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YTA. How entitled and selfish are you? This has to be rage bait. You're a parent now. You don't get the luxury of walking away for a week.


Info: Which drugs were you doing with the BF? Or was it just a lot of booze?


This is just rude and unnecessary...


Okay, but did you use during those 4 days? Give me a straight answer pleaae


No... I just enjoy being around my boyfriend plain and simple.


More than your son?


YTA- you should have asked your parents if it was ok.


YTA. You're lucky they didn't make a report with the police or CPS. You would've deserved it.


Why??? It's not like they weren't in good hands. Other than this one situation, I've definitely been a good mother and have done my job well. And it would be pretty shitty of MY parents to do something like that to their own daughter.


Because what you did is child abandonment, and the police and CPS need to know about it so they can remove your child from your home. I would've thought the implication needed no explanation.


You abandoned your baby without their consent. They agreed to have the baby for two days and after those two days without word it is by law you abandoning your child. It doesn’t matter who they were with as they didn’t give permission and didn’t know where you were. You do realise they can still call and report you for this and that child protective service would take it very seriously. It does show how little you care for your child. Most parents worry and miss their child especially when they are leaving them so young but not you are having such fun you simply abandon and neglect your own child. If I was your parents I’d refuse to ever watch your child again but I’d be watching and monitoring you and if you ever did similar again I’d be reporting you for child endangerment, neglect and abandonment. Then you can get to live the life you so miss when you no longer are deemed safe to have your own child.


Well don’t take advantage of your parents. You seem selfish. And a good mom picks them up on the agreed time and check in on them.


YTA with your shocked Pikachu face at your parents being furious. No way they'll let that happen again now.


Sorry to say but YTA you took advantage of your parents so you could lay up with your boyfriend for four days. Once you have a baby all that goes out the window. You don’t know how lucky you are to even have somebody to help you at all. Now if your parents never agree to watch the baby again they won’t be wrong at all. Hire a Nanny if you hate being a Mom so much. A lot of single mothers have no help at all. No parents. No boyfriend. No Village at all. You owe your parents an apology that was very selfish and inconsiderate.


YTA - if you need more time, just ask. Your parents have a life of their own, too, so it's unfair to expect they can do this.


0/10 bait post. Come on, more effort next time, please. Yta for this bad piece of fiction.


It's understandable to need a break as a parent, but extending your time without clearly communicating with your parents was not considerate. They agreed to watch your son for two days, and extending it without their knowledge or consent could understandably upset them. Next time, be upfront and discuss any changes in plans with them beforehand to avoid misunderstandings.


YTA. You are now a mother so you need to start wearing big girls pants. This was disrespectful towards your parents who didn’t have to do this at all, in the first place




YTA People like you should not be allowed to have children. Your parents should have reported you to CPS for abandoning your child. Advice: Ask your parents if they would like to adopt your child. You and your BF can ride off into the sunset together and the child will at least have a chance at a good life.


YTA. You can not just decide that without asking your parents if they are okay with it. You are the one who is responsible for the child and if you leave your child without asking I think that could be classified as child abandonment. Needing alone time is valid, but do you think your parents wouldn’t have given you some extra time if you had asked?


YTA - your son is not your parents' responsibility. If you wanted more time you should have reached out and asked them. They have a right to say no and you need to respect that. Apologize to them and tell them it won't happen again, otherwise I doubt they will help you out like this again.


YTA Obviously. Frankly, if you can read this back and see nothing wrong with your selfish, childish, irresponsible actions, then I fear for what kind of person you'll raise...


YTA and very selfish and entitled


YTA. If you needed more time, you should have talked to your parents and explained it properly, not assumed they would understand. They agreed to take care of your child for two days, not four. Did you even consider the possibility that they had plans? You are a mother now, you have a son to think about, your freedom is nothing in comparison and even less so if said freedom is obtained by going over those who help you. Your parents were absolutely right when they called you irresponsible and selfish and even more so when they questioned your love for your son.


YTA. You absolutely did take advantage of their kindness and ignored your responsibilities because you wanted to spend two more days pretending you weren't a mother. The right thing to do would have been to call and ask them if you could have more time, or share with them how burned out and overwhelmed you feel and ask if they could help in some way. But just leaving your kid for two extra days because you didn't feel like parenting? Yeah, you're the asshole here, and the fact that you're here asking people if you're really the asshole shows how immature and selfish you are.


YTA Your parents already raised their kids. Your son is *your* responsibility. What you did was so disrespectful and selfish.  If you didn’t want to be a parent then why did you have a kid? 


I don’t understand how nobody called each other? Why didn’t you just call? Why didn’t they? Either this is fake or you were using during that time.


YTA. You should have asked. You don’t get to dump your responsibilities on other people without their permission. You absolutely did take advantage of their kindness. Good luck getting them to agree to watch your child in the future.


YTA, you wouldn't be if you'd called your parents and asked if they could watch him for two days extra and they'd said yes. But just not showing up to pick up your Son at the arranged time without saying anything? YTA