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report the 'lawyer' to the bar


Yeah that lawyer needs a couple of decades as a Denny's line cook to think about his life choices.


If that's not malpractice, not sure what is. Unless he's not an attorney at all but daughter just pretended he was one to intimidate her grieving mother.


I would bet you real money that's exactly what this person was.


A lot of time people will scream "This is my lawyer!" or "I'll get my lawyer!" in an attempt to intimidate. Does not work with me (or OP, thank God). I'm a paralegal, attorneys don't scare me. Not even the ones I work for. If anyone were to tell me they'll hire an attorney, I'd say,"Great, they can talk to my bosses and it won't cost me a penny. Unlike the $25k retainer you'll have to pay. Sure you want to do this?"


I love when the most brokeass people threaten to sue over stupid shit, like you're causing a scene over $6, I highly doubt you're gonna drop 5-10k to make a point


Ever read some of the posts in the posts in the legal subs? Some people want to sue over hurt feelings. Like, okay, you really think your boss or your neighbor calling you a dumb ass is worth a multimillion dollar lawsuit? Alrighty then, you go ahead with that. Let us know if you even find an attorney who picks up the phone for that foolishness.


And you can always tell who has no idea what a lawsuit actually entails. I had a real asshole try that shit on me and I told her I would be more than happy to go bankrupt just to humiliate her during discovery. A legal excuse to haul all the skeletons out of your closet? Count me in. I wouldn't actually wanna be in that position but some people really have no idea how messy litigation is and how much it opens up your life to anyone involved. It's why so many rich people pay settlements just to make that shit go away.


Years after a chain reaction accident due to black ice, which our insurance company paid out to everyone involved, we had a few people try to sue us. The one that went the furthest was a husband not involved in the accident suing for "loss of enjoyment" of his wife. Maybe if your wife wasn't still working as a personal trainer that could have sounded reasonable. It was thrown out with prejudice (can't be sued again for that reason).


"loss of enjoyment" sir you're talking about your wife, not a condo developer who ruined your ocean front view, Jesus


So... he was trying to sue because his wife wasn't screwing him? Even though she still worked as a personal trainer? Ummm, dude? Maybe the problem is you. Jus sayin'


Normally if insurance pays a settlement, they have to agree not to sue.


I actually know someone who went around looking for no-fault accidents. She got in 3 or 4 in as many years and played up being disabled for about 7 years while it went through the legal system. The day she settled (for a very very large sum) she posted herself doing handstands and splits and has since become a fitness influencer. Bought herself a house and a car in cash and now has an income suite she can rent out for more than most people make in a month. Now she's one of those people who considers herself a legal expert and foams at the mouth about suing people over the most benign bullshit reasons and talks about her "legal team" as if she's someone very important.


If you’re ever bored, go on r/legaladvice and sort by controversial. Fucking gold


I have wanted most of my adult life to learn just enough to file some/most/all the simple paperwork myself. Just to level up my petty and give people that deserve ittheir comeuppance. Not sure what that says about me. I had a boss once that I really enjoyed working for. The difference between us was he had close enough to "fuck you" money for the small town we were in that he could litigate whenever he felt he was being I don't know, bullied I guess. He had come from very little, worked hard for a guy who didn't have children (or didn't like his children. I honestly can't remember any more). So the old guy left him most everything and set him up for life. He hated when "the big guy" tried to run rough shod over the little guy. He had an over sized sense of fairness. He also loved kids. He bought mildly exotic animals and started a traveling petting zoo that he would move around in the nicer weather months. One of the nicest, best humans I have ever met. Sorry, your comment brought up an old memory of happier days.


My sister is an attorney and it has given me an appreciation for an actual law degree and license vs my Google search skills 🤣


My sis is one too. (I would NEVER work for her... love her but no!) Same. What I don't know, I'd go to her for (we work in different areas of law).


I am and my sister doesn't want to work for me! hahaha


I just imagine she and I talking about a difference of opinion on a case and then devolving into a screaming match about that time I swung her Cabbage Patch doll over my head. (It didn't break... thing was made of cotton.)


I would watch this legal drama, lmfao.


Love this story 😂


My parents were BOTH lawyers in a small practice and made us work for them if we couldn’t find summer jobs.


My ex is an attorney and it's been eye opening to realize just how little I know.


Most professions are like that. Funny how things work!


When dad died his CC company had an attorney call. My sister interrupted my shower because it was an emergency. No. Attorneys aren't emergencies and they called for mom. It was before dad's funeral.


Eww, those ghouls were trying to scare you all into paying his card off right before the funeral. They know damn well a person's unsecured debts generally die with the person. Good for you for not falling for it.


"Great, I will wait to be served papers by your lawyer" is the quickest way to get rid of someone threatening a lawsuit. Also, tell them since legal action is threatened, you can't talk to them any more. Their lawyer has to talk to your lawyer.


>Also, tell them since legal action is threatened, you can't talk to them any more VERY important information for people to know. The *nanosecond* they threaten legal action is when you shut down communications.


I’m a paralegal too and I was thinking exactly the same way: no way is that dude a lawyer, I wouldn’t be intimidated by one, and go ahead, sue me (because I absolutely know they’re blowing smoke).


We paras have no fear of attorneys. We work with them all day, every day and we know who does the daily grind on our clients' cases. Any time a client calls for my boss, he tells the receptionist to send the calls to me because he doesn't know what's going on. I do. If I was arguing with a paralegal on Reddit? I'd be more apt to rethink my position than some random claiming to be an attorney. (And you can always tell when that person really isn't an attorney. We just know.)


Omg all the crazy people that come out when people die. When my mom died my siblings and I … one of us was getting something each week in the mail from someone that was advertising law or something … its been a few years and we still get rando’/ occasionally.


I know enough lawyers to know that I don't know anything about law...


I had to laugh because my lawyers are also free. That said something tells me we would never get to this point in the first place.


Probably not, but it's just good to know we have that in our back pockets. Especially since there are crazies out there who think that can sue for anything. (Technically, they *can* sue... they just won't win.)


I had someone telling me I owed him money and the moment he said he was taking me to court I responded with a “good all further communication with you will be through my lawyer”. He hasn’t filed anything and I do have a lawyer but they have heard nothing as well.


I totally don't believe this was a "real" lawyer. Especially since IP wasn't really rich. No estate lawyer is going to risk a career of big retailers for a small percentage of a small inheritance. Daughter probably printed the documents off Legal Docs 4 You or something.


Is impersonation of a lawyer a crime?


of course it depends where you are, but there's probably some law about providing legal services when you're not one


Yep, unauthorized practice of law. If you pretend to be an attorney and give advice and the person thinks you’re representing them and they act in the advice and it lands them in a bad or worse place you could be liable.


No, pretending to be a lawyer is not a crime. The crime comes when you attempt to represent somebody or provide legal advice. Not similar to Impersonating a police officer, where simply saying that you are police is enough.


I mean...from my 'knowledge' seat on my couch I would think there were several 'crimes' here, but perhaps none of them big enough to be worth OPs energy to push on. Even though citizens aren't the ones pressing charges, the process would keep her involved with the turd circus of the daughter and the lackeys. That's assuming that a district attorney would even go through the effort for what would likely be pretty low consequences. And someone who has more than a couch and a Google searching finger can correct me, but claiming you're a lawyer is only an issue if you pretend in front of a judge. Maybe there's some trespassing, assault, shenanigans of that flavor? OP did the best thing possible. Cut bait and put up her sails.


It's illegal in the US and not just in court. It's called practicing law without a license. Depending on how it's charged (misdemeanororfelony), it can mean up to 3 years in jail. I'm guessing the attorney was a fake to pressure her. Thank heaven, the neighbors kicked them out.


If it was a real lawyer they were duped by SIL and daughter. Like they told the "lawyer" that this is what deceased wanted and widow had agreed to, they just needed legal documents and an impartial witness and then things went bad. Where does this third party was a lawyer or not, they are still guilty of a crime. Is called broad or theft by means of threat or intimidation. Those two women brought someone presenting themselves as a lawyer with the specific intent of convincing the mother that she was legally required to sign the documents and give up all of her assets. It would be like this supposed lawyer drafting a bit of eviction on the mother followed by a restraining order I'm stating that the daughter was going to move in and legally the mother had to move out and abandon the property to the daughter or face imprisonment. The documents might not be legal or authentic but if the person is intimidated enough to agree to them, this is how so many seniors lose their entire life savings.


I work at a call center. Believe it or ot I have had several calls where the person put their "lawyer" on the line with me. Then the "lawyer" proceed to threaten me personally with all kinds of things I'm supposedly doing that's illegal. At that point I tell them I am not allowed to talk about legal matters with attorneys give them the lawyer number and disconnect. It's amazing how many people pull that shit trying to intimidate others when they are completely in the wrong and are the ones actually at fault.


didn't trump do that on live radio once, like in the 1980s? Only he didn't pass it to someone else, he just tried to change his own voice hahaha


That wasn’t a pretend lawyer it was a pretend spokesman


"John Miller", in 1991, talking to a People magazine reporter who had the foresight to tape the conversation.


He also used a John Barron quote a bit as a spokesman for himself. Just a disgusting creature in every way.


Omg. Did we work at the same place.🤣 I worked at a call center in NY and they flipped that script real quick when they couldn't talk to us. 😂😂😂 Like you can't pay your bill but you'll pay a lawyer.


I once had a fake lawyer threaten me over the phone to that I would lose my then only child (she got the sex wrong lol) all because I had been talking to a friend's father about a mutual acquaintance who had lost custody of hers (the conversation with my friend's family was one of concern and not malice as we felt bad for her).


Yeah, I feel like even a shyster lawyer wouldn't actually expect someone to sign a blank piece of paper. It's pretty obviously an attempt to get the signature, then fill in the paper with something damning. It's almost more stupid than evil. Totally NTAH, OP. Good for you, hope you have years of happiness coming to you.


It’s definitely unethical bordering on illegal. I don’t know about other countries or US states, but in my US state if your lawyer sees you commit a crime, such as physically attacking someone, they have to report it as an officer of the court. Stay safe OP.


Plus the whole pressuring someone to sign a legal document ex-parte and without OP's own attorney reviewing the documents? Nope. Any actual attorney would know that could be challenged so fast and lead to a suspension, at a minimum, or their disbarment. If attorneys can do one thing very well, it's cover their own ass.


Especially attacking an elderly person. Very illegal.


I bet he actually *is* a Denny's line cook


Yep, I thought the same thing


He probably wasn’t even a real lawyer


Totally Agree


And to the police. The media too.


Please do report the attorney. The bar will have a field day on that one. Make sure to draft a will that leaves her $1, or explicitly leaves her out. Your lawyer can help make sure she gets nothing when the time comes.


my grandma hired and jumped through many many hoops to cut my mother out for good reason. its definitely worth it, in this case im sure a wonderful local charity could put great use to the money to help others in the community instead.


And include a clause that states anyone contesting the will gets NOTHING. I know this can be done in Washington state. OP should check if it's legal in her state. Best of luck to you, OP!


Gene Roddenderry, the producer of Star Trek, placed a no-contest clause in his will. His daughter Dawn decided that 1/4 of her father's multimillion dollar estate wasn't enough and sued to dispute the will. The court ruled that the late Mr. Roddenderry's stipulations were valid, thus she got nothing.


She should draw a middle finger on a dollar bill, and leave that one to the daughter in the will. Give the daughter one last middle finger on her way out


This is not real. No lawyer in their right mind (in the US at least) will randomly go to a random persons house at the request of their own client to bombard a third party with paperwork.


OP stated that they are not in the US. I could see this occuring in a country which has a 'flexible' legal system and highly patriarchal values. The daughter may have married into a very traditional family which now sees her money (possible inheritance) as their money. In many of these types of societies, widows are seen as a burden and have very few protections under the law.


That person was definitely not a lawyer.


Also because it has to be notarized. No lawyer is going to stand by and allow a client to physically coerce someone into signing away property on documents that they then have to get fraudulently notarized. That's the end of their career. This story is fake af.


No, the “lawyer” was fake as fuck.


Agreed. Total BS.


This is not taking place in the US


Fair, but as I said to someone else...most countries still don't allow (a) coercion, (b) fraudulent representation by the lawyer or (c) signing major legal documents without third party witnesses. I guess if this is a country with a TERRIBLE legal system, then maybe my point is invalid.


A large chunk of the world is corrupt and has terrible legal systems bro.


This is clearly not in the US. She mentioned her daughter married a man of her choice. There would be no reason to add that here. Given the currency exchange and the possibility of arranged marriage, sounds like India. But that’s just a guess.


The lawyer was likely elevated from 'can act' to 'can do'




If he's even a lawyer. Pffffft.


Correct! I hope OP follows this.


NTA spend it all and if you cant,donate whatever is left in your son & husbands name to charity they would support.


That is a wonderful suggestion. I've already made plans with whatever i will have left, I'd like to open an old age home, or atleast donate to one later when everything is settled.


Make sure YOU have a will and denote her a tiny amount of money or specially denote that she is not receive anything so she can’t contest the will and get anything


Give her clothing, a trash can with your last pieces of rubbish, a broken pen, but SOMETHING, stating that she is not forgotten. Especially if there is no other living relative to fight her claims.


Yes exactly. Why don’t you give her a framed copy of your thumbprint to remember you forever? Perfect thing to leave her.


That's so petty. I love it.


Have her estate lawyer deliver it personally, so she can relive good old times


Since the lawyer is no doubt working as a delivery driver by now anyways


And don’t tell her ahead of time if you decide to leave the majority of your estate to something else.


Make a will NOW. Don’t wait.


This is a horrible idea as this does open the door for bigger issues. It’s better to just mention she was intentionally left nothing. We have a similar situation & this is what we were advised.


My mom lived in a continuing care retirement community run by the Presbyterian church. I think it was a not-for-profit. Anyway, you could donate to various funds, some for expansion, some for paying for indigent patients, and an employee appreciation fund. The last funded employee bonuses. Just make sure you're not donating to a for-profit company. Live your best life!


The Methodist Church has one as well. The Methodist Retirement Homes have everything from low need assisted living condos to full medical care.


My mom was in independent living for 19 years. She loved where she lived!


Maybe a little something to the neighbor who rescued you...


Maybe leave a little thank-you to your neighbour too.


NTA, suggest you leave all your money to a refuge for abused women, as for your daughter, she can whistle.


I am thinking of doing that, its too much money for me to spend, I'd probably do whatever i want, then donate it or open an old age home and leave it all there


Please report that lawyer to his office and the bar association


OP listen to this comment. The lawyer not only witnessed you get assaulted they tried to get your signature under durress which is a huge nono. Then, after witnessing this was seemingly okay with his client directly contacting you trying to fabricate a paper trail


I don’t believe he even was a lawyer


Don't forget tried to get her to sign a blank piece of paper.


Assuming he even was a real lawyer


Exactly this


Check with the credit reporting firms to make sure they haven't opened any new accounts or tried other ways to steal your identity or ruin your credit. Use a service to monitor your accounts because given the fact that they wanted you to sign blank documents its not a huge stretch to consider that scenario.


That’s impossible. That sounds like a challenge to me. You’re only 57 and the world is a very large place. Start traveling stay in the best hotels and really live your life for you. I bet you can work your way through that money just fine. But if course if you want to leave it to charities that’s also fine too but don’t deny yourself the chance to really live.


I know several people who have used long cruises as "assisted living" since the cost was comparable, there's a ship doctor available nearly all the time, the food is good, and you get to see the world--even if you're not particlularly mobile and seeing the world is from the deck.


Yeah my great aunt and her husband do this. They didn’t have kids and wanted to see the world so when they retired they sold their house and all the stocks and such and they went on this 6 month cruise around the world or it was several not sure but the minute they came back they stayed for like 2 weeks to visit family then they were off again. They have their rooms cleaned, clothes washed for them and they have doctors on hand and 5 star meals every night. That would be my retirement plans too but I’m far too sea sick for that to ever happen


NTA, but your daughter's sudden change in behavior is weird. What's sil like? Is he controlling or anything? People don't typically suddenly go no contact sith people they actually love unless there's outside influence (like a controlling spouse)


Please do it. Don't let your daughter and sil get a penny, such people are disgusting and don't deserve your love&money.


Please make sure you first plan for any care you might need. In senior care you will spend $4-9k per month depending on what level you need. You have the money to do this now so tuck it safely away for the long run. Also you might video some of your wishes now so no one can say you were coerced by your attorney. In your situation it’s very important to document everything so a court can’t overrule your wishes.


The OP is not in the US, so costs might not be the same. She said she's thinking of opening a nursing home. If she does, I guess that would provide her care. Excellent suggestion about planning for her old age, though.


For your safety and to protect yourself from harassment, you may want to get your lawyer’s advice on how to handle your daughter and SIL. Specifically, how to and whether to let her know that you will never give her money and that she has been disinherited due to her actions. You may also want to look into the merits of setting up trusts - for you for your lifetime and for any charities or organizations you want to help. Your lawyer can advise whether locking your money down in this way would be a good protective measure and if it could discourage her. I am so sorry for all your losses. Your money is your own and you have the right to do with it as you wish. NTA


In your will, ensure you check the minimum amount to deflect her challenging it. Usually $1 and a very detailed explanation in the will is enough to defeat any chance she has to challenge it. Good luck and have fun, sorry for your losses.


My parents disinterested my brother (drugs, wife beater) using this method. They both wrote letters and had them notarized explaining why. Case closed.


I get the feeling your daughter’s husband is controlling & abusive hence she cut contact with the family after she got married. Maybe try getting PI or something with that money to look into it & see if you can help her as everything seems to have changed after she git married! She is acting diabolically, which could all be instigated by her husband?


It sounds like they're on drugs.


Oh yes, that was my thought too. The uncharacteristic NC sounded like abuse/alienation but the attempted robbery is straight up junkie business.


What a selfish and foolish daughter you have, she would have inherited all of that from you anyway. Now, she will prolly get nothing. Serves her right, as she behaves like an enemy. I'm sorry for the loss you have experienced.


you could light whatever’s left on fire and it’d still be better than leaving anything for the daughter (but a refuge for abused women sounds WAY better than literally lighting it on fire hehe)


NTA shed be dead to m e. Completly 100% dead and you should report the lawyer to the bar. He witnessed and participated in a crime and should be disbared. Your neighbor is a witness so it's not he says she says. Who's the lawyer's usual clients? The bloody Gabinos?


Leave part of your estate to your neighbor/family. He is more family than your daughter. Enjoy your life now. Make sure you have an ironclad will. You will need it.


Yes? Leave it to the neighbor! Or a cat/dog shelter


PLEASE get your lawyer to prepare a will for you and all the relevant powers of attorney. Make it very clear in the will your daughter is not inheriting anything and why, and name who your beneficiary(s) are.


And a living will as well. OP should not want her daughter and sharkish son-in-law to make decisions for her in her old age.


Leave them both $1.00 each so they can't fight that you weren't of sound mind since you don't mention them in it


I agree with this. Do not leave your daughter nothing. Leave her a small dollar amount just to show that she has "not been forgotten". It makes it less likely that the will will be contested.


Nah, leave $1 to her. Makes it harder to fight in court. 😁


This is the way, so daughter can't get her ~~enabler~~ lawyer to pull some shenanigans.


NTA. NAL, but I recommend taking steps immediately to prevent your daughter from trying to declare you incompetent. Speak to your attorney and financial advisor about placing the money in a trust with you as the beneficiary during your life time, then leave the money to a charity of your choice. Lock your credit down. Change any passwords. Good luck OP!


And let the charity know because they generally have access to a lot of lawyers and will fight tooth and nail to get what you leave them.


NTA - Have your lawyer send a cease-and-desist letter. Have the letter state, after they physically attacked you, and further attempt for them to contact you, you will pursue charges. Also, make a will keeping any money away from them! Sorry for your losses.


NTA. I don’t expect my parent’s money to be kept for me. It’s their money. They can do with it what they want. I will fend for myself. You do you!


That's what I always told my mom. "Use your money as you like and have fun doing it. You don't owe us anything"


I’m constantly telling my parents enjoy their money I don’t want it


I would rather my parents live as well and as long as possible. Our relationship is not perfect, but I don’t want anything bad for them at all. I can’t imagine even asking for something, much less trying to scare them into giving me everything. It’s terrible behavior.






Something tells me this whole story is BS. I’m sorry, but her randomly estranged daughter busted into her house with her lawyer, demanding she sign papers and got violent when she said no? Why would she have any access or say into how the assets were divided? Why would they storm over for this? Why was the lawyer okay with the daughter using violence? Not to mention I don’t know a single 57 year old woman that spells though as tho or uses the phrase “burner account”. Reddit really needs some critical thinking skills sometimes.


Yeah the account was just made and the username is “richoldbat” come on…


Exactly “My amazing perfect family and my amazing daughter who I’ve never had a SINGLE problem with hates my guts and I have noooo idea what I did”


Drugs, mental health issues, and abusive relationships can all play a role in something like this happening. Remember she said the problems started after the brother died which could have sent her spiraling.


See I thought the same. Like OP said after her daughter’s marriage and brother dying, she then became estranged. All I was thinking is I guess her and hubby are doing drugs. It would explain the erratic behavior. Factor in that she didn’t show up to her dad’s funeral, stopped calling and stopped visiting. I could see drugs being the number one factor.. If this story is true


50's woman here. I would use the phrase "burner account" but would NEVER spell though as tho. Younger people abbreviate that way.


My mum is in her 70s and oddly enough would. But then again she likes to think she’s still in her 30s 🤣🤣.


This is where I'm coming from as well. Either OP is leaving out huge chunks of the story to make themselves appear to be the victim or this is just rage-bait.


Even taking the claims of ESL into account, what 57-year-old writes "Idk"?


Bingo. I need to hear several more sides to this story, because something is fishy.


Yeah there's a lot of missing info. However, it's conceivable the daughter and SIL are into drugs, or something else shady, and their "lawyer" isn't actually a lawyer.


Even if that’s the case, I would think most parents would be a lot more concerned if their kid suddenly stopped visiting and couldn’t be contacted after getting married. Not throw their hands up immediately and go “well I guess that’s it then”. Abuse, drugs, mental health, a lot of real struggles could explain things but OP just moved on without concern?  Also why I’m also siding with this being fake. 


There’s a whole lot of shitty parents out there who abuse their kids and then turn around and pretend the no contact stuff came out of nowhere, but between the lawyer and the “I don’t know how the internet works but I know all the internet slang!” this sounds so fake.


NTA. Your daughter's behavior is abhorrent and u are fully justified in cutting her out of ur life. Enjoy ur well deserved peace and happiness.


YTA for posting this bullshit story. Without a will, OP would not be entitled to all of her husbands assets. This is so clearly rage bait. The characters are also way over the top ridiculous. So is "sign this paper and transfer everything to me" and the lawyer coming with. That's not how any of this works. None of this is remotely plausible.


the biggest giveaway for a completely fake story is when the OP, when informed that their story doesn't make sense, tries to cover themselves by saying that they are located in some mysterious secret country where things work different, but also never names the country. Every other inconsistency or obvious lie in the story is excused under English not being their first language . I mean I think every post on this sub is fiction to some degree but this is just lazy story telling!


The writing style alone sounds like a teenager. No one over 40 uses idk this much.


>Without a will, OP would not be entitled to all of her husbands assets That's not really the case everywhere, even in the US. If you die intestate in Florida, your surviving spouse is the sole inheritor of your possessions. It flows from there and can get somewhat complicated if there are children from a previous marriage, but in a standard 'spouse dies' scenario, the surviving spouse inherits it all. The fake indications are the lawyer willing to risk their career on a single client forcing signatures for what would amount to a pittance of a cut.


Finally, someone with some common sense. Yeah, this story is either a complete fabrication, or it is a narcissistic parent exaggerating the circumstances of a situation to justify why they cut their child out of the inheritance.


yeah. 😭 like oh i’m sure your daughter who used to be nice and sweet…randomly physically attacked you 6 months post-funeral after trying (alongside her SIL) to steal her deceased father’s assets from you. oh, and she never once called to check on you. I’m sure


This one is for sure fake af lol.  


Had to check the sub I was on. Are you sure this happened? Sounds rather made up that at no point after his death until you were assaulted by your child and "lawyer." Several months later, did you do anything with the "assets".


This is a good story for your creative fiction writing class. She attacked you with her lawyer right there and he doesn't even blink? A neighbor happens to hear and breaks it up? Isn't he supposed to be Prince Charming then and should have come with you on your escape?


>A neighbor happens to hear and breaks it up? Isn't he supposed to be Prince Charming then and should have come with you on your escape? Great, now she has to rewrite the update post.


Reddit should really have a sub for the "fiction-est" wild stories. The competition would be tough, i tell you that much. YTA for lying about some imaginary 8 figures.


Seriously. Can’t believe this isn’t the top comment. Daughter goes NC for no reason, comes back from out of nowhere with a “lawyer” who stands by watching his client attack her own mother. Stopped reading after that, so didn’t even get to the 8 figures part. 🙄


She didn't bring over a criminal *lawyer* she brought over a *criminal* lawyer.


Yeah, to go from "We weren't rich, although my husband had a lot of assests, they haven't been liquidated." to 8 figures is a giant reach.


I can't believe people believe these things. She edited though: >Edit: Amount is not in dollars, if converted it would come around lower 7 figures **Only** low 7 figure now.


But did the asssests clap?


I feel like this sub has become one of the ones where you're supposed to suspend reality and play along like r/nosleep


That and it doesn't make sense why her daughter would expect to suddenly get all assets. I could see if she wanted 50%, but to just expect her mom to give her everything is nonsense. No lawyer would be so involved in helping a random client commit a crime like this either.


So blatantly fake lmao. She went to a lawyer and they told her that she is the owner of all the assets? Didn´t have to go to court or anything, straight up it was just decided then and there LOL.


See, for me I'm not even convinced the entire story is fake, it reads more like someone who's trying to convince everyone she's the good guy in a story with only bad guys


Was she pregnant with twins, too?


Also, the house was left to her by her grandparents, and she used the profits to move to her home country.


NTA Make a will that leaves your assets to charity, and specifically disinherit your daughter, to ensure there's no incentive for mistreatment.


I’d leave her $1 and your mummified finger. The middle one.


Screams rage bait to me.


Sounds like OP was watching a novella and decided to write out the plot here


This reads like a reelshorts film concept.


That wasn’t a lawyer.


NTA. I would be very careful about giving your daughter and son-in-law any sort of private information regarding your whereabouts. They sound desperate and may try to do something to you in order to get the money. I don't want to scare you, but that could be something they're thinking of as a last-ditch effort.


What's to be the "lawyer" wasn't really a lawyer. If he is, then he's a pretty dodgy one and deserves to be reported. As your your daughter, any and all family assets are yours until you die. Then they go to your beneficiary. There is not guarantee that she will be the beneficiary. You are fully entitled to leave your earthly belongs to whomever or wherever you desire: a shelter, the SPCA, the man in the moon fund, whatever, including your daughter. Please remember that "No!" is a complete sentence. Enjoy your life. Go out and have the life you want. Who knows, maybe the "bucket" will be empty when you kick it. LOL


You weren’t rich but had 8 figures in assets? And despite having 8 figures in assets, there was no will? Unlikely. If so, that’s very stupid. And waiting months to deal with the estate at all - also not bright. Then the daughter barges with a lawyer. Very unlikely. I don’t mind made up stories for entertainment, but this is beyond belief.


This sounds like BS ok


Spend that money with zero regrets. It’s possible she is being coerced or at minimum misled by her spouse but honestly the reasons why she chose that path are not important. Live well. Travel, do as you please and for the love of all that is reasonable, create your own will so that you can decide what happens should anything happen to you. At this point, she is the sole beneficiary of your estate. Make sure your will is specific about how the assets are to be distributed. It’s been suggested that for someone who might contest a will to provide a token amount to ensure there is no mistake about your intentions. Get with an estate planner and bring them up to speed about her attempts and find a why to build an iron clad estate that cannot be compromised against your wishes.


I’d do two things. The first, is exactly what you are doing. Enjoy life. The second would be to make a will leaving all my assets to a favorite charity or even the neighbor that helped you out. She allowed a man to change her to the point that she only wanted contact with you when it came to money. If she doesn’t want to be a real daughter, then let it be that way for good.


Definitely NTA, what a horrible experience on top of losing both son & husband. Enjoy your life in comfort & steer clear of their insanity.


Keep a bunch of it for your old age care. You’ll be thankful for that.


Also wherever you are living now, please ensure you get security cameras installed and a will made in the presence of witnesses and get it notarized (or the equivalent law regarding wills in your country). Ensure your friends and close ones know about your wellbeing and health and that in the event of your death (natural or otherwise), your will is available at the lawyer's office or with relatives or carry copies in your purse.


Stay away. Enjoy life. Hide your liquidity in differentiated assets they cannot touch. Have a will in a known place with a safe lawyer to liquidate and gift things to anyone but them when you pass. Those two rotten bitches are the type to hit you over the head with a pipe and take your biometrics.


NTA. Sounds like either she masked, or SIL was a very bad influence. Report her lawyer, he allowed you to be assaulted. Continue living your best life and know daughter made her bed. At the end of the day, no one is entitled to anything they didn't work for. That was her father's money. She wants a better lifestyle? She can work for it, or tell her husband to step up (if it's one of those cultures where the man is expected to be the provider).


NTA - I would immediately set up a will that all your assets go to a a charity of your choice. Send a copy of it to your daughter with a letter. “Dear daughter, After your behavior when I lost both your brother and your father I assumed you were just grieving in your own way. I was incredibly hurt, however I had intended to leave you, my only remaining next of kin everything. Upon your assault and your mob style home intrusion to force me to sign it over to you, the first I have heard from you since his passing, I have decided to completely remove any possibility of my assets to you upon death. I don’t trust you wouldn’t do something selfish and take a hit out on my life to get what you want. Here is a copy of my updated will so you understand that even in death you will not receive anything. I carried you for a childhood. I have loved and still love you, I will never understand why you have turned your back on our relationship and I have come to terms never knowing. I grieve all three of you now. I hope you are happy. I hope you have a life that brings you joy. I’m heartbroken you have cut me out, but I will go on and life the life your father and I built. Love, No longer your mom” You don’t k ow what she’s capable of, make sure she’s not going to try and get you taken out so she can inherit it all.


I'm gonna be honest, this story doesn't add up at all and I'm completely convinced that some key details are missing. It just doesn't track to me that you've got this amazing relationship that completely disintegrates the way you described without anything else at all happening.


I have a gut feeling the son in law is behind all of this drama


Write a will and kick your daughter out from your money


No you are not. It’s up to you if you want to give her anything.


Fun story, but this never happened.


Cool story bro.


NTA but make sure everything is protected legally now, and in the event that you ever need hospital (or long term) care make sure you've designated a trusted friend to be proxy and make sure they are fully aware of everything so your selfish AH daughter can't pull sneaky gross sh*t later on. I would also leave a willed gift for the neighbor that helped you when she first tried to scam you out of your home, assets and life.


NTA Be careful and don't let anyone else know where you live.