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Ambulance backs up to the arena and the doors open to Prince Puma masked up. Could be fun.


Taz: "I think that's Prince Puma coming out of that ambulance." Excalibur: "It can't be, Prince Puma disappeared underground in the El Rey ruins on a mission with El Generico. This must be Baron Bobcat."


“…I wrestled him one time in a high school gym in Tulsa, OK in 2003”


Stop it, 12 year old me would start shaking 😂


Bro I still am holding out hope, him being Prince Puma again pretty much eliminates him ever having to talk in his career again, he can just show off and get paid now


He needs a sick manager pairing if that happens




Stokes should manage like 3/4 of the roster. Including feuding opponents.


This would actually be S-tier comedy, Stokes running around losing his shit over different clients he's representing going at each other and ruining his business/reputation would be HYSTERICAL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


But stupid


Look at this guy. He hates fun.


So you agree it is stupid? If you have fun with stupid shit, I guess you found your show. Just don’t be a nerd and act like this is the only way to have fun lol. Credit for admitting it’s stupid. Stupid fun = you lol


It’s wrestling. It’s all carny stupid shit buddy. Learn to have some fun hey.


False. It’s a television show about a sport. I do like fun, which is why I don’t watch AEW. I like having fun. But your response does agree with my view it is stupid. You don’t dispute that. And again..AEW isn’t fun. Oh, before you jump on the WWE thing. Try going outside…it’s way more fun


I enjoy both brother. It is strange that you’re on an AEW fan reddit and talking shit about it though. Who actually needs to go touch grass out of us? :)


Not really when you understand algorithms. You’re the guy who is offended someone dare think your idea and tv is stupid. Bud…you need a life. Learn not everyone will like what you like. Don’t post opinions if you’re upset when people call it dumb, especially when you agree it is. You literally agree it is dumb but still create an argument. Now why the fuck would an ambulance take a seriously injured person to a wrestling show? Explain how it makes sense narratively?


My favorite thing right now is thinking about how in AEW, you go through glass and are expected to wrestle Jay White 3 days later. However, in WWE going through glass = permadeath.


Only logical explanation could be that wwe is using REAL GLASS… just don’t let punk know…


Phil wouldn’t care tho because he’s there to make money, not friends… unless it’s the young female talent in nxt , of course smh …


I’m so glad I never have to see that shit stain again lol


Jack Perry’s gotta shoot a promo on that tomorrow right??


Jacks gotta put Dustin through real glass Wednesday on Dynamite or what are we even doing here


WWE = BG3 AEW = Dark Souls


Please don’t insult Baldur’s Gate 3 like that.


The more accurate comparison might be AEW being the From Software of Wrestling and WWE being more like Ubisoft or EA in comparison. Now that I think about it, there are actually some similarities in the way stories are told in both the Soulsborne games and in AEW. Neither of them force it down your throat or spoon feed it to you. Sometimes, there are big story moments that are very obvious. Other times, it's there for you if look for it but you can also choose to ignore it. Also, if you're not savvy enough, it can go right over your head. And both are most definitely for the sickos/by the sickos!


That’s an excellent analogy, and kinda ironic as I just decided last night to get back into Armored Core VI after putting it down late last year after The Last Faith and Star Ocean The Second Story R came out.


I have actually not played it yet. I thought about it but idk how I feel about the whole structure of going on missions. I love all the Soulsborne games dearly though. I really enjoy the maze-like splintering linearity of all the souls games but also the openness of Elden Ring. The mission thing, in Armored Core, kind of seemed like too much of a departure from either of those concepts for me to get into. I def wouldn't be against playing it at some point though. Right now, i'm just counting down the days until Shadow of the Erdtree drops. I'm trying to decided if I start a new playthrough or go into it on like NG+ 3. 😭


TL;DR: ACVI is good. Real good.


In Souls games, when the player opens a door, it's a slow push. You hear it grind and groan, dust falling from the cracks. You really feel the weight of that door. If aew was a video game, the player would no sell the door by doing a back flip through it


Cry me a river


Not a hater. I'm an AEW fan, I think it's awesome that its that way in AEW and lame that it's the other way in WWE.


Oh, I was mostly just referring to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhZq-pRgJqw Not saying you're a hater :)


I know the reference! I just thought you were using it because you thought I was complaining about the way people can go through glass and then wrestle again 3 nights later, when in fact my intent was to praise it lol


Paul Wight got killed by a windshield. 🤷‍♂️


Book it Tony.


Or, like Darby, Tony picks him up from the hospital and takes him to that arena.


Please god please




I hope his AEW name is **Rick O'Shea**. I think that would be the most hilarious troll job in the history of pro-wrestling.


It would be funny, but he owns the name. Had it before WWE


As long as it's not another Blackout or "Tony Kahn has a special Announcement" I'm open to new ideas


I picture it like when FTR debuted and they just pulled up to the arena


He'll be Orange's new best friend


Excellent!!! Like have him wearing a EMT outfit and take it off before heading to the ring.


Have him debut a different way. People aren’t going to be invested in how Richochet the character was written off in WWE. Let him stand on his two feet and show everyone what he can do.


yeah hes not Aleister Black!


Yes after few years shy of a decade In Wwe system, kinda sad he’s never even surpassed what he was in the indies , LU, and njpw before going to wwe …smh


He hasn’t made ricochet a compelling character


But yet he’s the greatest booker of all time …


You can’t book someone into charisma


Thing is, he’s never been involved in anything relevant his whole tenure there, no interesting story or conflict , story , etc so how would anyone even kno if he has any level of charisma or not? And if no charisma is the issue, then he damn sure ain’t the only one there without it lol, because everyone can’t have it, but some flourish in other areas, but again, we will never know because Vince AND hunter failed with ricochet, that’s the bottom line. Heyman knows how to do that and hunter damn sure ain’t no damn heyman lol which he has proven with ppl like ricochet and others


He was in a feud with Logan Paul who constantly brought up his girlfriend who is the ring announcer and nothing memorable came from him. Don’t think anyone failed with ricochet. You can’t just be a high flyer in WWE.


Lmao thanks for the short history lesson buddy but I ASSURE YOU… it only made the argument WORSE smh, at least u tried tho bro, now I don’t know who failed worse, the genetic jackhammer and the cerebral assassin with Trevor, or you in your attempt to try and save their failure of him… keep in mind the Logan thing was for LOGAN and Logan ONLY (which is fine because Logan is great)… keep in mind that was just like , last year lol so u saying that was the most relevant thing jackhammer and cerebral had him involved in after all his years with the company only further solidifies my statement… keep in mind the most memorable thing from that “feud” (as u called it), was the big botch flippy spot that they probably rehearsed like crazy for some big social media moment smh,not Logan keep bringing up his girlfriend, as u said lol but thanks for reminding me she’s his “girlfriend” as well as “the ring announcer” 😂… which brings up another fact that his ring announcer girlfriend has even been made more relevant then him …but either way , nothing memorable came from him OR LOGAN from that thing except the previously mentioned botch… so my question to you is still: what have they actually done WITH or FOR Ricochet in his nearly decade there excluding his short nxt run , which actually was his peak in the wwe system , unfortunately? and please, please please, I beg you, don’t say “teamed him with Braun “🤦‍♂️ .


And for the record ,he’s a high flier yea but the point is they never gave him anything . We don’t kno how he would excel in some dramatic situations, in a long term story, in a blood feud, as a heel, in a revenge angle or story (lol before Logan came on the scene) , in a consistent main or semi main event spot , with an on screen love interest for dramatic effect (before Samantha) , etc etc so yes … THEY CLEARLY FAILED


Let him and ospreay have a match.


On the WWE subreddit someone said a best of 7…. 👀


With Shaq as well!


Oh shiiiii


That would be amazing 🤣🤣🤣


Most AEW fans probably don’t watch Raw so I doubt they’d care too much


I mean I know plenty who do, not everyone is terminally online and tribalistic about it. The AEW fans I know who didn't previously do now as things got better. I'd bet more AEW fans are just wrestling fans in general


I don't watch WWE but I know about this because people keep bringing it up.


It would be a gateway for WWE fans who watched Ricochets Ambulance segment to get into AEW.


True, but I feel like most will know about it because everyone wants ricochet in aew


I certainly do. I watch both products and enjoy both products, even as more of a WWE guy myself.


That's crazy to me. I watch both, and if someone likes pro wrestling, I don't know how you miss either show.


Fair take. I like wrestling but I only have time for one and it’s aew. I do follow wwe on socials though so aware of ricochets current status. I agree with op though. I thought the same thing when I saw the post about the ambulance last night.


Oh yes. I love op's idea


If it makes the fans who do watch raw happy, I’m all for it.


Well…that’s somewhat of a non-factor. IMO, WWE’s shit is inescapable whether you want to see it or not. I loathe WWE but I still have a general idea of what they’re always doing because it’s so prevalent on social media. I don’t watch Raw but I know how they “wrote off” Ricochet. Having said all this this is still a very corny idea I wouldn’t care to see. I’ve yet to see a good “how about they do this” from either of the two AEW subs. I’m not a big fan of Ricochet personally, but if it’s going to happen I’d rather they bring him in as a big deal right off the bat. Shit…announce ricochet vs Ospreay outright for a Dynamite 2 weeks away with a countdown on every show. Don’t debut him until then but air a clip of him signing his contract and shaking hands with TK, cut with some Ospreay/Ricochet NJPW footage. Announce the match. Or, ya know, lolambulance entrance, and put him in the learning tree since we want more WWE shit I guess


I'm surprised he would be so eager to jump across to AEW in all honesty. So many have been lost in the shuffle.


He’s been in wwe system damn near a decade now… hes actually a poster child for being “lost in the shuffle” so if this is the case, at least he can be lost in the shuffle with the Billy goat and fenix lmao


Yeah, I’m afraid of that too, but something tells me he’d prefer that than being in only matches that last 3mins or less


Let him show up in the ambulance but when he pops out they give him a completely different name, something stupid like Goose McGillicuddy. For the next 2 weeks he keeps approaching old friends he's wrestled over the years and everyone no-sells him and treats him like a stranger/rookie they don't have time for.


Ezekiel has entered the chat


Yea they should do that, however it'd have to be the same ambulance.


I’m sure TK would consider that


Not sure if he has rights to any of his names. Puma Prince is actually a cool name he could use.


I mean he used it before WWE so I think he has rights to Ricochet


He was Ricochet long before WWE. That doesn’t mean he didn’t sign it over, but that’s unlikely- most of that generation of NXT have been able to use their names.


Good thing is if he goes to aew or njpw, he can still work both to an extent so that’s def a plus if that’s what he wants


We need heel ricochet right now… dons family is perfect fit, and he will have Don as his mouthpiece…he replaces billy goat as the next “big thing” since goat refuses to obey Don and cripple ppl with the tiger driver ‘98 … not sure when contract ends but would actually be the perfect finish for swerve/ Billy goat at FD so swerve can retain and they can revisit after goat feuds with ricochet …. Or he could just join the elite lol either one would be good and can set up some fresh new shit for him in my opinion. What I don’t want is happy go lucky ricochet as same old same old… he def needs some sort of change regardless where he ends up … unless he ends up in impact where no one will see him lol . No point in changing up in that case since no one will be around to hear the tree fall 😂


Pairing him w Don and fighting Ospreay is the ONLY way now that you said it lol. And it would be pointless for WWE to have Ricochet’s finish be the ambulance spot if he went to TNA since they’re working together. It would be the most pointless move cuz it would hurt both of them 😂


Would Shaq pop out with him? Shaq is still missing!


In this scenario Shaq is driving the ambulance, he’s got a doctorate degree and from here on he will be teaming with Britt Baker as The Doctors in the mixed tag division


I want ricochet to get revenge on Trent for chuckie t


I was thinking the same thing. His debut should be him getting driven up to the arena in an ambulance


Oh man. This would be gold


I hope they give him time to grow his hair out


Team AEW needs to find more people to fight The Elite (given Eddie, Darby and now Dax is injured). During a brawl, we cut to backstage and see an ambulance crash into the Scapegoat bus. Then Ricochet walks out the other end of the Ambulance




I think heel ricochet is the version we need right now… I’m getting Don callous vibes with this one….


Do it but have him no sell the attack that put him in the ambulance, just as an f u to wwe for making every wrestler that "dares" to leave them have to leave weak.


Exactly what I was thinking. Could have an ex WWE guy in the company make a joke like “thought you died man”


"dead from that attack? daaamn, ive had worse beatings off of my 3 year old niece"


Or, and hear me out, we ignore the WWE and just show him as the star he is.


I’m fine with it either way, but why not do this to add more eyes on his debut? It worked pretty well w Jack Perry coming back after airing the video of Brawl In while Punk was on the WWE roster


FTR arrived in a pickup truck, and you're telling me Ricochet should arrive in an ambulance? I don't get it, that's weird


Is this subreddit this delusional, or just OP..? The fuck is OP even talking about with their "How WWE never changes anyone that comes into their buiz from AEW"? First thing, who's even came into WWE from AEW really besides Cody, if you even count him, Jade Cargill, & Brian Pillman Jr.? Cody's the WWE Champ, Brian has been repackaged into one of the coolest stars on NXT with decent TV time, & Jade is currently the women's tag team champion with arguably one of the best female talents out there today, Bianca. I love both companies, but please don't possess this kind of dipshit mentality lol.


Didn’t mean how they’re being used in wwe, meant how half of them carry themselves the same way as AEW. Cody - same music, nickname and even ring attire, same thing w jade


Shawn spears and all ego Ethan page


I hope he shows up as Prince Pumma


I would rather not have him at all tbh. I’m sure it’s not a popular thing to say, but I don’t want to see more people pushed further away from tv and not used.. it’s already a big problem without adding some else into the mix.  Besides that, he never really evolved as a wrestler beyond big spots and there’s already plenty of people in AEW who do that.  I’m sure he will get signed, but not looking forward to him being handed someone else’s spot who has been busting their ass to try and get tv time. 


It’s a fair point, it would suck if someone lost their spot. Personally I like the forbidden door aspect but if they could try to step away from it outside of forbidden door season it would open room for the guys that need these spots


Speaking of which.. I think him going to NJPW would be a great move for both sides. NJPW needs an infusion of new talent and it would give ricochet a chance to be higher up the card. He could still do forbidden door too. I’m just not sure he would want to since his wife or gf lives here. 


It would be a win win for ricochet and njpw but a loss for Samantha lol


The fact he HASNT evolved though may be the very reason he wants to expand his horizons… he’s done NOTHING his entire time there so how can he evolve ? Especially in fans eyes… perhaps he goes to aew and evolves fairly quickly since he will have more freedom to show what he has…even since Vince has been gone, hhh STILL has not done anything of note with him , he’s had time , unless u count the botched Logan Paul spot lol


He's talented, so I won't say its impossible. That brings me to my other point though.. in order for him to come in and get time that means someone else has to be taken off, not to mention others who seemingly can't get a push no matter what they do (Shout out my boy Kip Sabian, I won't stop believing lol). Its a very, very crowded roster.


Yes but on the other hand, it’s good to have crowded roster when u take into consideration there will be injuries, so if all big names are injured at same time, which has happened and kinda the case now, it’s good to have others to rely on… that’s why I never had a problem of not seeing the same cast is characters on tv each and every week, I kno some ppl don’t like that but I actually do. I the same ppl every week doing the same matches every week is too tiresome For my taste so I actually always loved the way tk does it that even tho others don’t


Ok this is flipping amazing!! WWE fans would melt down


If he comes back as PP, I may just start watching AEW


That would be stupid just like most things in AEW so you may be on to something


Now what will mess yall up is if he shows up in TNA