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The needs of the kids are of premier importance whme it comes to allocating assets and visitation in the divorce. If she isn't doing half for the kids, who are the ones who are really losing out in this divorce, then she doesn't deserve half of the assets. You need to preserve those for your kids' needs. If she argues, tell her you spent her half of the money on groceries for the kids.


NTA. She broke the contract not you. All bets are off.


If all you are withholding from her is her share of that car, I’d say she is getting off easy. NTA.


Agreed. She did get €15k already 🙄


NTA Go back on the agreement, she sounds worthless and abandoned her kids that you pay for. And she probably won't send any money to help raise them. Keep everything to help raise your kids


Ask your lawyer , what remedies for living in another country and no support . Maybe if she doesn’t pay if she ever comes back she is arrested or maybe judge wirh say use her 1/2 of assets for support . Dont give anything g till Lawyer tell you


I know why the kids like you more


NTA - Your children's needs come before anything or anyone else, and she has not met her end of the agreement, so at this point staying friendly is the last thing you should worry about.


NTA- She didnt keep her end. Why should she get 50/50 shes gotten to keep 2 years of child support.


NTA - Is she legally on "child maintenance" or that was verbal too?


Bearing in mind she left her job and moved from the UK to France, I've not followed up on the legal route.The discussion on the subject went something like this - Me - "Are you intending to help pay towards the kids. They'll cost me quite a bit each month." Her "I'm giving you nothing." The second conversation went like this - Me - "Are you going to help or not?" Her - "I have no money but will buy the kids things when they need them." The third conversation went like this - Me - "Are you going to help pay towards the kid's keep?" Her - "Sell the car and I'll give you something." But while she might give something, it won't be anywhere near where it should be. I want to take that option away from her so I dont get shafted any more.


I know nothing about the legal stuff in the UK. But is it possible for you to look into the legal route of getting money to help raise the kids? Even if you sell the car and get 9k after the 1,700 you've put in, that's only netting 7,300. If you take that and divide by the 2 years that's only $304 a month for the last two years that she's helped provide for two children. What about the next few years? She helped make them and therefore needs to help pay for them. As I've said I don't know the UK legal system, the court systems, or anything like that but I would try to look into any resources or the cost of trying to get legal financial support for the kids.


NTA keep your and the children’s fair share plus what she will owe until they are both 18. She’ll have to come back to fight it.


so you paid for everything that the kids needed while she couldn't even be bothered to pay anything towards anything for the kids especially in the shit show of UK economy that is today, and all you are wanting to refuse to split based on an agreement that can't be proven is a car? wow you are willing to let her off easy. If I'm correct in UK verbal agreements in UK are not legally binding and if in the divorce you weren't made to pay her anything then don't split the sale of the car with your ex and instead put that money towards your kids or split that money among your kids in some sort of savings account or a trust fund.


Now it's in writing.


NTA. Subtract everything you paid for that she should have paid part of. Then tell her that she still owes you for the kids.


NTA. She broke the marriage agreement and the agreement that children and their expenses are mutual responsibility. You wouldn't be breaking any agreements; you'd be seeking your best position within the agreements she broke.


NTA at all


F her


Genuinely laughed out aloud reading that 😆