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NTA, and your son shouldnt be going either if his siblings are excluded


what's OH? husband?


Other half we’ve been together 5 years and our son is 2 


NTA. Your husband’s mother is. Who does that to children? What gramma doesn’t want more kids?? I’d tell my husband he can go if he really wants, but not our kid. Who cares what they want him for. I think I’d also question why my husband would want to go. But now I’m also thinking why do you guys even have contact with those people?!? Good luck!


Was this done purposefully or is this a child free wedding? Perhaps your son is the only kid invited because he’s in the wedding? How did your future BIL explain the invite to you? No one is forced to attend a wedding. If you don’t want your son to attend then you have that choice. It appears there is a lack of communication here. What is your partner saying about this situation? NTA


Wedding invite wasn’t explained just given excluding my kids that aren’t my parters No theres other kids it’s not a child free wedding and he’s only just been offered a role 4 months to big day when it’s already planned I find this odd.  My partner said he will go with our son which I think shows he thinks it’s ok to divide the kids and I’m hurt by that. I said he can go if he wants to not support my decision but I don’t agree with him taking our son. 


Not one of the 5 of you should go. Send polite regrets, and stand by them.


NTA Your OH can do as he pleases, but you and ALL of your children should stay home.