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Whoever put this list from right to left is diabolical


Right? Or at the very least bump the column for SmartPunk stage down so the times actually line up with the Main Stage. They could have just as easily put all the times in one long column down the middle, Saturday’s bands on the left, Sunday’s bands on the right, and then the times and band names color-coded to their stage


What’s some Pittsburgh shit to do/eat while in town. We’re only going on Saturday, don’t know that I’ll ever be in Pittsburgh again. Gotta drive by Heinz field,but outside of that I know literally nothing. Any suggestions for hikes, historical monuments/museums, local foods/real yinzer shit. Anything really just wanna take it in as much as possible while we’re there.


Asking the wrong person, lol - I’m flying in from L.A. and I’ve only been there once (for the *Degenerates* tour date in Pitt back in 2019), and passed through for the *Just Some Shows* tour a couple years ago (it was cheaper to fly into Pitt and drive across the state to go to Reading than it was to fly into Philly; had Pitt been on the weekend instead of a Tuesday, we would have just done that date with our friend that lives there) That being said - Primanti Bros. Sandwiches are really good; Mt. Washington (in Pittsburgh) is a really cool lookout over the river(s) and makes for a good picture spot


So, for everybody that is asking, this means that A Day To Remember will do a few songs less than their regular set because they have 10 minutes less than they do for their normal headlining shows on this tour.


I haven’t checked the setlist yet (trying to stay spoiler free until tomorrow night), but I was wondering if the 85 minutes for Four Chord lined up with their set duration for the tour. But thanks for clarifying…probably means, what, 2 songs get cut?


Well, their setlist is a little funky this time around. There are a couple of shortened songs. So they could cut a couple of those or possibly 2 of the whole songs. Edit: Wait tomorrow night???? Are you going to the Grand Rapids show???


Yeah, if it’s just a matter of cutting show *elements* to cut the time down instead of cutting out songs, I could see them doing that, but they may still have to cut one if the set is 10 minutes shorter


Just saw your edit - yes, we just got here like half an hour ago


Oh shit!!! Hell yeah. I'll be there tonight as well!!


‼️‼️ good shit - shoot me a text when you get here 🤘🏻


Relient k needs and deserves a longer set


Heads up to all, its supposed to be like 95° in Pittsburgh on Sat and 91° on Sun


Yeah, but what’s the *humidity* 🤔


The 22nd is stacked


Is anyone selling a parking pass for the 22nd?? Pls dm


Selling two GA tickets for cheap, 6/22, plans changed and just want to get some of the money back if possible


Anyone know how far apart the stages are?


Eyeballing it…maybe 40-50 feet?