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Hopefully Open Ai rethinks their policies a bit so we can do nsfw stuff like Handholding in our stories


Yeah open AI is not going to rethink their policies.




After enough time, you wont need to worry about openai's policies, as new ai is developed outside of the control of openai.


I want to compliment it because the ui is very good and because it's not laggy like ai dungeon but the free trial is too short, i can't even finished the character creation like damn, i guess it's reasonable but i just can't do digital purchases whatsoever


Hello! That seems strange, maybe you somehow spent a lot of time in the character creation mode, write to me on discord and ill give you some tokens! (You also gain more tokens once you register) and thank you for the nice words on the ui! edit: also adding this: You can sign up on openai as a developer, copy your api key and insert into arcaneland, then you pay us nothing, only openai. (Read more about this at the bottom of the main post and also on the site)


I already insert it on arcaneland and it already said it's saved but how can i activate it? It still told me to buy more token when the token run out


Did you insert it on the account page? Please dm me on discord and i can help you easier


I'm bad at discord. Can you put up a link to the discord?




I made a necromancer and raised an undead minion then found an eccentric alchemists in the forest who gave me a musty tome. Infinitely better than ai dungeon. What sort of cost are we looking at to pay for open ai add use this extensively? Very very cool though dev man.


Thank you so much! The cost is based on tokens which is based on the amount of characters per request, so it varies depending on if you are having short conversations or long storytelling texts. It seems like you would pay approx 3$ for 1000 messages to openai, and 5$ for 1000 messages when purchasing through us (if you want to support the project) openai recently slashed prices by 90%, (which made this project feasible) hopefully they will do that again in the near future as the tech develops further, then we can offer more tokens for the same price đź‘Ť


honestly, trying it really wets my dnd player appetite, so you've got that going. you're at the point where i (a person who almost never considers paying for something if i can get a version that i feel works for less) would pay for it.


I'm wondering if someone with a license from WOTC could make a client with all the rules from DnD incorporated, being fed into the AI in conjunction with the player's entries, with an entire campaign worth of quests and NPCs and lore programmed in, if we couldn't have a real honest to goodness DnD campaign that you can play through with an AI dungeon master that's competent. That's something I would pay a solid monthly subscription to be able to play. Someone please make this.


This is exactly what we're building over at [https://www.fables.gg/](https://www.fables.gg/) .


This is honestly great! I use my own API key and I'm having a blast. Very cool option.


\>This is based on OpenAI, we just want to make the best game possible, that is why we allow players to use their own OpenAI API Key you cannot be serious


Just wondering, do free players have any way of replenishing tokens


relaly enjoying this so far going to possibly make a video


video on it as promised https://youtu.be/-UnIz8fLFfA


Looks and feels good so far. While I know that it's still WIP, you could look into adding a possibility of integrating a novelai API key too, the guys at tavern AI managed to do it.


Maybe when NAI releases new models, but it would be incoherent garbage with NAI in its current state. I guess if having loli porn be part of your campaign is a deal breaker it could work.


Nah, I just want to avoid OpenAI as for as possible.


Looks interesting, imma check it out.


Thank you so much!


Happy cake day


Wow, this looks so cool! Definitely checking it out later!


Neat! Will definitely check this out.


Interesting. Slightly odd that you can't choose the gender of your character. But the AI is very coherent, nice transitions between quests


It seemed to forget very important points in the story, maybe i expected too much for chatgpt. Still quite fun and i will continue to text. I like the UI. Could we have the option to incorporate some image generation? Maybe use Stablehorde or give the user the option to use their own Stable Diffusion server?


Maybe some means of having the AI generate its own small memory block could work. The game AI Roguelite has a functionality like that where the game itself gradually creates its own memory, but it's pretty rudimentary. I'm sure with ChatGPT behind the wheel it could do better.


This is amazing and I think gonna take over in big ways. Me and friends love to fuck with these and have literally just screenshared and used chatgpt to it’s limited degree for this. What are limitations on Multiplayer that only “quests” work?


Hey! To anyone that currently uses ArcaneLand for multiplayer, has it been working for you? My sister and I have been trying to figure it out, but every time we hit the "activate multiplayer" button, nothing happens. I have been looking everywhere for a guide on how it is supposed to work but have come up short. Thanks.


Is this proyect getting updated anytime soon?