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>we started chatting as we waited for our respective spouses Not only did you take advantage of a vulnerable woman, but you also cheated???!!! Incredible assholic bastard


In what world are you NTA? Yes, YTA, stay away from women in a relationship, especially married ones.


Respective spouses? so not only did you take advantage of a vulnerable woman, you CHEATED on your spouse. YTA


Yeah OP this is bad


Those spouses sure must have been taking their time. You were waiting, then you were chatting with Nancy, then you went to her hotel room for making out and sex. I hope you aren't still waiting.


Dude, you cheated on your spouse with a married woman who was in a vulnerable place. Don’t try and sugar coat it with how you felt sorry for her. You didn’t sleep with her because her life was a soap opera. You cheated with her because you’re a horny toad looking at a pretty woman whose marriage is on the rocks and was ripe for the picking. There is no scenario where you are not the scumbag. YTA.


This has got to be rage bait. YTA, why would you even doubt it?


YTA. You took advantage of a vulnerable woman during a very difficult time for her. Regardless of her marital problems or the media frenzy, it was a selfish and disrespectful act that likely caused her further pain and distress.


This. YTA. you’re right, you are spinous coward. only a weak asshole takes advantage of a woman as you did. only a week asshole cheats on their wife.




You’re still a spineless coward.


YTA big time


And you still are a spineless coward, but also a cheater. Yta 


YTA! Even in the soap opera world you would have been written as an asshole with questionable character. Being married and taking advantage of someone else's vulnerability is beyond what an asshole would do. You took advantage of that woman and yet you wonder whether you are the asshole. In the real world, you still would be an asshole but not because of what you did but because what you wrote would be treated as a Shit Post and a bad one at that.


YTA. So much so. And you know it, otherwise you wouldn't feel guilty and ashamed.


Wait what? 😂 are you trying to say you slept with the wife of a suspected serial killer in Texas? … interesting story.


YTA. Nancy was clearly going through an extremely difficult time. Regardless of any marital issues she might have had, taking advantage of her vulnerability due to the high-profile case surrounding her husband is manipulative and morally wrong
