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NTA. If family is so important to her then maybe she shouldn't have been a colossal dick to her brother.


“Family” is always really important to people who want to say whatever they want to family without real consequences


If this is how she treats her family why r u with her




It isn’t that she was mean. It’s that she deliberately 100% shit the bed when it could easily have been avoided, blamed OP for *her* shitting the bed, accused OP of not caring for her, then complained that OP isn’t doing anything to help her clean up the bed she shit in.  *”her family is really important to her”* If she doesn’t hesitate to crap on someone important to her, how will she treat OP




Sounds more like it was a 'kicking the dog' scenario because she was in a bad mood; that's a huge red flag


Are you Johnny Depps lawyer?


Are you Amber Turd’s?


Its really not that deep, sounds like typical sibling roasting to me she just didn't read the room this time.


Buy him the audiobook version so he can read along with it if he's having a hard time. It's a great way to enjoy books in a different light.


Dude, never head of this before but it's a great idea


If you go to Amazon, most of their Kindle books come with a checkbox that allows you to purchase the Audible audiobook at the same time so you can listen as you read.


That's a wonderful idea!


Why isnt this the top comment?


I’ve done with this books I had to read for school, it’s really helpful


NTA and tbh your girlfriend with her line of reasoning that this is your fault is actually in fact the moron. 


Nta. Dune is a difficult book for most 12yos. Gf is am ah to her brother. And then an ah to you for saying it's your fault.


Ssshheeet - I found myself having to go back and reread some pages or flip back to refigure out what was going on in the first books. It's a complicated storyline with nuances. I think op did a good job by giving the book, encouragement, and that his gf's little brother could benefit from it. The gf however, she needs to learn some scruples. Her actions were selfish, calloused, wrong, and really fucking mean extra-especially for a 12-yo sibling that I assume she feels love for. Her blaming bf? Well - there's other fish in the sea if a relationship is important to Op.


NTA and it's Sarah who is the moron. Her brother is over it and maybe you should be too.


Sorry to say, your GF lacks character. The good kind, anyway. You've seen how she abused her brother and blamed you for it, and she wants you to fix it for her. She is not someone you can build a good relationship with. Move on.


NTA, siblings roast each other all the time. The kid will be fine and get over it but your gf is kind of an AH for suggesting this was your fault because you bought him a difficult book.


Not just for blaming OP, but then essentially trying to emotionally blackmail him into helping her fix her own assholery. Only time will tell if she develops a genuine sense of accountability for her actions over time.


Yeah, siblings can definitely tease each other, but there's a line, and it sounds like Sarah crossed it.


She crossed it in spades.


if calling your sibling an idiot crosses the line, then i'd be surprised if there were a pair of siblings literally anywhere that hasn't.


It depends on how it was said and how it was received. There are days I can call my sibling an idiot or flip off my parents and we all walk away laughing but there are other days that feelings are a bit more fragile or it's just not the right time. This was sister failing to read the room.


That's not a roast at all. A roast is meant to contain obvious humor, like "You're so stupid you thought a quarterback was a refund", but this was just mean.


A 12 year old put your GF in a timeout? That is the funniest thing I've heard all week lol


I like it too, but more because the b deserves it.


NTA. Sarah was classically mean girl. Even if she thought the book was easy, calling her brother a moron was cruel and vicious. That's completely on her. Blaming you for buying him a too-complex book is doubly wrong - first of all, if the book was too complex, her brother certainly wasn't at fault for struggling with it, and secondly, nothing justifies her action. Sarah knows she messed up, she can't dig herself out so she is striking out blindly to find someone to get her out of the mess. I think she hopes that since you have a bond with her brother, you will intercede for her with him. You shouldn't. She needs to accept responsibility for her mean-girl action.


NTA. She's showing you who she is. Listen.


Your gf doesn't like taking any responsibility for her own actions, does she?


NTA. It's not your fault she chose to be mean to her brother on his birthday. You're right. It IS complex but he could totally do it, and each time he rereads it, it gets better. I read Dune at 11/12 myself.


When people tell you who they are, believe them. She’s cold.


Have his sister buy him so Sci fi books he might like. I would recommend off to be the wizard series. It's fun and not to hard to read. My nephew and I read them when he was 11 there are like 7 books in the series now Dune is a bit harder of a book. Lord's of the rings , foundation or wheel of time levels of hard (well wheels of time is more hair pullingly boring at some pints not jard) Maybe all three of you should read a book series. That way his sister can bond woth both of u during ot.


The *Foundation* trilogy is my favorite set of books of all time, and in my view (and rated) much less complex than either *Dune* or *Lord of the Rings*. I think they would be ideal for a 12-year-old, but one who is okay with the slower pace of books of that era. The *Lord of the Rings* trilogy is incredible, of course, but pretty dense. Most 12-year-olds would probably skim over a lot of the detail in those books. The *Dune* series has the highest rated reading level of all of them. *Dune* was a truly amazing book, but I personally thought the sequels got progressively worse.




If by series you mean the TV series, just be aware that the series is barely based on the books - it differs in very fundamental ways. I am enjoying the series, but not because of my love for the original books. Asimov was never about action ("space opera"), but rather about what he called "social science fiction," and young people who have grown up in the streaming / quick-cut era might not enjoy his work all that much. If you're going to look into Asimov's work, consider looking at his short stories - the robot stories are justifiably famous, although somewhat dated (you can get a used copy of *The Complete Robot* collection for about $15 including shipping), and "Nightfall" was voted the best science fiction short story of all time in 1968 (you can also get the collection *Nightfall and Other Stories* for less than $15 online).


They are great books that I read in middle school. But if the kid feels Dune is a bit complex the. I offered a different easier series and there is plenty in there for the sister too. They can all enjoy it and talk about them. I suggest reading off to be the wizard. Really good


NTA for not helping her, but this would be a good time to help HIM. Sit down with him and tell him that book can be a HUGE slog to get through. Feel free to tell him my story: I am an avid reader. In my late teens, I plowed through 1 or 2 or 3 full length novels a day. It took me days to get through that book, it was one of the first SF books I just couldn't make myself care about. I tried the next one and I couldn't get more than a chapter in before I just gave up. Some people love Herbert's work, I'm not one of them and never will be. So treat this as a "I didn't like that" experience, not "I'm not smart enough" one. And for God's sake, don't buy him anything by L. Ron Hubbard next year.




NTA but your gf is.


Your girlfriend is a nasty piece of work. Why the hell did that come out of her mouth?! And then she blames you?! She’s toxic


>But Sarah, who was in a terrible mood from her football injury, told her brother ‘No, it’s not that difficult. You’re just a moron.’ - Sarah then said to me ‘I messed up, didn’t I?” NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW You think?!?!?! For someone who was quick to tell a twelve year old that one of the more doorstopperish novels of the Scifi Genre is simple and he's stupid she apparently needs confirmation that she's an asshole who just savagely hurt someone six years her junior out of pure unadulterated malice? OKAY! >But he wouldn’t accept her apology. I told her I’m not sure what else she can do except for wait until he’s ready to talk again. I mean, that's literally all you can do. Her brother isn't a puppet. Your girlfriend can neither throw him on the ground nor pull his strings to get him to say what she wants. >She began talking about how it’s my fault getting him a book too complex and that I should help her out more HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMG! I get that you're all 18, but your girlfriend just showed you a really immature and trash aspect of her personality, the inability to own her own mistakes. She flips this on you for getting a kid a book and respecting either his present ability or the potential for him to grow and learn as he reads the book to find it enjoyable even if frustrating. She then emotionally blackmails you on the basis of showing you care by helping her yank her foot out of her mouth. Good fucking god, I can't with your girlfriend... Your girlfriend needs help, but in a fashion you cannot help her with. She's clearly got issues. NTA


Oh, absolutely, YTA for not immediately donning your superhero cape and swooping in to save the day after your girlfriend decided to audition for the role of 'Villainous Sibling' on her brother's birthday. How could you possibly resist the charm of being blamed for her foot-in-mouth moment? Clearly, you should've known better than to gift a complex book, obviously a setup for an emotional meltdown and sibling name-calling. And, of course, damage control is definitely in the boyfriend job description, right after mind reading and before emotional punching bag. But seriously, maybe next time, just hand out a manual titled "How Not to Call Your Brother a Moron 101" as a side gift. Seems like the real struggle here isn’t with the book, but with mastering the ancient art of apologizing without shifting the blame. Maybe that's a sequel worth reading.


The problem appears to be that your girlfriend is a complete piece of shit.


NTA. The only moron is the person who asked ' I messed up, didn't I?' after insulting their pre-teen brother's intelligence. At least he is trying, many people would've given up on reading it if a Fantasy book was giving them difficulty.


NTA and run


She's a whining little responsibility-avoider. She said a shitty thing, she's getting the consequences that happen when you say shitty things to people, and that's not on anyone but her, and you or SOMEbody need to tell her that if she's eighteen and hasn't learned it yet. Being in pain is one thing--I'm chronically ill and in pain almost constantly, and I can be irascible as hell, but it's tone of voice and short, snarly responses, not deliberately being an insulting c\*\*\*. Pain is NOT an excuse for that (and I am someone who knows for a fact pain can absolutely wreck you in general.)


Nta Maybe she can buy him the audiobook so he can follow along with the copy you got him.


Tell her it was her fuck up, not yours and she is the one that needs to fix it. Tell her if family was so important to her then she wouldn't treat them the way she did. Then walk away from her, telling her she knows where to find you when she is ready to apologise to you too.


NTAH, you sit down and talk with him about anything his sister does to upset him, then explain she would like to make it up to him because it wasn't his fault for her being annoyed, she just had a bad way of letting it out and it was NOT supposed to be directed at you I'd hit her with the full checklist of likes and dislikes, actually TALK her through the thing, not "you should do this and not do that." it should be."He's uncomfortable with this or how you say that. Can you explain your thoughts differently?" Also, remind her, "I'm supposed to be family too, and I've given you my honest answer. If you truly feel like that, then I see myself just like your brother. " Truly, I worry about how she treats you or will treat you when you really become 'family' to her


NTA. Don’t find excuses for people who acted like dicks. She might be in a bad mood, you might have offered the book, she might have an injury… in the end she alone decided to shit on her brother. She is responsible alone and should apologize alone, keep out of it. And even if the book is too hard, if the bro did not like it, at 12, I’m sure he would have dropped it for the moment - that’s not as if you were having him at gun point.


Your gf is an asshole, for saying that and for blaming you afterwards


No, it's HER fault for being a jerk. That's what you should tell her. It's not your fault she called her brother a name. I'm just impressed that a 12 year old wants to actually read a book.


NTA, her fuck up, she should sort it.  Maybe the kid would do better reading the first dune book first, even though he’s seen the film. Knowing what’s going on could help get him past the wall of the writing being a bit dense. Haven’t seen the film myself but I remember struggling with the book when I first tried to read it, probably when I was about his age


NTA No, this is all her fault, and she needs to learn to take accountability. She chose to insult him, and that has nothing to do with you.


How is her terrible personality your fault ? And why is it up to you to fix her awful mistakes? She’s crazy


He really needs to read Dune first (Messiah wouldn't make much sense, even after the films, unless you've read the first book). Sarah's best move would be to try reading Herbert herself, realize how hard it is (especially for a modern tween) and apologize again after she knows what she's talking about. NTA


Wow. My sisters and I can be mean to each other sometimes when we're playing around. But to insult at a kid purely because she's had a bad day? Ew. NTA. I'm not sure what exactly she expects you to do. You've given her good advice. She needs to let him cool off. That's the absolute least she can do after being so unnecessarily cruel.


She’s a moron


NTA but your girlfriend is. Especially for this: >She began talking about how it’s my fault getting him a book too complex and that I should help her out more if I really care about her since her family is really important to her, instead of letting her handle this alone. Tell her you're helping her learn how to take responsibility for her actions by not allowing her to make it your fault she doesn't know how to think before she speaks. Makes me think her apology wasn't very good and didn't actually take responsibility either.


NTA. Sounds like your gf is a twat. Is this a common thing for her... ruining shit and then finding ways to blame others? Because that's a pretty big red flag in a partner, especially since she so casually said it to a child/loved one that seems important to her. You're going to spend your whole life hearing from her why what she did is your fault, have fun.


Why on earth are you dating someone who thinks it's okay to bully people?


>She began talking about how it’s my fault getting him a book too complex... Don't let her turn this on you. She said it. It was her mistake. She needs to own it.


The Dune books are not in anyway easy. They are great books, but they are not that well written and certainly not a casual undertaking. She is a total asshole.


NTA. Who tf just straight up says rude things, not even tries to hide it and then asks "I messed up, didn't I"?


Your girlfriend sucks. LB won’t accept her apology because she probably treats him like shit all the time. And then she turns it around on you, as if it is your fault she called her brother a moron.


NTA your girlfriend fucking sucks dude


NTA, yeah your gf is just an all around ah. She’s just a bully with no accountability, she’s trying to push all the negatives onto you. This is her mess to fix. Tell her it would probably help if she was genuinely a nice person instead of a bully. Her brother might be more willing to accept her apology.


Both my kids and husband have problems reading. All are very sensitive about it, and although only one has been formally diagnosed as dyslexic, and all have succeeded in school so far, all of them would be devastated by this comment. Your gf knows this, bc she is his sister. She is a horrible person. He is at a risky age--you don't want him to accept this view of himself, and it become a self-fulfilling prophecy. You may have to get involved to try and help this kid understand that he is not dumb, that you admire him for reading the book, and explain how many bright adults have problems with it. We read books aloud even when the kids were in university. Especially small print. Google has an app to read aloud books for you (one kid has it). You might want to read the book with him, even aloud, and talk about it with him. You are NTA--your gf is. But you may have to rescue the kid. Not bc it is your fault, or your responsibility, but someone has to help him. And your gf is too nasty to see what she has done and make it right. Maybe she can't read well? You often hate in others what you hate about yourself.


12 year old struggling with a book needs a different kind of help, not coddling.


It isn't your fault for getting him a difficult book. She was likely taking her football injury and frustration about messing up on you at that point. I'm also going to point out that it isn't that you are unwilling to help her, you just don't know how. If you knew a way to help and were just withholding it? Yeah, you would be an AH here. Now that said, unsolicited advice time. Help anyway. Find a way. If family is important to her, you will only make her think better of you by helping. If the kid likes you, and it sounds like he does, talk to him yourself alone first. Explain what you think happened (she was in pain and took it out on him, it doesn't make it right, but she knows that and is very sorry.) Listen to him gripe about his older sister for a few minutes, just don't join in or defend her. Then ask if he is ready to hear out her apology. Chances are he will be. If not, and you have the money, offer to take him to see the movie again with your GF/his sister. Check to see if he would like his sister to help him read the book to make up for it, check and make sure she is willing first. Oh, and just because an internet stranger gave you some options and now you have some ideas as to how you could help it wouldn't make you an AH for not taking them. One last thing though, assuming you want her parents to like you, something like helping to settle a squabble between their kids will earn you points there.


Well, this might not be a particularly popular viewpoint, but most 12 year olds are morons. Anyway, she’s definitely an AH tho.