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Knitting or crochet are great to learn. So many videos on them and so many things you can do. Crafting is always fun. Making something new out of something old is magical. Lego is a big one for sure. Writing a story or about yourself. Talking to yourself (very good way to find out more about yourself). Going on walks. Working with clay, I use air dry. So many things you can do, it is unendless. I'm sure you'll find what you like. Hope this helps and keep me updated!


I'll second the knitting (plus knitting is WAAAAAAAY cooler than crochet šŸ˜‰). You can start with the basics, which is a great way to frazzle your brain, er, I mean occupy your brain as you're learning. Then we you feel ready to level up there are all sorts of different directions you can go - lace knitting, stranded knitting and other color work, knitting clothes, knitting 3D figures (this is where crochet/amigurumi is probably better), and more. If you're curious, there are tons of videos online, or you could maybe find a local knitting shop that has classes, or a local knitting group that meets up... Give it a try!


Uh huh. Thems is fighting words. Grrrr. Lol


Sorry, why's that? Oh, I just checked your old postings and see you're a crocheter. Ew. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Sorry, I promise I'm kidding. It's just fun to stir stuff up like that between those of us who make things with sticks and strings. I do admit that I didn't NORMALLY like the look/texture of a lot of crochet stuff I've seen vs similar things that were knit (like hats). But there's other things I honestly have to look up close at to tell which it is. And I've tried crochet years after I started knitting, and I honestly don't know how you guys do it. There's something about the terms that I just couldn't remember. Like a treble stitch was actually two or four (I don't remember now) little loops pulled through? Not three, even though the word treble suggests three!? Like I said, it's been a long time since I tried to crochet, so I'm probably not doing it justice. Knitting is still cooler. šŸ˜˜


Lol. I tried knitting after crochet and couldn't do the two handed thing. As for treble stitch...depends if you are doing the British or American version. In British it is the equivalent of a double crochet for the US. And in the US treble crochet is a triple crochet.so it depends on where the pattern was written. I sometimes prefer the feel of knit items and it lends itself to more creative texture stitches. However.......when they didn't let knitting needles on planes....they let crochet hooks. Guess they don't want a bunch of grannies taking over a plane. Lol


LOL hilarious jab about the grannies! (I won't take it personallyšŸ˜‰) Yeah, that British vs American translation on this sorta stuff didn't help me when I tried crochet....


well in my case, I do read a lot and i watch youtube videos about mental and physical health online, itā€™s started in 2020 when i was depressed but i didnā€™t know what depression was and i just wanted to understand what the Fk was wrong with me, why i canā€™t be like other people, why canā€™t i feel anything for anyone, etc. Anyways, I can do a whole research about any topic im interested in, I can easily open 30-40 tabs in my web browser because i keep finding things in the initial article that i donā€™t know. I wish I was able to hyper-focus like that with my college classes but nope, i was avoiding studying those boring textbooks until a few hours before the test. I didnā€™t know I had ADD at that time. Now that i know what ADHD is, i can tell that my late father was indeed adhd and he never got treated for adhd, he used to cope with the boredom doing carpentry, woodcrafts and playing the guitar, damn i wish i was like him on that aspect, i would have so many girls chasing me but im more of a library rat.


Any myriad of hobbies occupy my hyperfocus. I don't really get to pick which one appeals to me at a given time. My only extremely consistent hobby is reading, I go through as many as 2-5 books a month between kindle and audible. The other hobby scratching the itch right now is painting miniatures. But I also blacksmith, work on my car, play guitar, shoot guns, ride motorcycles, scuba dive, play video games to varying degrees. My issue is typically not enough time to pursue interests.


Yes, hobby collecting! I shared this yesterday on a similar post: I've collected hobbies that can be done alone, at any time, in small or large chunks, that engage the senses, and are relatively low energy but feel more productive than passive consumption. I start super small with no expectations and switch between them based on my mood. Some faves: 1. knitting. rather mindless but satisfying, it's portable, you can pick a soft colourful yarn, you can make something to wear! Good for zone out in front of TV/podcast/music nights. 2. gardening. so nice to take a five or ten minute stretch break to go outside, smell the plants, see what's up, maybe watering or trimming or whatever. It can be a restorative anchor habit. Mostly veggie plants too, so free snacks! 3. tarot. works well for when you feel like doing a deep dive but don't feel like picking a new topic, since you can journal about the result and feel proud about introspecting instead. Making connections between cards feels like solving a puzzle. Also there are pretty pictures! 4. yoga. very nice to switch out of brain mode and reward the body with some stretches, and I love a good excuse to sit on the floor. Any floor. Get to feel like you are doing ""exercise"" without leaving the room or changing clothes. Fun poses!


I garden, I love it ā¤ļø


I paint warhammer miniatures while listening to Warhammer audible. Scratches some itches. Right now Iā€™m learning oil paints.


I train in mma, and other than meds it's by far the best thing for my ADHD. 1. Gets rid of a lot of my fidgety restlessness and puts that energy to good use. 2. So much to learn, doing something different every day. Never bored because there's always something new to hyperfocus on. 3. It keeps me out of trouble. Like I'm way less likely to make an impulsive bad decision on friday night if it means I won't be able to go to jiujitsu saturday morning. I know it might not be a hobby for everyone, but for me it's almost an essential to manage my adhd lol.


Second this, martial arts are great for an adhd mind. It always gives you something to strive towards, both in skills and fitness.


I like to go on long walks at local trails/ nature preserves. I either listen to music or listen to a podcast. History and true crime podcasts r my fav :3


This is much more up my street too. I also like paranormal podcasts.


Canā€™t get bored if you donā€™t actually have any free time.


Yeah. What is this "free time" they speak of


I play board games by myself. Sometimes itā€™s mancala or scrabble, right now itā€™s boggle. Anything that I can play multiple games of in a reasonable amount of time. When all else fails, I do school work. I write the material down over and over again or I get ahead and do the next couple weekā€™s homework.


Read, diamond painting, tv and yard work. But it's so hot and I've been reluctant to do it


Yay diamond painting! Totally my favorite right now, I hope this hobby sticks around for awhile lol šŸ¤Ŗ


I like to paint but I stopped doing doing it years ago. I started back up since my own social media detox. Iā€™m really out of practice so I got some paint by number kits to practice with brush techniques and work on color mixing. I also am in to house plants. So I do plant stuff. I started taking college classes and working on getting different certification for different systems. Presocial media I had lots of short term hobbies, book binding, paper making, furniture flipping. Find something that looks interesting and learn how to do it. Just donā€™t spend a bunch of money on it because it can get really expensive to abandon when you get bored. Iā€™m also a reader, but I go through phases where I get bored with it.


What paint by number kits did you get?


Iā€™ve done a few that I picked up at Michaelā€™s as well as various ones I got on Amazon. The only thing Iā€™d really recommend if you want to do it, is get yourself a set of good fine detail paint brushes. Because the paint brushes with the kits are not good for finer details.


make music, art, food, or walking/hiking. Journaling is really good to pass the time and find a direction too but if i'm too bored of my own thoughts sometimes i just go on monkeytype and try to beat my own records because you can set it to random words or poems or whatever. clickity clack make brain go brr. best of luck, pal


Im tryna figure out same thing. I work everyday and then study 3-4 hours after work for the lsat. I typically just end my night with getting high and listening to music in my car. However, I need to stop getting high for my memory for studying. But idk nothing entertains me anymore. I just graduated college and moved home with my parents so I canā€™t really have sex atm. I donā€™t have many friends left here. And having friends that r down to hang everyday at the end of the day is not a thing. Iā€™m so bored. I know that studying is boring and Iā€™ve accepted this boring lifestyle for at least the next 4-5 months. Iā€™m fine with that. I enjoy peace. But I need to pick up a hobby for myself thatā€™s easy and mindless but also good for me and entertaining.


Ez for me I have 500 hobbies lol


Jigsaw puzzles! Absolutely love them and they keep my mind from racing. Although sometimes ill lose track of time an be sitting there for hours.


I like knitting plus something mentally I have to pay more attention to, once I got better at knitting. So, I will knit and listen to podcasts to learn a foreign language, for example.


I deleted all of my social media. I went from 30k unread emails to 3k unread emails before I remembered reddit exists. Now I just browse reddit.


I got into model railways. It's something to do with your hands that's creative and doesn't involve screens.


Real actual physical hobbies. I like to tinker and build airsoft guns.


I sort lego pieces. Make funky geometric shapes and such


I make music, or play video games. And try and make myself go on walks! But would recommend taking up some sort of cretive hobby. Can be very rewarding


I understand you, I'm going through a phase of absolute boredom. In the past I just went out with my camera (I'm a photographer) and took pictures while finding new places. Also I draw so I just filled my sketch book with everything that came in my mind. At home usually I try to watch movies and TV series but it's not so easy to find something that can capture my attention a lot. Some of my friends suggested me to play games (it's not my world but sometimes it's fun). It's good that you can read so many books, is it natural for you? I'm having really hard time to concentrate while reading. Have you found some methods or is it just easy for you?


Meetup.com make some new friends


Metal detecting is amazing for me. I get to actively participate in an activity I am interested in and my mind can run free in the countryside with no consequence for not concentrating. I also get outside which means I see animals and plants and I use a bit more energy which is basically just exercise. Metal detecting also means that I spend ages researching things Iā€™ve found which takes away from work but overall itā€™s amazing for adhd symptoms if you like history and archaeology.


Iā€™m in the same boat for me , I recently graduated from college and donā€™t have a drivers license , so Iā€™m finding myself on YouTube more than ever .


I wish I could escape youtube lol. And now that shorts are on their too it's worse


I try to do something with YouTube on , so I have it as background noise as opposed to watching it . Makes me feel less guilty lol .


Going on discord and VC with a friend if available while I draw on my tablet. Sometimes thereā€™s not much conversation but it helps to keep me working on art stuff. I also like listening to music in the background at the same time. I may also play a video game or watch an anime. When itā€™s not that itā€™s me looking at YouTube videos about my new favorite thing In the moment šŸ˜…




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Stardew Valley if I don't feel like being productive Gardening when I do


i read manga, watch youtube videos, catch up on tv shows, watch a movie if i have the drive for it, write stories, go on walks to the store or a restaurant, catch up with friends.. i feel like i never have enough time to do everything i want tbh. boredom at work = app scrolling if i have nothing else to do


That's my secret op, I'm always bored šŸ™ƒ


Mostly reading, solo board gaming, and LEGO


Enduro, snowmobile, snowboarding, various sports, pc gaming, guitar (electric or acoustic) or piano... Recently I've been stuck with chess though.


I tend to collect hobbies and rarely drop them...I juggle and spin, play multiple instruments, I stick to 3 games I'm really into nearly obsessively and I skateboard


iā€™m into drinking


I find hobbies with plenty of depth and "time waste potential" Something about a ceaseless abyss of details, options and potential really appeal to me, and the hobbies tend to stick around for at least a year, some even linger for longer. Examples Magic the gathering Mixology Astronomy Lifting weights (and learning the science)


Have you tried writing? No need to publish but I feel like getting world build theories and magic systems on paper is really rewarding? Also do you know the words? If you don't check out storm light archives


I need a environment which encourages me to do things. If I'm at the gym, there's not much for me to do other than work out. Don't have access to my video games or drugs.


Video games, making music, research music, lots of video games actually.


I read, crochet, go hiking sometimes & I'm about to start going to the gym!


Volunteer Can you help a neighbor with something Can you start a garden


That's my secret Capitan....I'm always bored




- Learn an instrument - Paint - Make things out of clay -Upcycle/diy clothes -Rearrange ur room/decorate ur room -Journal!!:Make all kinds of lists and diff pages, book reflections etc -Scrapbook -Bake -Try new hairstyles -Experiment w fashion -Go on a solo picnic/ appearance -Go on walks -This probably counts as social media but making speceficly curated playlists -Learn new recipes -Go to a cafe and read/journal/draw there -Make cute bookmarks -Reorganize random stuff


Research topics that interest you ( with books for example)


Oh man, hobbies. Itā€™s whatā€™s saved my ass my whole life. And as long as Iā€™m on my own time Iā€™ve never been bored. Ones Iā€™ve enjoyed are Learning an instrument, wood carving, painting, knife throwing, survival craft, juggling, hacky sack, a second instrument (guitar and harmonica) photography, hiking, kayaking, camping, reading about things you find interesting. I always said itā€™s a shame life is so short. Man Iā€™d love to be working with about 300 years to hone all these skills as much as Iā€™d like. And lots of them can make you money. Iā€™d street preform, and do photography for work.


When I'm bored and don't know what to do I grab my "Side Quest" deck and it has suggestions on things to to like ,"take yourself on a date" or "write a poem" You can get it from the Hero's Journal website.


STUFF. No, but seriously Mainly, I game. I've gamed my whole life anf I can hyperfixate, I can play with systems, I can express myself. I always come back to gaming. However, I'm also a revolving door of hobbies and getting over being ashamed of it. I like being the person who has fishing rods, paint sets, dremel tools, woodworking equipment, legos, gunpla, and all the other hobby things around, and scratching the itch when it seems fit. My "bored" time is my time, so I fill it with me! šŸ„°


Have u tried to learn a new instrument or something along those lines? But what makes me happy is collecting, I go as often as I can to the city to check for new cars to my collection, end up walking lots and more often tho not checking spots Iā€™m not familiar with. Which adds a layer of exploration to it. Before that I was really into movies.


Uh, scrolling through reddit threads


Nerdiest answer possible: crossword puzzles!!!


I'm never bored, but I do struggle with deciding what to do. Honestly, there's not enough time in the day for all my interests. Being autistic and adhd is hard because I have too many special interests. Here are a few of my regular hobbies, but I keep a larger list of "things I like to do when i can't decide" Knitting, Crochet, Needle Felting, Wooburning, Gardening/Yardwork, Hiking/Foraging, Paddling (yes, after work!), Fishing, Climbing, Reading, Taxidermy, Chores (always something to clean!), Yoga, Meditation, Watching documentaries, Cross stitch, Sewing, Refurbishing furniture, Archery/Pewpew, Painting (mixed media) My actual list is much larger.


I have kids, lol. Itā€™s an extreme solution, but I can say, I am never really bored and never have too much free time, haha. BUT, I absolutely cannot relate to this in other either, as I feel like I could like to 200 years and stil have things to do. I enjoy, walking/jogging outside with old listening to books/podcasts/music. I knit and crochet. I do Lego projects. I paint, do adult dot to dot, gem pics, color by number, sticker pics whole listening to books. I write. I design cookbooks with my fave recipes & meal plans. I garden. I bake and decorate cakes & cookies. And recently started making jewelry. If I had more time, I would love to get into photoshop and video editing.


Comic books, anime, and children are my hobbies. If I'm really bored, a box of comics can usually minimize it. I can sort, bag, tape, and board (see what I did there? ). I might even read 1 or 2.


I produce psychedelic trance music, or play acoustic and electric instruments (guitar, bass, electric guitar) which always kinda does the trick for me. I find that music never bores me. Music is quite broadly engaging, for me. I couldn't do without it.


Personally I read a lot, I got a bunch of plants (and still continue to buy more) they tend to take up more and more time as you build your collection and it's super rewarding (: I also recommend getting and learning a flow prop. Really brings you out of your head and in tune with your body. There are so many different props and ways to learn, it's addictive, but in a healthy way!


I should do the same thing again. I was a bit happier without being on social media. But you've lasted a week so far? Congratulations that's impressive social media is an addiction that's hard to break. When I'm not on my phone I'm usually watching TV, playing games, or drawing.


Get a Hobby.. go outdoors and explore. I garden and collect Succulent plants. Yes I still start 50 projects and complete none. lol šŸ˜‚ But Iā€™m not bored now


If I'm not stimulated I start getting drowsy and blegh as well. Find some actual hobbies or sports that you enjoy. Preferably one that you can do at home any time, and one that makes you go out and be social. There's so many choices out there that it's hard to recommend anything specific without knowing where your interests lie. What genre of books are you into?


Iā€™m struggling with this. Iā€™ve really cut down *drastically* on Facebook (used to spend *hours*, now maybe 10/15 minutes a couple of times a week), deleted TikTok, and barely go on instagram. Iā€™ve made up for it with Reddit though. šŸ˜žAnd when I try to cut it off, I feel bored out of my gourd. Iā€™ve lost a lot of my attention span due to phone usage, and struggle to attend to books and longform videos, shows and movies. I think Iā€™m going to have to do a *complete* phone detox soon, including Reddit (šŸ˜©). I want to get back to the point where I can read and watch documentaries and movies. I also want to pick up some of my old hobbies.


You can learn how to crochet! Itā€™s actually how I make my money lol


I listen to audiobook while going for walks, play disc golf, darts, or read a book. I'm really big on analog activities after work.


Do something with your hands. braindevelopment has great benefit from handwork. koordination between hand and eye or just general consciousness is a great healthy way to improve brainfunction. i play piano and compose music. i like videogames too and i love and do artistic sport