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Do you love/care for you wife/children? Do you have empathy for the pain your affair caused her or is it more an inconvenience that you have to make "adjustments" to keep your marriage? I am not trying to be rude, but am genuinely curious as to your thoughts/feelings on this. I am an extremely empathetic person and seeing someone on the other end of the spectrum is fascinating. I apologize if these questions are rude or intrusive.


I care about my wife and children on some level. I don't feel pain over the anguish I've caused and a forced intervention is certainly an inconvenience. I think the likelihood of future infidelity is very likely. It's not because I'm out to hurt people, but I'm someone that is ruled by impulsivity. If an opportunity presents itself, I'll probably act on it. Moreover, I'm someone that tends to get bored of situations and people easily. There's a constant stimulus hunger for me - a need for something new and exciting. So it's hard to imagine a world where I'd be content with one person.




Good luck with that. Did you know that besides the ones you watch in horror movies that people with psychopathic personalities tend to gravitate towards the careers that "normal" people stop and say "thank you for your service". We are your Doctors, Firefighters, Soldiers, Cops, and any other job that involves danger. Like I said everyone focuses on the few that give us a bad name. All that to the side perhaps you should look into getting a mental health check up. Going to the extreme believe that all of a certain type of people should be purged is a major red flag. It's pretty common for someone to develop that genocidal attitude from self hatred, or to over compensate because of ones hidden self. Only a sith deals in absolutes.


Why would it bother me? What other groups would you add to your list?


At least most psychopaths are non violent and some do benefit society. A good example is a surgeon who can remain unfazed and perfectly focused on their work. You wouldn't want someone riddled with anxiety operating on someone.


Thank you for your response. One more question, if you know you are not likely to remain faithful, is that something you would be honest with your wife about? To have her try to understand that this is who you are take it or leave it? Sorry, I guess that's two questions.


Then why get married if you can’t be happy with one person?


He said for the stability, sex, and financial/social benefits.


It’s purely transactional, I think regular people are trying to look too deep for an answer. Looks like some people are even attempting to insult OP? Don’t understand that, he’s a psychopath, if there’s anyone in the world who truly doesn’t care what other people think, it’s this guy. he sleeps perfectly fine at night I’m sure. The stability, sex and financial benefits are valuable enough to him that’ll he’ll put up with all the other things he doesn’t like. and he’ll never admit it to her because it’s not beneficial to do so. some people seem to assume that he would value the same things that we do such as lost time, but to him the time isn’t being lost if he’s getting something that he wants.


It's crazy how horrible people with this disorder actually are


You know I feel the same way. I have impulsions, "tendencies" as well as temptations. As far as I see it, you're just letting your emotions get the best of you while using it as an excuse to be an asshole. Or maybe, I am the asshole by typing this comment.


The issue comes when you realize you're an asshole and simply can't be bothered to care, or change the behavior, it becomes a "If it ain't broke don't fix it" kind of situation, and "if you don't like it then keep yourself away from me, oh and screw you 🖕😉" Thats when you realize you're inching towards antisocial psychopathy. What's worse is as long as you're not hurting anyone people will tolerate you even love you if you're charismatic. Why change that behavior? Cuz it makes others uncomfortable? 🤭😂 No.


That just sounds like you are a selfish prick. You don't have a disease, you are just a terrible person. Its a shame you dont man up and take some accountability.


You, like most people, refuse to understand that this is actually a mental disorder. And this attitude is what keeps people with ASPD recurrent with their behaviors. Sorry whoever hurt you, hurt you.


Psychopathy is a real disease. You can think that he is an asshole all you want but he is quite literally incapable of empathy or other emotions like it.


If you can say that you're a psychopath you are not a psychopath. Psychopaths wear a mask (like COVID 19)) and do everthing in their power to keep people from knowing who they really are UNTIL THEY GET THEM HOOKED. Once that happens they begin to devalue them and then they discard them (after they have sucked the life out of them). There is NO SUCH THING as a psychopath who is not out to hurt people. Psychopaths have NO empathy and no feelings for anyone. They are wholly selfish and care ONLY for themselves. They do NOT acknowledge ANY responsibility for the evil that they do. You might say that a vampire "pictures" the psychopath. They do NOT see their reflection in the mirror. It is not because they can't. it is because they refuse to see themselves. "There's a constant stimulus hunger for me - need for something new and exciting Vampires are BLOODSUCKERS. They suck the life out of their unsuspecting (empaths) victims. Psychopaths are the exact same thing. They actually ENJOY making other suffer. They are dead inside and hate everyone and anyone who is not a psychopath. A good read is 9/11 The ultimate truth by Laura Knight-Jadczyk (Author), Joe Quinn (Author) excerpt below: This leads us to an important question: **what does the psychopath really get from their victims? It's easy to see what they are after when they lie and manipulate for money or material goods or power. But in many instances, such as love relationships or faked friendships, it is not so easy to see what the psychopath is after. Without wandering too far afield into SPIRITUAL CONSIDERATIONS**—a problem Cleckley also faced—we can only say that it seems to be that the psychopath enjoys making others suffer. Just as normal humans enjoy seeing other people happy, or doing things that make other people smile, the psychopath enjoys the exact opposite. Anyone who has ever observed a cat playing with a mouse before killing and eating it has probably explained to themselves that the cat is just "entertained" by the antics of the mouse and is unable to conceive of the terror and pain being experienced by the mouse, and the cat, therefore, is innocent of any evil intent. The mouse dies, the cat is fed, and that is nature. "Psychopaths **don't generally eat their victims.** Yes, in extreme cases of psychopathy, **the entire cat and mouse dynamic is carried out**—cannibalism has a long history wherein it was assumed that certain powers of the victim could be assimilated by eating some particular part of them—but in ordinary life, psychopaths don't normally go all the way, so to say. This causes us to look at the cat and mouse scenario again with different eyes. Now we ask: is it too simplistic to think that the innocent cat is merely entertained by the mouse running about and frantically trying to escape? Is there something more to this dynamic than meets the eye? Is there something more than being "entertained" by the antics of the mouse trying to flee? After all, in terms of evolution, why would such behavior be hard-wired into the cat? Is the mouse tastier because of the chemicals of fear that flood his little body? Is a mouse frozen with terror more of a "gourmet" meal? This suggests that we ought to revisit our ideas about psychopaths with a slightly different perspective. One thing we do know is this: **many people who experience interactions with psychopaths and narcissists report feeling "drained" and confused and often subsequently experience deteriorating health. Does this mean that part of the dynamic, part of the explanation for why psychopaths will pursue "love relationships" and "friendships" that ostensibly can result in no observable material gain, is because there is an actual energy consumption? We do not know the answer to this question. We observe, we theorize, we speculate and hypothesize. But in the end, only the individual victim can determine what they have lost in the dynamic—and it is often far more than material goods. In a certain sense, it seems that psychopaths are soul eaters or "Psychophagic".** In the past several years, there are many more psychologists and psychiatrists and other mental health workers beginning to look at these issues in new ways in response to the questions about the state of our world and the possibility that there is some essential difference between such individuals as George W. Bush and many so-called neocons, and the rest of us."


Your question and OP's response made me think of Dexter after his wife was murdered when he said "I was fond of her".


How socially awkward are you? Or rather, because you might lack the self-awareness, have people around you pointed out that you are socially awkward? Also, how empathetic is your wife? Is she seeing an individual therapist after realizing she lives with a psychopath?


I wouldn't describe myself as socially awkward. If someone lacks empathy, it must follow that they are socially inept. That sounds very plausible. However, a psychopath can have high cognitive empathy, so they may read people very well. A psychopath can also present as someone with confidence, larger-than-life presence, charming, which can make them popular or attractive. As mentioned elsewhere, I've been told I can be insensitive at times. My wife is a moderately empathetic person.


I find the differences between cognitive empathy and emotional empathy really interesting. For example, I’m autistic and I’m currently studying psychology in college. From my understanding, autistic people struggle with empathy in the exact opposite way that you do. We struggle with cognitive empathy but we have normal emotional empathy.


Does the unrelenting boredom you experience constitute the “worst” symptom of ASPD, or is there another one that you hate more? The boredom, to me, seems like the defining symptom of this personality disorder, but I don’t have this diagnosis so I can only make assumptions. Adding on: Does the boredom/understimulation ever make you want to change? I know empathy and such aren’t motivators, but I always wondered why more people with ASPD don’t desire a “cure” just to escape the ennui/relentless sense of understimulation. If basic pleasures fill that gap, then that would make some sense.


To live in a chronic state of under-arousal, is to live with constant hunger for stimulus. For people like me, it's difficult to maintain a job for a long period of time before becoming bord with it. I've held my position for several years, but in the past I would typically change jobs every 2 years or so. It's also difficult to remain content in a monogamous relationship, because I'm always looking for excitement. There's an aspect of impulsivity here two. If there's an opportunity for sex, I'm likely to act on it. I've slept with a lot of people. Being "bored" isn't something that is painful, it just means that I'm constantly on the go. Looking for new experiences. I don't spent time wishing things were different, no.


i hear hooking up one’s nipples to a car battery helps with understimulation.


Have you ever been violent? ( sorry in advanced if this is a repeat question)


I wouldn't say I'm a violent person. I've been violent in the past. I used to bully people in school, which involved acts of aggression and physical violence. As an adult, no so much.


Do you identify more as a sociopath or psychopath? I know there’s a bit of overlap with the two.


These aren't diagnostic entities. As I understand it, psychopathy is a construct still discussed in the literature, but sociopathy has gone to the wayside. I have something called ASPD, which is the closest thing to these constructs. To answers your question, I'd say I'm more aligned with psychopathy.


How did you wind up seeking this diagnosis? Or was it something that you were not in control of?


I was pressured into marriage counseling after my wife discovered my affair.


Thanks for the reply—I have two follow up questions. - 1: Can you share any details about how or why this diagnosis was arrived at? 2: how did you feel about this diagnosis (caught, relieved, misjudged, neutral, etc) and was that different from how you currently feel?


The fact of the matter is that I was confronted on the act. The counseling involved discussing my behaviour and personality style. Failure to participate was not a real option. The process of counseling naturally led to this conclusion. I don't feel any different about it. I think on some level I always knew I was different, an asshole if you will, but never adored the label.


So you are saying a marriage counsellor diagnosed you?


Why do you care what your wife thinks or feels? Isn’t that the opposite of ASPD/psychopathy? Why even have a wife?


I care about maintaining the relationship to an extent. I entered into the marriage for stability, financial benefits, sex, and cultural reasons. While I might be self-centered by nature, that doesn't mean I live a nonconformist lifestyle and have complete disregard for everything.


What you just described here sounds an awful lot like the mindset of numerous women I've encountered and had conversations with in my lifetime. I've always been of the opinion that there are way more psychopaths in society than we are comfortable to admit Edit: Sorry if this came off as an attack on women. It wasn’t. This is the truth of what I’ve experienced personally. Let it be clear that I believe psychopathy to be a human condition and can affect either gender equally


Far more men than women have the disorder. That's not to say that women can't have "psychopathic" traits, but it's the disorder is much more prevalent in men. An estimated 3-percent are thought to have ASPD. A third of people with ASPD are thought to be psychopaths. So that means that 1/100 people could be a psychopath. That means we've all met one. And the disorder is almost certainly underdiagnosed. I don't think it's crazy to think we underestimate how many psychopaths there are.


I work in a prison and like.... 70% (literally a wild, but close guess) have ASPD. It's crazy to think that roughly 3% have it when interacting with so many who have it.


>I work in a prison and like.... 70% I believe it. The incarcerated tend to have poor impulse control and difficulty regulating their behaviour. Those that have developed impulse-control skills can thrive on the outside and chaos havoc in more sophisticated ways.


I know ppl downvoted you, but there are books based off the idea that America specifically is a breeding ground for psychopaths. Dr. Robert D. Hare wrote such a book and so did Martha Stout. I can't remember which one I'm thinking of, but there are some extremely thought provoking points about the vitality of a child being held and nurtured properly on an emotional level to prevent the stunted lack of development in the emotional centers of the brain. I myself was once such a broken child, but therapy at 8 years old was apparently enough to bring a child who used to enjoy torturing and killing baby ducklings up to a level of emotional accountability that I burst into tears when I understood how terrible and wrong what I had been doing actually was. I shiver to think of what I would have become had my bruised neck not caused my school to call the police, who placed me into foster care after further questioning what I had originally lied about as far as the extent of the sheer abuse I experienced at home. Feeling nothing was the best defense mechanism I had in that kind of environment.


This is a really interesting comment. Thanks for sharing it. There's an episode of *Fringe* in which two versions of a man exist in alternate universes. Both had the same abusive childhood, both harmed small animals as children, but one grew up to be a serial killer and the other became a functional, empathetic adult and a criminal psychologist. They meet and manage to work out what went so wrong with one and right with the other. In both universes, their father found the cache of dead animals. In one, the abusive father punished the son who grew up to become a serial killer. In the other, the son fled the abusive father and was helped by a kind, maternal woman who found out about the animals but loved him anyway, and steered him in the right direction. The episode has a sad ending, at least for the serial killer, but it's a surprisingly sensitive and insightful treatment of the topic.


Geez why is this downvoted so much lol? I am a woman, and I feel exactly like that but I choose to live a conformist lifestyle to reduce the headache


I think you’re just looking for excuses to cheat bro Cause you said earlier that your diagnosis means that you will probably cheat again and that you can’t do anything to stop that, so this just sounds like an excuse You’re either making excuses or an asshole not a psychopath, psychopath would’ve poisoned their wife for making them go to counseling And wouldn’t be sitting around talking about it , they would be out doing psychopath things See because you doing this AMA forum implies that you actually give a fuck about answering peoples questions…. And what they think something a psychopath would not care or care to answer because they don’t care about others So you getting back to people on this thread shows that you’re not a psychopath, just a weirdo trying to get your excuse story straight in your head morally Because you can’t hate yourself for cheating if it’s some condition you have no control over Again creating this condition and using it as an excuse and victimhood isn’t what a psychopath would do Cause they don’t need an excuse to be an ass


This is exactly my thought. A psycho wouldn't give two shits about society or how we view them.. They wouldn't have the capacity to feel bad for their actions. This guy doesn't check the boxes for being a psycho. He's got a wife that is going to put up with whatever bullshit he tells her. He doesn't have to try hard in the marriage because she'll deal with his behavior. He knows this and decided to take advantage of that. It's a simple case of a cheater that would rather be called a psycho than a cheater...


This is known to not be true from a medical standpoint, and most psychopaths seek to maintain a level of anonymity in the day to day (holding down a steady job, maintaining relationships, having positive social interactions, etc). The difference is that while we view it as our life to them it is more akin to an open world video game, something you strive to master, but will basically do whatever benefits you and is no major heartbreak if lost. Don’t go around giving advice or answers to people is you have no clue what your are talking about bud.


It very much sounds like OP googled “how to sound like psychopath”


What are your major symptoms that make you feel like a psychopath? Do you feel empathy for others, regret and sadness for your wife with the affair? Do you have negative or violent thoughts? Or just feel disagreeable?


I've wronged a lot of people over the course of my life. I do not experience guilt or remorse. My actions typically do not warrant a second thought I have, however, experienced regret, especially if certain actions have led to a poor outcomes. I regret that my relationship is in disarray and it has a cascading effect on other parts of my life. I don't really have violent thoughts. I'm not sure what you mean by negative, as I'm sure all people experience negative thoughts. I've always been a highly disagreeable person.


Meh. Your just some scumbag bitch that hides behind a diagnosis from a marriage counselor as justification for being a piece of shit instead of being a better person.


It's odd how people who do bad things to others often are seen as intelligent and calculating, and mystified through a diagnosis like psychopathy. I'm having trouble seeing how self-destructive behaviour with no thought of consequence can be seen as part of something intellectual, and not a lack of intelligence. I understand the idea that a psychopath or sociopath might not see hurting other people as a negative consequence. However, like someone pointed out in another comment, his actions will ruin his marriage and leave him paying child support. This seems like something that would at least be inconvenient to the guy. I'm struggling with accepting that he isn't just and idiot, and an asshole.


Ya know I used to think I was a psychopath when my girlfriend died and I didn’t care. Turns out I just suppressed that shit so far down and pretended like I didn’t care cause I’m a guy and that’s what you’re supposed to do. Took 10 years to release that shit to a therapist.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. People react to death in different ways. I myself usually have a lot of reaction when someone is dying, but the second they're actually gone I'm just emotionally flat. I'm glad to hear you've worked it through, as much as you can at least.


this. they’re not special. they’re thoughtless and are a danger to themselves, as well as others. they’re not smart. if anything, they’re vastly inferior.


I agree . I read a study that said most psychopaths are just as intelligent as normal people actually. So it's not even that they outsmart us. They are just able to make more logical decisions without emotions getting in the way . High IQs are mostly problem solving so that would make sense . Or make impulsive/ self destructive choices that wouldnt effect how they feel even it was wrong. So it's not like they are some saints that can manipulate anyone . They just lack emotion entirely . So to them we look weak for falling victim to there phony facades .... They legit look down on us and think we are stupid because we CAN feel ..... lmao


I don't think people with personality disorders have any choice. It's incredibly difficult for them to change. Imagine you having to change your personality and the way you think and feel? Especially if you don't really have feelings in the first place, through no fault of your own. The op had already said that he lacks emotions and empathy and finds it hard to get emotional about anything, including threats to himself. So the best he can do is fake it and pretend to be a loving husband and father. Many of them do, but because they tend to operate by relying heavily on logic rather than emotions, they tend to be more acutely aware of the evil in the world and feel justified in punishing bad people, or wiping a competitor out at work, for example, by devious means. I don't mean extreme stuff like killing them, but for example I knew one who found out an embarrassing secret about his competitor at work, then circulated photocopies of the details. He did it anonymously, then actually went to the target and expressed support and said how unfortunate the person's situation was and offered to help if he needed anything. Meanwhile, it was actually him that caused the story to come out and resulted in the target resigning. He justified it by telling me about other "bad" things this person had done that annoyed him (all trivial and way out of proportion to what was done to him as "punishment")


Yup. That’s how I felt too. Fuck this guy. He’s probably adoring all this attention too.


what is he justifying? lol you discrediting the validity of mental conditions makes no sense, obviously he did something wrongs and is completely responsible for it, that doesn’t make him not a psychopath


no, we’re sick of people treating psychopaths like they’re cool and someone to be looked up to or even understood. they deserve nothing from us but to be isolated and treated with extreme caution.


do you feel empathy? what do you think about having emotions? did you ever try to blend in with other people by pretending to relate to them when you actually don't understand it?


I'm high in cognitive empathy, which means I'm able to read people very well. For example, I'm able to tell if someone is feeling down. Might even be able to carve someone out of a crowd by reading their body language and facial expressions. If they share a horrific story, I'm unlikely to feel emotion because of it. I've been putting on a performance my entire life, but I do understand on some level.


I gotta ask. I'd say I'm high cognitive empathy with low whatever emotional empathy is. I get feelings but idk that I'd call them emotions. I'd call it recognition that a thought aligns to a feeling more than a true feeling. How much does this align to your thinking about emotions or feelings.


My family says I have no empathy. It’s not true - I have high level of empathy, I can read people, I just don’t give a f*ck. I have no compassion. I don’t love anyone, maybe except my boyfriend, but there is no day I wouldn’t wish someone to die. Hate dealing with people, maybe this is why I opened my company to stay at home and to not talk to them when I don’t have to. So what? I was never violent, never had troubles, and because I was a model, I didn’t spend too much time at school to bully others. I’m just like that, I was always like that. I’m self-diagnosed psychopath. Welcome to the club of freaks and assholes.


Do you think you becoming a psychopath nature or nuture ? Did your childhood trigger/ cause your diagnosis or do you think you were born that way?


It's important to recognize that psychopathy is a construct and psychology isn't an exact science. My guess is that there could be a number of factors, including both "nature and nurture." I'm someone that rarely experiences fear and anxiety. High stress situations do not activate the autonomic nervous system (i.e., increase heart rate, respiration). It's part of the reason why I'm a natural public speaker. This likely has something to do with the brain. I come from a poor household. There was some hardship, but I didn't experience any trauma. It's plausible that it had an impact, but it's not like everybody born in poverty grows up to become a psychopath. It's possible that if my budding ASPD symptoms were detected earlier, intervention could have led to some traits being minimized or created the skills to better manage them.


Although both biological and environmental factors play a role in the development of Psychopathy. Psychopaths are born not made. Psycopaths have reduced connections between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, regions of the brain that deal with empathy, guilt and the amygdala which mediates fear and anxiety. Check Bob Hares (known as the father of psychopathy) work with James Fallon (The neuroscientist who discovered the brain patterns). This particular individual has implied a marriage counselor diagnosed. Does not seemingly understand the basics of Psycopathy, their apparent diagnosis. Would take their word with a pinch of salt.


I have a few. It’s okay if you don’t want to answer one or any so feel free to ignore 1) Did you ever notice a difference in your actions and feelings compared to those around you? Did you ever realize there was a difference? 2) What led up to getting your diagnosis? Did you go to a professional voluntarily or for other reasons? 3) Do you want to “get better?” Or are you okay with having ASPD? 4) Do you ever wonder what it feels like not to have ASPD? Do you know if you would prefer one over the other? This is just me being nosy, feel free to ignore anything you don’t want to answer :)


>Did you ever notice a difference in your actions and feelings compared to those around you? Did you ever realize there was a difference? I tend to be very direct and share my thoughts with people, no matter how unfortunate it may be for them. There are times I've hurt or rubbed someone the wrong way without intention. I've long been aware of aspects of my personality style, but hadn't considered it to rise to the level of a disorder. >What led up to getting your diagnosis? Did you go to a professional voluntarily or for other reasons? My infidelity led to counseling. >Do you want to “get better?” Or are you okay with having ASPD? No. I don't think I'll ever change. >Do you ever wonder what it feels like not to have ASPD? Do you know if you would prefer one over the other? I haven't put much thought into it. To be honest, I've enjoyed a fair bit of success and have largely not seen my disorder as a serious problem.


So lack of guilt or remorse are only symptoms? Lack of empathy, but we agree that’s helpful in analytical, dispassionate aside of your job. Psychopath has such an negative connotation in society? Is it in your case? Dl you feel a danger to others? Are someone we should worry about? If not, does your psychopathy even effect anyone else?


Labels like "psychopath" can be harmful. I think the popular concept and conceptions of psychopathy has been influenced by television, where psychopaths are typically portrayed as violent. When people think of psychopath, they often think of serial killers, criminal masterminds, unhinged maniacs. Being a psychopath doesn't mean you're violent. I'm a selfish cunt, but I'm not violent.


Doesn't being selfish get boring?


I’ve called someone an arrogant cunt before - male doctor that committed malpractice. Think there are probably a lot of self-styled selfish cunts out there but understand yours is deeper and more biological. Thanks for doing AMA, Your Honor Edit: sorry for all the typos. Fixed.


Psychologist here. Curious about your diagnosis. Am I understanding correctly that a couple’s therapist you were seeing with your wife diagnosed you?


The same clinician did the diagnosis.


What did the diagnostic process entail?


There was an initial assessment, clinical interview that encompassed a wide range of questions, discussion on findings. Can't say I'm familiar with the instruments or assessment tools used. Report came with a treatment plan.


What is the treatment plan? Will you comply?


he stated in another comment he has no desire to change and doesn’t see an issue with it, so there is no “treatment plan”


I'm not a professional but I do have ASPD traits/symptoms/tendencies. I was told by my professionals that diagnosis for such conditions don't happen openly as it tends to put labels on clients. In my case, I wasn't diagnosed, just informed that I do possess these traits instead.


Right; I’m asking about the diagnostic *process*, so what the assessment entailed. Whoever told you that you have traits likewise used some kind of diagnostic process.


I think the PCL-R test is used and you have to score at least a 30? Highest being a 40 I believe or the TriPm archic psychopathy model. I work at a behavioral health facility for kids so I believe they use the ICU if the kids exhibit antisocial traits and lack empathy for things they’ve done like they killed a family pet, poisoned siblings etc


I’m asking what specific process was used for this person. I’m a psychologist, so I’m familiar with the various ways it can be diagnosed. Thanks though!




Ohhhhh omg I misread your comment! I would be curious what qualifications the marriage counselor had tbh


Have you struggled with other relationships/ dating In the past due to not being empathetic?


I dated a lot in my late teens and 20s. I've had a few long-term relationships (1 year plus) prior to marriage. I have a habit of dropping people quickly. For example, I've met a lot of women I didn't connect with, but was interested in something physical. Since I had no real interest in the relationship, they tended to nose dive or simply dissipated. I'm sure women have found me to be distant and lacking.


Are you in love with your wife? What is it about her that made you want to marry her?


Do you think you can tell when you meet another psychopath?


No. I've encountered people that have psychopathic traits, but that doesn't necessarily mean they have a personality disorder. Just because someone is an asshole, doesn't mean they have ASPD. I could make an educated guess if I knew someone well enough.


After your diagnosis, did you start actively seeking treatment or therapy for yourself?


I'm involved in some cognitive-behavioural therapy, focused on changing maladaptive behaviours. The focus is on developing skills for managing my impulsivity and interpersonal problems etc. I don't think it's helping to be frank.


Do you feel as though your disorder is a detriment to you being a functioning member of society?


It's a spectrum disorder. It's important to recognize that people living with ASPD aren't all the same. There's also a whole constellation of personality traits and personal characteristics. What does it mean to be a "functioning member of society?" I have credentials from elite institutions, I enjoy occupational prestige and a high income, I'm married with children. I'm sure there are traits that are considered maladaptive, but I'm also certain that some psychopathic traits may be advantageous in certain contexts.


I've read a few times that if you want to find the highest concentration of psychopaths, you should visit the halls of Congress and corporate boardrooms.


Were you diagnosed because YOU have a problem with you, or were you diagnosed because OTHER people have a problem with you?


I partially answered this question a moment ago. No, I didn't check myself into to counseling of my own accord.


Does healing and being self aware involve trying to deepen your capacity to experience* the range of human emotions, or are you basically learning how to cosplay being a "normal" person?


I wouldn't describe counseling as a form of "healing." It's something I participate in to appease my wife. I think it's interesting you bring up the concept of "cosplay." Counseling can train people to behave in a "proper" way, which may prove beneficial or harmful. It can be harmful in the sense that it gives people like me the tools to better manipulate people.


Why is your wife still with you now that she knows you are a cheater and a psycho with a high probability of cheating again? Is she just dumb?


Criticizing the wife is not fair. She's the wronged party. Maybe she's only just discovered all this and is still processing it. Maybe moving out and supporting a child would put her in an untenable position financially. Maybe she's seeking legal advice and hasn't told OP. Even if she does currently think her husband can be treated and there's hope for the marriage it doesn't mean she's "dumb," it just means she's a nicer person than he is.


Can you spot weaknesses in people? How fast if so?


Like a predator will prevail on a prey with a limp? I think on some level everybody gives off a certain presence. Walks, talks and behaves in a certain fashion. It typically doesn't take me long to deduce if someone is confident or if they have low self-esteem. I can tell within the first minutes of talking to them. Sometimes even quicker based on how they present.


Same here. I share many of your traits, however, I have a heart. But my ability to immediately assess people, and influence them based on my findings, is why I have a successful sales career.


Do you just tell people you feel bad when you really don't? Does it annoy you when people are stupid? Do you have a hard time relating to what other people are feeling and just fake it because you know you're supposed to be feeling something like it? Do you find yourself liking when you make sure someone knows they're an idiot? Do you passive aggressively embarrass idiots?


>Do you just tell people you feel bad when you really don't? If the situation calls for it, I'll give the appropriate gesture. >Does it annoy you when people are stupid? I'm not easily annoyed. I've had day-long hearings with stupid people that required me to pop some Tylenol throughout the process. >Do you have a hard time relating to what other people are feeling and just fake it because you know you're supposed to be feeling something like it? I can read people pretty well. There are times I'll put on a performance, and there are times I cannot be bothered. If the relationship has value to me, I'm more likely to give the appearance of compassion or whatever. >Do you find yourself liking when you make sure someone knows they're an idiot? I typically don't go out of my way to belittle people, unless they have it coming to them.


Did you know before your diagnosis?


I was aware of my personality style (i.e. callous, disagreeable). I didn't use the label or consider myself to be disordered.


I can understand how the callous part would fit into ASPD, but can you tell me more about the irritability? Like, is it annoyance with others’ emotionality , or something else?


Who's the scariest person you've met?


I'm a presiding judge. There's no shortage of frightening people that come before me.


I feel like you shouldn't have that job if you're a psychopath I'm just saying I was never diagnosed, but as a kid I had sociopathic symptoms to where I would kill animals constantly in disgusting ways for no reason whatsoever and I couldn't really experience love or let myself feel it and I wanted to honestly manipulate people all the time for fun and I felt on top of the MUTHA FUKIN world. Just overall extremely violent. Then I did psychedelics for the first time with the intention to learn and it went away completely... No lie..I think it should really be researched for treatment of sociopathy. Psychopathy is another thing though. How do you know that you're not a sociopath versus a psychopath? You just remember this from such a young age that it's obvious you were born with it?


Holy shit, psychedelics cured your psychopathy? I've always wondered this! This is the first time I've heard of this. You should do an AMA!


Yeah Lmaooo... There's not too many questions to ask besides what did it feel like or something.. Idk.. Maybe.. I really was so fucked up man. There is some minimal research on it though that it works for sociopathy but not psychopathy. By the way, it was ergine, I don't believe lsd would do it reliably as LSA for some reason


Are not sociopathy and psychopathy the same thing now? Sociopathy isn't even recognized by psychologists anymore. Look up dark triad. There are 3 types of personality disorders that involve lack of empathy. But yeah, please do an AMA! I am fascinated by this topic. I have like a hundred questions for you already. I have always wondered if shrooms would cure psychopathy. Maybe not for everyone, but to know that it is possible absolutely gives me so much hope. Have you always been like that your whole life before the ergine? Like ever since you were a toddler? Do you feel any intense anger or think dark thoughts now? Do you now have empathy for others? Do you feel love? Did you do ergine only one time, or several times? See, I have so many questions! And I can think of tons more but I don't want to overwhelm you. lol


Well I see you're right, dang The distinction with me is that I wasn't born that way, I was only probably born with susceptibility to it as a defense mechanism to certain things which is honestly what happened to me, soo, yeah idk Yeah I know I wasn't born this way probably just susceptible to it. It made me feel safe I think subconsciously to cut off all semblance of normalcy and empathy because it slowly faded and got to a really depraved ass place. Yeah, so, I basically have the ability to turn it on and off kind of now, but really only readily under the influence of anger / self defense. Like as soon as I get angry when feeling in danger I instantly become "pseudo-sociopathic" is what I call it; to where I can somewhat control it and it's still mediated by morality unlike it was before. I do have empathy now sometimes more than I'd even like.. and it really does merge with my defensiveness even when some of the symptoms come back.. which essentially mediates it like I say. Like, I'll think "I'll just kill him if he does anything to me but I'll feel kind of bad and I don't wanna go to jail and I don't really like conflict anyways, but I'll do it idgaf, fucking maybe he deserves it if he tries to fight me, but nah I don't want that". It's like it installed Morality In Me. If no one's making me angry or feel threatened I'm actually totally normal. So it cured it about 90% because I feel so much more now that it's impossible for me to go back to what it was and I'm so grateful because it let's me be almost entirely normal. And unlike before I would never think I'm just doing it for the hell of it because they threatened me, I mean I get seconds where I think that but I never want to do that... I would definitely have to wait for them to try to attack me or something before I say fuck that and get consumed by defensiveness and anger. when before... Bro... I planned on killing people... Like for no reason... just to see their head blown off and all I was concerned with was if I'd go to jail or not and then I did psychedelics and it stopped it in its tracks and I became a totally different person overnight. So I don't really know where the hell I was gonna end up but I genuinely believe it saved my life so I do dedicate half my life to them now and the chemistry. Any dark thoughts I get now aren't really serious except the ones about hurting myself honestly.. But the psychedelics still help me with not killing myself but I can't help but think about it sometimes or consider it. My life is really messed up otherwise I wouldn't at all think of it and it would reduce any symptoms of sociopathy or ASP that are slightly left. Yeah, so one time was enough, but I decided to do more obviously like everyone else does when they get a mystical or introspective experience because of how mind blowing it was, I wanted to know what the fuck just happened to me. The thing about sociopathy or whatever I had is that you really don't realize you have it very much. You know you're different and can kill pretty easily and you kind of know you may have it or something, but you don't focus on having it and realizing it. The ergine MADE me realize it and changed me automatically in the most loving... Fuckin.. Ah I can't even... Lmaoo.. Dang well Alrighty, I'll do it then but I've already answered most of it lmao


I am so fascinated by your mind holy shit. I want to talk to you for hours. Sorry if that sounds nuts. What happened to you is like the science experiment I've been wanting to study for soooo long. I'm sorry you still struggle with self harming thoughts. I really hope you overcome that. Let me know if you're going to start the AMA, so I can ask like a thousand more questions. I appreciate you.


Ahahaha.. Ty yeah, I don't want to have to tell people that I have had APD at one point or that I did psychedelics to cure it. It kind of sucks cuz you can't tell everybody that. If I find the study that I found a couple years after doing this I'll send it because it was an early 2000 study or something where they suggested that as a possible treatment and that it did reduce symptoms of APD if not cure it in their trials or whatever they did. I think the people that have done it and are like me just don't speak out about it for whatever reason. There MUST be more like me statistically speaking. Yeah, it's okay, I don't think so I could always really reduce that unless you take them for that reason because they're pretty existential and if you already have problems in your life you can start the wonder why they happen. Especially if the Psychedelic tells you that when you die it's fine and you go back to normal life and things start to try to kill you. I think anybody would be like fuck this shiit I'm out. But it also gave me this will to live and a purpose, so ye. No problem, I appreciate you too, I will, lol


Yeah you're good. Holy hell that was longer than I should have made it. See that's kind of why I don't know if I should do it lmao. I also can't prove to anybody that I had it besides tell the truth of what nasty shit I did to lizards and possums and other animals later and what shit I would think of doing or planned on doing. But anyway, yeah, I get dark thoughts occasionally but they're so mediated by normalcy that I can't be what I was before. 95% cured from one LSA experience where I was 16 and open to the experience and wanted what all the erowid posts talked about with spiritual experiences and all that. In fact, learning about that really distracted me from being such a fuckin weirdo and I think in some way allowed me to have that experience and be open to it. I do wonder how much of a different it makes if someone is Young and neuroplastic. I definitely think that the Psychedelic chosen really matters as well because each one teaches differently and has slightly different effects on neurogenesis which ultimately is half the battle probably when reducing symptoms of APD or curing it. I think I'll always be intrinsically different and intrinsically more capable of killing but I never want to kill a human being when before I did badly right before doing it. I don't know it kind of makes me sick to even think about who I was, I try not to even think about it sometimes. My childhood friend at the time didn't help either because he was getting into school shooting shit because of his own fucked up life you know. If I do one I don't know when I should even post it Oh, and also there's this kid who had been diagnosed with sociopathy somehow (Now that you say it's not really diagnosed in that way anymore makes me wonder) but I suggested to him that he do DMT like he wanted or some psychedelic similar before 25 atleast for the best chance of curing it because he said he wasn't sure if he should do it because of his sociopathy and I said it's worth a shot because everything he said I was like back then. I just told him that he needs to do it with the same intention I did. I wonder whatever happened to him. I have a feeling that it really wouldn't do that with everybody it requires a certain kind of experience which obviously can only be precipitated in the right way with the right intention on the right day. Certain days are better with the symptoms when you have shit like that and I did it on a good day where I was just chilling. I also have bipolar I'm definitely not going to write this much on the post lmao, this is too much


ok so I think you're right. I found this online: " The terms “sociopath” and “psychopath” are confusing because they areoften used interchangeably, but they are not synonyms. However, there isa difference: Sociopaths are individuals whose callous, deceitfulbehavior is shaped primarily by environmental factors, such as child abuseor exposure to expedient behavior in others. Psychopathy is inborn andimmutable. Psychopaths are more likely to commit acts of violence.Still, because both conditions lie on a spectrum, it can be difficult toknow which terms best apply. " Edit: Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/sociopathy


Truee, see yeah Cuz I definitely wasn't born with it, it was like a defense mechanism too what was happening to me in my teen years like isolation and seeing my mom and dad fight which are pretty innocuous when I look at it now but back then it was really big to me and the world seems so scary that something snapped in me.


Agreed, you should definitely do an AMA. When you say you were cured, did you experience remorse for your actions?


I understand. In my experience, empaths tend to avoid or get burned out in my line of work. I've met a lot of psychopathic individuals that thrive in law.


Good point, but I'd rather than be burned out than to make an unbridled decision that would ruin someone's life when they don't logically deserve it. The law isn't everything and it's certainly not always right about certain things. I figure psychopaths are much more common and many studies prove that, like ones in the medical field like surgeons. It says a lot that any country has to utilize Psychopaths to dish out justice effectively.


My job is to weigh evidence, analyze relevant statutes, guidelines, and case law and make a decision on the merits of the case. Is there room for empathy? Sure. But when it comes to make difficult jobs, you don't necessarily want decision-makers to be led by emotion. That could also lead to issues.


Good point. I've heard speculation that psychopathic(?) individuals have survived natural selection/in society because a lack of empathy is actually very beneficial for keeping a level head in situations that might otherwise be stressful. Surgeons, warriors, judges, CEOs, etc etc. I guess my question would be: Do you feel any empathy at all, or is it completely absent? Do you feel it helps or hinders you? I feel more empathy than I'd like sometimes, and it can definitely be detrimental. Thanks.


There are psychopathic traits that can be advantageous in some contexts. Being able to remain calm under pressure, fearlessness, charisma etc. I think empathy is something that is multifaceted. I don't have much in the way of emotional empathy, but I'm capable of cognitive empathy, which is to say that I can pick up and understand how someone may be thinking or feeling. While I can detect if someone is sad or happy, it doesn't really register on an emotional level with me. There are a few times where I have felt emotional empathy, but these experiences are far and few between and probably not on the same level as others. I typically do not form many long-lasting relationships with depth.


That's pretty interesting. I'd never considered emotional vs cognitive empathy. So you rarely feel emotional empathy, but do you experience your own emotions? You mentioned fearlessness as an advantageous trait - but certainly fear has a pretty strong survival function. Can you experience that under the right circumstances/threat of harm? Do you/can you feel something like love? Joy, excitement? Apologies for the long winded questions, I find this fascinating. Eternally curious about all things human.


I mean, lots of things have survived natural selection so far, doesn’t mean they all are so useful. A lot of things are just random and/or kill later in life, like Huntington’s disease for example. But psychopathy has survived most likely because of selfishness and manipulation and it isn’t deadly either.


A judge being a legal psychopath? What a surprise. Very hard to believe. Never in a decillion years would I have believed a judge could be diagnosed as a psychopath.


The Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy killer type psychopath accounts for 0.01%. The successful psychopaths are surgeons, journalists, politicians, CEOs, in the stock exchange. Intelligence varies, as with anyone but those are the extreme sides of the scale. There are more walking amoung us than many would like to know. There is roughly 1 Psycopath per 100 people. You will have unknowingly come in contact with one, if not more within your life already.


In a previous response you said you go to church, why? How and why did you decide to be a judge? Do you get purpose and feelings of accomplishment out it? Or is it just something you do to pay the bills?


I went to a church for several years. It was an ethnic Korean church. I have a thing for Asian women, so my intent was to meet and sleep with Korean women. I completed my undergrad in economics, but wasn't sure what I wanted to do. So I ended up enrolling in law school. I'd eventually seek out an appointment to the bench for the occupational prestige, money and power. I'm drawn to power and money like a moth to light.


Now that you have this diagnosis, do you purposely work to monitor your own behavior? So no one around you is hurt in anyway, ofc.


Not exactly. I'm in the process of attempting to repair a marriage, but wouldn't say the focus is on myself. Sure, I'll modify my behaviour in the short term, but couldn't say if it'll be a permanent change.


Do you feel you’ll be able to be faithful to your spouse going forward? This situation certainly seems unfair to her. Tbh if it were me (in your wife’s place) knowing just what you’ve shared - I think I’d want to cut my losses and move on so as not to continue to be hurt.


They said somewhere else in a comment that they see future infidelity as a high likelihood


Hi! You have a lot of questions already, but if you’re still open to answering more, I have a couple: Does the hostile reception of psychopaths/those with ASPD in mainstream discussion ever bother you? Even here in the replies I’m seeing a lot of aggression saying that you’re “a useless individual in society”, or you’re “making up a diagnosis to be an asshole”. Does it ever weigh on you? Also, do you have a preferred style of communication with people in your life? Do you prefer those who are blunt and to the point, since you’re presumably not easily offended? Is it funny to you on any level when people are clearly trying not to offend you, or annoyed by it, or do you appreciate the consideration even if it’s unnecessary? Thank you in advance for your time. I hope you have a good day.


>Does the hostile reception of psychopaths/those with ASPD in mainstream discussion ever bother you? No. I think psychopathy has been sensationalized, and television has advanced exaggerated depiction of the disorder. >Even here in the replies I’m seeing a lot of aggression saying that you’re “a useless individual in society”, or you’re “making up a diagnosis to be an asshole”. Does it ever weigh on you? An estimated 3-percent of the general population has have ASPD, and a third of people with ASPD are thought to be "psychopaths." That means 1 out of a 100 people have the disorder. The disorder is almost certainly underreported. There's not a single poster that hasn't encountered a psychopath. I suspect that most people don't appreciate how common personality disorders are, nor do they fully understand how it can present in the people around them. With attention-seeking behaviour enabled by social media, people are naturally skeptical when someone claims a disorder, especially one sensationalized. While I think it's interesting to engage people on the topic, at the end of the day it's of little consequence what people believe, specially anonymous posters on Reddit.


Late to the party but I have two questions. 1) Do you have a sort of internal “radar“ when it comes to identifying other psychopaths? 2) Let’s say you’re watching a very gruesome and graphic movie of people getting tortured in brutal ways. Would you feel uneasy or repulsed watching it? Would you feel sorry for the victims (if they are innocent)?


1. No 2. I'm not typically bothered by graphic movies, although they some of then can be gross. I wouldn't feel bad about victims in a fictional movie, no.


I notice you have red eyes in your profile character, how does cannabis or other drugs you may have tired, affected you differently than normal?


I feel many people focus on “not having empathy” as the major symptom but in general do you feel like you have feelings? Like do you ever get really happy, sad or angry? Or do you kind of feel nothing and just mimic behaviors in social settings and relationships to benefit your life?


Yes, I have emotions. I'm capable of experiencing things like happiness, sadness, and anger. I don't experience some things like guilt or anxiety. While I might not 'feel' the emotion state of someone, it's possible for me to recognize how they might be feeling. I might even be able to see myself in their predicament to provide greater insight.


Infidelity as in sex workers? Asking bc in a public position, extramarital affairs can be damaging... I'd imagine to be most discreet way to indulge would be someone else who also has something to lose.


Are you or have you been an abusive partner? My ex has ASD and I studied it a lot during my masters. He was the low functioning type though, so has never held down and job and is incredibly impulsive, struggles to function day to day.


I'm sure some would argue that I'm "abusive." I've never physically abused a partner, nor do I attempt to control or possess people.


Eh, I don't buy it. The way you talk, it seems you genuinely know right from wrong and you definitely have a decent level of empathy. Both of those are not typical at all. This isn't Dexter. Give some proof. I think you're either straight up lying for whatever reason, or you're just a narcissistic piece of shit who is using either a self diagnosis or twisting the words of a mental healthcare professional. I could be wrong. I sincerely prefer to take people at their word. I very well could be the asshole here. But this is one case where I just don't believe you. You sound like the main character of a psychopath story written by an 8th grader. A shitload of people that have been properly diagnosed should have no problem providing proof. Let's make a deal. Provide proof of all this and I will post all the proof of my OCD to any subreddit you want. I'll even go first.


What makes you think a psychopath doesn't know right from wrong? I don't have a mental health condition that renders me incapable of understanding my actions. I'm psychopathic, not psychotic. To suggest that people with ASPD/psychopathy don't understand right and wrong, is to fail to understand the disorder. It's also not accurate to say that psychopaths cannot empathize. A psychopath can be high in cognitive empathy, but be impaired in affective empathy. They can most certainly read people's emotions, even if it doesn't impact them on an emotional level. Keep on trucking, mate.


I never said you didn't understand your actions. You recognize that you chose those actions, so you clearly get what you're doing. You asked what makes me think a psychopath doesn't know right from wrong. Inability to tell right from wrong is LITERALLY one of the tell tale signs of psychopathy. It's one of the main fucking staples. The fact that you wrote "ASPD/Psychopathy" is also telling because they are 100% not the same thing. But since psychopathy is not an official diagnosis, that point is kind of moot anyway. I jumped too hard at the psychopath thing. I called you out, you disagreed, and that's all there is to it. Whether it is ASPD or anything else, I sincerely wish you the best of luck. Mental health shit is hard as hell to deal with and whatever the issue is, I should have your back. That's on me. Take care and I hope everything works out.


How do you feel about people in general? Do you think they are mostly good or mostly bad? Do you feel they are out to get you? Do you see them as either weak or strong? Do you feel they are just people?


I have a low view of humankind. I don't think people are "good" or "bad." There are a lot of privileged people on Reddit that would like to imagine that they are decent. As someone that has presided over thousands of proceedings, I'm in a unique position to hear the personal stories of those that come before me. There's no shortage of hardship and violence in this world. I think given certain conditions, everybody is capable of ugly behaviour. I think people are rather fragile, but there is a capacity for good and bad.


Americans can’t seem to get enough of psychopaths. Have you thought about running for office or becoming a CEO of a large company?


I'm a judge. There are some political or government offices I'd consider running for in the future.


What do you think would happen if you met another psychopath and piss them off? Psychopaths are chill until the other psychopath shows up and kills them


Who knows? Guess it would depend on the why they were pissed off, the extent of the grievance, the disposition of the individual. Nothing to violence and everything in between.


You have an interesting life story as evidenced by this comment section. I'm more curious about the ways you interact with women. Would you consider yourself a handsome man? You said you've dated quite a bit, so it seems like you have no problems attracting women. What about your wife made her more tolerable to you than others? What's your preference for women? Also, what is your race? I'm just curious. You said you went to an ethnic Korean church, so it sounds like you're not Korean yourself.


Do you love your kids? Care about them? Would you give your life for one of them? If your wife knows your diagnosis, has the psychologist explained to her its seriousness and resistance to treatment?


>Do you love your kids? Care about them? Yes. >Would you give your life for one of them? I'm not sure. It's possible that in an extreme situation the deep-seated paternal instincts could kick in and rise to the occasion. >If your wife knows your diagnosis, has the psychologist explained to her its seriousness and resistance to treatment? My guess is that she thinks my nature can be fixed or managed.


Have you ever fallen in love? Are you selfish about sex?


>Have you ever fallen in love? I feel like the question of whether a psychopath can love is a debated topic. After all, what does it mean to truly love someone? In my view, I've fallen in love before. >Are you selfish about sex? I'm not sure I follow. I can be selfish about sex. I can also be responsive to the desires of others in the bedroom, should they be open communicators, and I'm more than willing to go down on a woman.


Got a question, do you believe in any religion?


Do you think you'll have to pay for your actions in the afterlife? Does that ever concern you?


I don't believe in an afterlife. But suppose there is some creator deity out there responsible for this messy existence, why should people be held accountable for things like disorder? Why met out punishment for things one is responsible?


Serious question. Do you have murderous thoughts? What would stop you from murdering someone if it would be so easy and you'd gain a lot from it.


Psychopathy isn't a diagnostic. ASPD is. Calling yourself a psychopath just makes it seem like you're trying to sound cool, and honestly, what you've described here doesn't sound like ASPD.


This one is astute. You failed to recognize that terminology gets used for a multitude of reasons. The term was used not for precision, but because it's a term widely recognized over ASPD. You also seemingly missed the part where I plainly communicated that I have ASDP. I've also explained that psychopathy and sociopathy aren't a diagnostic entities. Honestly, you sound like an insufferable bore.


Would you say sex important to you or not a stimulation for you?


Did you inherit it from one of your parents?


How would you describe your sexual style? Curious to see if the proclivity towards BDSM dynamics is correlated with psychopathy


What would Donald Trump be? A psychopath? A narcissist? Or something else? I’m serious.


I think Donald has psychopathic and narcissistic traits.


How many times do you beat off a day


Do you like or care about animals?


So as a person that tends to attract cluster B personalities…What can an average Jane do to avoid being taken advantage by people with ASPD/BPD?


Are you also a narcissist?


What do you do for a living? How are you career-wise?


Do you have any siblings? If so, what is your relationship with them?


Hey, thanks for generously making yourself available for questions? Q: If you were an AF-AM male age 40 with no college but a steady job and wanted to change directions asap. What sort of business or industry would you get into. I'm interested in offering a service with little to no employees. As a person with ASPD I figure you could just cut to the chase about what people need and what need to exploit. I have no hangups about grey areas btw. I just want the money, power, and respect. Do not want notoriety at all. Thanks.


Are you successful in your professional life?


Do you like SEX?




No you’re not. An actual psychopath wouldn’t care enough to ask this question. You answered a series of questions that according to the score means you’re a psychopath. You’re not though.


Clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of personality disorders here. I have no idea if this person is really a psychopath, but your reasoning doesn’t hold up. People are far more multidimensional than you’re implying, and a psychopath absolutely could want to make a post like this.


Oh goodie, got ourselves an armchair psychologist. Thank you for dropping by.


Nah just met enough posers. There’s multiple posts a week in here of you shower cryers claiming to be a diagnosed psychopath. None of you fit the bill and none of you are even remotely original.


? why are you this mad even if this person is a poser ?


No anger here. Just calling out bullshit when it reveals itself.


Thank you for this essential social service.


That's neat. I'd love to hear your conception of an "actual psychopath." In my opinion, anybody that thinks they can easily predict human behaviour doesn't know what they're talking about.


Did you wet the bed as a child? Did you harm animals as a kid? Those are two diagnostic considerations for typing a personality disorder - curious if that’s accurate with you.


I do not mean this in a disrespectful way, I just wonder; when it comes to malicious pleasure; is this something that you enjoy, seeing others and maybe even loved ones suffer? And if so, did you ever inflict hurt upon others for your own pleasure? Again, if so, how far would you go? Do you have an example you are comfortable sharing maybe?


Do you ever feel homicidal?


Bold of you to do an AMA. I would never. How many chat requests have you received since posting this?




Have you targeted potential girlfriends and/or your wife with low self esteem/confidence or high self esteem?


I'm in a similar position. I am a high functioning psychopath. I know we get a bad image when people find out because others will immediately conjure up images of horror movies and serial killers, but that is such a small percentage of us. We are not all completely void of empathy since most of us develop our emotions as we grow. I feel it's more like we are born as blank slates and have to learn things and choose what we will become. Best term I can think of is the fake it until you make it. If you choose to be a good person you can become a great person. Compulsions are very difficult to overcome but just like any addiction it can be controlled. They say in AA and drug rehab that once your a addict you are always a addict, but that does not mean that you cant control it with constant constraint. It's a choice that has to be practiced. You should never be ashamed of a illness that you cant choose, you just have to learn how to function with it.


How does your wife feel about your diagnosis?


Are you happy?


Do you like Huey Lewis?