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I dig his gimmick, but the problem is, it's hard to translate that into something that can be taken seriously. At least with Orange Cassidy, his gimmick is based on subversion; you're supposed to think he's a lazy disinterested guy, but then he cranks it up when it comes time to actually fight. I think Danhausen was obviously bothered by Punk getting fired, and between that and his lack of a push, he appears to be giving a whole lot of sour grapes about AEW. I think if he were able to figure out how to translate his gimmick to a larger stage better, as well as not get so butthurt about not getting a big push and people he was friendly with getting disciplined, he could've continued on in AEW, but he seemingly doesn't want to be there anymore.


I can't truly speak for the man because I don't know all the ins and outs and it's not my life. It's clear that the aw thing hasn't worked out for him certainly not in the way he would have hoped or some fans would have hoped. Tony Kahn also signed an Indian wrestler who had broken his leg during a weird time on the Indies... Not quite out of the pandemic. Well there's a part of me that's like hey man Tony Khan paid you probably a decent amount of money to basically be hurt and do comedy spots when you were healthy. At the same time I fully understand wrestlers who are like I have so much more to give and I'm not content just collecting money.


It's fine to be upset when you are actually being underused but Danhausen is a gimmick with a pretty low ceiling in wrestling and his main following had never even seen a match of his. He is not good enough for AEW and his hiring was pretty blatant charity. He should have tried to make himself more rather than just bitch and moan, use the platform to build his social media and try to transcend wrestling to more of an internet persona thing.


I think his gimmick did translate though. Dude was over! The idea of a 500 year old demon thing wrestling to earn money because they aren't particularly good at anything else is a fantastic jobber gimmick! The problem is, he didn't see himself as a jobber.. when like... Obviously...


He us a good wrestler, though was hurt for a while. It seemed no one wanted to work with him.


Yeah he's a good wrestler, but in a company of great to amazing wrestlers he wasn't going anywhere.


Man sells a lot of merch. Those t-shirts are advertising, where the wearer pays to advertise. I have told a number of people about AEW cause they asked about my Danhausen t-shirt. And I barely leave the house if I can help it.


He was as over as anyone with his gimmick. AND he has the whole other half of it, the Very Evil side we only got to see once before his injury


Orange Cassidy also had a long period of being Fire Ant under his belt where the Orange Cassidy gimmick was an intentional change from that.


Yeah, but Danhausen also had a long stint as Donovan Danhausen - obviously not as revered or on as high a stage as Fire Ant, but he basically worked the Indies forever as a typical 'great wrestler, no character' type until he figured out the comedy gimmick. In short, pre-broken leg he could go and wrestle in excess of what he'd need to. What made it not work was, I think, TK isn't into gimmick wrestlers and wasn't familiar with Donovan as a worker. It's forgotten that TK had to be convinced to sign OC despite his reception at DON19, and it was only the Fire Ant comment that broke through despite the Bucks vouching for him hard. He also is a bit of typecaster (you can only be one thing - you can't work in two separate divisions, etc) and really couldn't get past Danhausen's character being big on the Indies, so never thought of how to book him as a wrestler. I also think that the injury further impounded that - since he was on the books for about two years (he was signed long before his debut) and was hurt and couldn't wrestle. In short, it's a shame we never got to see the crowd pop for Danhausen working indie riffic out of nowhere in a match, but maybe he'll be back or find another big stage to do it.


If he wanted to be "serious" he comes out as Very Evil Danhausen, which I think he did once in AEW in which he won a squash match? It's sort of like Finn's Demon thing. If he has gone I think TK has screwed up a massive revenue stream, his merch sold like hot cakes.


Though to be faaaaaaaaaaair (*toBeFaaaaaaair*) If my numbers are right, Danhausen wrestled a total of 21 matches for AEW in 2 years. He was on Rampage 3 times, Dynamite 4 times, and a lot of the rest is AEW Dark, Jericho cruises, etc. A good number of those appearances were "very short, very squashy." Sure, AEW was getting some $ for his merch sales, but *clearly*, Danhausen was making more from his merch sales by being a part of AEW than AEW was making money for holding his contract. For non-indie fans who first met Danhausen on AEW, they were buying the look and gimmick merch probably in the same way people went out and bought a ton of "Baby Groot" merchandise. He's fun, he's cute, *whatevs*, but he wasn't doing anything remarkable in AEW wrestling-wise to be able to say those merch sales were the result of in-ring excellence. He's basically fuckin Beetlejuice; let's stop acting like this guy is Mick Foley caliber and ingenuity.


Tbf, wrestling 7 times on TV and most of those being squash matches in which he lost, I don’t think he ever really got a decent stab at showing what he can really do on TV. He was never in any storylines other than showing up outside the ring and cursing people. I actually think for his character he was probably used well but I would have liked to have seen him actually wrestle on TV a lot more.


Also a good point. He didn't really get an obvious push attempt, or at least he HAD one coming when he was making those little Danhausen adverts before Dynamite...but then nothing came.


Why does it have to be taken seriously? Can’t it just be a fun part of the show?


Well, I just mean that, without a different dimension to his gimmick, he was always going to be stuck as comedy relief and/ or a perpetual sidekick. He seems to have wanted a more regular role in the product, and I can understand why anyone would feel that way, but his gimmick needed to be more than what it was if he wanted to be doing more every week than just standing outside the ring and pointing at the person Orange Cassidy was fighting.


It's not that it has to be taken seriously all of the time, but take a moment to think like a booker for a major promotion. Danhausen has one setting: comedy. That would be great if the general rest of the roster also did a lot of comedy, but AEW is mostly booking matches for impact/gravity/hardcore type matches. In doing this they NEED to sell their pushed wrestlers as serious, dangerous, *IN* danger, and important. Lets say you want to sell everyone a ticket, and your champion is a badass, former MMA monster of a man (Let's say...Brock Lesnar). You want to showcase their ability as a wrestler and book a solid technical match. You want to put your "monster" in the ring with a wrestler the champion can sell, and an opponent who can help sell the story about the monster: he is dangerous, the babyface is in danger, and this match is *life or death*. Is Brock vs Danhausen gonna be that match? On the other end, look at Darby. Similar build as Danhausen, but different vibe. Darby does fun shit, crazy shit, serious shit, and moving from tone to tone doesn't break the Darby persona. So Darby is a better pick vs Brock than Danhausen in this scenario because he is more versatile. Or, to put it better: AEW has had to work much harder to make Danhausen's gimmick fit with the rest of the company, but any change in Danhausen to better fit the company would break the gimmick. Then he started complaining a lot.


Has he posted stuff?


I mean, I guess it's up for interpretation, but I recall seeing some vague passive aggressive posts he's done on social media, some being stuff like Instagram "stories" or whatever they are that go away after they've been posted for a bit. Typically when wrestlers are making vague passive aggressive posts on social media, it usually amounts to them wanting to vent their frustrations without actually saying it, so... 🤷‍♂️ I dunno, I mean, like I said, obviously it's all up for interpretation when it's vague posting, but we've seen that a lot with people on social media.


I thought the gimmick was fun at first, but he didn't back it up in the ring, and eventually it just became repetitive kookiness. Wish no ill to the guy, but I wasn't tuning in to every episode saying: "I hope Danhausen has a match this week!"


If I’m not mistaken, he came in injured, and then after he healed up, got hurt again. They tried to have him get by as a comedy act but I think pairing him up with OC off the bat was a mistake. He should’ve been a nuisance to a straight-faced heel instead.


Shoulda kept Hookhausen around for a bit.


yeah, they worked great together and got a shirt and then it was just over? that was a storyline I was invested in, the QT thing was good but not as good. after that I got bored. I'm typing this while wearing a Danhausen shirt.


I think rumor is Taz told hook not to do that anymore because it would turn him into a joke as well and they want to actually build him up.


Hookhausen had a chance to have a really fun run as a Martin and Nelson style tag team.


I always half expected him to interrupt a house of black promo by turning on the lights


That would be hilarious 🤣


> If I’m not mistaken, he came in injured, and then after he healed up, got hurt again. him and punk have something in common besides comic books, I guess.


Show up Speak Get injured Repeat


W comment


This sounds right. I've been assured Danhausen can string a few wrestling moves together, but I don't recall getting a chance to see him even try to show his stuff.


Oh he absolutely can. From the videos I've seen, he's very similar to Finn/ Seth in style. Pretty solid.


nuisance is perfect. Like when Goldust was tagging with Booker T. Danhausen being a comedy partner for a straight man like Will Hobbs could've been great lol. Alas.


I was the guy hoping Danhausen showed up every week but it’s because I find his gimmick very fun and enjoyable, not because of his wrestling prowess.


I'm am incredibly disappointed that he didn't follow britt baker around every week and harass her for more teeth for his jar.


This is the kind of stuff we wanted. Legitimately. Anyone that tried to parade him as a top tier wrestling act was a weirdo. His value was in the quirky character, like…distinctly his YouTube character. The mannerisms. The memes. The jokes. The interviews. The Space Ghost Coast to Coast vibes he had. Not the wrestling. Basically never the wrestling. RJ City is doing what Danhausen coulda been, and will have the long term career with real fan adoration. Hey! EW is genuinely good eating for fans of the characters.


Underrated comment


He can actually wrestle - watch his work in 2019 on youtube and he is awesome. I think he doesnt wrestle in that hard style right now as he's probably told not to


My interest in Danhausen is similar to Stokely (respectfully and relatively, Stoke is more entertaining than Danhausen), I wanna see them do goofy entertaining stuff but I’m not worried about seeing them wrestle


Don’t DARE put any disrespect on the Big stoke


But "With all due disrespect" is my favourite Stokely quite


I will never get over "you raggedy bitch."


“We need a champion that smells like Tom Ford, not Burger King and Newports”


I say this regularly. I think about it at least once a day.


Chuck TaylorTM should never be disrespected like this


Sorry I don’t quite get what your saying but I love any kentucky wrestler so yes chuck taylor is 🔥🔥


Back in Chikara (Iirc) Stoke bought the rights to the name Chuck Taylor and as such he wrestled as Chuck Taylor


🤯 I have heard so many great things about Chikara ( Eddie vs Claudio) etc. how do I go about watching


It used to be on IWTV but after all the allegations came out, that may have changed


It's damn near impossible to watch Chikara legitimately


Which led to the list of [terrible wrestler names](https://youtu.be/ifolC4Nt140?si=_7zhRxPah3Rp4GXo)


Much like Tony Khan, they’ll pay for their crimes.


Yeah his only role should have been as a manager. Maybe one who wrestled at the end or near the climax of an angle. He obviously should have gotten physical at times because he's a train wrestler but he never should have been the center point of anything


The craziest part to me is that being entertaining as a manager is a much more long term career prospect. It doesn't matter if you get injured, it doesn't matter if you're old, you are still getting screen time. Guys like Paul Heyman and Prince Nana are integral parts of main event acts.


Absolutely agree. A manager first role who gets involved in a few matches here and there seems the most appropriate for his kinda character. It would work as a heel or face.


Stoke ain't a killer, but don't PUSH HIM.




This. The character is great, reminds me of Bill Hader doing his Vincent Price thing, but only in his Youtube-type videos. The character around the ring, there just isn’t much there. Stokely, Nana, even Luther add to what is occurring in the ring in the manager role. Danhausen not only doesn’t add to the table, he actively takes things off the table because he’s distracting without being funny or memorable. His wrestling is adequate at best, strictly replacement-level stuff. He isn’t like Orange Cassidy where he can blow you away in the ring. I don’t dislike the guy, I love him when he’s wrestling-adjacent, but he has never once impressed me in any capacity when he’s physically in the building. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is (pretty much) the entire issue with Danhausen. As a wrestler he was \*OKAY\*, his main selling point was his character. And the 'what weird shit could Danhausen do this week'. Not "god I hope Danhausen has a match this week" He was better as a character, not so much a wrestler and I will die on this hill. AEW has plenty of great wrestlers, a 'good' or 'okay' wrestler will get lost in the shuffle if they don't have an interesting gimmick behind it. And Hausen was only an "Okay" wrestler. So.... /shrug OC for example. (Even though I don't really care for Orange Cassidy- even though I'm actually watching him rn for the Don Callis Family bit. i NEED this Heel OC. i didn't even know I wanted it) He is mostly a great character (for most people) but he can also wrestle \*really fucking well\*. So if I had to choose to book OC, or Hausen? yeah I'm gonna give that slot to OC every time.


He was never someone that a major company should be booking. I wouldn't have minded if he was involved in like a 24/7 title scene. He's basically a prop. 


The only thing I am sad about that we never got in AEW was Danhausen doing a Nosferatu or Phantom of the Opera gimmick with Toni Storm.


That's a great idea. And when that storyline runs its course he could slowly start getting more and more into the horror movie stuff and bring out his darker side while making a great heel turn. I say heel turn because Toni is supposed to be heel but we all know she isn't.


He's always been entertaining to me. Injuries certainly slowed his momentum. (as I recall, he broke his leg literally a week before he was supposed to debut in AEW) I don't know how true the Pepsi Phil thing is. They seem to be friends, but there's other guys in the locker room who are friends or admirers of Phil and have had no issues getting booked. I do feel like AEW could have used him better. When he broke his leg they could have had him doing video promos making fun of the Gunns which would have kept him fresh in people's minds. You'd think with O.C. feuding with Trent that they'd bring him back as a friend to Orange. Danhausen is - for the most part - a fan favorite and sells lots of merch. Just based on that you'd think they'd have him appear on TV a little more often. There's plenty of people he can feud with.


> a fan favorite and sells lots of merch. Just based on that you'd think they'd have him appear on TV a little more often While it's not near as much as Danhausen, another wrestler this describes is Hikaru Shida, and Tony Khan hasn't ever used her beyond a "banger matches" source and an emergency champion, despit being consistently over every match and always being at least a top 20 merch seller each time she has new merch. Khan has favorites for sure and you can tell who he signed just because of fan pressure or merch potential and nothing else.


He was injured for the bulk of his time with the company, and then seemed to be SUPER Pepsi Phil sided after stuff went down. Add to that not being particular strong in the ring on the rare occasion he was available, and you just don’t have a great fit for AEW.


He’s a comedy wrestler in a company whose standard for a comedy wrestler was Orange Cassidy, one of the best wrestlers on the planet. Doesn’t have to be a big deal he just wasn’t suited to AEW’s type of show, most likely because he’s not a good wrestler. I think people will probably try to look for things that aren’t there, especially when him being friends with Punk, I don’t see that being the case though given FTR have faced no backlash at all. I imagine he’ll either go back to doing really well on the indies, maybe he could go to NXT but I’m not sure if WWE would have interest.


That's such a good point about Orange Cassidy! He literally raised the bar on what it means to be a comedy wrestler in this day and age, and he's still active right now. I have no doubt he will be funny again in ring someday. But yeah, he's given a path forward from doing comedy to serious in ring competition and being backed by the fans the whole way.


He should have been used more in a way R Truth is used. Where he goes around getting into mischief backstage and whatnot. I don’t think TK got DH at all and just signed him bc he was popular online and never knew how to make it work on TV


A missed opportunity was him doing a danhausen at night talk show bit but the thing is they have soo many bodies finding the tv time is hard.




just wanted to say that Two Minutes to Late night rules


I don’t think R-Truth would work in AEW in my opinion. I mean the character by the way, he’s actually still a pretty good wrestler even at this age. But anyways, I don’t think a comedy jobber works on AEW TV on their own, Cutler was probably the closest thing to it and he barely ever got on TV. That’s just my opinion though.


I think it could work…esp as mostly backstage stuff Like the Dinner and a Movie RJ/Renee have coming up. DH could wonder on set and mess some stuff up Or a backstage segment has someone get beaten up and DH comes by and takes something (a jacket? A shoe that came off during the fight? Whatever) and thinks it’s his now. Just a background character in the AEW world that just exist doing weird stuff. I know people don’t like comedy in wrestling but he could be a fun character.


But he is a good wrestler. Watch his matches back in 2019 before he signed with aew. He just changed styles to match the weak comedic figure they wanted to do


I agree. Danhausen is a goofy comedy act. Which can definitely work in wrestling, but I don't think he has what AEW is looking for in such talent. He's more tailored for segments and silly gimmick matches than normal wrestling matches


Check out his current indie run, and you'll see what we should have seen in AEW. While he's no Ospreay or Danielson (and I'm pretty sure even he isn't deluded enough to think he is), he's no where near as bad as people make him out to be. They just let the comedy gimmick get in the way of seeing what he can actually do. As others have said, he does have range, it's just unfortunate he never got the chance to show it. If there's one thing that AEW did give him, however, was star power. It allowed him to be shown to an international audience, gain connections and no doubt opened doors to other avenues. Never say never but I think, for now, this was it. Although I still live in eternal hope he'll pop up again on TV somewhere.


Thank you for this wonderfully positive take


It may be small level for him now, but I REALLY wanna see him interact with the talent at Chocopro and be in that venue. Would be hilarious to see how he does it.


What you saw is basically all he is. In the Indies he would mainly talk and then do a really light match that involves a jar of teeth and him dancing to the Tequila song like Peewee. It was a fun comedy gimmick that got him over. He broke his leg and TK helped him out while also making some bank off Danhausen being a merch seller. I think they both made out fine during his time in AEW and I am glad he wasn't pushed.


When they sign guys like Tony Nese, you may wonder why, but they're at least good at any situation you match them with. With danhausen, TK didn't even pretend to say he was good. I remember at some presser, all he said about the hire was "I know he has lots of fans". But weird hire anyways. I dont know if the merch was worth it if all it did was make him disgruntled


I mean Tony Nese is a dime a dozen in AEW. There’s nothing about him that makes you really care. DH has a character that could be interesting if used correctly. I said it above but in an R Truth role where the character is funny more so then you care about in ring work. He’s a bit of a lower card sidekick that gets into things somehow or accidentally


Nese is having twins first born so now he got something to fight for


Thank you so much for being the first person to actually answer my question and not IMMEDIATELY start talking about Punk


Honestly, I thought the gimmick had some legs if used and developed properly. Idk if the wrestler behind the gimmick is just a one trick pony or if Tony Khan just didn't know/care how to use him effectively, but it is a shame.


I think he definitely could have done more than just the curse routine, and he did get to do that one match where he got relatively serious, but they needed to invest in the guy a bit more when it seemed like they never really had a plan beyond him showing up and selling merch. I'm not sure Tony Khan really gets him - even with Orange Cassidy he supposedly had to be talked into it by the Young Bucks and then came around later - and if the promoter doesn't grok what you're doing, it's going to be really tough to get anywhere.


I was eager to see where DanH was going to go and evolve. But yeah, he didn’t seem to go anywhere. Wrestling needs more goof balls — there is so much seriousness… I’m so tired of the faux anger (if you think you’re going to win, you’re wrong!). I want more weirdos and freaks out there


Danhausen is the perfect Indy wrestler. Sometimes stuff like that doesn’t translate to TV. It happens. He was injured when he was hired and then got hurt again while working there. Just bad luck


Danhausen probably already showcased his specialty. The Hookhausen type story. Nobody can do that story better. Be funny and annoying, but not too good of a wrestler. So his foil is never in danger from him and has to become his protector after first not being able to stand the guy. He could do that again and again, and fans would eat it up every time when the annoyed heel or face finally shakes his hand. MJFhausen. Okadahausen. And surely he hoped for a Punkhausen run. The problem is there is no endgame. He's not good enough in ring for a break up and feud. There's never finale. They would just fade from each other and he'd do it all over again with someone else.


You're basically describing R-Truth


Danhausen is fine, he got injured too much, and while his schtick works great on the indies where you can compartmentalise matches, I don't thing his stuff works on a cohesive TV show, It has its place, sure, but he was never going to be anything more than a lower card job guy. Also, he's a surprisingly decent wrestler, just his comedy schtick got over more than him doing all these moves and stuff, so he stopped doing the moves and did more of the stuff that was getting a reaction.


It seemed like they dropped the ball there, honestly. The fans were ready to jump in on him. There were injuries but they never leaned hard on his schtick. We should have seen so many more video packages and backstage bits with him. He wasn’t used to his potential imo


If I'm completely honest, I never really got the appeal.


I’m inclined to agree. I still don’t get the appeal.


I really like Danhausen. He’s not Omega level in the ring by any means. But he’s entertaining. He has been on TLDI, and was funny while he was on. From what I gathered, he moved A TON of merch. I feel like he could’ve added some levity to the show. Kind of like a metal R-Truth.


Amazing how he ended up in the AEW video game when you think of it


People seem pretty negative on Danhausen here, but I really loved him. He's fun a little freak and wrestling can never have too many of them. Thought he actually fit in AEW quite well as well, so I hope the rumours aren't true and he can return as a fixture


He never even got a chance to do his stuff Between injuries and shadowbans, he was put with Best Friends (a bad call imo) and never got the chance to be proper Danhausen, who is essentially a male Elvira meets Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 meets Peewee Herman


I like what he brought. Could have been a powerhouse for merchandising and outside promotion. He has a huge fanbase who don’t watch wrestling and that could have been utilized. It’s a cold world though.


Seeing how injuries also kept him out of action it's difficult for me to say he had a good or bad run because we never know what the plan was before the injuries and now with all the top talent that came in where would he fit


He wasn't really used much and had injury issues.   Any character can get over if booked well.  I don't think his run is a full reflection of his ability to get over.


Danhausen hanging with the House of Black, and being an R-Truth type character to Brody King. Would be really fun. He was doing that with the Best Friends, but no one really cared why he was there. Lots of spooky people to put Danhausen comedy with. How about the Righteous, they'd kill in a backstage promo.


Some acts just fit better on the indies.


I'm pretty sure the original gimmick was that before he did the facepaint and sort of Midnight Movie Horror Host thing, he did a heavy brawling style, then shifted into the goofy stuff as a joke and it went over. And, in character, the idea was that you could (theoretically) get him to revert, but it would take some doing. Also, while there was a joke to it, the joke didn't stay the same exactly? Like in TNA, he would have his evil plan to betray his tag partner onscreen during the entrance because he knew he didn't watch their matches afterward? ("Danhausen's going to betray him- he trusts no-one who wrestles in jorts"). Or the time he flat out admitted that his "Curse" was mostly pointing at someone and either getting paid or taking credit for the next bad thing that happened to the 'victim'. It could have been, a little bit, played like when Chris Jericho thought Orange Cassidy was behaving like a pool-shark. (Pretending to be incompetent, to surprise you with a lot of competence). Or like how you used to be able to antagonize the cuddlier version of Mick Foley until he went full on Cactus on you. They just didn't. Now, someone who apparently didn't do well when "the lights were brightest"- Warhorse. I think they had a lot better expectations for him than got delivered on.


Thank you for a comprehensive rundown of the character and how it all ended up here.


I love Danhausen, and AEW definitely underutilized him. He's a wonderful character who should be used as some sort of comic relief, rather than a serious wrestler. Let him and Colt Cabana work a match, or have him harass the Dark Order until he becomes their leader. Maybe make him the man in charge while TK as away until the Elite smash him, or work him into the Toni Stormverse. Just let the man do his schtick and I will laugh.


So…I didn’t get Danhausen at first. I heard a little about him, watch some of his YouTube stuff and it just didn’t click. Then RoH went under and he posted a video at an A&W drive through trying to get in contact with Tony Elite and everything suddenly clicked. I totally understood him from that moment and was hooked. I don’t know if AEW hurt or helped him but I think he helped AEW. He was responsible for bringing the Ass Boys out of Dark and into what they are now. I don’t think Billy Gunn would be with The Acclaimed if not for that early Ass Boys angle. He was already on The Last Drive In before AEW, had been interviewed during the Pandemic by Conan O’Brian, and had a loyal following on the indies. More people were introduced to him via AEW but it didn’t affect his overall character. I think it was mutually beneficial for both parties but I am a little disappointed that the more wacky stuff seems to be getting pushed away in AEW.


I dunno how well Danhausen could've worked long term in AEW but I definitely feel he was hurt by a lack of consistency in tv time and stories. And I think the role they most consistently put him in (comedy character who just happens to be a wrestler, but is a jobber outside of brief moments) was far from a guarantee to work, especially for such a niche, odd character. Maybe if they had really stuck with him as Hook's on again off again tag partner, things would've been different. He's definitely from that time when AEW was signing seemingly every wrestler with a following they could, which in hindsight was inevitably gonna be nearly impossible to make work with everyone (especially pre-Collision).


It was baffling to me that they paired him with Best Friends. To me, his best use would have been as a side character or manager on his own. Give him a talk show. He is an entertainment oriented character. He was never going to hold the world title, but it was frustrating knowing that they could have done something much more meaningful and entertaining than they did with him.


If I booked AEW, I would put use Rampage or Collision to showcase the best in comedy wrestling: Danhausen, Colt, and OC, of course, but also Ethan Page, Effy, Darin Corbin, Grado, Maki Itoh, Chuck Taylor, Dan the Dad, Super Atomic Thunderfrog, Man Scout Jake Manning, etc.


Hookhausen was great and I'm still not sure why it just ended so abruptly. Everything else was meh


I think there are two reasons Danhausen didn't succeed in AEW aside from injuries. 1. Same as all the wrestlers that get lost in the shuffle; too many wrestlers, not enough tv time to feature them. Its just become the sad truth with AEW that some acts, despite their talents, will fade away. 2. Despite the fact that the majority of fans loved Danhausen (the pops he got were undeniable) there was also a loud minority who hated Danhausen. I remember watching a match of his during the Hookhausen run and there were two people standing directly in the front row facing the hard cam. They loved Hook but whenever Danhausen got involved, the made a point to show their disapproval which is a really dick thing to do. His gimmick was unfortunately too polarizing despite the majority of fans loving him.


The story seemed to be. When he was hurt and could have been on screen as a character or doing side bits. He didn't want to travel so didn't show up. And when he was healthy he wanted to be used as a high work rate wrestler, but as good as he may be he wasn't as good as the stars he'd have to work. But he made his name doing the fun danhausen character during the pandemic. Playing social media and getting his name out. Soon as AEW happened that seemed to stop. Now it's very much " you know me danhausen! Is that not enough" There was a spell where he could have been a crossover star in media, but that seems to be fading. You look now at how RJ has been an indispensable part of AEWs media presentations. Danhausen could have been that, but with more wrestling added. It'd be great to see him really shine. But it seems his goals are shifting but those goals may not balance with his strengths


He decided that being friends with Pepsi Phil was more important than being in the good graces of your employer. 


I mean wasn't here there before Punk was there? Like I'm asking what his indie career was like and what was different about it? Like what specific strengths did AEW not play too?


I looked through his cage match once and I seem to remember him being featured in a lot of tag matches. The thing is with a gimmick like that, it relies on a lot of goofy and funny interactions with the audience, that you wouldn't really get on TV and wouldn't make sense to the TV audience if he tried. Comedy wrestling is probably the one type of wrestling that has to change most when it progresses to TV, most other wrestling is just a case of knowing where the cameras are. Also comedy acts on the indies (or house shows) can pull the same jokes pretty often knowing that most of the audience wouldn't have seen it before, you can't really do that on TV. It's similar to seeing an actual comedian, the lines they use while interacting with the front row are normally repeated, but it doesn't matter as long as the audience aren't seeing every show A year or 2 before AEW started I saw Santana and Ortiz at an indie show and they were absolutely hilarious, but they definitely couldn't get those jokes over on TV I see it from both sides to be honest, on one hand his gimmick gets old fast, but on the other hand, he probably deserves a little more TV time before they give up in it, he hasn't had loads of time to experiment and switch it up.


This is exactly what makes orange Cassidy so fucking good. It's a gimmick that by All rights should never have translated from indie spot shows onto national weekly TV.


Thing is the initial gimmick was used sparingly, he got over as a side character, then developed the gimmick before it got stale


Helps that OC is a genuinely great worker.


Let's be real, fuck any job that tells you who you can and can't be friends with.


I would consider myself a big fan of his, but still even then I’m like bro wtf r u doing? you’re no matt cardona, and punk or ethan don’t guarantee you a spot anywhere.. Also considering he was already on the brink of retirement before this gimmick&it’s injuries, kinda makes me start to think he’s satisfied with his merch sales and that’s really just that:( I do hope I’m wrong though.


You need to back up gimmick with wrestling. Orange Cassidy is an example of someone who did it exceptionally well. Danhausen not so well.


Didn't he get hurt and miss time after almost every match he had? I also think doing serious Danhausen would've helped. His gimmick is fun, but a more jekyll and Hyde approach would've been more fun.


They should have given him a Piper's Pit, highlight reel, Waller effect type segment. He could have got his character over and got other guys over at the same time. He literally got big by pretending to be Conan O'Brien possessed by a demon


There was plenty of opportunity to use him in a comedy capacity regularly and they dropped the ball with him. He’s entertaining and they wasted him.


The thing that you need to understand about Danhausen is that his current persona was basically born out of necessity. He didn't want to be a goof. Just like everyone else, he wanted to be a cool dark scary badass, but no one cared. He started doing the comedy and suddenly people gave a shit. I can imagine that creating some kind of resentment, especially when you finally get your big break and they don't want Danhausen: the wrestler, they want Danhausen: the dancing monkey. I don't know the man personally, but I do know a lot of comedians and they are some of the most miserable people on the planet. I got a lot of the same vibes from his social media. He still wants to create a path where he can be taken seriously. That's never going to happen in AEW. Even if you put all of the Punk stuff aside, it was never going to work.


I just feel like his value is based in promos, and he never tried to get anything on tv. Like he could have been interviewing people, he could have been a 3 minute comedy promo thrown in the midst of an ep. The vibe i get from aew, is that it’s not a place to wait for some guy to be like, ‘hey maybe we should see what danhausen can do here ?’ But more a place where you take time by force. Dude was like, “i’m hurt.’ Meanwhile Brit Baker is Britt Baker because of the shit she did hurt.


I love DH but man he was disappointing in AEW and I felt like if he didn’t get injured he could have made something work. He literally got injured not long into his run 


He’s a comedy wrestler who doesn’t have anyone to pair up with anymore. Hook is occupied in the Jerichoverse. The Beat Friends are broken up and done. Those were his two best avenues for TV time unless he agrees to pay-per-appearances and shows up at random times on TV or PPVs.


Danhausen would make a great manager, if he went more towards promoter/manager and focused his talking to a less weird style, he would be great to watch.


Fun gimmick, hilarious guy, just not setting the world on fire with his actual wrestling is all. Never has.


He can work I've seen him on the YT in matches. I've seen some of his ROH stuff. But he's been injured just about his entire AEW run. Also, Tony likes a different style with more flipping.


I wish I could have seen him breakout his PPV gear one more time. I was really digging it and it looked badass in contrast to his normal TV gear.


“Genuinely not a hating bone in my body” ok Kendrick /s


LMAO you fucking caught me red handed


Danhausen is not like us lol


Really fun YouTube. Would watch him even if he wasn’t a wrestler. Incredible comedic timing. It’s very ITYSL


They could have easily added him to the Toni Storm stuff. Like Nosfaratu in the black and white stuff.


I met him in 2019. Super nice guy, great ring work, and overall presence. This was at a time when MJF was just popping. I'm not sure if he had much of an on mic presence and I didn't think he could really cut a promo. Overall a fan! *


He got over by staying in character in YouTube videos. He was injured for most of his time in AEW. I imagine they didn't renew him because his buzz kinda died by the time he got healthy. He can work, he's pretty good, and he connects with the audience. He's very much an Orange Cassidy kind of talent, it takes the right circumstance for him to get over, and some people don't get it. He just had bad luck and unfortunate timing in AEW. I wouldn't be surprised if we see him in NXT, because Punk likes him a lot. I imagine if Punk vouched for him, he'd get an NXT run, and actually do well in that weird world.


This is a good video on who he was before AEW: https://youtu.be/CY1TeGJ6qHA?si=Y7dKNDxVEAU_bIaa


I think the problem with Danhausen is that he doesn't really come across as a manager and he's not a full time wrestler so there's very little that he can actually do. Short term you could have him go on a singles run where he loses all the time before stumbling on a few lucky wins or something - I think they already did something like this with him in ROH before AEW. But there's nowhere to go once the story is over. I feel like he could have had a comedy thing with Dark Order. Have him curse some people with random unrelated consequences. DO start following him and want him to be their leader, let them go on a tag or trios run before the inevitable payoff of him being found out as not having powers etc. But that just totally kills the character so there's not much milage in that either.


Danhausen can work. Character stuff and his in ring stuff is actually stellar when it isn't in character. I think he just struggled to find a spot on television and that with his injury put him in a spot that was useless to them. His affinity for punk likely didn't help though. I think there are quite a few casualties of that and we will still be yet to see all of em.


Danhausen is a special limited gimmick. Aew didn’t ruin him. They just didn’t use him as much. He also has had injuries that has really hindered his tv time. Unfortunately, he doesn’t fit into what’s going on at the moment on tv. The best friends have broken up and that was his spot. Aew / danhausen needs to find another spot for him. I’d either put him on ROH or stick him either with the righteous or the dark order.


From my understanding, I may not know the full story. I think the gimmick was fine, I never saw that being the issue. He sells a lot of tees, has a lot of fans, and always see the mask being sold and worn at shows. I think it's in part the injuries he had, and from what I perceive a lot involving Punk leaving AEW and Punk's resentment and bad mouthing of AEW rubbing off on him with how close they are. And they are very close. FTR has carried on, but Danhausen seems to hold a grudge and be very on Punk's side. I know a few Danhausen fans who have been pretty pissed with his comments defending Punk and Danhausen being negative towards AEW.


Without spending an hour of my life reading the whole thread... Danhausen was hilarious in the Indies. Most of the things that made that happen (jars of teeth that he poured into opponents' mouths before hitting a superkick, doing a dance routine to Tequila playing over the sound system while kicking his opponent, pimping his match with the angle of trying to get human monies so he can be on TV and take over the world) just couldn't happen on TV. The parts that were left weren't enough, and he floundered. The injury right after he debuted the darker side really didn't help. He did nothing to help his cause by joining the Whine About TV Time brigade, and I'm sure his friendship with Punk played a part too. He's not great in the ring, but not everybody in a promotion needs to be ZSJ or Danielson. You need some variety, and he provided it... But he just didn't have access to his full range and got injured before he could adapt.


Sometimes the same joke becomes stale until you beat it until it's funny again, after a couple of months it never got funny again


Danhausen ruined Danhausen. Dude thought he was bigger than he was but he's a gimmick that runs thin real quick. He's not good in the ring and kind of smug.


Pre-injury he was pretty good in the ring, unfortunately in AEW he never got the chance to bang out the ring rust. It's too bad.


He's a comedy wrestler who himself admits he is basically all gimmick and knows he isn't a great wrestler. He is fine for a one-off here and there but should never be a featured player. His wheel house is the indies because his strength is crowd work, which is much easier to do to a smaller group. I would love to see him at one of my local shows, but that doesn't mean he needs to be on TV.


Danhausen is simply a guy with a fun gimmick who knows how to promote himself. Anyone who saw him before AEW could tell you that he is far from being a great wrestler. The gimmick was always going to have a shelf life in a big promotion tbh. The indies is where Danhausen thrives.


Anyone saying danhausen cant wrestle can watch this from before he was with aew: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgBhSBGJh0g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgBhSBGJh0g)


I think AEW dropped the ball on him. He could have been a fun midcarder who lost most of his matches but did entertaining promos and segments. I know he was injured a lot but he could have been used while injured in interviews, hosting segments, etc... He's a lot of fun if you don't try to take him seriously.


I agree. It's really weird they did all that promo work for him last fall...and then nothing. At Dynamite they were selling merch for like 4 talent: Copeland, Mone, Ospreay...and Danhausen. The guy moves merchandise and if there's a place for RJ City and Stokely Hathaway, there's a place for Danhausen.


Maybe I'm the only one but I always thought his "curse" was really cringey. I kept waiting for him to have a decent match but I guess he was never healthy enough.


All the "its because he´s Punk firned" narrative is BS, plenty of Punk friends or at least people that had said positive things about him still get pushes or consistnt tv time hell Samoa Joe who is one of his closest friends and he was champion a month ago The problem is that AEW has grown and mature so much since 2021 that really he dosent fit in the current landscape of AEW Like really ourside of Moxley, Jericho, Omega, Hangman, Cody,Bucks and a copule of ex WWE guys the company was filled with a bunch of wrestlers that only work indies or TNA at best compared to today that everywhere you look the roster is stacked from Swerve to Danielson to Toni Storm to Takeshita to Mone etc. AEW from 2019 - mid 2021 he would have fit perfectly, at that time the company still had a bunch of indie acts like Dark Order, Sonny Kiss, Jimmy Hvok, Alien Statlander, Nakazawa, Marko Stunt,Librarians, and more over the top acts Nowdays the company has evolved so much that there´s no room for that type of stuff anymore, even people like Orange Cassidy or Statlander had to evolve and mature to be taken mosre seriously and all the indie act are either so far in the undercard like Dark Order or gone like The Librarians or Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela Danhuasen dosent look like a real challenger to Swerve or Adam Copeland,or a main eventer that you could put against Osprey or Danielson for a PPV, his gimmick is to indie to be taken seriously and realisticlly his ceilling is trios or tag team champion but really there are no other over the top wrestlers like him that could help him reach that level. he thinks he´s main event material but in reality he´s just like an R-truth a guy that everyone loves and apreeciates everytime he appears but that everybody know he´s not made to be a top act They should just let him go and still continue be the main atraction of the indie scene like he always was,


I think the difference between him and the likes of Joe, FTR, King, is that they are friends of his but don’t let it get in the way of doing business


Did Danhausen have some business issue involving Punk?


No, what was meant there is that FTR just get on with their jobs and are friends with Punk in their personal lives, same as Brody. Danhausen is friends with Punk and has made it his personal mission to constantly tweet about it, undermine AEW wherever he can and basically just be a nuisance unnecessarily. It's one thing to side with your friends when you're hanging out, but if your employer sees you bitching them out on social media or just endlessly complaining then it's not a surprise they might not look on you too favourably.


I always found him very entertaining, but I don’t really know if he can wrestle which makes me assume he can’t. He definitely was never booked to get much offense in.


I thought he was better used and was more entertaining in the original ROH, so I still think he could still be capable of more. I think he could still be entertaining in a company like TNA if given the chance but it’s hard to see him getting traction in the current AEW.


I would’ve liked to see him have a talk show as a way to highlight other feuds and the guests could play off his wackiness. If nothing else he would’ve sold a bunch of merch


With the success of R-Truth (amazing wrestler but funny character) I think Danhausen has a chance in WWE. He's not a good wrestler but he could be an amazing personality or even manager that wrestles sometimes. Maybe a tag team with a serious brute character. TK is too ADD for Danhausen


There’s a difference though. Truth’s comedy shtick works because he can work a match without it fully descending into relying entirely on the gimmick. Danhausen just isn’t able to do that, and nobody wants to see him do that anyway


I’m told he is really entertaining but I’m never given examples that I agree with. Clearly he’s for some people though and good for them.


He's more than what he was presented as, despite what people repeatedly say when this topic is brought up. I've watched his matches long before he was in AEW and he does have range. he's been a wrestler for over 10 years. People dismiss him as a joke because they only know the joke parts. It's not the whole of that character.


He's wrestling in my hometown in Dublin Ireland just before All Out looking forward to seeing him and Nic Nemeth then heading off to London a short while later


He’s huge in the obscure entertainment world. And love every bit of it. Dude is amazing. Go watch his matches as Kid Gorgeous. Under the gimmick. Dude is an animal in the ring.


The biggest draw I had to wrestling and AEW was the gimmicks. I care zero for "big guy from Canada vs. Other big guy from California" non stop. Give me a fucking vampire wrestler or someone whose supposed to be a ghost. The silliness is what was bringing in new fans.


I mean... yeah. I saw him on the indies before AEW in Illinois, Glory Pro. No one else there had a painted face and a cape. He stood out, running around with a jar of teeth. He had merch, not many did. His match was a big mob of 3 guys and 3 girls trading spots in a cage, he did a couple good suplexes. He did leave you wondering what the story with him is... but there isn't one. He's a weird skinny guy.


TNA should be a good fit for him. However since they let go of Scott D’Amore, who knows.


This is where the indies can be as detrimental to guys as it can be helpful. Popping 500 absolute die hards or even the IWC is a lot easier than getting a gimmick over on national tv. Especially with wrestlers, fans become very tribal and will put over shit that has no business being put over. Then these guys get on tv and wonder why the average fan isn't entertained by a guy who's only move is to point at people.


I love the gimmic i just wish he coulda showed how he wrestled like he did in the indies. I mean the jar of teeth kick? Creative af just wasnt allowed to flourish in aew


Dude was always injured. Character was great but he just can't go in the ring consistently enough.


I've seen Danhausen live on Indies and met him. He's a cool guy, funny, entertaining, and decent in the ring if he actually gets a chance to show it. That being said, his real gimmick and what gets him over is crowd work. Intimate crowd work where he can talk to the audience while working in the ring. This A. Does not transfer to TV, and B. Does not work in Arenas with larger crowds than 150 people. The more people, the less intimate of a fan experience he can give you. Danhausen works really really well on the indies, and in companies like GCW. But my biggest fear when he got signed to AEW was that he'd lose that special talent, as well as not be booked to wrestle, but to be squashed. My fears came true :/ So it's both a Danhausen gimmick problem and an AEW booking problem.


The best usage for guys like him is to be the comedic foil playing off a straightman that he can bounce off of. Hookhausen is the realistic ceiling that he should expect to have. I don't even think he could go as high as Santino Marella, who secretly *was* legit, or at least could pull out more legit spots when the time came, but that was just never the case from Danhausen from what I've seen in the few matches he has had here. Someone else brought up RJ City, a guy whose best asset is his talking, so DH could've been used more on the media side of things; in fact the two of them interacting would probably be a hella entertaining duo. If he had any aspirations higher than that, then sorry bro, but that was just never in the cards for you.


I think he's maybe the stiffest (in general movement, not wrestling striking terms) and most awkward wrestler I've ever seen on TV. He moves like he's never done any of this before. I think he's entertaining, but in the ring, he just isn't good.


Danhausen could be very useful as a cowardly heel manager of a stable. Let the lights cut out in random matches, big pyro hits ala Kane then spot light of Danhausen somewhere in the arena cursing the ring followed by his job squad mauling both guys in the ring in the middle of a banger. Danhausen can cut promos on being disgruntled and not waiting for opportunities anymore. Give him a stable of guys like Lance Archer, Big Bill, Brian Cage. Just monsters and Danhausen. Over time one of the monsters turns Babyface and maybe you get a star out of it. It will get over because AEW rarely has dq finishes and a heel purposely ruining bangers would get him huge heat that could used to get someone in his stable over huge later.


If you want to see how Danhausen is supposed to fit in the more serious presentation you like [this](https://youtu.be/KgVSIR79194?si=P3KYm3oFlMKrCJqM) is the match for you. I think Danhausen was fun to watch when he was the only silly thing going on.


Hats a question hundreds of thousands of people asked when he debuted and during his run. Seriously, if you don't live on the Internet or keep up with obscure Indy shows, you'd never have a clue who this guy is. Let alone what his gimmick is, or why the average wrestling fan should even care.


He's a fantastic character and a really good wrestler. Loved him before AEW and will continue to do so if this is the end of him there. His matches in GCW lately have been a ball. I don't really know what's going on with AEW. There's got to be some sort of behind-the-scenes stuff happening because there's no other reason to not showcase him. Hell, they were promoting him a lot around Halloween and then... nothing.


I loved Danhausen but I don’t think I totally got him. I thought he was just a comedy spot but he clearly sees it differently. I have to say everytime I’ve seen him I’ve fully enjoyed it but like a lot of people are saying the gimmick has a low ceiling.


Danhausen ruined Danhausen by being injury prone and seeing his arse over CM Punk


I'm not entirely sure what you were expecting.


Aew took something with a lot of comedic potential of a very evil very nice almost doofus with mispronounciations and pop culture references and neutered it to "cursing only" immediately. All because Tony doesn't get it and has too bloated of a roster to give it the time to figure it out. He was on record saying he doesn't get orange cassidy either but he gave him proper time to develope and screen time when fans cheered and now Orange is one of his aces (IMO) Danhausen could gave been AEWs Golddust or Rtruth just running amuck and doing "evil shenanigans" he wasn't to rule the world by becoming famous on TV and making lots of human money. He really flushed that character out in the indies, HELL even Cornette who notoriously hates pretty much everything likes Danhausen and understands the comedic character. I think this problem with Punk isn't the sole purpose for the usage he has had but it certainly doesn't help, if punks friends were all getting punished Brody King wouldn't be on TV and Samoa Joe wouldn't have been champ. What's more likely is danhausen didn't get enough time early to make a big splash and get that crowd behind him as much as he could, then he got hurt and was off tv, and now momentum and punk alliance seems to have cut his legs off. They had a top merch guy who organically built a character that was funny and interesting who was good enough in the ring to keep up with the big level guys and entertaining enough to make smaller programs entertaining too. I'm not going to say he could have been a world champion on this roster but he's definitely great enough to be on tv each week. Shit QT Marshall was on tv for years here.


> HELL even Cornette who notoriously hates pretty much everything likes Danhausen and understands the comedic character. Cornette liked the concept when he heard about it. He hated on Danhausen in AEW.


Cant say I blame him TK used him horribly so far. He is so far away from what was hyped coming in. You have a dentist on your roster gor crying put loud and I have to watch a YouTube show (hey! Ew) to get an interaction with those two?


He used Danhasuen to peak potential from First appearance to Hookhausen. Over with crowd, full use of act, except for teeth, and this was the period Cornette hated him just being on TV.