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“ADTR fans gonna be eating REAL GOOD these next few years😈” - Alex Idk man idk Edit: it was Alex not Neil


that was Alex’s (misquoted) tweet, just sayin’


Thanks! I don’t have Twitter so I was going off spotty memory.


All good - OP linked it in another comment below (even though it doesn’t support his argument 😂)


They released Miracle, and Alex’s comments suggested there’d be more excitement in the music. Can’t say I and many others weren’t expecting something closer in line to modern Bad Vibes 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can understand the inference - I’m just having trouble connecting the dots between your disappointment and, specifically, a promise or expression about their music going specifically in one direction or another which was never made I do get what you’re saying in the rest of your post though - I for one *unironically* **like** Nickleback, so them writing a NB-sounding song is a win for me 😂🤣


I mean, they released Miracle specifically for the people who disliked the softer sound change on You’re Welcome 😂 A super heavy song paired with Alex’s comments on the new music being more “exciting,” it’s not hard to see why many people would put 2 and 2 together and expect something more in line with their heavier work. In my humble opinion, this song sounds like a You’re Welcome b-side in all the worst ways, so I don’t personally find it impossible to believe why so many fans are disappointed and feel they were led on by what the band was saying online at the time. Just my two cents. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They give us at least one to two heavy songs per album and usually an acoustic or slow song. I’m not really worried about that and I don’t think anyone else should either. Id just be disappointed if it’s a song they released 2 years ago before they even announced an album. I liked how they did songs like FYM and High Diving. If this is their Thrashy era so be it.


You mean if that was the **only** one? Or like, one of only a couple?


I expect miracle to be on there but I want at least one more standard outing from them (kinda like Resentment maybe?) if they are gonna try a bunch of new stuff. I don’t need like 3 drop b/an exposed type songs on an album.


Correct, I referenced the quotes below


Eating fast food garbage maybe 😂🥲


I love when bands try new things and sound different over time. But this just doesn’t get you pumped up like their older stuff when they were first released


Agreed, this feels like a cheap attempt at writing an octanecore “hit”. Very sad to see. 😭


It’s all just so ehhh. Plus the whole fact that it’s called ‘feedback’ is hilarious


It’s beyond cringe. “I don’t want your feedback…” Well Jeremy, you’re about to get a lot of that ironically… LOL


Are you saying you would only be happy if the songs they release are heavy? I just don’t think that is their vibe anymore for the most part.. and that is ok! I certainly wasn’t expecting a heavy song. They clearly don’t want to be making the same music they were making years ago. Their sound has evolved. I just think whatever they put out to us is what they want to make and what they enjoy making. All the complaining about the songs not being heavy anymore seems redundant to me


No, I just don’t think this new song is good at all. It’s formulaically bland, lyrically abysmal and sounds nothing like traditional ADTR. Breakdown is also super short, and Jeremy’s vocal effects are a major turn off. I’m not someone who clings to the nostalgia of the past and I’m very aware that bands change as they get older, but this song just sounds like a cheap attempt at writing a radio hit. Especially coming off the crazy high that Miracle gave us, I had extremely different expectations, especially after the reception You’re Welcome got. This song just sounds like every other half-assed song you hear on Sirius XM, hence why you see so many Nickleback sentiments.


The constant fuzzy voice is terrrrrible


Agreed. Jeremy has a fantastic voice. Why do they muddy it up with horrible effects?


And where tf did his screams go???


Facts. I miss his lows… 😭


When did they promise heavy? I don't recall them saying anything about how heavy the new music will be.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ADTR/s/fW6BsipDb5 https://www.reddit.com/r/ADTR/s/DyWhxS584V Alex doesn’t outright say “heavy,” but definitely implies that he’s more excited than he’s ever been, and fans will be very, very excited as well. “Scouts Honor” It’s no secret that fans wanted heavy music after the reception You’re Welcome received. That’s why they released Miracle in the first place.


It’s so crazy to me when artists do this exact thing. Tells fans they’re going to be more excited than they ever have been … then release something that completely goes against what said fans want. Has there ever been a time where bands just said fuck it and went back to their roots to give fans exactly what they wanted?


The Devil Wears Prada released Zombie II! Apart from that, I can name so many bands that have let me down. Asking Alexandria, The Word Alive, Memphis May Fire, Parkway Drive, For the Fallen Dreams, Wage War, the list goes on and on…


I've seen both of these before and neither imply heavy music. Also i may be in the minority but I don't care if it's gonna be heavy or not, I just want some good fucking music and I don't feel like they delivered with feedback


I don’t care if it’s heavy or not either! I just want it to sound amazing. The song feels like a cheap shallow record to sell arena seats and radio play. If they want to alienate fans in that pursuit, kudos to them 👏🏻 because they definitely accomplished that goal. I feel like I’ve heard this song a thousand times before by so many different bands. It’s simply generic and soulless.


Exactly. It Doesn't have to be heavy but it still needs to be good. There's plenty of acoustic and pop punk songs in their old albums that are great songs. We just want good music that lives up to their standard. I have a feeling that the album will have a couple heavy songs on it though. I hope.


I was gonna ask the same thing - the last express “promise of heavy” I recall was a Rocksound Interview in 2020 in which Jeremy is quoted saying that they had “one of the heaviest songs of [their] career on [You’re Welcome]”…whether they made good on that promise is another conversation (and subjective)…can’t think of any specific promises at the classification of forthcoming music, heavy or otherwise, since (certainly not recently)


I agree with the sentiment that we shouldn’t praise everything a band does just because the band we like did it. If you just blindly praise things that are garbage, then they’ll keep producing garbage. Yeah, they can make whatever they want, they don’t *owe* us anything. That being said, we as listeners are the reason they are able to pursue music as a full-time career, so our feedback should matter, especially if the resounding feedback for both You’re Welcome and now Feedback is negative. If it was a vocal minority, sure, ignore the haters, but from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t seem to be a vocal minority.


100% agree with everything you’ve said here. I don’t believe haters are in the minority here, and everybody has the right to give critical feedback!


Do tell—what Nickelback song does this sound like?


Animals, there’s a thread discussing it a little farther down the subreddit.




To each is own 🤷🏻‍♂️ I definitely know I’m not alone thinking this. The main riff and melody are extremely similar IMO. You can defend the song all you want but it’s not gonna change anyone’s else’s mind who thinks the same lol




Okay bud, you keep doing you lol


Why tf are they obligated to go back to their old sound? It’s their music, they can make whatever they want


I never said they were obligated to go back to their old sound? I said it was implied that it was expected, considering the negative reception You’re Welcome received. That’s basically why they released Miracle. It was to be an answer to the prayers of the people who were disappointed with the lighter sound change, hence the 🙏🏻 emoji. It led many fans on to believe that the band wanted more heaviness in whatever new direction they were going to pursue. I agree that they can do whatever they want with their music. That doesn’t mean I have to praise every single thing they release. Many people agree with my opinions, and I think it’s more than validation for me to know that many people aren’t enjoying the new song.


I just don’t understand why people think they “owe” fans anything. It’s a very corporate way of looking at music, as a product for people to consume. I think they are allowed as artists to pursue whatever they feel like making because it’s simply their art, not a product.


Did I ever say I was owed anything? No. I don’t think many fans are saying that either. All I said was that a return to a heavier sound was expected by the fanbase after the release of Miracle, and the outcome of that hype turned out to be a major disappointment for many fans (including myself). Ironically enough, this song feels like more of a Fueled By Raman product built-to-sell rather than an actual down to earth ADTR song with heartfelt passion and soul. This is my personal opinion and you don’t have to agree with me.