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>AITAH for thinking my gf is a hoe? >She is still a virgin I mean, if you're looking for someone more virginal than an actual virgin, I don't know what to tell you.


Well she gave a BJ, which means there are girls more virgin than her


lol. Do you understand what a virgin is?


BJ is oral sex. Oral sex is sex. Virgin is someone who never had sex, purity is the trait. You can’t compare someone who gave BJ someone who never did anything and call them both virgins.


A person who has never had intercourse. Sexually INTACT.


So you would define someone who is super experienced with oral sex and anal sex with 0 experience vaginal, a virgin? Well you do you, that’s not the definition in my book. My definition is never experienced sex with another person, doesn’t matter what type of sex.


Who cares about your book. That’s not what a virgin is. ✌🏼


YTA. I don’t think you’re mature enough to have a girlfriend, let alone have opinions on their sexual history.


Yta. Everyone has a past. You aren't mature enough to be dating. You don't believe her. You clearly don't trust her. Her worth is more than how sexually active she has been or hasn't been. Get into some therapy before you try to date again because you won't believe the next girl either.


YTA The cognitive dissonance is big with this one. What's the logical association between partying and drinking with being a hoe? Some ppl (especially young) are into parties and drinks, period. Back in the day one of my best friends would drag me to clubs and it was fun. Never had a sip of a drink there, flirted or kissed anyone, we'd just dance till 3 or 4am and go home. You need to get over yourself and all this slut shaming


Asshole. 100% I’m sure you already knew. Also… you have major MAJOR control issues. Hope she sees the red flags! I hope she breaks up with you and hooks up with a new boy every week for a year b4 finding her prince who will appreciate her for her.


Stop your lying. Says “for the win” but yet “insanely” happily married for 20 years. Lies easily found on a new account.


lol what?? Sad lil person. Read better. Look at what the post is. Hahaha. You’re really reaching now. All the same done talking with immature and close minded ppl. ✌🏼


Like you commenting YTA and then agreeing on another person’s comment that NTA. Stop lying to people. It’s obvious.


FYI, no prince would take someone who hooks up every week


Yeah. You should leave. She deserves a better partner.


Run run now! Get away from her and keep running until you reach a therapist to help you with your issues and you're far enough away from her that she can find someone who doesn't call her a hoe and who trusts her!! Seriously dude... work on your issues. You're never going to find someone without a past.


YTA dude having a past is normal let it go, love the person with whom you are now don't doubt her for what she was before. You are not dating her past you are dating her now focus on now.


YTA for Ragebaiting


You have a purity fetish. You probably need to find someone who never dated, never kissed, never held hand with another man. Could be very difficult to find though. Do whatever you want. NAH


NTA. Your girlfriend is a giant hoe. She's cultivating soil and removing weeds like it's nobody's business. She's so dirty.


For the win.


Thank you for ur feedback, so i should i leave her???


Hoes get the job done, so I recommend sticking with it.




YTA. If you’re calling her your GF and thinking she’s a ho? You definitely the AH.