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When I first met my missus she stole all my Army t shirts and would wear them to her dance and exercise classes. They were 9 sizes too big. No one is going to mistake her for a paratrooper. Why she do that?


She likes to smell you while being away from you and women also like big, baggy clothing while at the gym.


I smell like beer, cigars and Deep Heat. I miss her black spandex gym thing. . Very much enjoyed reading your replies on this thread. A fascinating insight. I think a YouTube channel would do well for you.


Definitely to show off to the ladies she’s got a big strong man that’s all hers. :)


I have never noticed other women do that. She's pretty and smart and doesn't seem to seek affirmation from others. ... It struck me as nice but odd. I preferred her in her black spandex


It's also a way to signal to other women that she's got a keeper. ;)


Women like to feel small in size and xl shirts do this


Often men's shirts are better quality cotton, and you might've worn them to the point that they were nice and soft.


What's the worst pickup like you've heard? What's the best?


“Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only ten I see!” Was the worst. “Hey, I really like your dress! Where’d you get it from?” Was the best, I think.


Sounds bad but I've heard worse. That second one surprised me until I remembered you're bi. So you'd recommend simply showing honest interest in you?


Yeah, but showing honest interest in something that you did. “I really love how YOU styled your hair” “I really love that dress that YOU picked out”


I'm learning something here. Thanks.


Ok depending who you are this could be worst or best. But once as a bartender a guy left me his number and a note that said “if you want tacos, call me” and I mean I didn’t call him cause I don’t mix work and pleasure but damn I love tacos and it almost worked.


Do women look at some men in the street and think ‘I’d love to fuck him’ like men do with women


Another woman chiming in…I have literally never done this. I can walk by a guy and be like “oooh he is good looking.” But that’s as far as it goes. He pleases my eyes, nothing else. I feel like the first inclination I get about wanting to sleep with a guy is after getting to know him and maybe heavy kissing. That’s the first time my mind will be like “oh hey! I’d like to sleep with this guy.” I guess the thought that intimacy *could* happen *is* a conscious thought once there is flirting and dating going on. But I’ve never been like “oh I’d love to **** him.” It’s more like “if things keep going this way…we will probably end up in bed together…” but that’s laced with anxiety alongside excitement I guess. Not just wild lust. I feel that way about my husband now (wild lust), but 99% of that draw is from my strong emotional connection to him. He is safety and love. And I need that to have a strong sense of lust. But this will definitely vary from woman to woman. I am a bit “prudish” for lack of a better word about these things…likely due to some abuse I survived as a child.


I have to chime in as a woman. I have 100% done this more then once. If you enjoy sex or are a sexual person I'm pretty sure it's impossible not to do this.


I do and some of my friends do, not sure how common it is for all women tho.


I know you're not asking me, but I do not. Just to give another perspective.


What is the first thing you would do if you could be a guy for a day?


Probably cum? And fuck one of my friends?


Which friend and why? Think they would do it knowing it was you or would you need to pretend to be a stranger, and if the latter, how would you get them into bed in a single day before turning back?


My best friend, Harper. I’d tell her it was me and she’d be down to bone.


Then you’d last a whole 30 seconds and be filled with so much happiness And your friend will be sitting there like wtf was that.


What’s stopping you from doing it now?


I think the point is so she can experience sex as a male. But she would rather do it with someone she is comfortable with.


Lol, that made me laugh 😆


Harper is ride or die and I appreciate that level of friendship for you.


Is there anything you'd like to say to all men about your experience as a woman and their experience as a man from your perspective?


Women are basically the same thing as men. The only difference between men and women (besides in sports lol) is how you treat them. You can be really good friends with literally anyone if you treat them nicely and try to be friends with them (in most cases).


uh no. we're physically different, emote differently, and our brains are literally wired differently. there's BEAUTY in the differences and they are to be embraced and honored. men are not women... women are not men. we are not the same.


What’s the best thing about being a woman?


We got a lot of compliments. Men don’t seem to get as many as we do.


i've read that guys, on average, get about 5-7 verbal compliments per YEAR... and that includes within their relationships. that's why guys are shocked when they receive them from women. but if guys were more AWARE, they'd realize that women often compliment without saying a word... they do it with their eyes & their actions.




I’m not speaking for anyone, but myself. I don’t have any internal misogyny, I just also know that many men don’t get compliments like we do and I appreciate that. Also, you’re being extremely rude rn.


well you gave a dumb ass answer so yeah


You do realize that it’s an opinion, right? I can have a different opinion than you and it can still be valid. Have a good day, dude.


Profile says “bitch, cunt , Gemini, fights men”. So yeah


I was expecting you to be roasting her but nope, that’s really the profile. Yikes.


I'd like to propose an amement to the profile, purely for the sake of accuracy, as the profile in its current state is not accurate. "fights men" to simply "fights." (we're trying to be inclusive.)


How dare someone has a different life experience from you!


And you sound like a dumb ass person “so yeah, miss girl”


I’ve received a compliment about my hair when I was 12..I’m 22 now lol


One time a gay guy said I looked good in the shirt I was wearing it's now my favorite shirt, it's purple.


The prerogative to have a little fun


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


I’d pay money for them.


Is it that obvious when a guy likes you


Sometimes it’s really obvious! A lot of men are very oblivious to how obvious they’re being.


What do you think about the fact that Australia lost a war against emus?


Pretty wild, mate


How do I win the "what do you want to eat" question? I've try suggesting her first 5 favorite places. I've try telling her this is what we will eat today. Is it just impossible?


I have solved this. Step 1: Say, “You’ll never guess where I’m taking you for dinner!” Step 2: Insist that she take a guess. Step 3: Whatever her guess is say, “You’re RIGHT!” Take her there. Problem solved.


I have genuinely no idea how to solve this. Maybe try saying that you want to go to a specific place and then if she says she doesn’t want to go to that place, try saying you want to go to an equally good, but different place? Maybe phrase it as “I want to go here” instead of “do you want to go here”


What is the Answer to the Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?


Fuck bitches, get money, meaning is what you make it.


42. Next question.


How important is a man’s height when it comes to attraction/dating? Is being taller than you a requirement?


It’s not important to me at all.


How often do you watch porn? Who is your favorite star? Do you prefer porn or sex?


I watch porn semi regularly (a few times a week) and I definitely prefer sex. I like animated porn and slayed.coom is pretty great




I want to speak fluent Japanese.




Been busy with school and haven’t been to Japan in many years.




I loooove the public baths and the food. Conventions there are also pretty cool.


Does size matter or you like all dicks from tiny to big?


Size matters to a point. I like my cocks to be between 3.8-7.8 inches long.


RIP 3.79 gang




Oof, if I had to pick then it would probably be the 3.8 guy. Guys with smaller cocks try harder and feel better. Guys with bigger cocks just thrust until they cum and usually it leaves me sore. If I had to pick a good size then I’d pick 6 inches tho.




Ayyeee. Winning!


OP just made this truckers night apparently lmao


Oddly specific lol


3.5 is too small, 8 is too big.


That is a big range, so they all make you feel filled and stretched and do they stimulate you all the same?


They’re all pretty much the same. Bigger or smaller than that range and it either doesn’t stimulate me enough or it hurts.


What if it was 3.14 and the guy had a really good pie joke?


I'm crying tears of joy when I read that 3.8 and above is ok. But 7.8? b r u h


Would you rather people think of you as kind, generous, attractive, or smart? Why?


I would prefer attractive since that gives you the most amount of opportunities in life.


This is a good answer. Being attractive gets you to a point to prove your also nice\smart


Very women like answer here. Women are given things for nothing then still somehow think we should treat them as if they’re competent. Even your post here is silly.


What are your favourite perfumes?


I don’t wear perfume often, but there’s this really interesting perfume from a place in Baltimore that smells like a plague doctor mask. Very cool.


More gothic-dark leaning or herbal?


What's your favourite scent on a partner?


Name of the place?


Do you enjoy receiving and giving rim jobs.


I don’t mind receiving or giving them, but I don’t necessarily enjoy them more than anything else.


Would you rather bang or receive oral if you could only get one?


Do you let your friends smash?


I Would if they’d ever ask me to smash.


What are the yummiest and yuckiest sexual experiences you've had, taste-wise?


Tasting cum for the first time was pretty great. Getting a mouth full of period blood was pretty awful.


I’m at a loss for questions.


Favorite TV show? Are you into anime? If so favorite one?


Fav TV show is FMAB. I Love anime and my favs are FMAB and Death Note.


Have you seen or heard of TBATE?


Tell us, in detail preferably, about the best sex you’ve ever had.


Was invited to a woman’s house as a movie date and after an hour of watching the movie we started making out. Soon after that we were groping each other and she was biting my neck and I was grinding on her thigh. The best part about that experience was that it felt like a handshake. It felt like she wanted to make me feel good as much as I wanted to make her feel good. A lot of my sexual experiences have felt like tug of war where they get off and then I’m getting myself off on them.


Do women really fantasize about being taken by force?


I do and I’ve talked to women who do, but (as with everything) that’s not every woman’s fetish.


What are the things that you consider significant?


Thoughtfulness, humor, thick cum, and big titties.




I wanted to give people answers to questions that they might not have been able to ask before.


RIP OP's inbox after this post.




Being thoughtful and being able to take a joke. Cheating on their partner or stealing my things.


Would you rather be able to front flip or backflip?


I can do both, but if I had to choose then backflip.


Is receiving a man's (ie no condom) semen a turn on? Like would it be hot if he said I am saving a big load for you?


Depends on where the load is going. I like cum play and facials and stuff, but creampies aren’t a huge turn on for me.


That's hot. I dated a woman a couple years ago. I told her I wasn't going to masturbate for a few days and would save it for her. She loved that.


Is there anything that is off limits?


Thumb in or thumb out


Love your sun dress photos, what is your bust size?


What fetishes turn you off?


Scat is the only one I can think of.


What do you believe in or not believe in? (Religion, mythology, and aliens)


If a woman is in her mid-30s, is there any reason she can't dress whatever way she pleases? To sometimes look elegant, sometimes playful, sometimes sexy, sometimes grungy, etc? Do people really take women less seriously because of how they're dressed? Do women have to just "grow up" and stop wearing certain things?


Are you really a brain in a jar?


Are you really a man?


What’s the quickest you’ve ever had an orgasm?


Would you ever want your man to help you with taking care of you (including personal hygiene) during your period? How can we help?


I don’t get my period super bad, but when I was I either had my bf or my dad to help me with heat pads and snacks and tea and meds and stuff. That’s mainly what me and my friends need. General emotional support and fetching us snacks and blankets and stuff.




I masturbated while in a zoom class and I came while I had my camera on (didn’t get caught)


Or you did get caught, and people just kept quiet about it.


no question but just wanna say you’re a good sport for indulging some of these fools lol


Is it true that women lay eggs?


What's yellow and dangerous?


Have you ever had really good, leg shaking sex?


Do you like older men that eat great pussy?


Older men are the same as younger men. As long as you’re handsome and fun, then I don’t really care about your age.


the AGE GAP crew will shame you for this reply. in their world, any age gap is men taking advantage of young, inexperienced women. lol.


What’s the worst misconception about women you’ve heard a guy say




Does size really matter?


Not really unless you’re really, really small or really, really big.


What's probably the most desired kink for women?




how do you have so many sexual experiences at 18 and freshly in college. were you a kid at all?


Do you like anal?


I’m not against it, but it’s not my favorite thing in the world either.




Can you lick your own vagina ? ( Like how some men can suck their own cock)


I can’t, but I can put my feet behind my head.




Would you rather know when, where, or how you die?




Pretty sure bot acct. Month old acct and weird profile




Genuinely, why do you all walk 3 wide and slowly in narrow hallways? It's always been strange to me but I've never asked why


You cast a friendly small smile at someone in the grocery store you pass in the aisle. That person reads it as maybe you thought he/she was attractive and hits on you tactfully. Would you be flattered or want to be left alone?


Thoughts on pierced nipples on ladies?


Asking for all the boys..... Does size matter?




what would you do if your friends found your reddit account?


I've noticed women like taller men than shorter men. What do yu think you think.? Have you ever wished you had a penis? Do you think Denise's are attractive?


What is your opinion of men that swear excessively and in particular use the F word in your presence?


What do you wish that men would do more often that they rarely do now?


What is something you've never done but would like to try? Also, in general are men or women better in bed?


My wife lack adult skill, but she think the world of herself. How do I convince her to let me dry clean our clothes and hire a maid to clean the house twice a week?


Are you sexually active


Biggest cock favorite position? Do prefer oral over penetration?


Does pain from your period gradually get worse or is it suddenly painful without warning?


Is your account even real? It just seems so obviously fake no offense.


Would you ever rainbow kiss?


Does cum really taste all that different from different guys?


What's the best way to start an online conversation with a woman?


Would you rather have fingers for nipples or nipples for fingers?


When will you all admit you love a good catcall? I catcall someone at least once a week JUST for the smile/giggle, and I ALWAYS get it. Same for my bros who have the stones to do it. What exactly is so bad about it?


Depends on the catcall and the girl. If a cute guy gives me a genuinely nice compliment while not being weird about it and it’s about something that I put time into them yeah, that’s not a bad catcall. If a super slimy guy says “nice tits” while walking in my direction then I’m pulling out my pepper spray.


Do you believe in aliens?




If your SO asked you to do a fetish would you accept or not


Why aren’t you a sex worker? (Referring to the posts that say I’m not a sex worker goofs)


What is the last song you listened to?


what are your thoughts on the drake v kendrick beef?


Why are you asking yourself questions with u/notmenotyounotmenot ?


Does being genuinely kind and considerate turn you off?


What should I have for dinner tomorrow?


what is your opinion on alt rock band Team Sleep? what is your opinion on alt rock band Autolux? what is your opinion on people who are woke? would you eat an oreo with cum in the middle? do you have any good life advice? what is your opinion on furries? what is your opinion on gen alpha? what is your opinion on gen z? do you think that tiktok should get banned?


Ever thought of fucking a guy in a wheelchair or with a disability?


Does period blood taste different than regular blood,


How can I see more of you?


Lol so funny how this women is speaking on behalf of all women 🤣


Where could I find a girl like you?


Why do you hate the color green?


I can understand your desire to look for a buff guy to protect you. But have you ever had a secret desire to dominate him?


How tight is ur cunt?


Why do you all get so upset when men sit down on the couch? Legit I’ve asked this several times from several different women and I never get a response. Moreover; when I point it out to any girlfriend I’ve ever dated they absolutely LOSE THEIR 💩 over the fact that it’s TRUE! Just once, can some woman somewhere admit- you hate seeing your guy laying down comfortably? Just one of you please stand up and admit it “ok we all hate it, you’re right. We need you to be doing something if we are awake.” Why do women go nuts over this? Can you even accept that it MIGHT have some truth to it? Will you be the first woman to actually address this question instead of just downvoting it and running away like so many women have done here before?!


Does misogyny secretly turn you on?


1) Would you say you're a freak? If so, how freaky are you. 2) Ever dabbled in drugs, hallucinogens, etc?


What is a woman?