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Did you post a while back about the him not getting you anything from the store but bought her everything she wanted? I remember that exact post a while back. Any way, NTA




You know what, I'm a bad husband sometimes. I sometimes forget stuff or I'm cranky or whatever. But I NEVER would put anybody who isn't my kids before my wife. And I make damn sure I bring her something nice from the store when I do the shopping. Your husband is a colossal A.


I can be a forgetful jerk sometimes, never on purpose. I could see myself making this same mistake OP’s husband made. But there is zero chance that I would just go on with the day, I would be sprinting my fatass back into that store to buy my wife her drink. I don’t care if it’s an hour wait, you all go on the boat without me and come back to pick me up


OP o was already mad when he said you have to go when you don’t want to go so he doesn’t look like a bad husband. Go back and read it 10 times, what you wrote. Do you see it? he IS a bad husband. He’s telling you he’s completely comfortable forcing a pregnant woman to be uncomfortable while she’s growing his kid, and to your face he’s telling you that his REAL concern is 1. Having fun, and 2. Looking good. You don’t make the list. Personally I think they’re cheating but that’s less important than how he treats you. He takes you for granted. Moving house will not solve your problem. If he wants to take you for granted he can do that anywhere. Couples counseling bc you shouldn’t be in a marriage like this


bells special wine escape rob dolls toy reply rhythm plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They do this to keep you feeling inferior so you'll be left in a "supplicant" position to them emotionally, thereby keeping you "in your place" and maintaining control over you.


hat unused consider nine busy cagey cautious special kiss tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dear god... Why are you with someone like this? Do you want to set an example for your child that it's okay to be treated like this? Honey you deserve the world and this man is utter shit


People don’t always show themselves right away. Asking why she’s with him is like asking why people get degrees they don’t use in their careers. You don’t know until you know.


Fucking amen to that. You could go 5 years with someone and they can change into a completely different person by year 6.


Question, have you spoken to Heath? How does he feel about another man acting like his wife’s husband??




I completely get that! But, maybe it’s time to?




Could you just slip in a “I wish my husband was a good a husband to me as he is to your wife”, might just start the wheels churning


My exact thought. Or anytime he jumps to do anything for her just embarrass him in front of the other couple and say "wow I wish he'd do that for me!"


omg this is perfect


Write it all down, if you don’t want to do it in person. Or just show him/them this post.


I agree. But I'll counter that he is cheating emotionally with this woman. OP it's not hormones and you have every right to feel like this. NTA


Emotional affair was screaming when I started reading this post.


You could tell your husband that if he doesn’t cut it out you’ll tell Heath he’s obsessed with his wife. I’m sure that would get his attention.


Are we pretending the other husband doesn't know?


Or is a lazy guy happy to sit back with a beer whilst someone else does all the hard work.


Yeah I’m with you, there’s no way the other husband is not seeing what OP is seeing. I wonder why he keeps meeting OP’s husband do everything, since it isn’t a good look for him either 🤔


In addition to the other poster, prepare for any possibility, like the husband notices but doesn't care. And the subsequent convo he'd have with his wife. I'd weigh the cost benefit there. I think it's best to deal directly what the players involved, rather than hoping you can get someone to join your team


Also if the neighbours wife is super attractive and her own hubby isn't,maybe the other husband isn't threatened and couldn't care less


Bear in mind that if/when you do this, Heath will solve the problem. There will be an awkward discussion where Heath sits down with your husband and makes him feel like a complete simp, and you'll need to be prepared to deal with however your husband takes this.


It's very likely he will say, "THANK YOU. I've been worrying about this, but my wife keeps saying I'm being ridiculous and since (you) don't see a problem that I'm the only one who seems bothered by this. " I saw something like this happen with my parents' neighbors where they can't gas light their respective partners into thinking they were jumping at shadows and no one else had a problem. The husband, who wasn't falling all over the other guys wife, told my dad repeatedly "yeah it's a bit weird, but I know she's not cheating. They don't have time, and there's not a lot of texting or calls going back and forth. " Well, it turns out that they had plenty of time and weren't texting or calling a lot because they lived right beside each other. The non cheater got sick of watching them together, so quit going over as much, and it always seemed the other wife kept "forgetting X at the store. Can you run down and get some honey? I need (cheating husband )to stay and help me with (whatever bullshkt she made up), so I'll have dinner ready by the time you get back" No cheating husband finally decided to trust his gut and drove 2 blocks over and walked back to his house. He filed for divorce the second he got out of jail.


"He filed for divorce the second he got out of jail." I feel a country song in this sentence!




Here's a secret - it's no one's strong suit. Difficult conversations are difficult for everyone. Those of us who have them anyway just find a way to push through.


Start speaking out. You’re inside cooking with the baby while he laughs it up? Pause cooking and bring baby out. Hand off baby and have a grand conversation. After a while “babe can you check on dinner for me”  He’s headed over to hers to help with trash or whatever? Pop your head out the front door. “Hey, I need to shower” Let her and her husband witness you asking your husband to assist in your lives together.  And just….insist he stops helping her this way. It’s so easy to be her friend without being her handyman 


"Hey, if you're doing their trash can you grab ours first?" Loud enough to be heard by the neighbors. "I need a shower. Can you take the baby with you?"


Yep. He takes over grilling for her? “Babe I forget what a great cook you are! You should help me with dinner more often, I miss it”  **And whenever he does stuff for wife at all in general: “Ah, I remember when you did that stuff for me!”** Make it awkward. 


You've already told him how he is making you feel. Maybe write him a letter, if you dont like confrontation, and then pack up your bags and leave. Do you have family or friends you could stay with for awhile. Maybe him loosing you would make him wake up. If it doesnt wake him up, then get a lawyer. Let the lawyer handle the confrontations.


I came to say exactly this. I was first thinking you should talk to the wife, you know, woman to woman stuff, but I really think talking to the husband is better. My petty ass would start asking her husband to help out with your kids and your chores. Or I'd very sweetly call out the door "Honey?? I could really use a second set of hands over here! I really need to take a shower!" Do it every time he walks over there. If the wife has any sense, she'll immediately send him home. Honestly, it's entirely possible that your husband makes her extremely uncomfortable. I know *I* absolutely would have said it done something if someone else's husband got me everything I asked for and forgot the one thing for his wife. But again, that's me. I know I'm far more assertive than most (decades of being everyone's door mat and a chronic people pleaser will eventually make you assertive or break you. I was lucky enough to be the first one.) Watch her reactions, her husband's too. If she's always saying things like "Oh, you didn't have to do that! John could have gotten it!" Or "Didn't OP ask for a glass of water?" chances are she's also uncomfortable with it. Then you know you can talk to her. Same with her husband. If he's saying things like that, he's on your team. I have a really hard time believing that all three of them are on the same page and you're the odd one out. Or, find some of your snark and next time it happens, say "I never realized I was signing up to be a sister-wife." 😉😁 You got this.


I think op should talk to the other wife. Not in a defensive way, but a 'look this is the other perspective to what you don't see & I don't know how to exactly handle this but it's gotten out of hand. Can we talk about this?'


Yeah if you don’t put a stop to it we will divorce. See her reaction.


I think if she has to do anything other than tell him to stop it, it’s already over. If someone else has to step in to stop her husband from doing this, it’s already too late.


Yep. She may not realize it, But this marriage is already over, and it's entirely on the husband. Even if they do move, or the woman next door cuts him off, the husband isn't going to suddenly start respecting his wife again.


The wife's reaction may provide a lot. Either she is genuinely your friend & after learning this will put a stop to the receiving end. Or she may get defensive & that tells you she is aware & also taking part/benefiting from the emotional affair dynamics


Do you have their phone numbers? Every time he goes over- text them and apologize but they husband seems to have forgotten that he's needed at home to help care for HIS 6 MONTH OLD BABY and his wife and his house. Make a honey-do list and keep saying specific tasks that need done. Yard mowed? Shelf nailed up? Room painted? Wonky leg leveled? Got the new house totally customized and ship- shape? Time to take baby to visit your family. To take baby to visit his family. Aunts. Uncles. Great grandparents. Have to bond with all of them! Oh, and he promised to go with us to baby's swim lesson. Baby's doctor appt. Baby storytime at the library. Taking baby to a kid movie at the theaters. He wants to look like a great dad? Well, he just signed up for anything you can do with a baby within 50 miles. Whoops- it's date night once a week now too. Gotta make sure parents have alone time to bond, isn't it so sweet that husband came up with this idea for a weekly date to keep our romance alive?


You don't have to have "hard" (i.e. honest) conversation but you won't ever get what you emotionally need either. They say you can't change until you get sick of your own bs.


Wow this behavior grosses me out. I would no longer be able to find my husband attractive after seeing this kind of behavior. I would pack a bag and leave with the baby to go to my parents. NTA


yep can confirm, i was emotionally cheated on and even when the behavior went back to normal i found myself no longer wanting to be in the relationship


Stop going over there. If it makes him look like a bad husband then tell him Well if the shoe fits because it's not wrong. Marriage counselling is recommended here, he's clearly into this woman and he's willing to put his marriage at stake because he is a bad husband. NTA Edit: autocorrect


>He would say "well I want to go but if you don't go with me than it'll make me look like a bad husband". Yeah I'm stuck on this bit. "So you don't want to be seen as a bad husband, so instead you'll actually be a bad husband and force me to go?"


“So you’re aware what being a bad husband is, you just don’t want to look like it to others. Do I have that right?”


That's a red flag. Toxic, in the least, narcissistic at its worse. Listen to what he's saying because he's telling OP exactly who he is. He wants people to see him as a version of something he is clearly not. He is so consumed by how others see him. It makes no sense. He can do it but he genuinely doesn't want to. Such a nightmare to live through. The confusion and manipulation.


"You've been acting like a bad husband anyway due to X Y and Z so why is this different? Oh because then it will be obvious?"




Hey OP I’m sorry this is happening to you. I was in a very similar situation- my husband refused to change his behavior or quit seeing her. He actually told me flat out “She is the most important person in my life.”  We’re divorced now. I just want to say; Even if he follows this rabbit down the hole, you are still worthy of love. You deserve to be cherished and to feel like you are special. And if this man doesn’t see you, doesn’t value you, and doesn’t prioritize you, then he’s not the one.  You will be okay, whatever comes. Because you are enough.  You are worthy. And in the meantime, it’s completely reasonable to not be okay with this. You deserve better. 


Same thing happened to me over about 6 years. Eventually caught them on the sofa in an uncompromising position. Got divorced. Never been happier. Now with a fantastic person enjoying life to the fullest.


If my husband said that to me, I’m not sure how I’d react


My ex husband said something like this to me. It was the nail in the coffin. Our therapist at the time said it best: you should never have to fight to be the number one woman in your husband’s life, because that should be a given.


>*Our therapist at the time said it best: you should never have to fight to be the number one woman in your husband’s life, because that should be a given.* I need to show that quote to someone I know. Thank you for sharing it.


With divorce papers


Paper is not sufficient. Use divorce stick


Use divorce rock


Concerning. He still seems to value them over yourself and the family you've created together.


He is in the beginnings of an emotional affair. Whether it is reciprocal is debatable, but from this it is clear that some clear boundaries are being overstepped. You are right to try to nip this in the bud. Unfortunately with a very young child things are going to get more fraught with lack of sleep and decisions will be less rational on both sides - both of you will need to help each other and it doesn’t appear that this might be the case.


Don’t be one of those women who have a second and third baby by him


Is her husband home? Or just her?


Honestly, it already looks like the marriage is over. He doesn’t care about what you need, only the neighbor.




This is messed up. He stays with her because she’s alone, all while you and his child are alone?!??? It’s time to go back to YOUR hometown. You’re already doing everything for yourself, might as well do it in an environment that doesn’t leave you with the worry and heartache he’s giving you.


I think you should show him fat meat really is greasy. All it should take is one time for you to tell him that you are uncomfortable. I would tell your neighbor's husband that hey my husband is most definitely into your wife. He's neglecting me to be her perfect husband and thinks it's fine because he hasn't cheated so I just wanted to warn you. Then I would leave or move to a different room to prove that you are not ok with his behavior. You don't have to keep letting him hurt you. What's crazy is your husband doesn't realize he is emotionally cheating. I do hope for the best for you but y'all might need marriage counseling.


Yeah, I would be curious what neighbor husband thinks of all this. Does he notice this behavior? Maybe he doesnt care


Also, what does the neighbor wife think? Does this make her uncomfortable? Does she enjoy it?


He knows he is emotionally cheating. He just doesn't want to stop because he is getting something out of it. If the shoe were on the other foot, he probably would not be okay with it. It is concerning that he won't even acknowledge the problem. That will make it difficult to fix inside or outside of counseling. In any case, you are not overreacting, OP. You have stated your position to your husband. It is time to move forward with some type of action. Good luck.


There's no "might" about it. Beats me why OP says there's no cheating. OP, do you have to see them in bed with your own eyes to believe it? And why haven't you talked long and hard with the husband about it,?


So they are together alone often?


You need to do something, stand up for yourself, he's completely disregarding you. Next time he goes over there, pack his bags and put them by the door, if he's in his hometown he's got family he can stay with. Give him a taste of what being a part-time dad would be like. Next time he goes over there, if Heath's there go over and say something like, oh here again, Heath you must get fed up with seeing my husband, I mean I barely see him because he's always here helping you out. Speak to her, ask why she thinks it's appropriate to hog your husband. Or just stop pack your bags and go and stay with your family.


You need to say something in front of everyone next time he jumps up to do something for her. He deserves to be humiliated. Something like asking the other husband to help you since your husband is so busy taking care of HIS wife. Make the whole thing too uncomfortable to keep going on. You've put up with this far too long. Why should you be the miserable one? If they're not already cheating, they're working up to it.


I was thinking the same thing, call him out in front of the neighbors. Every time he did something for neighbor wife that was trying to get her approval, I'd say, "gee, I wish you did that for me, you used to", every single time. Hopefully all three would get the message & make it extremely awkward. Perhaps the neighbor husband has been bothered with it as well & then he'll speak up. I doubt he'd be cool with all that, I certainly wouldn't be if a neighbor were doing that to my wife.


“If they’re not already cheating, they’re working up to it.” EXACTLY ⬆️⬆️ I worked with a someone who was big into Rv-ing @ the lake with her husband and kids. They became good friends with her son’s best friend’s parents and would not only do the lake together, but started doing family trips together as well. When she would come back from these trips she would always brag about how much the other husband made and his crazy antics. I’d say maybe a year, year and a half of this and finally she comes into work paranoid as hell… basically all the tension finally burst. There was a stollen kiss with their spouses right outside, followed by a secret rendezvous with the guy while she was supposed to be out with some girlfriends. The whole thing ended in bitter divorces of both couples, the kids lives were very much shaken. The wife initially knew she’d f***ed up and wanted to fix it, but the other husband was so convincing, that they just burned their families and acted like everything they did was perfectly fine! Your feelings are valid and you deserve to be respected! It isn’t all in your mind! Edit: Just removing some identifying info!!


She needs to just call a lawyer. She’s not getting the good husband back. It’s over.


“Hey! Stop wanting to help other people! I’m your wife and **I** need your help! Remember which woman you’re married to, or you won’t be married to anybody!”


honestly if it’s gotten to the point of having to say this i don’t see these much left to save


Start asking her husband to do things for you because your husband’s too busy helping his wife. Start letting them know, he might be a great friend but he currently sucks as a husband Updateme!


HE STILL GOES?? Shameless


And then after spending hours there with her has the fucking audacity to go home and ask his wife if she wants to bend over for him. *gag* so on top of the emotional affair he can't even bother to look her in the face during it because he's too busy fantasizing that it's the god damn neighbor. I'd have set my god damn house on fire by now with just my mind from how pissed off I'd be, and AM even just on OPs behalf. This pathetic excuse of a man acted like this wonderful attentive man UNTIL he got her pregnant and isolated by convincing her to move away from her support system. And now he feels like she's trapped so he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Please OP for the love of not god, but for your 6 months old baby, please pack your things and go back home to your support system. This man does not love you anymore, if he ever did, and he damn sure doesn't respect you one bit. You deserve the world and someone who only has eyes for you. <3


And a bad father. Since he can willingly look after next door neighbours kids but not his own.


My ex-husband was like this. Still is, to get honest, but it's not my issue anymore. Anyway, he sought approval from everyone. Except he would completely ignore me and our son. Didn't matter what it was, who it was or where it was. My needs and wants didn't matter because he didn't care about impressing me. In my experience OP, it doesn't get better. He may get over his infatuation with the neighbours wife but there will always be someone else he needs approval from.


Cheating is irrelevant. He’s literally taking the attention away by being like ‘well I’m not cheating so you should be grateful’  Being faithful is like the absolute bare minimum in a marriage. And he’s just avoiding the issue. It’s about him neglecting you while giving his energy and attention to something/someone else. Even if you put aside the fact that it’s another woman. Say it was his male friend that he was prioritising over you, that would still be upsetting and insulting. You’re his wife and the woman raising his children. You should be his priority and I’m sorry that you’re not being treated right


Also there might not be physical cheating going on, but there could be an emotional affair, or attempts to engage in flirtatious behaviours, both of which are bad enough on their own


Moving isn't the big issue - the big issue is OP's husband. If OP and husband move and he starts flirting with the next, next door neighbour's wife at the new place, OP will still be devastated. OP's husband has to get in line or leave the marriage.


This is the correct response. OP may find that the problem follows if they move. The problem lies with the husband's attitude, not their location. He needs to start behaving like a true partner in his marriage, rather than concerning himself with how he looks to other people.


Yeah. I can’t stand when men think they should be celebrated for not breaking the most basic vows. The bar is literally so low it’s in hell 


He’s breaking the most basic vows, anyway. “Forsake all others” doesn’t mean “don’t bang” - he’s neglecting his wife to play husband for the neighbours wife. Another way to say that? He’s forsaken his with for an other. 


This right here. He doesn't have to be having sex with her to ruin his marriage. He's straight up neglecting his wife and kid. He should be doing all those things for HIS WIFE!! OP should show him this post so he can see what an asshole he is before OP gets fed up and tosses his ass out.


He is, at the very least, emotionally deceiving. Something feels wrong about him not treating his own family well while feeling the need to look good to others. It's right that you should come first.


My ex is like this. Plays house with his best friend everyday . and uncle to his friends children and doesn't even call his kid once a week sometime. I'll not get into how messed up he was to me and the neglect and abuse.


I'm so glad to hear that he's now your ex!!!


Thank you. I hope the author of this is stronger than I was tho and ends this, I stayed way to long.


I would totally call this an emotional affair of sorts, even if it’s one sided. He’s putting the neighbor wife over his own wife and baby. Fighting about it when she voices her concern. He *should* have no issue stopping this kind of thing for his wife’s comfort. Really, he should be doing it of his own volition as soon as he knew his wife is bothered by it. NTA. I’d be really upset by this too.


What does the neighbor husband have to say about all of this? OP, have you talked with him about this?


Hmmm, now what was that thing about coveting …


Exactly what I was thinking. It's not a physical affair but it definitely sounds like an emotional one.


I find prolonged emoțional affair worse than, let's say, my husband going one night out drinking a lot and ending up literally f.. someone he doesn't remember a thing about next day. Like what's her name or the color of her hair. I am not justifying that and I am not saying it is ok, just that emotional affair is worse imo.


Mention it to the husband and I guarantee is stoops right away


Exactly. Cheating or not, OP is uncomfortable with the situation. That is all it should take for her husband to stop interacting with this woman.


He’s clearly infatuated with the woman next door, and impressing her matters more to him than being a decent spouse to you. He sucks, and you deserve better. I’m not sure what the solution is, since he refuses to admit that he’s doing anything wrong. Do you have any family or friends you can stay with for a bit? Maybe if you tell him you’re leaving because you’re done being an afterthought, it will snap him out of his fixation on the neighbour. If it doesn’t, you may need to pull the pin on this dead end marriage. NTA.




What's *her* husband doing while yours is making a fool of himself over his wife? If I were that guy, your husband would be the victim of a boating accident for being so inappropriate with another man's wife.




So he’s got a savior complex. I’d confirm with him that he thinks that men who don’t help their wives are pieces of shit, then I’d confront him with all the times in the last week you needed help and didn’t get it. Girl, this is time to throw a regular old fit.


Imagine if OP had another man coming over daily, doing chores, helping with the kids. I bet steam would come from his ears. If I were her, I'd be tempted to try that. Get a male friend or hire a male helper.


No… this is it. OP needs to call that male friend ASAP and update us


I agree. The only way people learn how hurtful their actions are is if it's done to them. Even then, though, they still don't always see it.


He’ll come up with a reason why it’s not the same, guaranteed, but I’d still love to hear those gears working overtime in his head!


Oh the excuses and dumb shit logic will fly! But it will be a new entertaining sport to hear them.


Oh that’s goooooood


Flip that table, and flip it hard.


So....kind of like your husband. If you swapped husbands, your life would stay exactly the same. You'd still be neglected.


100% this.


OP, my dad has a savior complex and as soon as he saw my bro & i didn’t need a daily dad, he bounced for someone younger with a toddler. guys with savior complexes will save everyone but a loved one. please leave him. he doesn’t care about you. please care about yourself.


>guys with savior complexes will save everyone but a loved one ughhhhh where were you before my last serious relationship? 😆😩😩 OP this comment is accurate. your husband is getting high off this lady and his “good deeds,” and his refusal to accept your criticism suggests he is unlikely to change that. im sorry. :( and youre right to hurt - being on the shit end of this is miserable and there’s absolutely no winning.


i’m sorry you experienced that!! it DEVASTATED my mom and i cannot begin to explain the trauma of witnessing that. i PROMISE you are deserving of better. my dad refuses to see it as anything other than love even though he described getting married to her like a business deal. these men will not change!!


So he can *”step in”* for another woman and her baby, but can’t step up for his own kid? And his own wife? Hell no, just leave this deadbeat loser. His infatuation with the woman next door will only get worse the longer you live there, and he clearly has no plans to leave. So you need to leave him! Otherwise he’s just gonna break your heart over and over again, until you reach absolute breaking point. It’s actually hilarious how he complains that girl next door’s husband is a misogynist and doesn’t help his wife because he thinks everything is woman’s work. Yet **he** is also leaving **you** to do everything *(household chores, cooking and baby related)* in your home. So how the fuck doesn’t he recognise his own hypocrisy?


When it comes to selfish assholes like this guy, the hypocrisy is baked in. It’s the only way they can excuse their own behavior.


So...while he's busy being Mr. Sensitive and Enlightened for her, what's he doing for YOU to show a husband shouldn't leave the 'womanly things' to the wife?


Girl, he is having an emotional affair with her. I say this bc all of his emotions, time, energy, care, and compassion have been transferred to another woman. He is not your husband and is not being a father to your child. He is her husband, and he definitely is justifying it by saying she needs help. He simply won't help his own wife, which makes him no better than her husband. You know, in your gut, this is plain wrong. He is ignoring every legitimate concern and complaint you have. He is minimizing your feelings and shirking his responsibilities at home. I would tell him that he has some suitcases that need lifting, then tell him to carry them next door with his ass staying there. It would make it much more convenient than having to run over there all the time.


I’d love to hear how he would feel if another man was fawning over you. NTA OP.


Or parenting his young children.


Or if OP was fawning over another man. I bet husband would suddenly feel like absolute shit.


Does your husband help you with your child(ren) or home duties?


No, and that’s why he’s a hypocrite. The two men are exactly alike.


>That's why my husband says that he helps out the guys wife. Yeah, that's just an excuse. He just likes looking like a good guy to anyone who can witness it and they're the only people around. There was no one else before so you were the target. He's being neglectful of you, your relationship, and your child. I bet there are other forms of emotional and mental abuse happening if you were able to look at this more objectively and you will one day. He's more interested in how other people perceive him than in actually being a decent person to anyone. He's not going to change either, it's pathological. I'd go ahead and get the divorce and save yourself the headache of trying to get him to be the man you think he was before. Because if it's not her it will be whoever is in y'alls vicinity and it won't be you or your kids ever again. I'm sorry. NTA


I’m curious about how your neighbor responds to this attention your husband is clearly giving her.. If a married man is giving you inappropriate behavior you will know it. She either enjoys the attention and enjoys his shunning you or she wants your husband. I’m guessing that compared to her husband, your husband seems like a catch. I’m sorry but I would not assume nothing is going between them. Clearly he does not what this ‘friendship” to be curtailed. I would tell her husband that you are leaving your husband because of the Strange infatuation that he has developed for his wife.


But he has no problem with you not having any help? He’s not a good husband to you anymore.


Tell your husband that he's doing to you what her husband does to her. Repeat that until it sets in and he stops. Her marital problems are not his, and shouldn't be, nor should they cause problems in your own marriage. Which they are.


Do you have any friends or family you can stay with? He's proving that you can not depend on him when you go into labor soon. I'm old enough to be your grandfather, and I'd come help you pack and move to my house to take care of you until you're recovered. Has he always been like this, but you've overlooked the poor behavior? Please go to someone who cares about you and your baby.


She had the baby 6 months ago.


Then she and her child should leave his sorry butt.


And your husband isn’t? Seems like he expects you to do everything around the house. He only helps other woman. Not yoh.


I'd put him on blast! Next time she says something about him helping say yeah I noticed she helps you more than he helps at home. He's never here watching the kids but he's always willing to watch yours. Or even say something to the husband. Blow the whole thing up!


Does he not see he is behaving the same way? He's helping another woman out at your expense.


girl don’t stand for this bullshit, put your foot down, leave the house. Tell him to start sleeping on the couch until he wises up, you’re carrying his baby not the neighbour. You have every right to be upset and all the rights to your husbands affection not this other random women. His behaviour makes me feel disgusted as a man, i would never do this to my partner. If you have truly communicated your issues to him then he’s not getting the picture, i give you permission to do something drastic because you do not deserve to be feeling like this. It’s not your hormones your husband is being a jerk, have you tried making him see eye to eye using the neighbours husband as an example? Like how would he like it if the next door husband was doing these things to you?




So he's avoiding the question entirely because he knows 100% that he would never accept it, that he would not stand for it. He absolutely sees how wrong it is what he's doing otherwise he'd actually answer the question instead of deflect. At the same time he's also saying, "I know you wouldn't treat me like shit, like I'm treating you". I would let him go have fun alone with his emotional affair with a married woman. It's a messy house of cards bound to collapse, get away from the fallout.


Indeed. This is deflection and projection, he's being manipulative af.


Or pick up the phone and call Heath every time your husband goes over there and you need help. He might not come over, but it will blow the little charade of your guy being the perfect husband and father. Edit: a word


This is a great idea


Why not just shut it down and blow up his game. He runs over to her to take over cooking day out loud “ you know how to cook, you don’t do it for me” or when he gives her a seat…. Your pregnant wife carrying your child could use a seat too” or when he got the boat snacks “so your wife gets nothing but another man’s wife gets 5 things, you sure are nice for show”. Blow his shit up. You’re in the right and being honest and it will make people see him in the right light. If he has a problem with you telling the truth, he can adjust his actions to fit who he wants to portray himself as. Enough of this crap. End it now op. You teach people how to treat you and you letting this facade be built around him is only walling you two off from each other. Do it for your kid.


Do this u/southern_emu2559 Make it so he can't impress her. "Why are you over here helping her cook? You know how tired I've been with the pregnancy, I've asked you so many times to help me" do it in front of her. 


Yep! And if we’re OP, I would have gotten out of the boat without one word and headed to the store and bought what I wanted, sat back down and drank my soda saying, “Wow, being pregnant, I’M SO PARCHED! I CAN SEE WHY MY HUSBAND BOUGHT YOU FIVE!” That would speak Volumes once I got back into the boat. If my husband wanted sex, I’d ask “Oh, have you already gone over next door and serviced her yet? You better go ask her..” I’m quite pissed off for OP.


Something IS going on. He's treating someone else's wife better than his own and tries to minimize your concerns just because he and the neighbor aren't cheating yet. His disregard for you and the disrespect would have me kicking him out or moving out myself. There's no way I'd watch him helping someone else everyday while not doing the same for me.


The boat thing is so telling. I went on a date once where a friend was along for the day. My date spent so much time catering to her, it was obvious. But the clencher was on the way home, he offered a sampling of some snack he bought over the seats to the back where she was, but not to me beside him. I can get a clue and so should OP. He's so interested in his neighbor and can't even hide it from his wife.


\^ That isn't putting your foot down. "You will make me your top priority or we will divorce. This starts now!" is putting your foot down. Be prepared to back it up, too. KNOW where you will go. Inform him that you WILL immediately file for a temporary support order until you get on your feet if he forces you into that position. Make it clear that you are NOT playing. If he thinks you don't MEAN ACTION, he will slide his way around it.


Whether or not HE thinks this is a problem, you do. And he has to at least acknowledge this. If he won’t, then he never will.


See a divorce lawyer first. I’d slap him with divorce papers and THEN tell him this. You don’t have to go through with a divorce if he shapes up, but having the actual paperwork will show him you mean business.


>"nothing is going on and I know you'd never do that". You'd never do what? Nothing? He knows he's doing wrong by this statement alone, you see that, right?!


Just pack up and leave. Or tell him to pack up his stuff and move in with the neighbours since he loves them so much. This is a really crappy situation and I totally get why you feel so frustrated and hurt. He’s ignoring your feelings and either heavily in denial or outright dismissing your reasonable concerns. Even if he’s not sleeping with her, his ego is getting off on being around her and fawning over her, and that’s emotional cheating right there. I don’t know what you can do other than tell him you’re done and either he goes or you will. Good luck OP.


>Even if he’s not sleeping with her *yet* Ftfy


Cheating isn’t just sex, it’s also putting more energy into a relationship with someone else. (Though more likely than not they’re having sex too. Why are you so sure they aren’t?) He knows it makes you uncomfortable and he doesn’t care. Moving isn’t going to solve the problem. Also I’d definitely mention this to Heath. Has he noticed? (Or maybe they’re swingers and he doesn’t care?)


This dismissive behaviour and the whole “I know you’d never do that.”  Is beyond telling. I hope you understand exactly what that loaded comment implies. 


I think you need to go visit a friend or family for a week and tell him that you need space to think about this relationship.


Pack. Your. Shit. And. Leave. Seriously.


Start asking the neighbor husband for help with some tasks around the house. If he asks why, say that your husband is too busy courting his wife to care for you, but you are pregnant and need help and have no one else to ask. You can say it light heartedly, as a joke. He will either stop your husband from coming so often, or talk to his wife to put a stop to their emotional affairs, or will start helping you. I’m sure your husband won’t like it. I am sorry, I’m petty. 


It could be worth talking to the husband. Find out if he feels the same as yiu


Does Heath notice anything? I'd be tempted to have a conversation with him. When I first started dating my now-husband, he was friends with a female married coworker. She liked to joke around and would be very flirty. One day I found out that her husband wasn't happy about her flirting but no other spouses seem bothered so he thought he was overreacting. Shit hit the fan one day when I messaged my bf but he read it quickly and thought I was his friend. My bf immediately broke off all private, flirty conversations with the coworker. Her husband finally took the blinders off and divorced her soon after. Your neighbor might be super friendly with everyone but since your husband interacts with her daily I find it hard to believe that she doesn't notice something wrong with her relationship to you and your husband. Same with her husband.


Why does he just keep saying that he's not cheating? That's not the problem. The problem isn't that you think he's cheating so why is he trying to offer the fact that he's not cheating as some sort of solution to the problem?????? The problem is that he does jack shit for *his OWN wife and child* yet is constantly being basically a servant to the woman next-door. *That's* the problem. Not that you think he's cheating. Why can he not stay on the subject of what the actual problem is?


But \*something\* is going on. He is prioritizing her over his own pregnant wife. His actions are making his pregnant wife feel hurt. He is refusing to take his pregnant wife’s concerns seriously. All of those are \*somethings.\*


Out of curiosity have you spoken to the neighbors about it? Both the woman and her husband?


That’s not an answer. He’s counting on your loyalty to him so he feels comfortable saying that instead of taking accountability for his own behavior. Start blowing them all up. Who cares how uncomfortable it is at this point; it doesn’t sound like you want them as friends anymore (who would? Her husband is clearly lazy and absent, your husband is filling his role.). Your husband hears you, but is not listening. He is CHOOSING to ignore your concerns; this is not ok, OP. Your feelings are 100% valid. How they treat you is what they think of you; do not accept this, OP. You deserve more. You deserve better. I think you know it. So bring it all out in the open so there can be no chance for secrecy. And if he says he’s embarrassed? You’re HIS wife that just grew HIS child for 9 months. He should be embarrassed for his sorry ass, disloyal BS he’s been pulling w you.


Tell him you’re going to start cooking dinner for her husband. You’re gonna start doing his laundry. You’re gonna start giving him innocent shoulder massages. You’re gonna start picking up the husbands favorite treats at the store. Intimacy isn’t just physical.


How long has this been happening? Because he sounds like a real dick. He needs to shape up or get kicked out.  There is no way this woman doesn't notice this. She either feels sorry for you and doesn't know how to shut it down without it being unbearably awkward, or she welcomes it.  Maybe you should become friends with an attractive man and very clearly worship him and do everything for him, then tell your husband he has no right to complain because you're not actually fucking this guy. 




Where is the neighbours husband in all of this. How is he not bothered?  He should be, this isn’t okay behaviour at all.   I see why it hurts and I’ve had similar in a relationship once.  Which is why they are now an ex.  You and your children should be his only priority, you are his family, not schoolteacher next door. 


Neighbours husband probably thinks OP's husband is a simp and has a laugh at how simp-y he is. Neighbours husband is able to sit around doing nothing while the dude from next door neglects his own wife and does all the chores lol. The neighbours would be fully aware of how sad this situation is.


How has she not been creeped out or her husband been upset by his behavior? It sounds so gross


Honestly I’d wait for something super obvious to happen, ie he gets something for her not you/ offer her his seat not you. Make sure it’s in vicinity of her husband as well. Then loudly say “you’re so lucky my husband does this stuff for you, he never does this for me. It’s like watching a little school boy with his first crush”. You’ll be pointing out he actually is being a deadbeat to you, while highlighting his inappropriate behaviour. Keep doing this. “Oh he watched your kids so you can wash your hair, I haven’t been able to wash mine in 2 months. There is that crush again”. “Husband I know you have a crush on neighbour but can you actually get me X for once.” He will have no choice but to stop without it being awkward. I’d personally get my ducks in a row to leave. He has shown he doesn’t care about your feelings, especially when you have brought the issue to his attention. I’d also have a word with the neighbours about her constantly having your husband alone in her house. Her husband might not even know. Tell them it makes you uncomfortable especially as he is performing acts with her he doesn’t with you. NTA


This is like something that my grandmother would have, she has this way of making you feel like the smallest person on earth when you did something wrong. If he has any capacity to feel shame left this will work well. If not, well, at least you tried.


I expect he’d throw a fit and say she’s embarrassing him in front of his “friends”.


"No honey, you are embarassing yourself with this pathetic display"


> I’d personally get my ducks in a row to leave Definitely that as well...


"Hey. What the fuck are you doing? Why are you offering her a seat while I'm standing here by the fire? Jim, are you really unbothered when you see my husband simp for your wife? Listen, we are not friends as a couple. If you three want to be friends, you can have him. I did not sign up for this shit."


This is exactly something I would say. I would call of them out and make everyone uncomfortable.


Haven't we heard this story before?


I remember the boat story of him getting the neighbor wife all the things she asked for and then ‘forgetting’ the one thing his wife wanted. Sounds like that was back before she has the baby, and this nightmare is continuing. You know the husband would f the next door wife if given the chance.




I mean this sincerely. Why are you still with a man who treats you like dirt? He’s clearly capable of being attentive and caring…. Just not to YOU! This has been going on for far too long. Grow a spine, and know your worth. Kick this jerk to the curb.


People underestimate how hard it is to leave your spouse when you are in the last months of pregnancy or shortly after giving birth, your hormones, your hugely pregnant body, your recovering body after giving birth, the newborn and all their needs =/= hey, I am feeling peppy and eager to pack up all my things and leave right now on that 1 hour of sleep I got while every part of my body from nipples to crotch hurts and my hormones are telling me to stay in my nest. That's not to say that she should stay with him but understanding why she hasn't and is hoping it would work out.


Yeah, but the one I read before was from the husband (OP husband?). this is the one: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/bBWtTWyYwY


At a bare minimum, he’s emotionally cheating. There’s something off about needing to appear amazing to people outside the family while not treating his own family well. You deserve to come first.


What a lot of people don’t realize is that it doesn’t even necessarily matter if the other person isn’t welcoming it or diverting all their attention from their own spouse. A spouse putting all of their energy in to another person, the energy they used to give you, is cheating. He’s getting all of his needs met through her. His heart is over at that other house. And it makes the person left behind feel like utter crap.


He remember OTHER MAN's wife orders than you that basically carrying HIS child. Ugh thats disgusting. My father is this type of man who likes other people attention but acted poorly towards his own family. And i wish my mom divorce him a lot sooner. Now its you, then years ahead he also will put other people's child needs first against ur kiddo just cuz he likes compliments from others. Definitely NTA. Moving away doesnt give you guarantee that he will not do it again in the new place. If you pursue to continue this marriage, go to marriage counseling and if he didnt acknowledge his mistake and apologize to you, Leave him asap.


I’ve read this story before. I remember the trip to the lake store and the husband forgot the one thing.




I next time he helps her and you are right there, I’d go in a “I wish rant” loudly. “I wish my husband helped me like he helps you all the time! I never can seem to get him to help when I need it most! It’s like I’m invisible to him!”


NTA. Your husband is building up to physical cheating. Moving won't solve anything if he doesn't want to be there.


Sounds like you have bigger issues then the neighbor next door


Personally, I start keeping a journal each day what he does for her and what he does for you. When you are ready to leave, you can use it against him. Also make comments like ‘It’s nice he puts your garbage out. I don’t remember the last time he did that at our house.’ Make sure all comments are true. See how the wife reacts.


He may not be physically cheating, but he's definitely wooing her. It's only a matter of time. Good luck. Updateme!


As others have pointed out, you’re basically a married single mother. What you need to do is contact a lawyer and start the process to dissolve your marriage. You also need to let the neighbors know how inappropriate they’ve been acting, especially the wife. There’s no excuse, she knows that if your husband is doing for her then he’s not doing for you, period. You’re a mother now, grow a spine and leave his ass behind. Stop talking to him about it, he’s shown you for over a year that he does not care how you feel, he does not care about being a father to his child. Drop him. Even after receiving TA verdict, he’s still doing the same shit. Leave him, divorce him.


Tbh who cares if he’s cheating, this is fucking insane thing for him to do. And how rude for him to even imply you’re being ridiculous. A husband should think “oh *shit* my wife is struggling, I need to be there to support *her*, friends be damned.” He’s who you want?


He might not be physically cheating, but this situation definitely sounds like an emotional affair to me.


You don't have a neighbor problem. You have a husband problem. As other Redditors have said, you need to put your foot down. Tell him that he will stop talking to her, and he will make you and your child a priority, or he can get out. I would probably make marriage counselling a non-negotiable thing - if he doesn't believe it, he can get out. You need to stop putting up with it and make it clear that you are done.