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Ive worked with 2 monitors for like 10 years now. It spilled over to my personal preference and now it feels weird to use computers with only 1 screen.


This right here. I’ve always been an out of sight out of mind sort of person, so being able to spread my work across 2-3 screens (two monitors and laptop screen), it really helps open up my workflow and stay on top of things.


Same, the process of having to switch between tabs or window is way more distracting than a YouTube video to the side could ever be.


Same. Specifically two 27 inch diagonals file the last 7 or so. I've found them indispensable. The distance let's me focus things on attention needed level and Windows snap has gotten really good at keeping things sorted. I essentially have 4 screens with the middle right most centered for gaming and the left monitor off to the side for like Spotify or secondary Windows. Right middle for my main focus and outer right for time associated with that main task. Is that ADHD? I dunno. But providing that much context is. Fwiw I'm inattentive primarily.


That’s exactly what I thought. However then I bought a 32” monitor. Having windows side by side is great, as there is no big gap down the middle


I have a tv for a monitor and even though it’s 32”, I’d rather have the double monitors with that gap


My second monitor recently broke and I feel lost.


This 100%. When my boss sends me an email to adjust something,  I can pull it to one screen and open my programs on the other. I never have to keep opening and closing tabs to make sure I'm reading directions right. It's all there.


I have 3 and it is a productivity game changer! Edit: if you just want a second monitor to put on something distracting, why not just use your phone for that? I use 3 monitors to extend and organize my workspace because “if I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist” I think a second monitor just for something distracting would probably … *be distracting*. Only you know how your brain works but I don’t think this would be a good thing for mine haha


This is my thought as well — the second monitor is only distracting for me if I put something distracting on it, otherwise having a second monitor is extremely helpful to me. It helps me to spread out tabs, or to be able to contrast and compare information as I’m working on projects…otherwise I forget info as I flip between pages trying to reference.


If you haven’t already, try the second monitor in the vertical orientation. I don’t know how to explain it but you get more functional screen space this way.


Oooooh I shall! Thank you for the tip!


I have 2 wide screens, so I can fit at least 4 documents across them. I do a lot of work that means I have to compare things, or pull information from various places. But I do think I think the vertical screen would be great if you had a job where you had a high volume of tasks in a list - through email or another program, and you wanted to see more on the screen.


It’s insane how much of ADHD is just out of sight out of mind


This is the way!!!


This is the way!


I find it helps me as if I have to flip through too many different programs etc, I keep losing track of what I'm looking for and then when I remember what I'm looking for and find it, I then can't remember *why* I was looking for it in the first place. Return to original document, remember why, then go hunting all over again. Having two or more screens lets me position the things I need and am using so I don't get lost in everything. But, that's just me.


Same! And it also helps me procrastinate (slightly) less and make the most of my time in the office because I know I can see things better and get things done quicker with that extra screen, which I don’t have at home.


I totally depends on what you need to do, I will never go back to 1 monitor lol


As others have said it is context dependent but I have a very strong preference for a single screen. Working as a software engineer/ analyst so there would be reasonable grounds to have two monitors, but a single one has clearly outperformed a dual setup I had in the past in terms of productivity and distractability. I have shortcuts set up with Raycast / Apple Shortcuts to immediately open/ close all programs I need for "work mode" as well as an app called HazeOver, which darkens all background except the currently focussed open app window. Very happy with that setup.


It’s goofy as hell, but I can’t use less than three. Two of them I move between to open files and use the internet - usually I’ll have something I’m working on and something I’m referencing. The third one is literally just my calendar/schedule. I’m bad with time so it helps to have it big and right in my face all day!


Yeah I’m in a similar boat. I only have 2 screens, but one is an extra-wide curved monitor that’s ideal for splitting the screen, and the other is my laptop on a stand. The laptop screen is almost exclusively used to display my calendar and / or email, so it’s always visible. Then the big monitor is split screen with my current task and whatever I’m referencing / looking up. I don’t try to multitask with something that’s visible or visually distracting - it’ll just completely derail what I’m trying to work on and I *know* once I’m off on a tangent it’s extremely difficult to return to my main task. Instead, if I need more stimulation while I work, I listen to audiobooks. It keeps my mind engaged and entertained without pulling my focus away visually or providing additional opportunities for further engagement or distraction. My eyes have no choice but to focus on my work, but my brain still has something fun and entertaining to do so I don’t feel the need to seek more stimulation elsewhere.


Oh yeah a calendar could be good for me too


Depends on what you put on that second monitor. If you do tasks that have you flipping back and forth between applications because maybe you need to look at one and enter data into another for example, it shouldn't be problematic and if anything will increase productivity and allow you to stay on task since you don't have to jump back and forth. If the opposite is true and you work out of one application at a time, you may be tempted to fill that monitor with distractions. I used to do this with YouTube all the time. Now I toss up Spotify and have it show song lyrics.


I think i'm likely to put something fun on the 2nd monitor a lot of the time - the idea was that it might be a contained distraction. My attention could bounce from work to 2nd monitor without going off on a full tangent i.e. switching windows completely. Based on this thread I think I'll just have to try something cheap and find out if it's any good for me


I use my phone for this. I play episodes of something silly that I don't need to pay good attention to. It counts as my "dedicated distraction" and stops me from picking up my phone and scrolling through shit.


If you have bare minimum impulse control then it will be more helpful. If you ever do anything where you need to switch between documents even occasionally then it will be a huge boost in productivity, as well as just comfort. I don't know if it's an ADHD thing, but switching to different programs or windows for the same task is tiring and annoying. Being able to display both at once was an absolute joy and a game changer for me.


I'll be the unpopular opinion here. I have one big monitor and all of my apps are full screen always. I want to only see what I'm working on and nothing else. No little flashing ads, no notifications popping up, no other "interesting" details to distract me. Just one large window to focus on.


It’s great. Until you realize you’ve doubled the tabs left open cuz you’ll “read them later”.


This has been my experience every time I've tried. I love the idea of having one "focused" monitor for my sole task of the moment, but eventually I need to drag more stuff back to the main monitor to reference, and then I eventually just have 100 tabs open on both screens. I could see it working for coding where you're in one view for hours, but unfortunately that's not the case for my work. I'm constantly having to integrate new info.


I never did like two monitors as I always felt like I was losing the mouse cursor. What does work great for me is a large curved gaming monitor. Love that thing.


lol. I have a large curved monitor over top of my laptop monitor. MOAR PIXELS!!!


I have my cursor twice the size of normal and lime green with black outline. Still lose it a bit when my display layout isn't perfect but it's better


Two monitors is a game changer. Once you start, you won’t be able to switch back. They’re almost like blinders on a horse. I work next to a window and almost never get distracted by what’s outside because I’m inside “monitor world”. I know an IT guy who went up to six monitors. That’s a bit much for me, but I’m thinking if I got a third, I wouldn’t notice people walking by on the other side of my desk.


I am so much better with 2 screens. For me “out of sight, out of mind” rings very true. So having my instant messaging app plus all tabs I need is helpful. I will also split stuff like “this tasks is on the big screen which means it’s right now. The next task is on the little screen so it’s up next; don’t forget!”


Yes. Ahahahaha. Its both a blesssing and a curse. I can't use a computer without a 2nd screen anymore. Its weird. I need the space. The space for ALL THE DISTRACTIONS.


2 monitors are essential for my job. I'm constantly comparing info from one screen to the other. And it saves me getting distracted trying to find the right window/tab every few minutes and then forgetting what I'm doing


It’s a high gain in efficiency. If you research on a topic and collect notes, take tasks, etc. at the same time, you don’t want to switch back and forth. I know you can, but it’s easier if your eyes can scan both screens. You’ll make advancements more quickly. When your brain tells you to distract yourself, either go for it and set a timer, or try to push yourself into finding a way to do something more efficient. This is like an extra layer that makes even the most boring tasks rewarding and fun 😅 (at a realistic level)


I use a fidget toy rarely , and constant instrumental music, and blinking mini christmas lights (year round) for my helpful minor distraction. Screen based distractions destroy my productivity. That being said, two monitors are necessary for my job of UI developer, where I have my designs on one monitor, and code and mockup on the second.


I feel its better.. since ADHDers sometimes have infinite tabs open having 2 monitors allow you keep track of at least one of them.


I have 3


It's great, could never live with one monitor again.. The 3rd and 4th ones might be distracting me though.


I'm up to 5 screens at my office 😅. I struggle working on less than 3 now


I have 4!


I have 2 monitors at home. They are amazingly useful for multitasking


Results in more tabs. And fewer mistakes. And the occasional video while working.


I got a 2nd monitor as well for that reason! (Or kinda.. I wanted to watch anime while playing the Sims 4) And I LOVE IT! I can focus so much better. Try it tho, it can really be good!


You need to minimize distractions. If this happens, get up and take a short walk, fidget with something, get one of those under the desk bikes you pedal. For productivity, I like one large widescreen monitor with windows only taking half of the screen (Windows key + arrow left or right). Not having to look at a bezel to move between windows is a game changer.


I have one monitor but its an ultrawide ;) my productivity is much higher as i can keep everything relevant open at once instead of hiding things from sight


I use two monitors and I prefer it that way. If I'm working on a thing where I have to refer to another thing, it's nice to have two separate screens.


I think it depends on your job. I would struggle with one monitor since Im constantly needing to look at two programs or more at once.


helps me. I have 3. All 3 have their designated functions as assigned by my brain.


I love my multiple monitors. I use three including my laptop screen. It helps my personal flavor of adhd since I don’t have to keep hunting around for the windows I’m using and just keep them all up and get in the flow. Not distracting to me!


It depends, I go back and forth, especially if you start using youtube or something else on the other screen it might be harder to stop.


I use a dual monitor setup whenever I can. The “work” space gets one, and the “communications/research” space gets another.


It helps tremendously! I setup my work area so that any distractions are right in front of me. Need to refocus, email is right there, or that code you’re working, or that gizmodo article, or whatever. By reducing the amount of time to get to data I reduce distraction time. It sounds weird, but works for me.


I use 2 monitors, but not in that way. Rather, using 2 screens lets me keep more relevant info on-screen at all times, which reduces how often I have to switch tabs or open new windows to look for stuff. By reducing how often I open new tabs/windows, it reduces opportunities for me to get distracted. Also, even if the stuff on either monitor is all work-related, I feel like it's still more stimulating.


I don't know how you could not work with two monitors.


I have two monitors. If I have multiple windows on my main screen, I have a hard time finding the window I need, but I need some windows open for reference. So my main screen is what I'm working on which is full screen, and my second screen had things I need visible, like notes or the password program


Personal use I use the laptop monitor but with work things I can’t even see things when there’s no big monitor.


With firefox and the tree style tabs add-on I can have 5000 tabs open even on a single screen. With alt tab and windows + number I can have multiple programs open at the same time and switch between them fast enough even with 1 screen. If you want it bad enough you can be less productive even with 1 screen. I find 2 is the sweet spot and 3 is me splurging to have a screen that is basicly always a music program and that's it.


It helps me with organization definitely recommend


You’ll never be able to go back. I was a one screen guy but then I got a second and it’s made using my laptop on the go a pain. It’s amazing for the ability to have notes or whatever on a second screen that I can quickly reference while working on my main screen. That also makes it so I don’t need to dig through my other tabs which could lead to a rabbit hole I need to explore.


It's helpful. The less you have to search for something, the less chance to get distracted and forget what it was you were searching for.


Both lol but still highly recommend


It helps a lot and if satisfied my need to look at both screens constantly.


I definitely recommend 2 monitors. At work I have 2 external monitors and I also use my laptop screen, so I technically have 3 monitors. Outlook goes on 1, Chrome on 2, and whatever else on 3 like an excel/word doc, another browser tab, Teams, etc. depending on what I'm working on. Trying to navigate through tons of different programs on 1 screen gets old fast. That said, if you don't use a lot of programs, then 1 monitor is probably enough.


I use 3 monitors. There’s absolutely no way I could be as productive with less than 2.


I work from home and bought a portable attachable second screen so I can use two screens even in laptop mode. Absolutely cannot function with one screen alone. Also I often share my screen so it is a must.


I use 4 monitors. I’m just as distracted with 1 as I am 4 lol


Gonna depend what you do for work, but there's data that shows productivity with a 2nd monitor goes up something like 43%. If nothing else, it would allow containing a distraction like YouTube or the like to a single monitor screen and you can keep the work you're actively engaged with your primary monitor. For me personally, I have 2 monitors at home and at work. At work, it allows me to split things into quarters. With dual 27" 4k monitors I have 1 monitor split between Outlook & my work browser, the other monitor is split between my personal browser & Microsoft Teams. At home, I have a 32" monitor rotated vertical with the top portion dedicated to Discord, while the bottom is dedicated to videos or general browsing while gaming on my primary 27" monitor; or I'll split tabs between the 2 monitors with videos going on the bottom half of the 32" with whatever I'm actively engaged with on my 27". Both setups work very well, and very seamlessly for me with what I use them for.


So much better to have a 2nd monitor


I cant even function without at least a 2nd monitor at this point, preferably 3.


I thought 2 monitors was excessive until I got a second monitor. Life-changing tbh. It's so helpful with writing research papers for college since I can have my draft fullscreen on one monitor with sources and the rubric open on the other. I can never go back.


It helps me greatly. I find it helps with my working memory. I can park stuff on the 2nd screen, and glance at it to keep in my mind. I’ve got a 3rd screen at work (my laptop screen) that I use to keep my diary open all day. That definitely helps me NOT forget appointments.


Yeah exactly this! I have a work laptop and that screen becomes my teams and email screen and my old 24" tv is my main screen when I wfh. I swap stuff around loads. Having to open and close my notes while I'm trying to code breaks my concentration


Unless I'm on a laptop, I use two, sometimes three monitors. It becomes a much easier way to switch between windows. Less alt+tab because it's already there. It's really nice.


I use 2-3 monitors with one being my laptop tho. I usually have one set for more “static” stuff, Teams, emails, notes that kinda stuff. My other monitors are for active work. I don’t use YouTube or any of those sites on my work laptop as then I can’t get distracted, and if I do use them I don’t sign in so the ads piss me off and I stop using it loo


100000% help. Especially if any of your work involves researching or idea creations.


On a single monitor I find it's easier to get distracted. When I need a break, I'll open another window and look up something not work related. I'll get into that, and totally forget about work. With the second monitor, my work task is always displayed and reminding me I need to get back to it.


My job requires me to cross-reference a lot of documents, so the extra screen helps immensely with that. You may not think it will have an effect, but it makes things so much easier once you get used to it. Which takes about 5 minutes. I generally use my phone for distraction purposes.


I used to have two, and at times three, monitors. When I got a 4k monitor, I found I could fit most of the things I needed on a single screen, so I phased out the other screens. Maybe someday I'll feel the need for a second 4k monitor, but it's been several years so far and I've been happy. As far as distraction goes, that depends entirely on how you use it. If you have the thing you are working on on one screen, and reference material on the other, if anything it may be less distracting as you can get out of the habit of switching windows (and accidentally finding yourself in a distracting one). But if you're putting an unrelated video or game or website on the second monitor, you're probably gonna have a bad time.


I've got three monitors. I can get things done lightning fast. I can also get distracted lightning fast.


I absolutely cannot function with only 1 monitor


I had two monitors at work and the second one was usually for aquarium webcams


I have 3 monitors.


2 monitors? I essentially have 4 at work. Main monitor is 37" ultra wide which I usually use split-screen and two 27" monitors stacked on my left side. I've got email on one and Teams on the other. I do most of my work on the main monitor switch between vCenter, remote servers sessions, browsers and what not as needed. I feel so handicapped when working at home with two 27" monitors.


As a CPA a ridiculous amount of my job involves taking info from one place and putting it in another. Multiple screens is the only way for me to actually get my work done. Otherwise I’m split screen and it’s too small!


Used to have multiple monitors. Now I opt for 1 big 2k monitor. Helps fit in all the screens I need, without turning y neck all the time


Why stop at 2? I use 3 and it’s awesome. However, I still can’t get past jotting things down on paper. I just gotta have my scribble pad.


More is better. Plus virtual desktops. I have two monitors attached to my laptop, so three screens, plus four virtual desktops setup, so right now here at my office I have 12 screens. The desktops are divided by task, more or less, depending on what I’m doing at the time.


personal preference imo!! i actually find myself wanting to fit more browsers on both screens because i feel like i need any relevant information in front of me.


I've leveled up to 3 screens recently and it's the best thing. If I have to change between tabs there's EVERY chance I'll forget what I'm doing.


Out of sight out of mind means you have to see everything all the time right? At least that's how it works with me.


I use a laptop and 2 monitors. I have no idea how folks use just one monitor. I can have my email, Teams, web apps, and excell sheets all visible and ready to rock. If I need a good distraction to focus I can usually throw on some Spotify or YouTube on my right monitor without it overlapping with my work stuff. I’ve always been good about staying on task with the work computer, mostly because I work in information security and know that any and all actions done on that machine are documented. If you don’t believe me then you should look up tools like Crowdstrike Falcon.


I have four monitors. I find it helps me because I can have a couple of screens to work on, one with Teams and Outlook so I remember to check them and then one with a browser. If I can't see something I forget to check so this works for me


I use 3 monitors at work - 2 large external monitors where I have two windows open (I’m often in excel spreadsheets/dealing with data) and then I keep teams open on my laptop, as I am also internal support for several systems and work with a team. Sometimes, when I need to go into “don’t bother me focus time” I put in my headphones and setup a comfort show on my phone and set that down resting against my laptop screen for a “4th” screen that my IT department can’t monitor lol


Helps me, I pull up two screens for the same project and prevents me from bouncing to other things, like my phone rn, while I’m being “trained”


It would help. If you have multiple windows and those windows have multiple tabs, switching between them can become frustrating one just one monitor. With just one monitor I would often forget what I was doing or take yet another side quest whilst flicking through windows and tabs trying to attempt my current task. I had more than 4 monitors at one point ehilst studying. Much easier.


It really depends on your window management and workflow.  I have a ultra wide QHD at work and it's enough provided I use a good window manager. The notebook screen becomes Spotify and messaging as it's a little more private and tucked back into my desk.


I have 2 monitors and my laptop screen. I love my monitors. It's just easier to look at everything I need to have open in order to do things.


I have a double monitor setup with my laptop in office and a separate monitor plus laptop screen at home. I prefer my office setup because one of my monitors can do a vertical display which helps me visualize my running list of projects. I find it gives me a better idea of where I'm at in my to-do when I can see it at a glance. If I have to work in multiple applications simultaneously, a multi-screen setup makes navigating between apps more efficient. I also find dark or grey mode helps with screen fatigue. 


*Edit at the bottom Lol Im not a desk worker (in my job i usually only have, and need, one, and it's touchscreen) but last year i had to work with 2 monitors while helping out for a few months on and off in the office side of things. Didn't work out well for me. Kept forgetting it wasn't touchscreen for starters. Kept losing the goddamn cursor. Almost broke a mouse while ragging it all over the mousemat trying to get said cursor to show itself. (The 60 year older guy sat next to me was the most lovely, patient person) Then 2 months ago ended up with 2 screens again in another department, but one was set up vertically. Cue the hide and seek with the cursor again. Someone walked past one time when I was threatening to launch the screen, asked what was up. Told him I kept losing the cursor, and that it wouldn't be so much of a problem for me if it was a bloody touchscreen. Touched the screen to make a point. Turns out it was a touchscreen. Tl:Dr don't know how you all do it. I've seen someone using 3 before and it almost broke my brain The edit: I'm sorry, I did read the question but then got sidetracked. Soooo kinda glad I kept losing the cursor else I probably wouldn't have got any work done if I'd have had the time to figure out how to use the set up properly


I really like ultra wides to help reduce context switching. Not required but having multiple monitors really helps me reduce context switching and losing what I’m doing in my working memory.


It depends on what you are doing, plus widescreenoniyor and windows arrow are good. If you do a lot of comparison between screens it helps prevent the task switching distractions as you don’t “go “ anywhere


having a second screen helped me immensely. i’ve recently been diagnosed, and i got a second screen as a christmas gift. i like to watch podcasts while i work, but sometimes if there’s a sporting event on that i enjoy i put that on in the corner too. the second screen also helps me to stay on task because i can answer an email on one screen and look at the data i need on the other without constantly switching back and forth. honestly until this post i never really correlated my second screen with my ADHD productivity but thinking about it now, its helped A LOT. also i downloaded a pomodoro timer called flow, and i work for 30 minutes and take 10 minutes off. that’s also helped me retain focus and give my brain a break.


i think having 2 monitors will be beneficial depending on what you are working on. i had a monitor for email/chat/calendar and another for working. although i have an issue with burning out fast & not being able to gauge my workload. in my experience, when i have two monitors for work - i task switch too often and i think in the long term, this caused me to take on too much work. i noticed past coworkers would only work on their laptops, giving them space to work within their means / pace because they only had one small screen, whereas i would get things done quick because i was able to complete different tasks at the same time.


I can’t go back. Imagine having an email open on one screen and a full spreadsheet on the other that you can reference. It feels very claustrophobic to go back to one screen. Everything is too close and small.


Multiple monitors help me watch the things I have/need to check while I work on the main monitor to 'do the thing'. So on my main monitor is the task I'm actively work on. Thats my focus spot. This needs to BE DONE. I stumbled across a weird thing that if my focus spot monitor is larger than the other ones, I stay on task easier, but it's not necessary. Secondary monitor has the message program, email, and to-do list. I use flashing boxes and sounds to draw my attention to it, but i have to be careful because some office assholes have figured out if they send me a barrage of short messages I respond to get them to stop. If I have a third monitor (sometimes do, sometimes dont) I split the email to the third monitor so when I'm writing an email it's easier to not get distracted, plus I can all the emails I need to respond to before I log out and leave like a post-it note board. When I work off one monitor I "forget" to check email and messages which can be detrimental when I'm supposed to be responding to people in a timely manner. I've had to color code emails based on who I need to respond to by importance, but also by PAIN-In-THE-ASSEDNESS. If someone's a PITA but only if I don't respond, they have a color code. Any manager I need to respond to is Red. Team mates are green, regular collaborators are blue. (Sort of follows FPS colors lol). Having the messages/email on the second screen are good reminders to make sure I do "all of my job responsibilities", not the fun parts. The ToDo list on the second screen is to feed me things to work on... otherwise I get distracted and bored and get a dozen things started and 0 things finished.


Get an ultra wide monitor


I have 4 and I wish I had 4 more. I give recurring applications their own screens, and then I have others I use in tandem when I’m bouncing between two and coding.


I've worked with two monitors at work and at home for years now. I'll never be able to go back to a single screen. I'm actually considering a third one. LPT: place your monitors on a stack of books (or buy the actual gadget for it) and raise them to eye level. It makes a big difference when you don't have to look downwards all the time.


Helps! Do it. So much better. I have 3, sometimes 4…


it helps!


Oh it's a lifesaver! Productivity max. Helps with my short memory too


I use 1 monitor right now, but I do miss my second monitor. It made everything easier. I am going to be distracted anyway, may as well make that take only half my workspace.


I use multiple displays every day. I can't stand working without a second screen now. Usually keep outlook and teams on one screen, and my primary work on the other. Unless I'm working with spreadsheets, then I've often got excel on both monitors+sometimes split the monitors too. I don't know if it would be a good idea to use a second display just for a distraction space. That distraction is gonna be constantly in your face rather than hidden on a background tab. Is your impulse control strong enough to not get carried away with the distraction?


I have a second monitor, and I split both screens, giving me 4 separate tabs at once for maximum bouncing between pages and tasks.


I would have a hard time working efficiently without 3 monitors. Even at home i have a 32:9 monstrosity in the middle and 2 16:9 on each side.


I need 2, because trying to put 1 lot of information somewhere else on 1 screen leaves me feeling frustrated


I feel confined when on just my laptop screen. 2 monitors is my minimum. 3 is great!


Started with 2 monitors at work. Now I'm using 3. Tbh the extra two are just helpful auxiliary monitors. Keep up reference material and note taking apps etc on them. But I'll regularly be waiting for programs to finish doing stuff, so keeping them in sight but not in my main vision while I do something else is useful. Email on one so that it's always up (ready to be ignored all day until you get to the end of the day). Then there's the separate laptop kept off to the side for music and for looking up more stuff. So it's four screens really.


I have three monitors. iMac screen and two external monitors. One screen is reserved for iMessage, slack and whatever YouTube video I have on. The other two are for work related things. In my experience, distraction comes mostly from lack of interest or inability to start a task. So long as I can push myself to get started, I can do very well. But getting started is easier said than done. I spent the whole morning today at my desk watching things. And it wouldn’t have mattered if I had three screens or one or none. lol.


It’s awesome!


I’ve had three screens and found it distracted me more, so I went back to two. I’d probably find one too limiting, since I multi task so much.


2? I use 3 or 1 49"ultra wide. I have 2 lg dual ups. That set up great for docs and stuff like that. My ultra wide setup is great, 1/3 is calendar, middle 3rd is current work, 1/3 is chat. Displayfusion is great for sectioning the screen and fooling some software to think it's on its own screen.


I've got 3 monitors and find it more productive as I find the arduous switching between apps distracting and a pain in the ass... Also, with multiple things up I need less RAM brain memory to work between multiple programs


I think it'll probably depend on a few things, but having multiple screens is very helpful for me. I actually use 3 screens for work and I do not enjoy when I'm forced to work on just one screen now. My side thing is usually on my phone though. If tabbing to your 'interesting thing' involves stopping work for long enough that it adds up to noticable lost productivity at the end of the day, putting it on another monitor could help. I think the key is to just make sure your thing isn't too engaging. Personally, I can have music or a podcast on the side but most audiobooks and videos are too distracting.


2 screens for the win! However, in all my jobs over the last 15 years, I have NEEDED two screens for more efficiency so i can view documents/ emails alongside any company system i am using. My current job would be frustrating and everything so time consuming without this. So it depends if you need it, but I would not be in one screen ever now


i WISH i could go back to three but the electricity bill added up 😭 2 is a must though im so glad we have 2 at work too


I love a second monitor, but I do a lot of document editing and often need 2 screens so I can easily compare versions.


Absolutely 2 screens is essential in my job. Otherwise I read references material flick back to my work then forget wtf I just read. I actually have 3 screens and would happily have another. Or the dream is one quite large one....


I use two but one is a 49" ultra wide otherwise it'd be three. The ultra wide I use the left hand side for what I'm actively working on, and the right side for reference material. To the left I have a 27" mounted vertical for email. I used to have three 27" and I used them the same way with the active in the centre and the reference material on the right. the ultra wide is the shit for large data sets though.


2 monitors at work is fucking amazing. Wish I had 3


I'm a software developer. I have two desks upstairs. One is for my PC, it has 3 monitors. I also have a cheap old desk for a laptop that has a monitor (in addition to the laptop screen). It makes a huge difference.


Game changer - I get so much more done


I have 2 monitors plus my laptop screen. Sometimes I actually wish I had an extra monitor as well. Working on one monitor would make things much more time consuming


In my experience the distraction with a second monitor isn't any better or worse. But it does make things easier, whether for work or play. I like using the second monitor for Spotify, to keep a list of things I need to get done, to use reference images (if I'm doing art or something). Sooo useful!


I always need a bunch of things open at once and I hate tabbing through windows, so I always use 2 (sometimes 3) screens.


I'd take 3 if they gave me another.


My way-too-ADHD partner had at one point FIVE screens on his desk setup. If your machine can handle it without slowing down, go for it.


I pretty much have to have 2 monitors to work effectively. It feels weird and limiting when I only have one.


3 monitors with certain windows pinned to certain spots as to not lose them. Check out Fancy Zones feature in microsoft Powertoys


It’s going to be GREAT!


I feel like my ADHD struggles with two monitors because I am definitively tethered. I have a work desktop but mostly work on my own laptop (with permission of course) so that I can… Change chairs 38 times. Walk into a different room. Sit on the floor. Go stand in the kitchen for no reason and work. It’s surprisingly effective. The only time I use two monitors is when I’m working in one and have some kind of show I’m not interested in on the other playing background noise for myself.


I have a third for my new job, but I mostly just use that one to manage my call app and various timers/alarms Clock app runs my life at work lol


Maybe you could buy a second monitor with a good return policy to give it a test run? I love having two monitors- only to use for what I’m working on though. Having a standing desk and a balance board are also super helpful


using a computer with only one screen is like walking with only one foot. possible, but harder than it should be.


I use 3 monitors. Contemplating a 4th.


Help for sure, heck get a third if you can.


It helps me. I did have three monitors, two big, and one surface pro laptop that was my computer, but also an extra monitor. That was perfect for me. Now I only have two monitors, and it's... fine, I guess. But I really miss my third monitor! As it is, I have 4 main windows open on my screens, two per monitor, all the time, because out of sight is out of mind.


I wish i had 3 forreal!! Instead of umpteen tabs open and jugggling them!!




2 monitors: email on one monitor, everything else on the other. Going to be switching to a single huge curved monitor at some point, plan on putting my email on the right side just like I have it now.


I'm not even attempting the work I do w/o 3 screens. If I can't see it, I tend to lose time and focus switching from screen to screen


I use one massive screen with an iPad as a second monitor. I don't really look at the iPad at all, it just feels like a fun gimmick and makes me look more of a serious designer lol