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People, this isn't a spoiler. It's reported news.


I needed this news, feels damn good to know that my fave is returning soon. He's my emotional support cowboy lol.


I will always prefer him to Swerve! r/hangmandidnothingwrong




I love the idea of him joining the elite not because he agrees with anything they are doing in fact he might even try to fight them later, But that he just wants to kill swerve.


See I keep thinking hangman needs to be the wildcard. I could see him trying to consider which team to join but is gaslighted to join the elite but later turn on them in blood and guts or he joins team Aew and fucks them over just to get his hands on swerve and beat him down


Sting just retired, Tony Khan knows how hot this type of angle can get.


>he joins team Aew and fucks them over just to get his hands on swerve and beat him down Reminds me of CZW vs. ROH Cage Of Death with Danielson & Joe.


Such a simultaneously dope and terrible move. Great for the story but then one of the top guys is missing from pretty much the entire match.


At the same time. It also makes no sense why he would join up with them, even to get at Swerve. I seem recall they publicly ridiculed and fired him from The Elite. Seems he can still get Swerve without joining the guys who keep screwing him over. While also getting back The Elite for treating him they way they did.


"Hangman, you attacked an official, unfortunately, we must suspend you from the elite". "Kenny? We don't even know where you are, you haven't shown up to work in a while. so unfortunately we are going to be FIRING you from the elite" (This isn't word for word but is pretty much how it went)


Exactly, it was definitely deliberate that Hangman was only suspended from the group for battering referees, and he'd presumably have been suspended from AEW too in storyline so the Elite can say they were just carrying out a formality, but Kenny was fired for having the gall to be ill. Excalibur was still very much treating Hangman like a heel too having no sympathy for his suspension, only for Kenny's firing. I'd be staggered if he didn't rejoin The Elite when he returns and that's been my viewpoint since he first went off TV.


They suspended Hangman from The Elite. They fired Omega. I see him joining back up with The Elite and face Ospereay at All In


Yeah the suspension basically felt like "we don't wanna do this, sorry, we have to". Which is funny considering their entire heel turn started because Hangman was too obsessed with Swerve which cost them the ROH trios titles shortly after winning them


I see what you're saying but you might be recalling that incorrectly. Page had been feuding with the Bucks/Elite for a while but had mended fences and even went on a brief run (like 2 months Sep to Nov) with the Bucks as the RoH trios champions at the end of 2023 before getting sidetracked by Swerve. As Page was descending into obsession over Swerve, becoming more vicious, and starting to get booed over it, The Bucks were also morphing into Extremely Violent People themselves. Even though the Bucks were feuding with Kenny & Jericho and then Sting and Darby, they didn't really interact much with Page who was pretty instantly consumed with the Swerve beef. Now the instance you are talking about when the Bucks restructured the Elite (YouTube clip here: https://youtu.be/rm0xGvbEzGI?si=1WLgZZ7vnx8Xwa-3 starts off complaining about their loss but then shifts to the restructure roughly 03:15 in) they never actually mocked Hangman. They were clearly playing up and faking being sad about doing what they were doing. But while they did mock Kenny for missing dates for no good reason (even though he was battling a serious illness) and then fired Kenny from the Elite, Hangman was only "suspended indefinitely" for putting his hands on two officials at the PPV (perfectly reasonable and seemed more like it was winking about how their own suspensions were handled previously). Given that the Bucks like to mix their facts and fiction when telling a story, and that it is being publicized that Hangman had personal stuff to deal with, I could easily see them and Hangman play it off as the Bucks using their executive privilege to give him a needed vacation instead of just fining him. That said the suspension was "without pay" so that might be a sticking point. Or they could hand wave it as the time off was worth more than the money, or even have the Bucks claim to have continued sending Hangman a check anyway.


Disagree that it makes no sense. It could easily be justified by The Elite promising Hangman a title shot or spot in the Owen tournament, in exchange for being the fifth man. His hatred for Swerve won't allow him to pass up on the opportunity to tear him apart and receiving a possible title opportunity (presumably against Swerve) just for agreeing to take part. Doesn't make him part of The Elite or even friends with them. Only further reinforced the reality of his obsession with Swerve causing him to lose all sense of morality.


You seem to be mixing up Kenny and Hangman. It was mostly mutual annoyance between Hangman and Bucks. He wasn't fired.


The Elite break up and get together more than Ross and Rachel. Especially with Swerve on the other side they can work together for at least one match before breaking up again.


We all have to make sacrifices. 


Hangman will join The Elite & face Swerve and 4 other absolute dudes for Blood & Guts and I get to be there in person. Life is good


I think 3 of those 4 other absolute dudes might be The Acclaimed which….would not be ideal.


I sure hope its a red herring


I think Caster may turn on Bowens and Daddy Ass.


Well. Guess i'm Team Elite.


We hate the acclaimed now?


Reading through the thread, Tarus basically said exactly what I think. I don’t hate them, but I’d hate to have them in Blood and Guts. Daddy Ass clearly can’t bump anymore, hence the one sided ass beating of Jay White. Max’s schtick has worn thin on me and his in-ring isn’t close to Bowens. Bowens is the only one I’d want to see in the match. Agreed them getting that hot is no accident. Would like to see them get back to the tag scene with DA strictly outside the ring.


I don't really \*hate\* them. It's just that they are in a limbo that honestly feels like it detracts from whatever program they are in. When they came out to help Swerve my first thought was 'please god no, don't do this. keep them away from swerve' Probably came with how bad the BBSG ended up. Daddy Ass needs to get away from the acclaimed. And honestly, Castor needs to either go through with his heel turn and ditch/free Bowens, or he needs to change something up. The raps have been weak, the times on tv have been fairly mid. (which is possibly why they have been 'helping' swerve,) (A split might actually help Bowens more in the long run)


Happy cake day but I guess I am still pretty high on the acclaimed. I think how hot they got wasn’t a fluke and they can consistently still be great team that makes you wanna tune in. I completely agree that their current story’s have been a lil weak and disjointed for sure


Thank you (didn't even notice). That's completely valid. I don't think they are bad at all, my biggest knock against them (outside of current booking feeling flat to me) is probably Castor's ring work. I feel he could definitely get better there. But not everyone is gonna be Swerve, or Ospreay, or Fenix/Penta. Everyone has different opinions (and that's okay). A case in point is Jericho/Toni Storm The learning tree/Timeless are either loved or hated. With zero fence-sitters.


Same!! I lost my shit when they announced Nashville! I've never seen a gimmick match of this scale in person, hell the only gimmick match I've seen IRL is a normal ass cage match! gonna be fuckin wild!


I’m out of town 1 Wednesday out of the year and it’s the fucking Blood and Guts match.


I hope it was some sort of delayed paternity leave for the anxious cowboy


I hope instead of joining The Elite as most people want him to or guessing, he goes into The Owen instead. Hangman was the next face of the company and he should win the cup and face Swerve at All In for the championship. Hangman deserves his run at the top and being crowned the champion.


Why not both? He could enter blood and guts and also enter the owen. But I disagree with you, I dont think he should win. Hangman vs Swerve would be an incredible match and I love their chemistry but it isnt currently all in main-event material. I think Bryan should win the Owen to face swerve at All In.


I mean it's going to be whatever Tony books it as, but i feel it's a good way to get Hangman out of The Elite association for a while and do something new. Plus Hangman and Swerve have a better history. If they have actually convinced Bryan to be a champion they can always have Hangman drop the championship to Bryan 3 weeks later at Wrestledream and have him carry it till his final appearance as a full time talent. & Bryan and Hangman have a lot of history too, given their 1 v 1 matches and Bryan going through the D.O. to get to Hangman the first time around and then the whole Golden Elite vs BCC.


Also agree with him doing both but totally disagree it isn't All In material. Swerve/Hangman have a built in rivalry, IMO one of the best AEW have ever had, it's a genuine blood feud, they have a history of delivering incredible matches and Hangman failed in his quest to stop Swerve winning the title, it'd make sense the first chance he gets he'd try to take it from him himself. Plus both will have been involved in the biggest storyline in the company right now if Hangman does enter Blood and Guts. Just has way more heat than any other Owen Cup winner Swerve could face. Would be a nice contrast to last years main event too which was all about friendship, make this years all about pure hatred. Danielson getting his moment would be amazing, and I'm not convinced there's a finish to a Hangman/Swerve match that could come close to matching that, but I'm not sure he wants it, in fact I'm pretty sure he actively doesn't. It's almost cruel to tease it because it feels like a match with Nigel is very possible and it'll be a let down for a lot of people who now think Danielson is going to main event and possibly win the title (and who knows, maybe he will). I actually thought they might do Danielson/Ospreay II at All In but not so convinced now and with the Ricochet news I think he could end up being Will's opponent.


![gif](giphy|jpuY3VWoXXZLOPltFz|downsized) Welcome to flavor country


Hope the guy can stay around now.


Things haven’t been the same since Hangman’s been gone.


Blood & Guts!




# 🤠


He is definitely joining Elite isn’t he. Especially if Danielson wants the world champ on his team


In order for a universe or a narrative to avoid Chaos, real or implied, there must be laws and rules. Which amount to things you simply cannot do. And Hangman never forgiving Swerve for breaking into his house, could qualify in AEW’s storytelling universe. In a weird sort of overarching way, it could bring a sense of order to all else, if it is maintained, and because it draws a line. And really, not threatening somebody’s kid, is as good a choice as any.


The news I've been waiting for 🥳


Isn’t Hangman from Virginia? Does he return as early as next Wednesday? Either way I hope he comes back soon. I want him on my TV


What would have been amazing is if it was never leaked, never reported, and he just showed up. The pop would be massive. Now? Won't be as big, because it won't be a surprise. It'll be big, yes, but it could be bigger.


This roster is getting healthy just in time to make All In incredible and I can't wait.


Thank Dog. I miss that Anxious Millennial Cowboy.


I mean he was anyways at point so is this really news?


Good. I’ve missed my favorite wrestler




I had a heart attack because I misread it and thought the headline said “retiring.” Jeeeeesus


Anxious millennial without a cowboy, checking in 🤠


Damn when i saw the title i thought we were gonna see Cowboy James storm…but alas it wasnt to be :(


This sounds like a spoiler to me


Cowboy is so boring.


Your comment is boring 🥱