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I think this is a bit silly. Why wouldn't you just uninvite anybody specifically problematic and anybody who complains about that? Seems like you're using the age limit as a cover to try not to have to address the alcoholics in the family directly when you should be addressing the alcoholics in the family directly. ESH


This is bait.


Mmmm I’ve heard of childfree weddings but elder free? That’s…different. Most weddings I’ve gone to have a few hours after dinner / cocktails with more appropriate music for the elderly, then once they all clock out by 9-10pm it’s a nightclub. 😂 If you’re having a wedding planner for your function, give them specific guests - with pictures - that have issues with substances and they’ll tell the servers / bartenders to not give them any alcohol. It’s their job to make sure your day goes smoothly. If you don’t have one, you may have to tag in the brutally honest aunty or his momma to whoop his ass.


What with all these girly men letting the women come up with dumb ideas. Crazy




YTA But wow! Another nice perk about getting older. No more boring weddings. I hope this becomes a trend.


Separate family-only event for older folks, keep main party lit. Tough situation, but gotta draw the line. Maybe have a separate thing for the older fam? They'll feel included, and you can keep the main party poppin' without drunk uncle rants. Your day, your way!


Yeah I can’t go for that. I think it’s pretty selfish and inconsiderate. You wouldn’t even be here without the struggles and sacrifices of those that come before us.


Your wedding, your guest list. But seriously, why bother


No way this is real. It’s actually laughable that the writer is using 40 as the too old to have fun age.


Def NTA. Me and my fiancé went to a wedding where there were a TON of geriatrics and the dance floor was in the middle of all of the tables and it was so awkward to even have fun because every old person just sat, watched, and judged. Maybe just the ceremony and not the reception, if you feel bad enough. But they’ll be okay staying home and watching even older people debate politics.


I am sure your SIL will insist that she should be able to bring her grandma, but stay strong mate and have your dream wedding.


As always, invite whoever you want.


Ooooh, if child free is okay, why can't we do old person free. YTA, you know full well that the comparison is stupid, and if you don't, then you have no brain. This is posted in an effort to imply childfree weddings are dumb.


How old are your parents?


Dad is just shy of 70 and Mom is 84. (I'm too old to attend this wedding, if that's not obvious).


No it wasn't obvious. Lol


So I'm a child because I support child-free weddings? \*confused face\*


Huh? I just asked asked how old your parents were if you wanted a senior free wedding. Child free weddings is not a problem for me.


So i'm super confused about your question and response then? Because it reads like you're calling my response childish, and... ? If that wasn't your intent, what WAS your point?


Ok. I asked how old your parents were because you wanted a senior free wedding. If they were over 40 would you not you would invite them. I was not calling you a child. It seems we were not on the same wavelength. No insult meant.


Ah-hah! My point was that it reads like \*OP\* is anti-child free weddings, and using the older person free wedding to some how "prove" that child-free weddings are ridiculous. My intent was to call out the fact that this was a dumb attempt at comparing two very different things. If the people getting married don't want kids \*and\* are willing to deal with the fact that there will be people who can't/won't go as a result, then I fully support them having the wedding they want! :D


I'm sorry. I thought I was replying to OP. I'm the ass here.