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I always wear black tank top when I go braless, I never received any sort of reproach for that. White makes me nervous coz I might spill food on it and also because I simply cannot not wear a bra when wearing a white top, I feel uncomfortable with the idea of my nipples showing. Now I don’t think you’re the ah in this situation as it’s none of their business. But if I were you I’d wear black next time to avoid the nonsense. It’s an airplane, you have to spend a long time with these people around you, so yeah maybe wear black. If you’re going down the streets and a mad person points that out to you, you can just move on and problem solved. But where will you go if you need to be in a confined space for so many hours?


Also if your mind is set on wearing white, there are so many bralettes out there that feel super comfortable. it’s as if you’re wearing nothing, so consider those. Just a suggestion 🙂


I think it sounds like other people were the uncomfortable ones.




Yeah, their erections were getting in the way of the tray tables


don’t listen to this. That person who “called” you out is a perv and you should say as much. I got braless with my triple ds all the time because I developed an allergy to something in bras. I don’t know what it is and I’ve spent too much money trying to figure it out and the doctors are just as useless about it. “It’s sweat wear a bra.” “It’s just irritation from your bra.” Blah blah blah. (But for sure nylon is in there.) The ONE TIME anyone said anything to me about it, I clapped back, “whatever you say perv.” His gobsmacked face was priceless. He stammered something about being indecent and I double downed on his pervy remarks. He got so red in the face, he looked like a tomato. Served him right. If I want to be completely topless, no one has the right to comment on it. If I want to go braless, NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO COMMENT ON IT.


Imagine getting into altercations 37 feet away from the ground. Just imagine. In actual fact I don’t even need to imagine as I witnessed a crew physically restraining a person while crossing the Atlantic. It wasn’t a good sight, everyone was pretty much distressed. Nobody has the right to tell you what to wear, honey, but it’s good to know how to read the room. People can get really agitated in flights, passenger rage is real, this is not about being morally right or wrong, it’s pretty much like defensive driving, in fact I call it defensive dressing 🤷🏽‍♀️


I never wear a bra on a plane but always wear a loose fitting shirt over a tank top and mostly in a dark color. That way you are comfy and will not offend anybody. More over you might get rather cold during a long flight with only a tank top.


yeah that makes sense! i was def cold which probably made the problem worse if you catch my drift


Yes that I can imagine😂


So weird that you get downvoted for this comment…


yeah no idea why lol


Good rule of thumb: if one person complains about your wardrobe, they’re probably an asshole. If three people complain, you’re probably dressed inappropriately. But I’m not going to call you an asshole because who gives a shit?


agreed !


You know at some point women even got comments on wearing pants instead of skirts right? Or comments for not wearing a breath hindering corset? If you always want to keep the unequal status quo, sure, amazing rule of thumb.


Yes, I’m aware societal norms change and evolve (and often regress).


I don't think this is a good way to think of it, because if a woman is feeling comfortable wearing something they're in the right, period.  There's no amount of people or whatever who should be commenting on it


"What's the problem, officer? Pants are uncomfortable and PUBIC HAIR IS NATURAL. I really feel like Applebee's should be more understanding of a woma- hey, what, what're the handcuffs for?"


Genitalia is not anywhere NEAR the same as breasts. Fake argument


I couldn't care less if women wear bras. I, a man in his 40s, wouldn't even notice, except in cases where I'd see something so egregious that I'd be bidden to think "Well that looks uncomfortable" as I went about my day. I'm making fun of a person who said something very silly, by being silly myself.


It was funny. I’m an old lady.


Damn there's a lot of nazi misogynistic incels in the comments


I’m inclined to think you are an AI that is trained to respond that way when disagreed with. I interact with people damn near daily from all different walks of life and have yet to ever meet someone that uses those words. Either that or you’re too embarrassed to say things like that out loud because you know that in public nobody would deal with your juvenile outburst. Treat the internet like real life and don’t be insufferable or if you do have these frequent conversations and interactions just stay in your echo chamber or maybe see a therapist.


Why specify “woman” here? Why is your stance not applicable to all?


Clearly OP feels strongly that shlongs be hairless and tidy as GOD INTENDED.


Would you say the same thing if you could see a man’s nipples through his shirt? 🤔


I never said anything 🤷‍♂️ But yeah, if a dude got multiple complaints about his outfit, he might want to double check some things.


Exceptttt you absolutely did say something. This post is specifically about a WOMAN’S breasts/nipples and I know as well as you do that no one would bat an eye if a man that has larger pecs would walk onto that plane without a bra on. Nor would they say anything like that to him. 🙄


I said nothing about her nipples. My “rule of thumb” was pretty general. I don’t care if you disagree, but it’s odd you’re trying to pick a fight. I’m not taking the bait.


I’m not “picking a fight,” I’m calling you out for your sexist language because a woman decided not to wear a bra. Newsflash a bra isn’t a required piece of clothing and there’s nothing inappropriate about what she chose to wear. If others care so much, they need to look within themselves and figure out WHY, in fact, they care so much.




Says the one blaming the woman for people (including you) being sexist and treating her poorly lol oh the irony


I did no such thing. Again, not taking the bait. Have a nice night.


You absolutely did such a thing and the sad thing is you don’t even realize it. Lol




Have you actually been to Istanbul? Not much different from any other large European city, and certainly more diverse and tolerant than many places in the U.S.


It's not like Istanbul has several historical mosques that still blast the call to prayers 5 times a day. When in Rome.


All over the Internet people say to wear whatever you want in Istanbul/ Turkey and proclaim how secular it is and it's just like anywhere else...I took that advice and regretted it, nothing bad happened but it definitely is not the norm to wear sexier things in many areas and I got enough stares and stuff it made me uncomfortable. I would dress more conservatively next time I go (and I wasn't even really skimpily dressed, just a dress showing cleavage and a couple long crop tops with high waisted pants.)


You were going to an Islamic country dressed like that?


it was just a connecting flight, i was going to greece


It’s probably still not the best idea, even if it’s just a layover, to give the religious nut jobs a reason to do anything to you. You’re a woman going through a country that has cultural and religious values that have women as second class citizens that should be covered up at all times. The flight attendants were most likely looking out for your best interests.


Was it Qatar airways lmfao when I had to connect in Doha through them I watched IT and the teenage cheerleader was blurred out but penny wise graphically eating children is fine 😂😂😂😂


I can sum up this whole thread: Three people said something. So yes, you were TAH by their standards, on a flight to/through a Muslim country. At the same time, comfort is important. The line between “relax, it’s natural” and “aggressive display of stimulating boobies” varies by culture. Whether you want to upset religious tradition and the patriarchy is up to you.


If in any light or angle people can see through to the nipples / aureolae, this is probably not a tank top to wear out in general public spaces without a bra, without wearing something over the shirt. I can't tell from the post, but you can figure this out if you just look in a mirror at you in that tank top with no bra. I'll note that although three people said something, it could have just been one person who was bothered, if they complained to the flight attendants twice.


Why lol OP was wrong for not respecting the cultural norms of the Muslim country they connected in but why are their nipples offensive?


Normally id say its a flight who is even looking at what others are wearing. But if 3 people said something your nips must have been showing.


And what if they had been? Male nips show literally all the time. They are the same


Double standards. I hate this planet


facts. everyone is born with nips so who cares


I would say NTA if you were in any other colour than a white top. They are see through. I go braless all the time, but in a public place, I make sure nipples are not on show. It's not a heinous crime but maybe a black tank is the way forward on a flight. 


NTA for not having a bra in general, but possibly a bit the AH if the tank top was thin enough to be semi-translucent or loosely cut enough that nipples were ending up on display at certain angles. If you show nipples you’re gonna make some people uncomfortable, since the general norm in both Houston and Istanbul is to ensure they aren’t visible.


YTA -- not for going bra less on a red-eye flight (i get it -- I'm a 36DDD and comfort is EVERYTHING when you fly)., but you ARE at fault for your choice of wardrobe.  If you were wearing a slightly baggy shirt, you wouldn't have attracted the negative attention of so many locals/native Turkish on the flight.   Walking around the plane/hanging out in clothing that Turkish culture considers underwear/intimate wear/sleep clothes is highly disrespectful.  While you may be comfortable braless and in a white, thin tank top, but you made many people around you very uncomfortable.  You need to be aware of cultural norms when you travel. 


If three people could tell in a dimly lit plane that you weren't wearing a bra then you weren't being subtle about it. Also white tank tops tend towards being kind of sheer even when they're not supposed to be. YTA. Your comfort does not supercede everybody else's. It was a public place, not a bedroom. You basically went in the plane in pajamas.


Lmao what is uncomfortable about her body 🤣 don't look




I support it but it would be cold I think I like blankies




Men go out shirtless all the time during the summer. You don't bat an eye. And don't fucking tell me that you do, you don't. The second you can see a woman's nipples the world explodes. People are dying, I assure you there are bigger issues out there.




I'm getting "self righteous" because I'm tired. I'm tired of men telling women what to wear because for some reason, lady nipples are different than guy nipples? Whatever. It's not bad logic because you WANT it to be bad logic. There's a difference between naked and covered. What YOU'RE doing is bad logic & whataboutism.


What kind of person is uncomfortable by seeing someone else in pajamas?


Lots of people? It's not universal, but it's also not uncommon to find it uncomfortable for people to be in public in clothes that are meant for being in private. Also there's a very good chance that her white tank wasn't completely opaque.


That just makes no sense to me. What makes pajamas meant to be private?


They're designed to be worn in the bedroom, which is by its very nature the most private part of a private residence.


Neither yoga pants nor a tank top is designed to be worn in the bedroom


Pillows are also designed to be used in the bedroom. Are these same people uncomfortable seeing a pillow in public?




Not all pillows are designed for the bedroom for one, and for two there's a huge difference between clothes and an object ...


Ok, got it. So something being designed for use in the bedroom doesn't make it inherently private.


And there are tank tops designed to be worn outside.


It wasn't pyjamas. It was a white and skimpy tank top that three people called inappropriate -- in other words, nipples are showing. Pajamas cover a lot. A skimpy white tank top doesn't.


I was specifically responding to the person who referred to what she was as basically pajamas.


Be for real, she was wearing yoga pants and a tank top not sexy lingerie. You've got hang ups


Its important to realize that a woman's comfort DOES supercede every else's when it's what she's wearing


NTA in our culture. I'd say I'd be more concerned about arriving in Istanbul like that, but that's probably more of a cultural issue than I'm willing to debate.


I might have said something similar, but maybe not for the reasons you're thinking, and I'm saying this only because I don't know the cultural temperature in Turkey: How do they react to womens' breasts? Is Turkey more uptight about seeing a nipple than the idiots who think women need to be clothed in loose clothing and from neck to the ground? Would they flog you like they might in the Middle East for being a little bit more "exposed"? That's the only reason I MIGHT say something. Otherwise? Your chest.


Mild ESH. You were looking for attention, on the plane and on Reddit, and made the flight attendants’ jobs more difficult. Their jobs are tough enough.


I’m sorry, do you actually think the only reason a woman would choose to forgo a bra is to get attention? Not because of personal comfort? Genuinely trying to make sure I understand your comment.


No. That’s not what I said. Read the comment, please. I replied to the OP, saying she obviously wanted the attention. If you read her own comments to this thread, along with the original post, it’s clear. The OP was looking for, and got, and is getting, the attention she seeks.


How was she???


All these fucking men lmao wear a bra on a 12 hour flight I will personally pay you $100


I wore spanx once on a flight to Vegas, TSA didn’t like that though.


IMO, white top and no bra is kind of like saying I want people to look at my boobs without saying I want people to look at my boobs. So, YTA for braless with white shirt. I know couple primarily braless ladies and in travel and certain in public situations they actually used flesh colored nipple covers.


Do you ever wear a white undershirt as a shirt? Wow how lewd


Just a white undershirt that is thin, no. A white dress shirt without a t-shirt, no. A white golf or polo type shirt without a t-shirt, sometimes.


Do your nipples ever poke out?


Not if I’m wearing an undershirt.


You've seen men's nipples before at the beach or your family pool right? Why do lady nipples make you so offended???


Why are women's nipples so offensive to you baby?


What the fuck lol no it's not


NTA, but you are flying into a muslim country. Although Turkey doesn't have strict modesty laws, it is expected you wouldn't be wearing something like a tank top. You haven't said what airline it was and whether the people were Turkish.


NTA! Who cares what u wear as long as ur covered. Tell them to mind their own damn business.


No this is nuts!! As long as no nipples are showing you can wear whatever the hell you want. It’s ridiculous the kind of shit us women have to put up with smh.


Nope. NTA for going braless anywhere. They sexually harassed you.


Yaaaa black would be better. I hate bras so NTA


I think you're an AH not because of your nipperinos but because you implied that us with bigger chests can't lol come on sis


In this case, YTA. White tank top with nothing underneath and flying to an Islamic country. This was a very unwise move on your part.


NTA. At all. I strongly disagree with the commenters here.


Nah NTA. Breasts exist and people like that need to get over it. I very much doubt someone would go up to a man wearing something comfortable like pyjama bottoms and demand he put underpants on underneath. Bras do not exist to make nipples less visible, they exist for the comfort of the wearer. And everyone knows bras become uncomfortable over time, so twelve hours with one is going to be very uncomfortable. If people don't want to see your boobs then they shouldn't look at them. You do you.


Bras 1000% make nipples less visible! It’s one of its main purposes! 🙄


Depends on the bra!


I'm not saying they don't, but that's not really why people wear them, they're predominantly for support right?


Support, structure, shape, and comfort. And no nips!


They do everything!


Look at all the little boys coming out being offended by nipples. Get over it.




I don't know for sure but could it have been because customs over there are different than here in America. Maybe that is seen as unacceptable there and so it was done as a warning. Or maybe they are just more open to saying more. Imo wear what you want and fuck everyone else.


Not necessarily the AH but for me personally (F) I feel a bit uncomfortable if someone is in my vicinity with their nipples visible. I feel the need to avert my gaze to avoid looking in the general direction, but I guess you can have all the right to be comfortable!


Not at all it’s not your fault that people can’t control themselves. I get that’s their culture or whatever but it’s ass backwards. I’m a mom of two I’m 36 and I have my nipples pierced so you better believe any chance that I get to show those puppies off especially in the summer I’m wearing all the white tank tops


I don't think there is any rule that says you need to wear a bra on a red-eye flight...but I'd make sure to be appropriately covered when arriving in Istanbul


in my 25 years being an adult and seeing many many many braless woman over the years I have never seen any stranger tell them off so I doubt this happened.


NTA They can get fked, it's utterly ridiculous.


NTA. Nipples are a normal part of human anatomy. I see men’s nipples through their clothes everyday and nobody died because of this yet. NOBODY. I have asthma and GERD and bras make it literally impossible for me to breath and exist in peace. Nipples are normal and EVERYONE has them. It’s not like you went topless. Even tho I’d argue even that wouldn’t be a catastrophe since again, I see men walking tolpless around town during the summer a lot. It’s all about misoginy and double standards. However, if you do want to avoid the hussle next time wear a delicate sports bra or a thicker material shirt. If you are up for the hussle, then keep going, nonody should tell you how to dress


I'm a big proponent of wear what you want but if you are wearing a white tank top without a bra, it's not by accident and you should expect to get a reaction 🤷‍♀️


Did all three mob you at once to cover up? Or did a passenger complain, then a flight attendant said something, and then another flight attendant said something because you still weren't getting the hint? How many more people need to tell you to dress appropriately?


>How many more people need to tell you to dress appropriately? Sorry, what? Who has the right to tell any fully clothed person how to dress?


Airlines do. If a flight attendant tells you your top is inappropriate,  put a hoodie on. Bet she didn't board in just a tank top.


>Airlines do. Not sure they have the right to ask a lady to put a bra on. I researched it: American Airlines has a section in its conditions of carriage that require passengers to “behave appropriately and respectfully” and “dress appropriately,” by which it means no bare feet or offensive clothing. Delta Air Lines’ contract of carriage says it won’t transport passengers whose “conduct, attire, hygiene or odor” creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers. Also, no bare feet. Southwest Airlines’ passenger contract doesn’t allow anyone on the plane who wears clothes that are “lewd, obscene, or patently offensive.” Bare feet are also not allowed unless you’re under five years old or have a disability. United Airlines. No surprises in its contract of carriage: Passengers can be removed if they are “barefoot, not properly clothed, or whose clothing is lewd, obscene or offensive.” Nothing about bras.


Sounds like their language is intentionally vague and broad so that staff can make a judgment call about how lewd, obscene or offense a girl with no bra in a tight white top is.


>Sounds like their language is intentionally vague and broad so that staff can make a judgment call about how lewd, obscene or offense a girl with no bra in a tight white top is. I can't see that being a judgement call. A white shirt is not offensive or lewd. Not wearing a bra is neither offensive, not lewd. You Americans really need to get over your fear of body parts.


It is a judgment call and the flight staff get to make it. Argue with them and see how that works for you.


Love to see one, and just one, link showing someone being told to put a bra on by a flight attendant. I won’t hold my breath.


They don't tell you to put a bra on, they tell you to cover up. Sweater, sweatshirt, shawl, blanket, they don't care as long as the offensive part of the shirt is covered.


>They don't tell you to put a bra on, they tell you to cover up. She was covered up. but, either way, if a flight attendant told a passenger they had to put a second item of clothing on top of the one they already had because they were braless, there would have been a lawsuit. It would have got attention. I looked, couldn't find any evidence of that ever happening in any country. So do you have a link to back up your claim that flight attendants tell braless women to cover up their offensive chests? ​ >Sweater, sweatshirt, shawl, blanket, they don't care as long as the offensive part of the shirt is covered. Serious question: if you find covered body parts "offensive" to quote you, do you not think that might be a you problem? Why are you offended by tits not in a bra? Did someone hurt you as a child?


Agreed, OP should post a picture for us all to decide


Don't be a creep and make this worse dude. Come on.


JFC, if you’re offended by women’s breasts, DON’T LOOK AT THEM!!! NTA However, tank top on a long flight is not the best idea. I bet you were chilly for at least part of the flight. I always wear long sleeves on a flight, even in summer.


yeah i was FREEZING which probably didn't help my cause lol if ya know what i mean


NTA They all need real problems to distract them from life and random nipples. But hey, maybe wear a hoodie next flight? It's even comfier and you don't get people complaining about your breasts.


People need to mind there own dam business I would have said I tolerate the way you look and walked away.


NTA. You should be comfortable wherever and people need to mind their own business


NTA. I never wear a bra. Women didn’t wear bras for millions of years. Unless you need the support the only reason to wear one is bc you want to.


NTA. Your body. Your rules. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t get a say


Flying to Istanbul likely meant a higher number of Turkish citizens. I am not surprised you got comments. A much more conservative culture.


Honestly, I wish the world was a more accepting place because this double standard is ridiculous imo. Men don’t gotta wear bras inside their shirts.


NTA. But, I would be more careful flying to an islamic country without a bra. Not for others comfort, but for your safety.


NTA A tank top is perfectly reasonable clothing and you shouldn't be shamed like that


You should worn a hoodie or cover up over your “bra less tank top”


So many men of Reddit with bad takes I can't handle it haha loser


I love that you are so arrogant in your response that you are completely unaware of your ignorance and stupidity. Your response is the best support against your own views. Just another reason why your generation is fucked.


Here is when we see real society lmao I can't. I live in a PNW city with a lot of empathy so I forget how most of yall are fucked


I love that you're still giving me responses to screenshot to my friends and laugh about 10/10 comedy thank you


Proverbs 23:9


I hope you get to have sex someday honey love you


You’re doing just great


Thanks babe 🖤 love you 🖤


I know you feel “invisible” a lot Ashley. Jesus loves you and forgives you


That's a sad response to have. How do you live like this?


NTA I do the same or when I'm running quick errands. Fuck bras in the summer.


NTA. I will never understand how the nipples of a woman are different to the nipples of a man. Boobs? Sure, usually different. Nipples? The same. And bras don't "hide" boobs. So what is inappropriate about not wearing bra? 🤔


I don't really understand why most people wear bras. Most of the time they aren't needed.


Depends on the size…


NTA. I think it's ridiculous that people think they can tell women what they have to wear under their top. It's bad enough that women's clothing is so policed by others. To try to police what they wear under their clothing is just ridiculous.


NTA. I don’t wear a bra if I don’t have to. Probably would have avoided a light colour though.


My wife has been braless 24/7 for 7 years now. She's a 40DDD It's NEVER inappropriate to be braless. First off, they're just tits. It's not a big deal and America needs to get over their boobphobia. Second, unless someone is STARING at your chest, OR you're doing a lot of running/jogging/or going up/down stairs, no one is going to notice you're braless. Thirdly, it's factual that going braless improves health by strengthening your pectoral muscles and back muscles while also making breasts perkier. So you're NTA on all counts. EDIT: I KNOW you're going to Instanbul. Idk their laws or customs so be wary. Mine, and my wife's, views on this are strictly from an American POV


NTA- I hardly ware a bra at all, really only for work, sometimes I take it off before I go home, however white tops I won’t do as most of the time they can see the color of your nipples , I think this is more of a bother to people, I’ve had a couple comments over the years , I just laugh and say I’m sorry I don’t own one, I get an allergic reaction to the fabric and my boobs break out in blisters , done , they stop bugging after that


In general, braless on a plane is not bad. But unless you're willing to be called out for possibly violating some cultural norm or company policies or actual laws of the place you're in, at least wear a dark cami/top when not wearing a bra on an a flight.


NTA in blue counties of California. We love all nipples. LOL. I personally would feel at risk doing this in certain cultures. I wouldn't say you AH but you are choosing to accept the possible outcomes.


Welcome to Gilead.


who gives a fuck? you're grown. those people should have minded their damn business lol i love going braless. NTA.


Need more info. Send me a picture of the exact bra that night.


Could be because you were going to Istanbul, a Muslim country


NTA but seriously? Have you ever looked at yourself braless in the mirror before? In a white tank top of all shirts?? Free the nipple and all that, but boobs will be sexualized if you like it or not. Wearing a white tank top, braless, on a flight full of strangers is not a very tactful move if you dont like unwanted attention. Wear an oversized shirt next time. Still comfy and nobody will notice if your high beams are on or not.


You are lucky you still have breasts in the place you went.


NTA bc I think the boobs are bad nonsense is dumb af. However, most airlines have dress codes.


Yes. No one asks to see your boobs in public. Wear a different shirt or a bra. I’m glad they said something to you. Please be respectful to other people in public.


BS in that scenario, nobody gave a shit about your boobs, holstered or not.


I would’ve thanked you lol


omg ily for this!! that actually made me laugh lol


YTA , why would u hurt her like that. You bsbof shut


Can't decide. Need pics before making judgment. >.>


NTA - file a complaint with the airline