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He is a family man, bro has got to provide


I had a guy do this to me. I caught up and am now bullying him back


A true revenge story


I had a guild member flex in guild chat for beating me, two days later I finally found his ass and got him twice šŸ˜‚


Lmao my guild members hit me like 30 times in total every day. Gotta spank them once each, then push the other guilds down


lmao, same. i ended up farming a guy who used to farm me whenever i saw him. feels good.


I get 8-9 attacks from one person almost daily. Worse, they usually share their strategy that beat my defense with their guild and they all farm me.


That was me sry


here's my advice for you, just try to stay in Champion for the shop, consume your daily attempts on some weak opponents then dont open Arena for the rest of the days. Also dont click on the log button. You'll notice your trophies dropped, but as long as you dont know who hit you, you wont be tilted. Unless ur a spender and you care about how your money didnt win you fights.


Where's the step where I rank into champion, because i don't get an opponent who has maxed out supreme everyone 3 stars plus as my challenger every week for the last 4 weeks? Otherwise, I can't follow this advice


Right? So much of the content for this game assumes you're at endgame with no explanation of how to get there beyond "use koko odie antandra core" Well gee willickers Jimmie I sure have learned a lot, thanks.


It's people who opened their wallet with wanting to admit it, the same people who tell others to just "buy a home" when their parents paid for the deposit.


Well, what info would you like to know? I'll be happy to help. Shit, you can join the discord and get help from anyone in my guild. We'll look at your team, assess, help w/ formations, etc. I'm a guild leader w/ a top 5 guild and the guild is mostly F2P except for like 3 dolphins/light spenders. People put way too much concentration on how much power whales actually have when someone actually understands tactics. We farm the whales on my server. I can share OP's screenshot daily where I've pissed off the whales and all of them farm me back. That doesn't mean they're unbeatable. I'm doing the same in Supreme Arena. Hit me up (and anyone else reading this). We're friendly people who enjoy the game and just like helping. I don't even care what server you're on or what guild you're with. No requirement to join my guild either.


I would absolutely love to join a guild like this..


Well, we're on S240 with a smaller guild on S400. But you're also just welcome to join the Discord and get questions answered for free :shrug:




they're just farming you as if you were mere fodder lol


Agreed there should be a limit to how many times a player can attack the same person in a day


There sorta is, if you bully someone enough they'll drop out of your matchmaking range/you'll advance past them too much. Everyone gets bullied, everyone bullies someone else it all balances out.


how is someone who is 1300 able to attack me 5 times in a row and im only 1100 AND THEY GAIN RANKING from all 5 of the wins? EXPLAIN THAT SHIT


Everyone being able to equally abuse a system is not balance, and this isn't a system where everyone has equal access in the first place due to it being a gacha so heavily reliant on dupes to progress.


It's still distasteful. They shouldn't even show up in your list to challenge more than two times a day max. And some people still have daily hunts for certain players they know they can farm.


I live for the blood sport


Not for the guy on top


It's pretty silly that this is allowed, and this is a bit extreme. But gotta take those guaranteed wins


Facts man idc about arena I just wanna get Champion for the coin


Yeah exactly. My server is actually fairly light on giga whales, so as a relatively moderate spender I am in the top end of arena. And I need to avoid some others you dont wanna hit. Like we are a pretty socially active guild, so we choose to never attack each other, then theres 3-4 giga whales where I would never stand a chance and also other teamcomps of "weaker" players where i would need to test 2-3 attempts to see how i can beat them or not, since its not exactly trivial sometimes - but that costs too many points if it fails. ...Which leaves me with like 4 people out of the pool of players in the top20/30 that I know i can beat 100% of times i challenge them, which does feel shitty to pile up on them, but its pretty much the only thing you CAN do, once youre in champion... Though in my case its only costing those players 3-5 points per battle, so its not like a daily 60 point tax or anything, but still feels pretty shitty.




I created a spreadsheet for those who I easily beat, lose against, and have close/lucky wins. After so many refreshes, I will either pick a close win or new opponent.


the determination is respected.


Same, but I didn't go through the troubles of creating a spreadsheet. I just check the log for which enemies I beat before, and just look for them. You gotta do what you gotta do to stay in champion.


Gotta reward them for spending more money than you. Itā€™s a feature, not a bug. Just spend more money, and now you can do it back to them!


the stupid thing is the whole refresh thing that shows the opponents you just shuffled -.-" wtf


It should also be illegal for 9/10 people to use the same 2 characters together and force this kind of behavior šŸ¤·


Tbh I'm not even reading my opponents name so might've done something similar in the past. I attack based on composition and power and half the teams look more or less the same anyway. I wouldn't even notice if I attack the same player five times.


Same lol


Same lol


Agreed that this is distasteful however the current points system promotes such behaviour. Arena actively discourages higher ranked players from experimenting and potentially losing a couple of matches. The reason being that you can loose as much as 5x on a loss compared to your gain from the win. So that incentivises repeat farms on your ā€˜safeā€™ wins. Providing 2x bonus points for 1st win against each different target everyday would solve this problem overnight imo.


Iā€™m so frustrated right now because, I like solving puzzles and I like to learn by doing. I can read guides all day, and learn like 2 things. I just canā€™t comprehend without doing it myself. I have no confidence in arena. Iā€™m scared to even go into battles because I only have limited tries, and failing doesnā€™t feel good. I go back and read about stuff, open the game, and fail the first attempt. I canā€™t even stay in top 100 arena when I just got #3 in Dream Realm. I donā€™t know what to do. I wish I could at least just run mock battles after I spent all my regular rank coins for the day. That way at least I can accept my losses now, and have some way to learn from them. Itā€™s frustrating. I want to solve puzzles but the game wonā€™t allow me.


Tbh just Reiner cheese everything possible on offence. And if you have m+ Thoran, you can swap your dps in with Reiner, while reducing their damage taken through the Thoran chain. Prioritise swapping their Rowan. If they donā€™t have Rowan look for the highest damage threat. If you decide to swap in a dps, just make sure you donā€™t swap it in range of their Thoran šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m #1 in my server, and 200 points ahead of second place


Unfortunately there's no easy way to stop this (one person harassing you) as far as I know outside of just building a team that puts them specifically at risk when attacking you. You might even consider changing your map, that can be enough for them to stop since it will require them to have to at least rearrange their team about, depending on what you do with your set up. What I do is just build an as scary looking comp as I can and I just don't get attacked. I'm trying to finish off my Scarlita asap so I can solidify this, where I kind of just hover at the edge of the top 100 and use it as a passive stargazer source and not take pvp seriously beyond that.


That's your opps bro


The arena in this game is so extreme dogshit.


When you are in the top there are only so many people you can beat


Iā€™m in the top 5 waiting for promo fight at the end of the week. The system gives me the same 4-5 options no matter how much I refresh.


Thats awful


I wake up to this everyday. And yes, quite tilting but i got used to it. XD


it happened to me once. but i pm-ed him and told him not to farm me on Arena anymore bcs i need to stay at champion rank. Glad he said since i requested it nicely he will let me go. We became friends since. But I still have my motivation to defeat and do what he did to me one day.


I hope they get divorced




If you happen to get someone you know you can win against, it doesn't make sense to not pick them. I absolutely remember those I can easily win against and if I get lucky enough for them to show up on my list then I will farm the hell out of them, you rarely get that lucky, but you take your breaks while you can. If you're not doing that yourself, then you're doing yourself a disservice, it is literally the main way to climb.


Rank 1 attacked me 4 times and got around 15 points total from 4 wins I attacked him once and got 17 points


There is already win trading in this game. Nothing is illegal.


Mihai is just doing some honest work.


Just top up and bully him back


me on the top 17 on qualifiers shivering for the next 60+ hours I only do actual 2-3 arenas because the rest i skip if i know i cant defeat the rosters. i need to do just 1 time champion so i can unlock the reward, after that i dont care if i go back to legendary.


Is this under Arena? Im still at legendary 2?




I went from being farmed by this dude everyday, to being top 3 with only VIP 6 ($70) https://preview.redd.it/iy25wrzjex1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00132361f77019f39ac660a099b0b2fa545bdb15


Oh hey look its adramahlik from hit game divinity original sin 2. Someone call lohse


If you can message his , just type a small message " dute-n nahui" , trust me , he will understand


Mihai is fucking you up bro, lmao !!!


And an arch rival was born


i have the same problem in top 10-15... there should be a limit on how a single person can attack you on a single day. twice a day should be enough and they should look for different targets instead of keeping on finding the same person over and over again...


I remember doing this to someone on afk arena. They got butt hurt but I had tickets to use. Then I got blocked by them. Don't over think it unless you aactually have a chance of winning. Even then, I set my teams and leave it as it.


I did this to people frequently wasn't a whale but like 3k in


Dude wants to be number one in something I guess.


Youā€™re going to hit your true rank regardless, whether itā€™s him 10 times or 10 other peopleā€¦


Why are they booing you? You're right.


Didnā€™t even notice. Lmao šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I swear my true rank is bronze can someone drop me out of this stupid """champion""" hellhole already (But like why you wording this like its league of legenda lol)


That's not how math works. If you don't lose but other people gain points over you the difference to make up is smaller. If you lose a match, you not only give the opponent more points but then lose some of your own, further widening the gap. A player farmed like this has to do significantly more work to get those points back and with limited matches per day there's no guarantee you can catch up after getting targetted like this.


Just arrange your team properly.


Git gud


Its fair ig


Crying will help you expel your weakness...




Itā€™s never that deep.


It is, its called harassment.


What would you do on the normal AFK? That's pretty normal


Skill issue.