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NTA. Work is the worst way to earn money. If your husband actually cared about his family, he'd stay home and paint or become an Internet star or fish expensive trash from dumpsters. But be warned: even if no one can tell who the baby's dad is from looking at the kid, family trees are a matter of public record.


Omg that’s so messy- make it private


That’s right but I’m sure your husband will love the kid as his own no matter who the father is. After all wouldn’t you the same thing if your husband was abducted by aliens and impregnated? NTA.


Defo NTA. Like if it’s your manny’s then it’s your husbands fault for not being good enough, but if it’s your husband’s, then it’s fine whatever way.


Definitely not good enough💅🏽


NTA! Genetics are weird anyway, maybe Travis had some unexpected ancestors 😇


I swear he got a black cousin somewhere


I have an aunt who pulled that shit IRL. She was married to my uncle for 20 years and could never carry a pregnancy to term. Both of them have skin color as white as paper. She let a black man from work who was "just a friend" move in their spare bedroom, and eventually we found out she suddenly was pregnant. She gave birth to twin girls, and they were both dark skinned and had curly black hair despite her and my uncle being as white as paper with blonde hair. She literally said the kids were dark because we have some great-grandmother who was Native American. The poor kids didn't find out until they were 18 that the man they thought was their biological father was not. Everyone in my family besides my uncle could tell they weren't biologically related but no one ever said anything to my uncle. My uncle is mentally kind of slow and believed his wife until everything came out when they were 18. I can't imagine how destroyed he must have felt after all those years. I know it REALLY hurt him, and hes not the emotional-typeHe still considers himself their father, and they have a good relationship with him, but their mother not so much. In good news, my otger aunt legally adopted them when they were young, and they are now healthy and happy 18 year olds, entering college with GPAs above 4.0, so they've turned out well despite all the BS they were raised in.


Omg that’s actually super fucked and sad I’m sorry he had to go through that. This is just a sims thing but I don’t wish this to actually happen to anyone :/


Omfg I’ve been reading this like it’s real 😂😂😂. I was so shocked by all the replies 🤦‍♀️


Christ me too I was so incredibly confused like wtf is up with all of you people, then I happened to glance up at the subreddit name


Me too! I feel so dumb. I'm in too many different AITA threads. I thought all of the replies were sarcastic because the story was unrealistic. 🤣🤣


i’m sorry but it sounds like homie got the john redcorn treatment 😂


Just like John Redcorn and Dale Gribble..


If the baby looks strange it’s just because you had cool undertones and your hubby had warm undertones 🤷🏼‍♀️


Like learn genetics Travis. 💅🏽


Memorize that color theory tfff


Obviously if the baby is your Manny's, marry him and make Travis Scott your manny, what other option do you have???


You might be on to something…


Nope, a new manny because you have to keep it fresh. 


Not to worry! Sleeping with the nanny is super common. I should know. I impregnated my nanny. I was really upset that she didn’t tell me she was married! Obviously, I had to fight her husband. After that they divorced. I win!




Not the llama. It's not your fault your husband was outside the house and your nanny was in the house. How could you control that?


Literally thought it was my husband like omg


>didn’t even get to wash the cooter This had me howling 😂😂😂


Just a UTI waiting to happen 😔


NTA. Move to a new town and tell each guy they’re the daddy. Bring in the bucks of double the child support!!


You’re a true business connoisseur 🫣🤭


I’m all about that ✨b a g✨


NTA. What were you supposed to do, wait until your husband got home to get your rocks off???? It’s his fault for letting a hottie manny in the house in the first place.


Like my husband looks like Michael cera how can I NOT be tempted by pixelated idris Elba ????


NTA, you can do so much better than Travis. Dump him and take the kids with you regardless of parentage. Split from household and move and evict travis and leave him with no money.


Nta. just tell the husband the baby must have got switched at birth and it's too late to swap them out now


I was sooo fucking confused for a second


Me too. I thought it was a genuine AITA of the creative writing variety. I was very relieved to finally figure out what sub I was in.


I’m in this sub specifically for the Russian roulette whiplash tbh


those were my exact first thoughts lmao


This just came up in my feed as a recommendation. I’ve been cackling thinking how funny and horrible this all is out of context.


That’s what makes it great tho because who would ACTUALLY post this and think they were in the right LMAO


Same! I really need to start checking the sub first.


Same. Had to read it twice and check the sub forum this was for. I was NOT okay for a moment!


This group was suggested to me so the way my heart dropped when I read that title 😭


INFO: did you hear anything weird after, ya know, the woohoo? If you heard a lullaby chime vibe on the air GIRL I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU


And did you woohoo, or did you try for baby? Or risky woohoo??


None, I just hooked up with both. I have mods so ion have to specifically click any option cus she can get pregnant no matter what 😭 but I play on mute LOL


Like imagine if you did woohoo the nanny and then were like woah was that rockabyebaby? And then you had to jump on hubs for plausible deniability 🤣


Mods? Play? No idea what you mean 🤣🤣🤣 sorry I was just leaning into the bit 🤣🤣🤣


NTA… your man is ugly af. I don’t blame you for getting with the nanny. If he gets mad at you, it’s his fault. He should’ve skipped work to be with you.


NTA, you have needs that he can't fulfill because he's what?? Working??? BSSSSSSS you go girly :3


I feel seen 🤭


I was SHOCKED for a full minute wow


I once built a lot with 3 apartments (I don't have sims Rent). I had a girlfriend move into each unit and locked the front door so they couldn't leave and couldn't meet each other. My male sims was able to get all 3 pregnant in one day.


NTA about the paternity. But you really should wash the cooter in between! Use the upgraded toilet with bidet.


I didn’t even get a chance he just came in :( I think I got a UTI now


In all seriousness tho has anyone else tried this?? I thought it would be cool to do a scenario like this to see if it ends up 50/50. But idk if the sims operates like that. Will it pick one person to be the father based on who did it first or most recently?


Isn't there a little chiming sound when you get pregnant? I still play Sims 3, so maybe they got rid of it for 4?


No, it’s truly a roulette. I genuinely didn’t know who the dad was like at all 😭 I didn’t even mean for her to cheat LOL this honestly played out like this on its own. The manny ended up being the father but I had a save where the sim slept with like 5 guys but only got pregnant by the 3rd guy.


Haha I love when this sub pops up in my feed and I have to do a double take 😅


I totally missed the SIMS part. The only part that I couldn't believe was how she knew she was pregnant the same day. 🤣


Every single time. I don’t sub to it just so I can get the whiplash reading the titles 😂


I had to read the comments to see what I was reading…your comments are my exact thoughts!🤣


NTA, I have it on good authority that your husband also slept with the nanny so fair's fair


NTA. People make bad decisions sometimes. You’re good 👍🏻 


NTA, get that vitamin D girl


I have one super promiscuous sim who is just like this. I gave up trying to figure out who the dads are. NTA


INFO: Travis Scott as in the famous Sim Nation rapper with his famous song "Simo mode" or Travis Scott from Willow Creek who is friends with those Summer and Liberty girls?


Travis Scott from willow creek 😔


This is a SIMS POST. There’s 100+ people reiterating the same thing. learn to read and stop commenting as if this is real and I’m the devil. It’s getting annoying not just for me but everyone in this sub having to see yall wack energies ruining our jokey jokes. So again this is a SIMS POST. This is FAKE. 100% jokes. If you just commented saying you didn’t realize it was a sims post this isn’t for you. Only for the people literally choosing to not read.


I've literally never visited this sub, or any Sims sub before and I read this and the comments and thought wtf is going on here before I saw where I was. Crying 😂


I hope you stay 🤭


After checking out the top comments, I think I will!


This sub really needs a mod to delete these annoying ass comments NTA, because a fine man walks in your house what does your husband expect you to do?


I’m begging them. If I see one more bone simmer get their panties in a bunch I’ll SCREECH


If I were you in this situation I would find a way to find out who the father is before the baby is born. Then once you find out who the father is then you can do what you like.


Well it depends who the father is, if it’s your husband you are in the clear, if the mannys you are in troubleee


Take your slutty self downtown and Make money. Why you giving it away free? Your kids will recognize who they got for a mama.


I would never devalue myself like that again! I’m a saved woman!!


Taking it to the grave as in; you are going to cook till fire or just going to say anything?


Not saying anything ! 😔


Not even going to lie I didn’t see Sims in the Reddit title and thought I was in my normal AITA group and was super confused why the comments were responding this way and assumed it was a kardashian episode or something. lol 😂 I’m so glad I realized but it took me a minute.


I know there’s always people commenting about how they didn’t realise what subreddit this was, but somehow, I actually did read through this thread for a good couple minutes before realising. Guess I haven’t been playing enough Sims 🥹


NTA. You are just an ovulating woman! You can't control your own body's urges. 🥰💃❣️


The baby is clearly the nanny’s. The first one you sleep with is always the one whose little swimmers win




Since it’s the husbands fault just blame him for it lol


NTA: if your hubby loved you he would have kidnapped basement painter gremlins to enslave so he could stay home with you forever with no need for a job.


lol I did not realize this was a Sims sub at first 😂😭


Same. I was like who gets preggers in 40 minutes


I am constantly reading AITAH subreddit so i genuinely thought this was a post from there. My rollercoaster of emotions was: “Male nanny? That’s unheard of where im from” “Um yeah you’re cheating you’re definitely the asshole.” “You didn’t even clean yourself? Who calls it a cooter?” “40 minutes? You definitely don’t know how the reproductive system works. This has to be a troll” “Oh sims… makes sense. Not the asshole.” 😂😂


Kinda feel defensive at you judging me call my sims whipper snapper a cooter 😔🤚🏽


Lmao I love it, but why is a male nanny part of the emotional rollercoaster? It's that crazy to you?


It’s just unheard of from where I live. It’s extremely uncommon to even have males work in daycares and preschools where I’m from. Not saying this is how it should be, but it was first thing that lead me to think it was a troll on the AITAH subreddit


Every time I read one of these posts I don’t realize I’m in the Sims version and am absolutely flabbergasted.




The sims character Travis Scott from the BFF family in the base world


He’s a white man with blonde hair


A male nanny would be a manny I never seen one though.


He probably won't notice. NTA :)


Oh my god it took me a long time to realize which thread I was on.


i read this and did not realize it was a story about the sims… you really got me there 😂 it’s the first time i’ve seen this sub


Lmao tf it’s sims okay. I’ve definitely had my fun when I first started playing the sims 2, whichever family starts with the dude who is already having an affair with the maid. I reeked havoc on that family, and I didn’t care.


yta. in addition, he will potentially know if the baby comes out a different color. be prepared and brace yourself. it can potentially drive a wedge. he might brood. there are more than a dozen ways that this will likely go sideways. i once had a friend whose mom cheated on her husband with a black guy. he committed suicide. if the baby comes out a different color this could really blow up. if this does go sideways, you should probably just avoid marriage all together. its much easier to just live as a slut and not be weighed down by vows you never intend to keep. not every persons is good for marriage. living in falsehood can really wreck your mental health. the person that you are hurting can really spiral downward. i dont know what kind of man he is so there is no telling what happens next. good luck. my bad i had no idea this was a sims post


I absolutely need to start reading sub names before getting invested. I was wondering how I reached the messy side of Reddit. I’m so glad this is is sims bc everyone saying nta. I’m shaking 💀


Got so confused looking at all the comments saying NTA when you’re cheating then realised it’s a sims subreddit! NTA, take it to the grave, lol 😂


I only read AITA and I was genuinely concerned by the comments. I was like how is he gonna be a the nanny after infidelity and then I saw sims. Great storyline


Oh my god I had no idea this was about Sims and almost freaked out at the comments


LOL I didn’t see the sub at first and was so confused by all the NTA responses 😭😂


Tell me why I didn’t read sims and was shocked everyone said nta LOLLL NTA girl this happens all the time with me and sometimes I just gotta lie to my husband and tell him that they all turn out darker at first !! It’s my 5th one and I swear none is really my husbands


Can't wait til Grandma gives him a DNA test for Christmas. Your husband is the dad no matter what. I understand why you didn't tell him and you are definitely the A.


Dude I'm high as fuck and read this whole thing trying to comprehend what I just read. That's enough reddit for the night.


Reddit you’ve done it again, you’ve fooled me into missing the ‘The Sims’ tag and reading this completely bewildered


I just read the post without realizing what subreddit I was on, and I was floored by the unwashed cooter hahaha but the husband made me look up 😂


The shit that held me until I realized what the subreddit was ![gif](giphy|SUF6VdeUF2zEByx3Jj|downsized)


Took me way too long to realize this was a Sims sub. I was shocked for a second.


The way I didn't see this was The Sims, LOL \*laughs forever\*


Just a random unhinged AITA post LMAOAJSHA


This is the best Reddit bullshit I’ve ever redditted. I’m the daddy.


Well did you choose “try for baby” with both of them? I’m a console player so idk if there’s some mod where you can get pregnant regardless of the option


I’m on PC they can just get pregnant with the mods I have without clicking try for baby 🥺


Dropping the bit for a second, I forgot that Travis Scott was a townie and I thought your Sim's husband was famous rapper Travis Scott. Needless to say, the skin tone bit left me very confused.


YTA - If you're going to cheat on your husband at least do it with more than one person so you can get a betting pool going


So real omg. I could of had like 5 sugar daddies


You found out you were pregnant 40 minutes later? No you did not. That’s impossible. Now this whole story is sus. EDIT: Oh. This is SIMS? Never mind lol


I did not know the specifics of the subreddit I was on… very scary


OMG. thought this was real life 🙄


I had to do a double take with this. I was so confused at first until I saw it was the Sims 🤣 idk who the bigger ah would be here, the nanny leaving immediately after, or the fact that you basically had a smash and pass going on in the game 🤣


I thought this was a real aita and was so confused on 1. How you found out you were pregnant 40 mins after sex and 2. Why the comments said NTA 🤦🏻‍♀️ lmao


This was on my home page as was I scrolling (I’m not apart of this group) and I thought this was real the whole time I was reading it and was like wtf the entire time. I’m glad this is a video game thing ngl 😅😅😅 I haven’t played the sims since forever. Should start again


I have to double check this ways Sims. 😂😂 I was like girl, what? Then I looked at the community name and face palmed myself for being so gullible


is this a joke post?


oh wait LOL this is Sims hahaha mb xD how did I even get here?


Uhhh, nta. Because two guys are better than one.


Thank you for inspiring new gameplay LOL


Y'all are such trolls and I love it.


Man I did not realize what sub I was on until the 40 minutes remark. Phew.


sweet baby Jesus, I didn't know what sub I was in into I read it. LOL Nah keep the nanny and continue the affairs with him, while keep travis in the dark!


You sound like a a-hole and all the stupid people on here agreeing with you saying it’s okay are too wtf is wrong with people it’s never okay to cheat and then how dare you not use a condom and now mess up another innocent life from the start. It’s going to come back to you everything you do in the dark always comes to the light and eventually your child will find out. You deserve everything you got comming


Oh my god. I was about to lose my mind until I read the tags, LOL.


I missed the sims tag in this and didn’t read the top I was like WHAT


I totally did not see the subreddit




I didn't realize this was about Sims at first and got greatly concerned lol


This popped up in my reccomend and it took me a good minute to realize this was a sims community


Gawddammit i thought this was real life at first and people were saying nta for literally actually cucking a dude and making him your financial servant for a false family (false pretense) but then I saw it was the sims. Motherf*****( XD


Definitely nta it’s not your fault that the manny y’all hired was so fine


So who is it? Michael Cera or Idris Elba? 😭 don't leave me hangin man. I need this drama in my LIFE.


Omg I didn’t read what sub this in and I was reading the comments like wtf 😭


Good lord was this a reminder to check the name of the sub.


Okay, I know people are often saying they didn’t realize the sub and were confused, but this one really got me. I’m a nanny, so I’m in a few nanny subs. This really startled me at first haha XD


NTA. If your husband gets his panties in a bunch, then make him the manny for you and your side guy. Or just lock him in the basement with an easel. He can make money while you and your side guy get it on.


Yes you are the AH.


Please tell me this is a joke?? Wth are these comments!? Edit: HAHAHA I’M AN IDIOT. Didn’t look at the sub smh


Omgg. The post was 😶 Reading the comments I was like wait what is happening!!! Gotta check the sub 🤣


the way i didn’t know this was for Sims and reading these comments…im giggling


Geebus I didn't read the subreddit and was like WTF Telanovela hell did I just stumble on... LMAO


The way I did not read the full sub title and was screaming,,anyways NTA


maybe you should have a group chat with them and see how it goes.


WHY NTA ?? why is everyone condoning her behavior?


I read this before reading the group and was like GIRRRRRL… then saw Sims and laughed. Good going! 😅


I didn't realize what sub I was in and was so confused why everyone was saying cheating was okay ☠️


Damn it. This post was recommended to me and I was like “what’s going on in this world?” while reading comments 


I love that I came here for the story, only to do a double take on the comments, then realize it's a sims subreddit


I did not pay attention to the sub for a minute 😭


I thought this was the real AITA sub and I got extremely confused


i didn’t read the name of this subreddit at first and was VERY confused at how lax everyone was abt the affair 😂😅


I was extremely confused at first, then I realized what sub I was in. I was thinking, wow this is wild!


Took me a minute to realize this was about the sims and not real life 💀


It took me too long to realize I was on AITA for the Sims. My confusion was abounding😂


That is so nasty.🤢 You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Your baby needs to know who the real father is and his medical history.


Very confused by this thread and the people on here.


I forgot to read the whole sub name at first, and I almost had a panic attack. Then I saw the pregnant after 40 min and was like wait a minute..... lol I spit my drink out 😂


I forgot what sub I was on ☠️


The mini heart attack I got before realizing you were talking about the sims oh boy, nta


Make the side dude the main dude and make the main dude the side dude, problem solved 🤣🤣


bro i really need to read the name of the subreddit better oh my god 😭 this is my favorite thing about this sub tho


I was so confused for a second and then I looked at where I was bahahahahah


For a hot second I didn’t see the “sims” part and was ready to lose my mind lmao


Yk at first I was soooooooo surprised Reddit of all places was saying NTA, and reading the comments I was morally stumped. Then I went back up to verify and realized this is the sims. 😂😂


Bruh i was bout to be on some moral shyt until I saw the group I was in. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Carry on carry one


I didn't realize this was a Sims sub at first. And was getting really mad about the people encouraging infidelity for a second lmao


YTA. You need to do dna test and if not his you as should tell him the truth. He is going to find out anyway. Is the toddler even your husband’s child? You sound like you don’t really keep only to your man.


Love how you guys blame the man. You are all disgusting for that. It’s literally victim blaming. Cause what if it was her husband who got the nanny pregnant? You guys would still blame him. (I am a 23f) I believe what you did was wrong but I am not judging you I wanna put that out there. Although, it could still be very likely the baby is still your husband’s. After you get further along you can get a secret DNA test, or if you know what days and with who you’ve had sex. You could most likely calculate that.


Baby this is a sims game


Got news for you boys not going to the grave with you. Cause two people with a secret is too many people with a secret especially if you have the baby. There is no denying what you did.




Yes you are TAH you have cheated on your husband multiple times


Do you know how pregnancy works? You were already pregnant before this encounter… time to do some math who did you sleep with in the past 8 weeks for this time. Good luck with the divorce it’s going to be a nasty one


Actually I got pregnant within the last 40 mins. YOU learn your math. 40 mins = like 3 months 💅🏽


If we could know we were pregnant after 40 minutes, life would be a lot easier lol!