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Did you she know it was your first time?


Yes she did! She was really sweet about it & made the experience special. I had never even held a girls hand prior to this. I was freshly 21 and she was in her late 20s/early 30s. I was literally shaking as we were talking on the couch of the hotel room & she took my hand, put it to her heart, and told me we would get through the experience together ❤️ I’m really glad I lost my virginity this way because I think that’s what I needed. I’m super grateful to her and the experience.


I was shaking like a leaf when I lost mine in a movie theater lmao, your way sounds much better.


I say this with 1000% sincerity, I genuinely don’t think I could have done it the traditional way. I sincerely believe I needed a professional to go about it.


I got lucky to have a very sex positive mother, not everyone is so lucky. Congratulations bro, losing your virginity is hella awesome.


Alot of us are also lucky that your mother is very sex positive


What did your mom think of the movie?


Lmao very funny 😂😂 Nah, just learned about a clit instead of becoming a sex addict.


So that’s how a Wood God gets forged


Lmaooooo I suppose so 🤣 It's supposed to be about being a carpenter, I didn't realize how perverted it looked until it was too late.


Me and my friends back in high school. Used to joke about “the brick god.” You become the brick god. By smoking way too much, then thinking you can control the bricks. That make up all the houses and shit lmfao. Basically you become so bricked. That you can control the bricks with your mind. In your mind at least


I think of this as a healthy solution that should be legal and safe. In the Netherlands, disabled people get 12 sex sessions paid for a year by the govt. Someone in your position should be granted the same imo.




Good for you bro, nothing to feel ashamed about (if you have any). Have you had sex after that encounter? And if so, how did it go for you? Seems like destiny hooked you up with the perfect escort by the way she helped you through this whole thing.


Have you had other partners since?


I’ve always thought that would be best too! At least one of us needs to know what’s happening 😂


Well let me ask you this: instead of a prostitute could a mental health professional have worked with you to decrease your anxiety so that you could develop the confidence to approach women?


That is exactly why I lost mine to a much older woman. It's not socially acceptable to everyone but sex is such an intensely personal experience for late bloomers you should experience it only ever as your self and partner feel comfortable doing.


Lots of people degrades sex workers, but looking at that story, I feel like the person you paid did more than just her Job, she went over and beyond to make it a great human memory. Sometimes it takes a little help to jump start you into getting closer to people


Yeah exactly. I owe her a lot so I’d never degrade sexworkers. It really disappointed me that almost every story like this on Reddit was negative, so I wanted to share my positive experience!


That’s so sweet… I’ve been thinking about doing the same.. I’m 22


$800 is not bad. And this sounds dope lol.


Why is this hot? And I mean u being nervous. This why I don’t be liking the stigma with virgins being a turn-off. JUSTICE FOR VIRGINS. And so it is.


I am so glad that you had a good time. Having good and grateful clients like you make our time as escorts easier.


Let’s normalize this. How many traumatic and embarrassing experiences between inexperienced men and women would be saved if everyone sought out a patient and experienced provider to learn intimacy? The world would be a better place.


Oh my gawd I still have PTSD from my first time and that was 25 years ago.


Wow this sounds kind of romantic and sweet lol


I say this with absolutely zero sarcasm: that sounds like a truly wonderful experience for both of you. I hope it was everything you thought it would be. 💜


I love this so much dude, truly. Everyone deserves happiness and the pleasure of companionship, even if it's only for brief times once in a while. I'm proud of you for taking your destiny in your own hands instead of letting it make you bitter. You will be a much more whole person as a result of this one choice, if for no other reason than that it's shown you that YOU are the master of your own destiny.


The way you're talking is fucking foul..holy shit Everything about this is absolutely nasty




Relax brah. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and it’s never gonna disappear, like ever. People ask what’s the best way to solve the loneliness epidemic, well legalize prostitution. Regulate it heavily and kill the stigma associated with it. At the end of the day, whether you going to a bar to swoon a chick over or doing the old fashioned dinner date thing, everyone’s paying for poon. It just depends on how value your time/effort. It doesn’t matter to me either way. I’ve had meaningful relationships with people and had a long lasting one with others.


She sounds like a real gem. :) sighh we need more sluts like her in the world.


Do you feel like the experience has given you more confidence in regards to dating and women?


I’ve never really been *unconfident* around women. I’m just really unfamiliar with dating. It’s definitely made me way more confident with women and sex though. It’s no longer foreign to me so I no longer have to panic when the topic comes up. And I’m not shy to interact with pretty girls anymore because I don’t put women on a pedestal anymore like I did when I was younger. I’m not afraid to admit that I probably have attachment issues, so my experiences (attempting horribly) to date in the past have been mostly negative & stressful for my mental health. So initiating contact via email in advance & going in knowing you’re gonna have sex with a stranger has been better for me because there are clear boundaries.


Just a heads up, many women likely *won’t* want to date you or have sex with you if they learn this about you…this isn’t meant to be a jab, just being entirely honest with you.


Also many won't really care about it. I had a friend with benefits and for some random reason prostitution got into the conversation literally between sex sessions. I mentioned I had been with a few and she seemed genuinely surprised, as she said I didn't really need that. I said that sometimes you simply want to pop a cherry and not have to deal with the hassle that is normally involved with it. She laughed and came on top for another round. It's not rocket science to reach the conclusion that a lot of people could not care less about your past sex life.


What a sad sad little man... dude is grilling you about the oldest profession on Earth, like prostitution isn't going to be a thing til the end of time. It's not my cup of tea but it shouldn't be viewed as degeneracy unless they have a really unhealthy twisted view of sex. It isn't always going to lead you to your soul mate, it isn't reserved for The One, it's a normal natural healthy activity for consenting adults to soothe the agony of being alive. I've worked with a handful of prozzies as a therapy assistant, and they're some of the most capable people I've met with some of the most personal agency a person can acquire. Yes, there are some serious issues with sex trafficking in the world, but making it taboo is exactly how and why such a market for sex trafficking exists.


Honestly this sounds like an experience that I need to have. It's not legal in this country though so it will end up being more expensive for me. Thanks for sharing.


Best part of it and worst part of it?


Hmmm the best part was just being able to experience something I had never experienced before.. getting to know a person in that way. Holding a woman’s hand for the first time, hugging, etc. There was nothing negative about the experience at all! It really was a dream date for me & I haven’t reached out to her since because I wanted to leave it as that ❤️


By “reaching out to her” do you mean paying her for her services again or by trying to be her friend?


I meant by paying her. We definitely aren’t friends and it would be delusional to think we’re anything more than a paid encounter. The boundaries are very clear & should be respected.


Do you think you’ll be able to approach women more easily now?


I’ve approached women in the past, and honestly it’s not that scary. It’s nice to meet new people. But (trying) to date is really nervous for me. I get really confused with boundaries. Whether I’m too attached overtexting, whether it would be appropriate to kiss after a first date or should I kiss before the date starts? Whether it’s clear it’s a date or we’re just “hanging out?” Things like this make me really nervous. I know this is “normal” and most people like getting to know a person before having sex or starting a relationship, but it’s not at all enjoyable for me. It’s much better for my mental health when there are clear boundaries in place.


Do you have Asperger’s ?


Honestly would not be surprised if I had Asperger’s or was on the high functioning spectrum of autism.


You sound so much like an ex friend who had it . He needed boundaries like you do . Very matter a fact. He didn’t understand romance or romantic social cues.


Thank you for the comment! Yeah I definitely agree with you. I fucking suck dating that’s just who I am. I’m probably not wired the same way as most people when it comes to romance. There’s been a few really cute girls who had crushes on me in the past and honestly I did not like it. It made me scared. I totally respect being against prostitution, but I think it’s really interesting how there are a lot of comments calling me misogynist, buying women, rapist, etc. when I feel I’ve made it quite clear the primary reasons I see escorts are because boundaries & consent are literally spelled out. Honestly if there was only dinner or a picnic or something without sex I’d probably pay for that too. It’s not really about the sex for me.


For clarity, as of 2021, Asperger’s merged with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) and it’s just labeled as ASD. Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. That said, you have, in my opinion, exemplified the symptomatic crux of Autism: Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts. This doesn’t mean you’re autistic; however, it isn’t out of the question. If interactions like OP are common and way more importantly, debilitating to your day-to-day life, seek counseling so you could get a proper diagnosis, treatment plan, and achieve holistic growth and wellness.


Thank you so much for spreading awareness!!! That description does probably match me. I guess I’m just underestimating how official treatment could potentially change me or benefit. I don’t really feel the need to change either, I’m quite content with who I am if that makes sense.


Honestly this just sounds like inexperience. You overthink it because you care too much about doing it right and the end goal. The unfortunate reality of sex/dating, the less you care/worry, quite often the more successful you are. Obviously there is a limit to that, but as a general rule


Honest question: did you grow up without a father or other strong male role model?


My brother doesn’t have problems with girls, I think it has everything to do with myself. Maybe it has to do with that I went to a really small high school (hated it). I had always gone to big schools up until then and was much more comfortable around girls. When we moved and I had to go to this extremely small school, a lot of problems started. But there are worse situations, I try not to dwell on it much.


Not to press, but you didn’t really answer my question. Did you grow up without a dad in your home?




If you like clear boundaries, online dating is the best. you know you are there for a date; no friendships to ruin. You do the first date it in a very public place so they are comfortable.


You should be proud on how mature you went about all this. Respect bro


It wasn't a date bro it was human trafficking. You exploiting a woman who has to sell her body to survive. Sorry to say but to her you were just one more pig to satisfy.


Good call & well played, sir. As long as you're smart about it and stay aware, you can't really go wrong. I still almost perfectly remember the names & experiences with the few escorts & red-light girls I've been with, many moons ago (in the US and Germany); whereas I've mostly forgotten the faces & names of normal girls I've dated or joy-banged over the years. It wasn't really something that I sought out because I'd already had serious girlfriends, but the circumstances were right & it was kind of expected of you anyways.


well why would you reach out? shes an escort not your FWB


wouldn't the negative be that you had to pay someone to fuck you?


I mean that’s one way to look at it. Another way would be to realize that not everyone is as skilled in social interactions as others, and safe SW can be a therapeutic options for them. A way to help boost confidence they didn’t have prior due to no experience.


2 hour session, what did you guys do for the other 1 hour 57 mins?


Well because I was pretty new, she spent a lot of time going slooooow and familiarizing myself with everything. We talked a lot, then slowly started kissing, gave compliments, etc. just try to be present y’know?


The way you say familiarizing yourself with everything makes me picture a car salesman going over the cars features in the lot before a test drive.


Lmao. But that’s generally what happened. You have to think I was not at all familiar with touch in that way. She’d kiss me and then back away read my reaction & to give me time to process


At least you got a head start with finding the little man in the boat. Some guys go years pretending. Other guys never find it.


That sounds very thoughtful and considerate of her.


Did you ask her to evaluate your “skills”?


Of course she boosted my confidence for life lol! She even posted a picture on Twitter of the chocolate I got her and said what a great session she had & that she loves her job because of the different kinds of people she meets - something to that extent. Biggest confidence boost ever!


I’m about to meet an escort this weekend and was considering bringing chocolates as a gift myself. What kind did you bring if you remember? Funny enough this is also going to be my first time, except I’m 29 rather than 21


Omg that’s so cool! Where did you find her? If I may, I’d really suggest seeing someone that specializes in gfe - you won’t regret it. I usually just get a box of toffifee or something and a little thank you card with the money inside kinda sticking out in a very clear spot. As soon as she comes in I’ll excuse myself to the restroom to give her time to count the money, last check in the mirror, & make it obvious I’ve washed my hands! Definitely report back, good luck! I really hope you have a positive experience! ❤️


When you go in the restroom after you pay her there's a 50/50 chance she and you're money wont be there when you come out...




Is there anything you regret about the experience?


Absolutely nothing, it was perfect for what I needed. I made sure to lose it to someone a little older because I would’ve been a little shy to lose it to a girl my age. Maybe I regret not doing it sooner xD


Sounds like you had a way better first time than honestly most people. No question but that’s awesome dude, good for you!


Thank you! For me personally, I think I really needed to lose my virginity in a safe environment like that.


Ngl as a woman I am incredibly envious. My first time was uncomfortable and very "porn star-ish". I didn't understand what was happening while I was being flopped around. Definitely would have preferred a gentle introduction by a male who understood his role as the comforting instructor.




how old is she and how old was she when you started dating? honestly no one cares if you're dating like a 27 year old lol but what people have a problem with is 40+ dudes dating 18 yr olds fresh out of high school. their minds aren't developed yet and usually those two people are in completely polar opposite headspaces.


That’s terrible. I’m really sorry that happened. Nobody deserves that - not as a first experience or ever. What an asshole


Dude, do not undersell yourself. She deals with a lot of jerks. This was probably a good experience for her. She is NOT in love with you, but 10 or so years from now when she is no longer able to do this it will be one of her better memories.


Oh ya definitely not underselling myself. A girl not confident or who wasn’t comfortable offering that kind of experience to strangers wouldn’t have been able to do it. I’m really grateful to her. I’m not saying it’s not possible, but could you imagine a girl you met at a club being that patient with a guy? C’mon..


How long did the "main act" take? did you get to go again ?


I only had sex once. She asked to go again but I declined because I was just taking in the whole experience lol. We just spent the rest of the time laying in bed, kissing, & giggling and stuff. Then after 2 hours she left :)




May seem insane to some who take it for granted, but those experiences mean a lot to someone who doesn’t get them organically.


Nah man, this is cool. You had an awesome experience with a pretty cool lady by the sounds of it. Fuck the haters. It’s your money, and you had an experience that was very special to you. That’s a win in my book.


Yeah I respect people who are against it. But I know those judging would have 1000 worse things to say to an actual sex worker, so I know it’s not coming from a good place. Personally I can’t wrap my mind about why people feel so passionate about how two consenting adults partake. Obviously a forced trafficking situation would be a completely different scenario.


Same general problem with capitalism. Everyone sells their body and mind in one way or another, and everyone draws a line at what they think is too exploitive. Consent is especially important with sex work, and it becomes a grey area when the entire society is built to coerce people into participating in a capitalist economy. I'm not against the concept of sex work, but I think it needs to be regulated and unionized before you can say for certain that it is moral to be a customer.


I love hearing stuff like this. People don't understand how important the other side of intimacy is for late-bloomers and nervous guys like you. Not only are you experiencing the actual act, but she took the time to slowly introduce you to other forms of intimacy as well it seems. Love this. Good for you.


Didn't expect anyone to be as forthcoming with this kind of information but kudos to you. Your comments show extreme awareness and you seem like you know your limits as a person, awesome 👍


I don’t mind being honest on the internet, there have been better ama’s. Just wanted to share. I find it disappointing that almost every time this topic comes up on Reddit it’s a negative experience. So I wanted to change that trend and share the positive experience I had.


Did she leave right when the two hours was up to make sure you were okay after losing the big V or did she keep it strictly business


Definitely wasn’t strictly business. It was very respectful both ways, why would it not be? I respected her time and we started to wrap things up around the 2 hour mark. I think it would be totally disrespectful to make things uncomfortable for someone to leave after the agreed upon time in any job & that person would probably never want to work with you again.


You do not have to be 21 to book a hotel in the US. Certain places like Vegas, yes but for the most part no.


You do for the 4+ star ones generally. I drove 4 hours for a getaway weekend at the beach when I was 20 and the front desk lady almost turned me away. But she was nice & made an exception because it was late and she said I didn’t seem like someone who’d cause too much trouble. They don’t want young people partying in the hotels and stuff I guess.


You don’t seem like much trouble…. Until the hookers show up


Eh, it’s pretty common. I worked for a few different hotels in a very rural small town in eastern Ky and everyone had to be 21. You don’t have to be 21 to book it, but we always took IDs and if they weren’t 21 they couldn’t check-in. This was at a Hilton property, a locally owned hotel, and a Motel 6. So, regardless of size or luxury of the hotel the rules were the same. Maybe it’s a state thing.


Did you go down on her?


Yes we did everything pretty much.


Ass play? Mouth to ass? Ass to mouth? Salad tossed?


Honestly, I think this is better than being 30 and still virgin.


It’s definitely much better for me personally. I’m really glad I decided to pay to lose it young. But 30 is not old at all either!


Idk man, if I'd meet a 30 year old guy and he tells me he's virgin, it wouldn't be a dealbreaker, but I'd also immediately know that I won't be down with a sexgod lol.


Happens more often than people think. I lost my virginity to my now gf at 30 years old. I had talked to other women before her. Even went on a couple dates. But my anxiety kept getting in the way. It just took me meeting the right person who helped me not be so nervous.


Yeah, I mean everyone is free to live how they want. That’s just not the kind of lifestyle I wanted for myself. I love women lol


It’s fundamentally impossible to “love women” while being perfectly find and paying to penetrate someone who does not want to be penetrated by you. That’s like saying, “I love my friend,” and then doing something sexually to them that they are only agreeing to because I am paying to silence their no and they need the money.


Did you go for a brand name chain type hotel or the sleazy neighborhood motel? Did you leave the room after or did you stay the rest of the night? I gotta say I love your responses and think you’re a kickass dude 👌🏼🫡 Boundaries and respect are key so keep doing what’s working for you. Thanks for sharing


Definitely a nice upscale hotel downtown, I wanted it to be kind of an experience haha. For those I’m pretty sure you have to be 21+ to book. For the lower end Motel 6 types I’m confident they don’t give an F about age. I arrived at the hotel the night prior, texted her the room number, and we met up that next morning. I did stick around a little longer to check out the new city because it was a bit of a drive, then grabbed lunch, and went home hahah. Thank you so much for the kind words! 🫡


I applaud OP. This is the way.


Yeah I don’t think it should be a shameful thing. Prostitution being illegal or severely looked down upon is a fairly new concept imo, and I think it’s been mostly negative for society. Of course no one should be trafficked or forced to do it, but consenting adults should be allowed to practice if they wish. I think it’s ridiculous how much porn is glorified in society but if you have sex for money without a camera in the room, it’s suddenly illegal. Pretty sure people in Ancient Rome or Ancient Egypt and stuff frequented prostitutes. I really don’t understand “incels” or men that hate women at all. I’ve always had a lot of female friends, etc. We should uplift women, not hate them. Maybe I never developed a cynical view towards women because I had made up my mind that I would see escorts many years before I went through with it. I just chose to wait until I was 21 because I wanted to make it an experience because I really felt that’s what I needed & you have to be 21 to book a hotel in the US.


You are basically saying that we should uplift women by objectifying them? Lmao. That's pretty evil.


I meant that the incel types or men in general need to stop hating / being bitter against women. Nothing to do with prostitution. Pretty general statement & this shouldn’t be controversial.


Sorry to bust your bubble, but incel stands for Involuntarily Celibate. You had to pay for a woman to not say no and to have sex with you for your first time, by definition you are an Incel. Youre just not one of the toxic ones


Did u get laid since that happened?


Did you let her peg you?


Lol didn’t get that wild 🤣 I’m pretty vanilla tbh


Did you wear a condom?


how hot was she on a 1-10 scale? did u blow your wad too soon? did she have cigarette breath?


Honestly like an 8.5, maybe a 9.5 to some people? I was intimidated to contact a model my age the first time (although I have been with those types since). She was just like your regular middle upper class neighbor in her late 20s/early 30s is the best way I could describe her looks and personality. I lasted way longer than I thought I would and did pretty good for my first time I think! And she definitely did not have cigarette breath 🤣 this feels gross to say but she was very clean.


I saw a lot of your comments and replies and have some thst I didn't see asked and in reply to your answers. Is it now and was it then, legal in your state? I'm in Utah and am considering survival sex work, have been told I'll make a lot more than most people in my state, in general, but it's scary because it's a government of regions fanatics. I may have read it wrong but it seemed like you said tou go with different escorts each time? Is there a reason for that? How old are you now?


I really don’t think I should comment on that stuff. I’d suggest going on Tryst, sorting it to Utah, and ask if you could maybe email a woman you admire. From what I’ve seen on Twitter, most sexworkers seem pretty supportive of one another on there so I don’t think it would be a problem, especially if you give a tiny tip for taking the time to answer your questions. I’ll dm you a link!


Girl this isn't the place to be talking about survival sex work. I'm a sw and don't have to do it to make ends meet anymore but still work, but there are a lot of subreddits you can check out and ask questions in. I definitely encourage it, as well as finding community (online if you can't locally) if you do start. Just be warned that many of us are weary of folks saying they want to start, not because we don't want to help, but because we're so burned out. I've had 6 different people come to me asking me to teach them how to start doing in person work and every single person except one never pursued it (the one person who did used to cam before so she wasn't totally new to sw). It gets really tiring repeating ourselves, so I suggest searching subreddits to see if any questions you have have already been asked. If not, feel free to make some posts then!


I was a sex worker who did this for a client before! It’s really special and sweet. 💕 He was honest with me about it, and I told him to relax, and asked him what he wanted to try for sure. I told him how to touch me. He was so kind. We had fun! A few weeks later he emailed me and told me he had actually booked with me so he could have his first time prior to dating this woman he met, and things had worked out with her. He told her all about it, too. He thanked me really sincerely, and said he would hit me up again if the opportunity arose, but he wanted to be faithful to this woman he was seeing, so unless that didn’t work out, I wouldn’t be hearing from him again. I told him thank you for such a nice time, and I meant it! I told him I was sorry to see him go, but I hoped for his sake, I wouldn’t hear from him again. I still haven’t. I hope he’s so happy! He definitely deserves it. I’m glad it seems like you had a nice experience, too! 💕💕💕


Hi OP. Hope you’re still here. I’m 20 hours late but when am I not late to something? This whole thing strikes me in a weird way. On one hand I am much the same as you, prude as can be. In other words, the bloodline ends with me. So I totally understand where you’re coming from. On the other hand, I find it odd that your first time wasn’t an organic experience. I feel like paying for someone to provide services to you negates the whole experience of it being special? By paying doesn’t that make the whole experience just less since she is now “contracted” to give you an experience? I’d like to hear your side of this.


How did you get past the initial fear of booking? I’d be worried about getting caught because it’s illegal and the unknown factor of it all.


OP, best of luck on your endeavours. There are some really prude people in the comments but in all honesty don't pay these any mind. You should be the master of your own destiny and that's it. Live well, young man.


How did you find her? Who was it that brought the condoms? Do you have any regrets?


Were you nervous at all day of? I feel like I’d be so nervous doing that so I’m curious to know the thought process before it all happened. Happy that you had a good experience though OP :)


How do you find your escorts are they all like 8s or better? What’s the average cost?


So your parents know? Is this something you just openly discuss?


Uhhhh no lol. Haven’t told anyone & people would probably be surprised I’ve done this.


What site did you use? Considering you are a virgin was she able to let you go a 2nd time?


Would you tell your future partner about this if they asked?


What did you enjoy most about your experience?


Have you been with women since?


Read the thread. Very interesting. Curious as to why you don't see yourself in a relationship or having non-committal sex with people you don't have to pay?


You can drive a car from 16 but not book a damn hotel room until 21? Tha fuck


800 for 2 hours is def not a “high class” hooker. those are more like 2k+ per hour. Also, actual high class hookers absolutely do not use CL wtf that’s hilarious


Did you catch feelings for her? And also the excitement of actually seducing a chick and driving her crazy feels good too. I’ve never paid for sex and feel that paying would eliminate a lot of the excitement for me. Unless I was drunk lol


It’s great you had a positive experience. I think mine was regrettable exactly because I was nervous. It’s interesting you’ve decided to keep paying for it. I understand it’s because you feel awkward dating, do you think you’ll eventually try to date? Not saying paying for it is bad or anything, but is it a long term thing? Plus dates are mostly awkward if they’re randoms - if you date someone you know it’s only slightly less awkward.


So happy for you I’m glad you had a safe wonderful time


How did you go about finding her and getting everything setup safely? From what I’ve seen all the websites are so sketchy.


I think this is awesome. You wanted it to be good and she made you feel comfortable.


What’s your favorite bird?


I busted too quickly on my first lol. Now I'm going on like ~25 mins.


Sex work is real work, I’m so so happy a wonderful escort gave you such a positive experience (signed, a former “girlfriend experience” SWer”).


Did you feel like this experience gave you more confidence to pursue other women? To me it felt like losing my virginity was like breaking the seal to my dating game. Lol!


How many pops did you get in?


Jeez…. Do you ever think that that was a mistake? The fact your first physical experience with someone was so fake and purely about money?


Did you find her attractive?


How much did it cost ?


This is what it’s come to now…damn.


Can you walk us through the process of contact and negotiation?


With high end girls or agencies, there’s no negotiation. Their rates are usually stated clearly on their ad or website. I saw her on an escort website called Tryst. From there I checked out her Twitter where she shares a bit about herself, etc. Read her website. Emailed to coordinate date/time/hotel. The night prior I checked in with her verifying & telling her the hotel room number. The next morning she was there at agreed time.


So you paid 800 bucks + an hotel room ? That was an expensive session


For 2 hrs and with kissing/oral on the woman that’s pretty reasonable price assuming a HCOL area. Not really considered high end. Also pretty much all of them, you dont have to book the hotel yourself if u dont want to. High end is 800-1000+ per hour(generally 10/10 extremely good looking models or fetishes/bdsm)


Just like OP I can vouch for Tryst. No negotiation. You read her profile to see what screening she requires; some want your real name or a selfie. You book a time, send her a deposit if she requires it, and then show up with the rest of the money.  I’m reading behind the lines here but I think they try to make the booking process as brief and as proffesional as possible because if they wanted a email job they wouldn’t be escorts.  


This is awesome. In your opinion, why don’t self-identified incels do the same? It seems like the obvious option.


Dude! That’s actually amazing. I’m glad you got to experience your first time without any negative feeling. I never lost my virginity until about 22 despite being a pretty good looking guy (what other people have said). I held myself to a higher degree but at some point it was like fuck it I’m giving in. It was meh. I came fast and she wasn’t super hot. She went on to fuck my good buddy, I chalked it up to experience. I realize now that I could have gotten with a lot of hot girls if I wasn’t so afraid. Anyway I’m happy with my partner now and just wanted to say don’t sell yourself short and keep being a decent human! :)


Sooo how’d you find her? I want in 😭


Bro now book a flight to San Diego, take the trolly to the boarder and go to Hong Kong Gentleman’s club in TJ. You can get laid for $100 and these girls are dimes


Did you think this was easier than putting yourself out there in the first place? Or had you tried in the past and you didn’t find luck?


Look you did what you had to do but later in life you will regret this. Especially when you find a wife, she might not be too pleased to hear how you lost your virginity. But glad you had a good time.


Did you check out immediately after finishing? Or did you get your money’s worth and get the continental breakfast?


My man. I see you used Tryst and got a good escort too, nice job. I did this too right after my separation, totally worth it. I’m going to book another one at some point, unless I get super lucky and meet someone soon. Would you book the same escort if you try again? Or a new one?


How long ago was this? I thought craigslist got hammered on a federal level for escorts.


Was she pretty?


You can find girls closer to your age for a lot less… just sayin. get a sugar baby next time on seeking lol My ex constantly cheated on me with girls from there 😂😂 They should be like $200-$300 and not limit their time. lol. I know too much about this bc of him


They call that the girl friend experience…


I think you might be underselling your self lil'bro there's a seat for every ass out there. You're still a kid at 21, if you like meeting other people and you're not a weirdo (don't really seem like it) you'll run into someone and hit it off. Im sure you've been flirted with and missed it, every guy has. Got nothing against banging hookers, should be legal, and if I was braver at that age I might have done the same. No question, just wanted you to know that you don't need to give up.


Good on you OP. We are all nervous our first time but it sounds like you probably had a lot of trouble with things and they can be pretty intimidating already. Glad you had such a positive experience with her and she was so good to you.


Bro, 800/2 hours is not high class, it's mid-low but as long as she's hot and you lost the v card, it's all good


So this is a weird question, but have you seen the show Firefly? It's a sci-fi show set in the future, and there is a guild called the Companions who are high class, ultra respected escorts. There is one episode where the Companion character is paid to take a man's virginity and it sounds exactly as you describe. They start off having tea and chatting, haha. Your story reminded me of that.


Sounds like both consenting adults. Seems ok. Losing it to a professional don’t sound like a bad experience either. NTA


Not even gon lie to you or try and throw a jab at you. Reading this was one of the saddest reads ever. I can’t believe there are other functioning adults saying this is ok, Bro you’ve never held a girls hand before and the first thing you thought to do was buy an escort? That literally screams abandonment issues and this is coming from someone who lost their virginity when I was 20. Not because I had issues or whatever you have but because I was a dumb and kinda senseless kid. This has done probably terrible things for your mental and you don’t even know it. I hope you are in therapy. We live in a world where there are snowflake ass people telling you this is “ok” and you should “not be worried about what others say”. Im not saying you can’t come back from this but this a very sad situation homie. It is not ok that you went this route i genuinely hope you are in therapy cause it genuinely sounds like you need it. You made it to 21 years old not touching a girls hand and the first thing you thought was to get an escort. That literally just blows my mind. The fact that you even made this says kinda enough already. Do you not have any male friends who could’ve talked you through this? Or helped you talk to a normal girl and maybe feel real genuine love? I know it’s bad to put all this pressure on someone who clearly has went thru traumatic experiences but damn dude I just feel bad for you. Then you have a bunch of “yes men” in your ears😭 dude you might be cooked 😭😭


Do you ever think you could've spent that 800 on something more exciting? Like maybe 2 middle class escorts at the same time?






Is it really that easy to find escorts on Craigslist? Not trying to sound mean or offensive but did you find anything “off putting” about her?


Since it was your birthday, did she do some special service that she typically wouldn't do for a regular client? Looking back now, what do you rate her on the scale of ten?


First time and 2 hour session? What did you guys do for the other hour and 59 minutes.


My dad asked a coworker to show me the way when I was only thirteen. She also worked as a stripper. This woman was super hot and I was just starting to go into puberty. Now that I’m way older and have seven grown kids (three girls and four boys), I have to say publicly this about that. Times do change; and, if that were to happen to a young girl man these days, that woman would be put on trial and sentenced to whatever crimes against humanity society thinks she were deserving. But, in the 1970s, it was, say, more acceptable. Now, I’m a parent. And, if my wife were to arrange for one of my daughters to lose her virginity to a stripper male, I’m pretty sure I would stoop so low as to hit a woman and the stripper wouldn’t see the light of the next day. But, if a situation came up, where one of my boys, who were definitely showing signs of manhood (while getting good grades) were somehow left alone with a hot stripper in her early 20s, AND he walked out of that room with his virginity, I’d say, “like father, like son; dude, did you just fuck a stripper.


Do you think you’ll be able to hook up with girls normally after this or will getting an escort become a crutch for when you feel the need to have sex?


I (a woman) think this is great. I’ve known some seriously lonely men (and women) in my life who were not so lucky in that department. What happened to them was that they built it up so much, began to hate some women, and one of them even just went full blown incel. I think that this profession is controversial for obvious reasons, but your experience is the argument for why it can be beneficial. I think more men and women should do this for your exact reason. What can happen when there’s so much pressure and build up is just not worth it, it’s a perfectly understandable action to take. I’m glad it was a positive experience for you and has helped you achieve what you were hoping for. Very awesome ❤️


It's posts and comments like these that make me wonder if Reddit is even real. Have fake posts and bots really taken over?


Would you rec this to people in a similar situation? And would you have any tips on how to find the right person?


$400 an hour isn’t high end it’s about average and Im in LA. So most big cities are similar in prices. Over 600 it’s getting there but High end is anything over 1k an hour. I use privatedelights over tryst. Check it out


$800 for 2 hours is not high class 😬


Good for you, and I do hope the best for you. You sound like a really sweet guy.


I am 100% for beta dudes paying for sex. Nothing wrong with that.. but I dislike how reddit due to its nature has a disproportionate amount of creeps that think this is worthy of praise. This is the kind of thing you don't tell people because it's weird as fuck. And you I don't wear it as a badge of honor. I'm honestly tired of people bringing their fetishes forward and expecting the populous to accept it as normal. Just don't talk about it and nobody cares. Brag about it and come off as the weirdo you are


How quickly did you 'arrive'? I think most peoples first time is 2 minutes at best. I couldnt imagine that experience but with a 10/10 professional. Think i would of come at 'hi'


When I was bout 14 my dad was stationed o wr seas. Me and bout 4 of my closest friends decided let’s go to the whore house since we learned about it. Of course none of us had transportation or money. We walk there downtown in a foreign country. Bout 20 mins outside this place we was scared finally I said fuck it enough is enough I’m going in. As I walk in my friends follow in a single line. I walk up to what seems like a hostess station with an African woman in bra and panties everything is dimly lit. The scariness of it all locked in again. I walked right past her walked down the hall by a bunch of doors to rooms right out the back door. Yup that’s my lame ass story of going to a whore house


this is fucking sad


She fucked you for the $$ dude, stop romanticizing it. You were probably her third customer that day. How special, how tragic.


I’m 23 and I’m like u prior to that I never even held a girls hand let alone kissed or fucked a girl. And I think it would be beneficial to me see an escort just to get my mind not fixated on sex anymore. How did it go tho did u use up all 2 hours? Did u build up to actually doing the deed or did u just straight up get undressed and fuck? Would u reccomend for someone like me