "So Expensive" and "Still Standing" series.


Dollhouse miniatures. Specifically, 3-D printing dollhouse miniatures. But as we know from our reading, I will never actually get to that part, preferring to learn everything about it on YT instead, even though I'm close enough to touch my (too expensive) 3-D scanner and my 3-D printer. Does it ever get better?


You have a printer? Jealous. Don't know what I'd do with one though. Lol


I don't know either, and the graduation of YT to actually printing is just too much rn. I'm afraid I'll break it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Have any good resources? There's a tv set I really want to recreate for my 1/6 figurines.


I have practically been GUZZLING salsa. For a week or two now I've been eating a jar of salsa a day with chips. I'm getting acid reflux. My stool burns coming out. My stomach hurts a little sometimes but I CAN'T STOP. IT TASTES LIKE DOPAMINE IN FOOD FORM. What's crazy is I'm normally indifferent to salsa. I'd much prefer guacamole or refried beans with my chips. But lately all I want is chips and salsa. It's the only food I think about. Send help. And La Victoria Salsa.


Funny, lately I've been hyper fixated on crackers and toppings, like cheese, pickles, etc. I fucking love salsa too. Try dipping your celery or carrots in it next time instead of ranch, it's fucking bomb.


Cult documentaries 😳


Omg, my sister and her husband dropped everything and sold their house that they had just finished lovingly remodeling, and moved to Waco, TX to join Antioch Community Church’s “Discipleship School”. She is really far gone. One of the worst parts is that her and her husband are both very conventionally attractive, so they will likely have decent experiences. Then, they will likely end up recruiting other friends and family members who will not be viewed as “future poster children for the organization”, and will have much more traumatizing experiences. But I digress…lol


It's horrible, it feels like these cults are increasing and gaining in popularity. I think it stems from an inherent need people have for community but we keep hearing about the need for privatization and how capitalism is making the world overall better.


Kinda on topic, I’ve been watching A Friend of the Family, while going down a rabbit hole of research


Omg I see they have this on peacock. Gonna watch it now hahah thank you! Ps I also love doing my own research in tandem to further deepen my ability to go down that rabbit hole lolol


I watched mother god the other day and immediately made my husband watch it with me and I rewatched it the next day with him 🤣 I can’t get enough of that one it was a trip


So where's the website for ADHD fixations to be passed around? How nice would it be for everyone that jumps in to a fixation and goes out and buys all of this and that for it, only to hop to their next fixation. We need a fixation trade. Post your fixation materials and find a new one to swap with. Everyone saves money, everyone wins.


The thing is, in order to have this someone would actually have to pull through and finish making the website


Love this idea!


There is a sub here, I think, and a Facebook group.


Encryption and file compression. After rewatching The Imitation Game a while ago I went on a research bender on how Enigma’s encryption worked but one day in that derailed into trying to make my own file compression algorithm in Python. I realised that I accidentally instead made a nice chart for encrypting codes instead of actually compressing them so I also wasted one week on that (what I thought would be a nice compression algorithm instead would make the files bigger lmao, but it would work for encryption). Now, I barely know Python so this whole thing pulled me deeper into the rabbit hole of trying to learn it to actually understand what the hell I’m doing. This derailed even more into me learning ASCII binary because who the fuck knows why. Currently three weeks deep into this whole mess and it doesn’t look like it’ll stop anytime soon. I barely grasped the basics of each of these recent topics before moving to the next one and I keep jumping from one to the other for 1 hour at a time and ending up wasting more time doing so than I’m comfortable with without fully understanding any of the concepts. BUT I KNOW I’LL FULLY UNDERSTAND THEM NEXT TIME I RETURN TO THAT SUBJECT. Yeah… Oh also Python is fucking amazing. Maybe something good will come out of this 5 hours of daily sleep spree. Oh and I am three months behind on college stuff but hey learning how to count to 100 in binary is more interesting. Oh and and.. Usually my hyper fixations extend to more than one year so I’ll probably be doing this until I have one week left till graduation at which point I’ll turbo half-ass everything college related just to pass *INHALES* and then promptly lose interest in everything I did for the past year because college work exhausts me mentally like nothing before.


Looking up adderall and how it affects every tiny thing!!!!! I’m prescribed it and I always get caught up in that




Ok so how do I do this as a teacher with limited restroom breaks 🫠


Because if you going too much, you aren’t dehydrated and can slow down. Sometimes I can go the whole work day and never go once. Thats bad. I need to drink more. You might not.


ADHD is considered a disability. If you have limited opportunities to use the restroom because that is what the policy states, consider explaining to the administration that you are requesting reasonable accommodation under the ADA, and that your meds may require more frequent restroom trips. https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/workplace-accommodations-for-adhd


What do you mean by this? Like what things does adderall affect apart from the obvious things like focus?


What have you found? I hyper fixated on that for only a short while. I read it’s good to have a high protein breakfast with it. I never used to eat breakfast but now I eat 2 eggs for breakfast with it. And now I’m dropping weight and I think it’s a combo of the meds and eating breakfast. For the record I need to lose weight. So now I’m wondering how to keep this trend up




Oh, man. Me too. I mean, it's always an interest of mine, but Dr Geoff Lindsey's videos have been playing pretty pretty much non-stop. I think it was triggered by Rob Words' video on the Shavian alphabet, and I spent the last day learning how to read it.


Oh wow, I was just coming to say the exact same thing!! Dr Geoff Lindsay videos and the video about the shavian alphabet.


I studied linguistics in college and shed a lil tear reading this. I fucking love linguistics


I've watched the musical Hamilton 14 times in the last week...


How how do you manage that? I imagine I’d be RUNNING OUT OF TIME


I went through a phase last year of listening the album on repeat for months. Had a little break now back to at least once a week 😂


I’ve been doing cross-stitch lately, makes me feel like an old lady.


I can't wait for my cross-stitch hyperfixation to come back! I hope to finish my center piece project this year. 😊


I got a wood fired pizza oven today. So pizza


MTG. It’s one I always fall in and out of. The new Doctor Who and Fallout decks are what dragged me back in this time.


While browsing on Reddit I encountered a post with a question "What is your latest hyper fixation?" I pondered a second And my thoughts recollected I decided to answer with poems Edit: format


The sport of weightlifting. Not just weight lifting at the gym, there's a big difference.


Info on different ADHD meds. Bc newly diagnosed


Scary Bear Attacks. I live in a country with no bears but I know what to do if one attacks me 🤣


Flight disasters…..I downloaded all manual for planes models that are available and study them depending which plane I am taking but guess if something would happened i die anyway 🤣


Yep. Then boat disasters. Then how to build airplanes and panomax freighters.


I’ve been between fixations/hobbies for a few months now and I’m soooo bored. Nothing seems interesting to me though. It sucks.


Who needs focus, hobbies, and a goal oriented attitude in life when you can have ADHDepression instead?😈 lol


Psychedelic assisted therapy. I've never tried any psychedelics, but have been interested. There's a big push for research into using psychedelics to enhance therapy. Or use therapy to enhance psychedelics. Ignoring the semantics, they are showing huge promise for long term remedies to a whole lot of conditions that people suffer from. Depression, addiction, PTSD, anxiety, even some physical conditions like asthma. Sometimes it may manifest as a cure. Other times symptoms dissappear for months to even years. Sometimes they don't do anything at all. It is key to remember that they show promise. It's very odd for a single drug to have such a wide range of effects. We know some of the factors that produce good effects, set, setting and dose. But we have a long way to be confident of how to use them. But yeah, I've been very fixated on this. I've read a bunch of books. I listen to a lot of podcasts about the topic. I've even helped with some campaigns collecting signatures or donating. The real hyper fixation is that I want to try them myself, but can't for several reasons.


acid cured me of a years long deep depression long ago


I have spent weeks watching everything Joseph Gordon-Levitt I can get my hands on. I have run out of stuff. I am despondent.


Me, except Ben Whishaw.


True crime, specifically serial killers and profiling. I've always had an interest in true crime, but every few years it will "flare" up, and it's basically the only kind of media I'll digest. I actually recently read "Whoever Fights Monsters" by Robert Ressler and it was the first book I had finished reading in years. I find the psychological aspect fascinating but it's only been a couple of months and my husband is already tired of hearing about it 😕


i did a workshop for tea. now i'm super into the art of making a good tea. got a lot of input about growing areas and different types of tea. now i got tea which i can brew up to 5 times or more. i still want more knowledge ahhh!


birds & specifically crows 😂


I have a dream to have a crow bring me trinkets one day


Regularly posted the species in my neighborhood to Audubon for a while until the pigeons took over. Then, I just [made friends with the pigeons](https://www.reddit.com/r/pigeons/s/wvIX0RxlXB).


Crows fascinate me! I always make a point of waving or saying hello to the ones in my neighbourhood. Im terrified to get on their bad side


Right now cleaning. I JUST bought myself a new vacuum cleaner and I am obsessed with cleaning and interior design reels on Instagram.


The absolute non ability to balance work, money, and to figure out a good Christmas gift for my girlfriend. I fucked up and ended up not having anything other than a heartfelt card that took me hours to write. Our next night off of work together is Saturday so I’m taking her out to eat and to have a fun day together. I get extremely extremely depressed and stressed during the holidays and literally shut down.


I got into crocheting. Only the pain in my hands and shoulders holds me back. I'm three weeks in and have already moved into advanced beginner patterns cuz beginner patterns have already bored me (very typical for me). I do know already that Ill get tired of it at some point, but that this'll be a hobby ill definitely come back to. It really helps that its a hobby thats easy to pick up and put down whenever I want to. The easier it is to start and stop, the more staying power a hobby has for me.


Houseplants! I've acquired about 10 in the past two months and done hours of research on how to take care of them. Bought grow lights, a humidifier, and new pots/potting tools. 90% of my YouTube shorts are plant influencers lol


Haha… same here! My focus is on indoor plants (after years of plastic plants), and how to propagate the ones I have. I go for walks at night time and take time cuttings and then research the plant and how to propagate it.


making my own christmas giftwrapping paper. yes, i know, christmas is over. but i cant stop


Notion, but i'm also so overwhelmed I can't do shit about it either.


Start with their templates or watch YouTube vids on how to customise your Notion


I had no idea you could learn more about Notion. Wave goodbye to me as I start my new obsession.


Strength training, and I've just bought resistance bands from Amazon. Cheaper than going to a gym....not splashing out a load of money for a passing mood.


I love this post. We are a group of brilliant minds. The hyper focus is actually my favorite part of adhd.


Figs. I got into gardening last summer. A friend let me prune his giant fig tree. That job resulted in 300 cuttings. I’m trading them online for other varieties. I’ll have 7 different varieties after my current trades are done. Even 1 tree per variety is plenty. I have not figured out how to get rid all these cuttings. Might sell them, and give the profit to my friend.


I met someone online a few months ago and we’ve gotten very close. There were things that made me think that they didn’t live where they were saying they did. I didn’t much care but as we got closer I got more and more curious. Got very hyper fixated on figuring it out, put together some pretty small details and eventually did. Unfortunately the fixation didn’t fade and I kept digging. Figured out some more things that they aren’t being honest about and other things that they may not be telling the truth about. I haven’t talked to them about it because I really like this person and I’m not good at confrontation and afraid of the probable rejection and I still trust them that there’s a good reason they haven’t been honest. It hurts figuring out that they haven’t been being honest and I feel silly even getting to the point that it would hurt. Not the most fun hyper fixation.


Well, even if you aren't being catfished or something like that, dishonesty in any regard should still be a red flag. Anyway, I wish you the best! 👍


This should be a weekly thread




Alien isolation. I'm a big fan of horror games. And this probably the best one I've ever played. I don't have much going on in the last couple of days responsibility wise so I've been binging the fuck out of it and learning the lore behind the franchise. I'm also obsessed with the franklin expedition artic sailing and the terror by Dan Simon's. Just finished the north water and it send me down a rabbit hole. Also made me miss when I went on deployment to iceland and saw some of those frigid waters. Also been getting more serious into weightlifting as a sport/hobby. And I've become reobsessed with chess. Digging deep into games/moves/champions life's. Its all or nothing for me when it comes to chess. I can't consume it or play it casually.


Im drawing super detailed linework based drawings. Ive been doing it on and off for about a year now. I find it relaxing, it stops doom scrolling, and Ive even sold a few of them which is something.


Been binging the phenomenon of iPad kids and the effects on behavior and learning


Im a psychologist who works with kids. Can you recommend any links? Ty


Houseplants!! I have accumulated a couple hundred since May


I got a new sewing machine for my birthday last month, so I've been going ham on historical dress making and pattern drafting


Not to be controversial, but Palestine. Been reading books, listening to podcasts, going to marches, etc.


Water bottles- hydro flasks, Stanleys, Yeti. 😭😭😭


Baldur’s Gate 3 - I can’t stop Plz send help k thx


Organizing shit. Acrylic organizing shit. But at least I am getting caught up on organizing and decluttering. Something that I have wanted to have done almost 2 yrs ago. Oh and Gnomes. Gnome ornaments. Gnome Squishmallows…gnome colouring books…gnome Christmas decorations. lol.


Started my first pigeon loft! And got my first racing homers.


I love pigeons! I'm moving away from my apartment, so I had to ween the flock that I used to feed every day off of their regular seeds. It was sad to see them go. They would come to me when I whistled.


Ahhh! How fun!!!!


Fell back into Animal Crossing New Horizons lately, so i've been watching a lot of island decorating videos. I think it'll last for a few more weeks/months (max), then i'll inevitably get bored again and find a new hobby lol.


Christmas preparations 😊


I recently developed this intense fear that I might be a hoarder, so I’m trying to figure out how to keep it from escalating & getting it under control. I am especially self conscious because I have a toddler now & I don’t want him growing up embarrassed of his home, or thinking his mom is a mess. I have therapy again next week so maybe my therapist will be able to talk me down & I’ll move on to something else.


Home repair and cleaning. Begone allergens!


John Wick...😭 I mean I even got to see Keanu and get his autograph. But I'm very much obsessed with the JW films and everything about them...love researching on the production.


Learning german


metallica … please send help


Nothing else matters


SO WHAT? Sad, but true. Memmory remains, The unforgiven, Fade to black. If you want Help you need The Beatles.


Smutty audio books. Can’t wait to play the next chapter and next book…. I guess I’m in that season.


The September 11th 2001 World Trade Center Disaster, aka 9/11. I'm an engineering major and find the whole engineering aspect fascinating (how they were built, how they withstood the initial impacts, and how the structures failed and collapsed). I also have been looking into the background information like the terrorists, how it was planned, the socioeconomic impact of the attacks felt to this day. The conspiracy believers, and taking apart their fallacious claims. The collapse of WTC7. The war following the attacks. The whole iceberg at this point. So crazy when you watch the entire event timeline to get a feel how normal that day was, up to the point the North Tower was impacted. You realize how communication back then was not instant like today. It took about 3 minutes for the news to break live on air, after the first plane hit the tower. There are 69 videos of the second impact but since there were no smart phones and it was early morning in New York (8:46am) there are only 2 videos of the first impact, along with a 0.25 fps web camera shot, and a couple audio recordings of the boom. The only clear video of the first impact was shot by two French brothers filming a documentary about the FDNY, who just by chance caught Flight 11 as it flew directly into the tower, instantly murdering 100s of people 😢


Was my car until I found one (10 hour round trip). Then it was the safety, then it was everything I needed to get for winter storage. Then it was budgeting and picking up extra hours so I can pay for it sooner. Every week it’s something new. At least these are positive and responsible things but still obsessions nonetheless.


Starting to mix off vinyl. All I can think about... music, finding music, talking about music, playing music, buying music, ripping it etc.


Watches. I Got my first automatic watch early for Christmas and after binge watching mechanical watch videos, I bought another one and already have my next like 3 watch purchases planned out. Now I'm slowly transitioning to raw denim. I need cheaper fixations lol.


Lana Del Rey lol


Overwatch Had a small thought about it since i used to play in about 2016, then immediately go into it Went to all the subreddits Watched videos Watched streams Watched videos on how to get better Watched anything to do with it I watched an entire 4 hour competitive stream ;-; Im even on holiday so i cant access my pc to play, its pain


Macramé and drawing. I hope the drawing resticks for a while.




Blepharitis and recurrent corneal erosions, because of my eye issues. Determined to solve all problems through “research,” lol


Redoing my kitchen, making Victorian puzzle purses, Cormac McCarthy and tattooing


One hyper fixation would be nice. I moved into a three room apartment 3 times larger then my former one +2 more rooms. I have a nice room left which I want to build a studio in for music production without recording and planning a pc / studio setup with a chill- and gaming area. On the other hand I am learning programming and 3D modeling which I use now to plan the room in depth to then simulate acoustic treatment and then measure it to create the most sufficient multi use studio hobby room. I know I will use it because I do music production since 10 years and I always wanted to do it but never had a proper studio.


Church History lol. Specifically Eastern Orthodoxy. I’ve never really been religious but the symbolism in their pictures is just mind blowing also because it’s endless. There ain’t know way I’m going to know every saint and what they wrote about so there’s a lot of material to read/watch




fundamentalist christian back-to-the-land mommy vloggers




Diamond painting.


Painting diamonds? Painting using diamonds? Painting in the shape of diamonds? I'm confused.


It's not really diamonds, they just look like tiny diamonds that you place to make a pattern or picture. I just pulled up a website I've bought from before to show what they look like [Diamond Art Club](https://www.diamondartclub.com/)


I can’t stop spending money on monopoly go


Star Wars… like from beginning to end. thank god I’m on break from school.


>from beginning to end. That's a lot!


Renovating my condo.


Crochet. The amount of yarn and times I’ve gone to hobby lobby the last two weeks is crazy lol


What my fiancé and I will do for new years. I LOVE to plan and I want to do something for us. Don't know if i want a weekend getaway, a small get together or stay in and do games and drinks. Idk but I am fixated on it and i'm stressed for no reason 😅


Flight reviews. Different planes same airline, same journey but different people vlogging it, some do it in great detail for an hour some do a 14 minute video. The exact same seat being serviced by different airlines, and reviews on all classes. Just everything to do with plane seats. Honestly this makes me wanna get on sooo many planes.


Keeping the underneath of my nails clean while trying to grow them out


Obsidian note app✨✨ I got tired of evernote and decided to find a new app, researched all the apps, decided to go with obsidian, paid to get the full thing and now I cant sleep because there are so many possibilities in this app. It's absolutely perfect for my adhd brain in the way it is structured and all the themes and plugins, which means great possibilities for novelty when I get tired of how it looks. Edit: typos


My pending divorce...


Mechanical keyboard parts. I got a weird layout board recently (Alice layout, it's weird) and I wanted keycaps with English and Korean characters. Well it proved to be pretty hard to find that, and ended up having to mix and match things to get the right combo of sets that had all the right sized caps. Weeks of reading and browsing. Weeks. Fuck lol. It's beautifully weird though I love my choices


Anything related to drawing skills and painting. So far it's been a year and still going ♥️♥️


I track my time pretty religiously, for no other reason than I am a huge data nerd and just like to graph everything and look at trends. At the beginning of November I saw a board game on a shelf that vaguely reminded me of a Radio show that me and my dad listened to a lot when I was a kid. So I decided I'd make my dad a version of the radio gameshow as a board game for Christmas, with absolutely zero experience of board game creation. 350 hours of work later, within just under 55 days, with very little sleep - my fixation was finally satisfied now. It was for a great reason, but honestly I've not been able to think of anything else for 2 months. Every God Damn waking moment of my life. It's actually painful!


I got hit and run on one of my four motorcycles the other day, and I've been researching whether or not I want to get a new version of the same bike I had, or try something different lol. Also scrambling to find a new helmet because once your head hits the ground you need to replace your helmet (Shoei for the win, landed on my head and I didn't even get knocked out)


Fountain pens and fountain pen accessories.


Dog grooming videos on YouTube. Never had a dog.


A game called Naval action






SHINee's Taemin XD I spent $2,000+ to go to his concert. Absolutely worth it, in my case. His journey and growth as an artist always been inspirational to me. Idk how long it will last. Hope a long time. I really miss having an artist or a group to fangirl over. Idk why. I'm turning 30 soon. I think it's because I can afford more things now? I mean prior to that, last time I saw his group perform was 12 years ago. I can probably afford to see them a lot more now. Definitely a lot more than once every 12 years lol


True Crime - specifically the lost girls of panama


putting together a spreadsheet with multiple pages with all the stats and info (I mean EVERYTHING) on 30 colleges I might apply to - sorted, categorized, color coded I'm not even a senior yet


Guitars. Specifically early 1950's Gibson Les Pauls. I've got a Gibson LP Goldtop with P90s and am slowly but surely modding it into a 1954-55 Les Paul. I've bought a pair of original 1952 P90 pickups, already swapped all the electronics for authentic pieces like the old ceramic capacitors for handmade Luxe Radio Grey Tiger paper-in-oil capacitors, exactly lile the originals had in them, i rewired the whole guitar with authentic cloth-insulated and new old stock 2-strand braided shield wires. Everything is as close as it can be to an early 50's Les Paul, right down to the insulating tubes they slipped over the connecting wires of the capacitors. I'm in the process of sourcing an original 1953 dog bone bridge and original early 1950's Bigsby tremolo. I managed to find the bridge just a few hours ago, but still haven't found the bigsby. But even not 100% finished, it sounds and looks fantastic! It has now become the best-sounding Les Paul i ever played (apart from an original 1959 Les Paul, later sold to Joe Bonamassa). I can't wait to put the las finishing touches on it. Fun fact: All the parts have easily cost triple the price of the guitar itself.


I’ve been watching a bunch of videos about medieval diseases and excavation of burial sites from that time period. It’ll probably last at least another week


Roller skating! I first wanted to try it out with a friend back in February this year and ended up with a huge ankle sprain that took me to a 4 months worth of physical therapy! But I was so hyper fixated in wanting to roller skate again so my PT, ortho, and I really worked on strengthening my ankles! I’m able to roller skate now and this has made me more active compared to me attempting to going to the gym (I was bored with gym exercises lol)! I haf to continue strengthening and balance exercises so I can skate more easily and flexibly and this is my favorite hyperfixation.


I’ve lost joy in everything but music, my doctor said i have anedonia and that’s why or something like that i wasn’t paying attention to him but music is the only thing that has my attention and it has for the past 5 years and probably will forever.


Decided to get into anime (specifically Jujutsu Kaisen and the work of Satoshi Kon) and also buying indie games cheap on Steam sales and then not playing them.


Mountaineering, Mount Everest, survivor and disaster stories specifically the ‘96 Everest disaster.


Solar panels went on sale, winter is cold, my heat pump is half the size it needs to be, designed a 12v ceramic aux heater powered by solar panels to help reduce heat cost. Lost a whole day of work to that.


Blenders right now and cooking, just convinced myself that I needed to buy a Vitamix… $550 later and the likely hood I’ll get a good 5 uses out of it then just revert back to smoothies lol


My relationship. It’s debilitating and driving my crazy as I continually see red flags and threats


I’ve watched 76 episodes of the hunterxhunter anime in three days. In a bad depression right now as I just cut off my neglectful narcissistic mother and now have my 17 year old sister living with me. I’m also 10 weeks pregnant and everything is just hitting me so much harder right now.


Oh dude..... it's 9/11 for me 😅


My time is being divided by my new sewing machine and The Sims


Psychology of human behavior , most precise of human serial killer only it’s bad because every chapter lasts 2-3 hours


Fountain pens and inks


Having a mini phase of fixing all the small organising issues that aren't quite right still. We moved here 9 months ago and haven't had the time or capacity to figure out some stuff, but it feels like all the answers are coming to me now, and in ways that utilise what we already own, or are really low cost. Also having a little love affair with how to approach cooking for crowds with the least effort, so keep looking for excuses to host dinners. I can feel a big new fixation bubbling under the surface for DnD, but it's not quite ready to start taking over my life. It's waiting for the most inconvenient moment probably.


Painting! It's nice to actually do an old hobby again


been crocheting a little over a week now LOL


I am currently learning everything I can about oysters. God I’m strange…


So many relatively cheap hyper fixations. Why are mine always so expensive? 😭 I got into airsoft lately. Before it was swords, like real ones and medieval reenactment and stuff, before that....astrophotography. Help me pls.