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I have two separate schedules at my school since it's so big. The first is a set timetable with all the teacher's names listed with their set weekly assigned classes for the semester broken down per period. This timetable does not change. The second is a much smaller schedule with all the teacher's names and their classes for the week. This timetable differs as the schedule changes almost every other day due to illness, meetings, activities, and other random assignments for that week. I am given this smaller schedule every week with my assigned classes. My schedule is made by either the Head of the Foreign Language Department or the Vice Principal. I do not make the schedule. As far as I know, someone in the school is responsible for making the overall teacher's schedule for the week and then distributing it via email/drive. I get the printable version left on my desk. Solely based on my experience, it will be difficult to make your own weekly schedule depending on the size of your school and number of English teachers. The schedule is CONSTANTLY changing depending on the availability of the teachers and sudden changes on the day. Good luck.


The school gave me a full year schedule this time but they hand me and post up whatever the schedule ends up being week by week- updated current week and next week out as well. I also have only one school, so it’s easy for everyone to track it or check with me. The dispatch company sends me a yearly schedule in ppt for days working and where at, if and when I get moved to where I would have multiple schools. There is an electronic timesheet that I can access to edit in true times if I was late or was authorized to arrive early. The vice principal has his own access that lets him verify that I arrived and left at those times or not. The dispatch schedulers and the school/ boe puts in all that work in advance.


I just had a printed out weekly table version where they'd write their name and the class in the spaces of the periods they wanted me for. They already made a weekly and monthly schedule for the school so I just kept those.


I used to share my Google calendar with coworkers. It worked really well. If you don’t want your private schedule known, make a work account.


Depends on the school. Some give me a schedule, some do not. At one of my elementary schools I made a schedule on excel so I could keep track of our lessons. I based mine on one made at another school. I find them very helpful, especially if you are T1 and are making the lesson plans.


I receive the yearly and monthly schedules, but considering that things change weekly I get a schedule from a JTE. I can try to fill some extra classes. Long term scheduling is pretty much useless where my school is concerned. I recommend getting with each teacher once a week to plan things out, and hopefully get a road map for the week after. Beware getting comfortable with a teacher's scheduling because everything might change when they get moved to a different school