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Living Room and it’s not even close. And I still love Living Room. But It’s like their Season 1 of The Office. They aren’t quite AJR yet. It’s so hard to pick between the other 4 but I think The Click is 4th because it’s the only one I can’t see myself saying it’s my favorite. OKO 3rd gun to my head, and you’d have to shoot me to pick between TMM and Neo I think.


Too be fair, Living Room was their first album (We don't talk about the other two) that they created, and it has The Green and The Town.


How bad can the other 2 really be? Is there anywhere to hear them?


Youtube playlists. They were so bad that some AJR fans don't even know of it's existence. Born 'N Bred and Venture. You can't even find it on spotify, that's how bad it was.


Can’t find any of the songs but I found a reaction video and that was enough


jack was 12 when born and bred was made. and 'go on take a chance' has a music video on vimeo


Do you happen to have the links?


I'll try to find them, I remember seeing a playlist on Youtube with Born 'N Bred


Also half of Born in Bread are just covers of pre-existing songs.


Haha born in bread, I read this and immediately thought of a baby being born inside of a giant baguette 🥖


Personally I actually love living room for this exact reason. You can hear them still trying to figure out their sound and they sound so different to today. I have to agree with the post with the click being not the worst but least favourite, and my top 3 are the same except swap OKO and TMM on the gun analogy, ever since OKO came out I haven't been able to choose between it and Neo and I have come to the conclusion that I never will.


Tbf, every album they sound different. Every album was a different AJR, and I like hearing how they change over time. Living room isn't special.


More like bojack horseman season 1 Shit with a good thing here and there but some select few like the album as a whole


I don’t remember season 1 being bad. But I also don’t think the office season 1 is bad, just most people seem to not like it.


Season 1 bojack was an intro to characters and a basic adult animation S2 and also every other season were amazing Just season 1 is horrendous


Netflix trip is one of my favorite songs of theirs, but I do agree. The Click, while still exceptional (I adore every single AJR song) is the weakest for me. Still great tho








I agree with you! Most people who are adked this question either choose Living Room or forget about that album, but I just really like it so it's The Click for me as well.


I was gonna argue and say I like The Click but then after reading your post I would have to agree! I was gonna say "so many golden songs from that album though" but then oh yeah, that is the problem hahaha. Golden songs overshadow the not do golden songs. And now that yoy mention it, I have the same experience lolll. I liked some songs from that album but then when I hear it back after hearing a better song from the album it's like "huh.. why is this song.. bad?" LOLLL no shade though


Living room, it’s one that I haven’t listened to in a while. All I don’t hate it, but I love their other albums much more.


Born and Bred 🙃


we don't talk about Born 'N Bred


What's that?


https://www.discogs.com/release/15408146-AJR-Born-And-Bred it’s their first album release as a band, but both this and their second release “venture” have been quietly swept under the rug by AJR. this album came out when Jack was only 13 you can find some of the tracks on youtube, it doesn’t sound anything like AJR but it’s an interesting relic


i really don’t see how having great songs makes good ones worse. There’s not a single album that is full of 10/10 bangers. Sober Up is a 10 but No grass today is still very good. And i’m not sure how it is affected by Sober up when there are two songs in between, it’s its own entity. My opinion is the click has a few subpar songs but that has nothing to do with the multiple great songs on the album. I unfortunately have to agree with the masses that Living Room is last because while i still love it, there are less great songs than the rest of the albums.


I think their worst album is living room and since we’re talking about this I’m gonna give my ranking of their albums 1. The Maybe Man 2. Neotheater 3. OK Orchestra 4. The Click 5. Living Room




Happy cake day!


I know it's not a popular take but for whatever reason Neotheatre just didn't click with me and I consider it their worst. I personally love The Click, and I actually think it's their best album.


Maybe it's because I saw the click live but the click is one of my 3 all time no skip albums and is my favorite ajr album by far




Brits spell theater (theatre) differently than Americans. Tbh it's the one of the few things they got right across the pond.


There’s no worst


I see your point, but I’d say it would be loving room, I absolutely HATE I’m ready…. But to be fair I’m a newer listener as of last year so… I do love infinity though!


i have a serious love-hate relationship with I'm ready. it's horrible, truly, but god is it catchy. my face drops every time it comes on my shuffling of my everything playlist but i will NOT skip it. my lady....... I know what youre thinkin when the bass starts ringin can you tell me are you stoked to start are you ready for tonight set this shit on fi


I totally agree with you! I love the melody they sing in the song, it’s just the beginning… I get so annoyed at the beginning I always skip it. Idk why, but SpongeBob saying I’m ready on over and over again makes me kinda mad…


i have misophonia & repetition is a trigger for it so i understand you so bad!!! it is definitely offputting but ive learned to deal with it for the giggles the song gives me & also bc the melody is great


EXACTLY! You’re so wise :’)




Living Room is da least fav


I feel like this is going to be a common answer but Living Room. It has good songs but they don’t have that AJR feel the brothers have developed over time.


Maybe Maybe man or living room


Woah, TMM???????? YOU CROSSED A LINE YOU CAN'T GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I hated it at first I’ve definitely warmed up to it, I still like their other albums better tho, ok orchestra is as good as ajr gets and I have lots of nostalgia for the click and neotheatre


Living Room 100% If you exclude that, unpopular opinion but Neotheater


Living room easily. So forgettable and honestly not great


Living Room by a mile. The only songs I like are Growing Old On Bleecker Street and I'm Ready


Living Room. just not for me


I agree


The Click has some great songs but i think there’s more bad/mediocre songs than good. There’s some bangers like Normal and Bud Like You and then there’s really bad ones like I’m Not Famous and Netflix Trip that are real bad. I’ve really come around on Living Room, there are some bad ones like Big Idea and My Calling but The Green and the Town (no bias i swear) and Big White Bed that are great.


The real answer is Born and Bred


we don't talk about it.




Living room is 5th, The Click is 4th, The Maybe Man is 3rd, Ok Orchestra is 2nd, and Neotheater is 1st in my opinion


Nah the living room Is worst




We don't talk about the (actual) first 2 albums.


Venture is my hot take, does anybody even like venture?




You don't like born and bred or do you?


1st: Neotheater 2nd: Maybe Man 3rd: Ok Orchestra 4th: The Click 5th: Living Room


I’m going to honest, The Click is the worst probably. TMM is for sure third. OKO and Neo I will never decide lol.


That one EP w/ 3AM


I’ll tank them from best to worst: 1. Neotheater 2. The Maybe Man 3. The Click 4. OK Orchestra 5. Living Room


Living Room. AJR is good, but every musician has a bad album before they make something good. There’s only one acceptation to this rule: Weezer.(they’re first album was an immediate hit)


Born and Bred (Joke) Probably Living Room for me.


Ahem Born and Bred ahem


We dont talk about Born 'N Bred








The other image couldn't load, so this was the closest option. It was literally right below it.


i love no grass today…okay i’ll go now \*slinks back into corner\*


im a newer fan so please be patient w me not memorizing every song here so i cant say all my thoughts LOL i dont know if i have a least favorite? i have songs i do and don't like but theres no albums i could consider my least favorite... so heres a whole blabber session im writing to find my answer starting with the click since it was your choice; theres a few really good ones and i'm more than happy to be recieving a vinyl of it. i don't really like bud like you & i can't take no grass today seriously LOL. i sing weak to my friends as a joke (though it is a banger). i really like sober up & the ones that blew up on tiktok are all really good. I love come hang out too OKO has less in the memorable category? but i still love it. i really like joe & 3 o clock things, i dont think theres one on there i have a distate for. i LOVE living room. it is not my favorite but nobody could convince me to dislike it. ( thirsty doesn't count as a song on this album ) i cant remember some of the songs right now so i cant give my full opinions, but i REALLY like pitchfork kids. ive already yapped myself to death so i wont say too much about living room. i already spoke abt my love/hate with im ready in someones replies so youre all spared neotheater was my introduction to ajr! definitely not the first i heard from them but it was the first that i intentionally listened to. unlike OKO where i dont dislike anything but am neutral on most songs, with neotheater i am absolutely in love with every song for different reasons. next up forever is one of my songs ever, my fav ajr song i think? karma & turning out ii are some that i will never ever ever stand to hear anything bad about & everything else on neotheater is also phenomenal. some of them i have to be in the mood for but also when they come on shuffle they stay on. wonderful wonderful album 🥹 TMM is also a phenomenal album. the dj is crying for help is a WONDERFUL song. in my ajr top 5. & yes im a mess i adore so so much too!!!!!! & i really love how ridiculous steves going to london is. god is really real i admittedly usually skip because i dont care about the narrators dad (NOT TRUE. i just dont have a dad it makes me a little sad) but i really love the chorus & its so true honestly ?! like yeah i dont think about karma til its convenient. my ranking is going from neutrality to positive feelings here, nothing negative 5. the click, 4. oko, 3. living room, 2. TMM, 1. neotheater tbh i didnt see myself putting living room that high until i wrote this list. though i think depending on the day 3-5 could switch around. im already second guessing myself. sorry for the essay


i feel like ajr has kinda a linear improvement rn so imo the living room is the worst


I'm not a fan of half of OKO so that's the worst for me




Yeah definitely The Click. Too many duds.


{Worst to best} Living Room Click Neotheatre Maybe Man Orchestra


Personally for me it’s the OK Orchestra. Ofc I love every AJR song but the OK Orchestra has the most songs that I like a lot less than others


From worst to best their albums are:OKO, Living Room, Neotheater, The Click, TMM I've been listening to them since they released I'm Ready and I still think Living Room holds up better than a good portion of OKO. Not to mention the earlier Overtures. Neotheater is good but cringe even by AJR standards in a lot of spots. Bummerland and The Trick on OKO are as bad as Thirsty and I will not be accepting criticism


i will not accept the trick slander 


okay but like 3 o clock things is tight asf right


Flame me, but OKO is actually my least favorite, excluding living room. I just don’t like most of the songs as much as most people.




Fun Fact: Opinions exist! I know, Shocker!!




People have opinions and preferences. You're not the only one has an opinion


I just looked it up, and you’re wrong lol