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How would I go about setting a gangbang up with you?


I'm in Australia, so you'd have to jump on a boeing first! But this is how the process goes. A woman or couple who is interested in organising one will contact me. We chat about what they want, how many guys, any preferences the woman has about the type of guys, date & time etc. Once we have established those details, I'll post in our private group chat with the details and usually a picture of the woman, and ask which guys are interested and available. I then send pictures of those guys to the woman/couple. Then they short-list which guys they are interested in. Then I open a new event group chat with the woman/couple, and the guys they have chosen. We all then continue chatting so the woman/couple can get a feel for the guys they want to invite. If they decide they don't want a guy, they just remove them from the chat. Then once that's all done, on the night we typically will all meet in the hotel bar for a drink or two and we will discuss consent and double check that she is there by her own accord (yes some husbands try and coerce their wives into this which we are not ok with), and once they are ready, we'll go back to their hotel room and have fun. Occasionally they decide they don't want to go through with it and we all happily say goodbye and go home, and that's fine too.


That sounds like a good screening process.


Minus the not testing for STD’s part….


That's a given. And condoms are usually a must


Usually…lol. What’s the biggest you have hosted?


I think 10 guys 2 girls


10 guys? what are you filling her ears and nose too 😂


We don't judge or kink shame our women 😅


2 Hands 1 mouth 2 holes =5 The math is mathing😂 She was fufilled In a way only some girls understand.


How do you ensure STD tests are current and accurate (like someone doesn’t have sex between the test results and gang bang)?


You can't. I was in the lifestyle and engaged in very risky behavior. During that time I was also traveling to South America for work and having unprotected sex with sex workers. I'm very familiar with hiv testing. If you get a panel done at your Dr you're going to get an antigen test. It takes weeks to months before hiv shows. You can pay for an rna test and even that isn't accurate until 2 weeks, 3+ weeks is better. And rna is slow to get the results back, a week. Point is if you're having unprotected sex with multiple partners and getting antigen tests at your Dr you're being very risky. I'll also add that there's a lot of unprotected sex in the lifestyle community, and sex tourism. Or people in general. From my experience independent American sex workers are the safest woman to fuck, for a lot of them condoms are a non negotiable.


I guess there's an element of honesty required




Some women specifically ask for natural, so in that situation obviously testing is critical for all parties


So if it’s no condoms then what if someone gets pregnant? Obviously pulling out is an option but it’s not perfect


Yeah, it works well. A lot of people outside this lifestyle would probably just assume we are a bunch of thirsty guys looking to get laid. Not entirely untrue, but we all genuinely care about these women, and we enjoy making sure they have an amazing time and leave happy. Their enjoyment is the central goal. They love being the centre of attention and we love them being the centre of our attention. Win win!


And you get it. That is awesome to read . There wouldn’t be any of these types of things with out people who really care. Wonder where these organizers are in the states


We exist. I run groups in two cities in the US. Funny reading this it's obviously something universal in any country the answers are just like any of our guys would give.


I almost did this in the US! I met with a man years ago who hosts these types of things. He really made it seem like they serve to fulfill women’s fantasies, making sure she feels safe, comfortable, and has a great time, but obviously the men have a great time, too. There’s definitely women interested in this type of thing. Thank you for providing a safe environment for it!


A Boeing? Are you crazy, man?


I like to live dangerously 😅


Who pays for the hotel room?


Everyone pitches in


“Everyone pitches in” motto for every gang bang.


It sounds like you participate. Is it a mandatory requirement or do you get vetted like the other guys?


The girls always choose. I've had to sit a few out because I didn't get chosen, or because I was unavailable, or that I wasn't attracted to her. The hardest one to cop was a really cute 19yo who only wanted guys >40yo and I'm late 30s 😅


I see. What’s your favorite color


Why was this response so fucking funny XD.


What if the woman removes *you* from the group chat?


That's happened a few times, which is fine. Everyone has a type, and you're never going to be Everybody's type. We've had women who only want dadbods or only guys with smaller or average sized dicks, which is actually a problem for our groups because most of us are fit with above average sized dicks.


My time to shine! 🤣




How did you know they’d have to jump on a Boeing if they didn’t tell you where they live?


Love the emphasis on safety and consent, I salute you chaps and the ladies who join you 🫡


I love the level of respect


What is the appeal of a gangbang from the men’s perspectives? Not a judgmental question; I’m genuinely curious. To explain, I’m a gay male, and when I imagine one of the scenarios you’re describing, it sounds erotic to ME: I mean, seven or eight naked, horny, physically fit men, some with above average penis sizes. (Oh, and yes, one woman.) To note, I’m not one of those gay guys who think all straight guys are secretly gay. But I don’t quite understand how this fits into straight male sexuality. Or DO you think that there’s a homoerotic element to it for some of the guys? When they’re standing around stroking their dicks waiting for their turn with the woman, do any of them ever make a move on another guy or anything like that…?


I run a group(s) just like this too, and I am completely straight, or at least as straight as any straight guy who watches straight porn with a male involved with a woman. I've actually thought about it a lot, and talked with the others in the group, and it always boils down to one thing. The men in the group are always attracted to "slutty" or "insatiable" women, and some women just do have that high of a drive. I've done hundreds of these over the years, seriously, and while there are some women who are just curious and wanting to try it one time, the vast majority of them who have participated it's like they're a hungry tiger being let out of the cage for the first time. For some subset of men, that's very appealing, and that's why the porn genre exists obviously. The other men in the group, we're friendly/friends with each other, and it's a team effort, but it's also in a sense almost like they're not even there during and they're simply incidental to the experience.


Thanks for adding to the op’s response. It’s interesting because in regular life men are more shy and body conscious about being seen naked by other men than ever before. Communal showers in dorms and gyms that used to be regular are mostly a thing of the past, so it’s kind of fascinating how this group of guys into gangbangs has no problem being not only naked but sexual in front of other guys.


Well it's not all but you are right. When finding new ones for the group, or in our case if we do larger groups and invite ones outside of our core established group, only about 1 in 5 (or less) actually show up in the end. You'd be amazed at how many "car crashes" happen coincidentally on the night of a party!


Ha, I bet! Okay another question: since you do this with a regular group of guys, even though you said when you’re in the zone it’s almost like the others aren’t there, at the same time are you aware of the skills and attributes of the other guys? Like, “Ooh, Bill is up next, she’s gonna love his 8 incher, go get her, Bill!”?


Generally aware of them? Sure. It's not like that though. A lot less of that type of "frat bro" for lack of a better description attitude with guys who are actually respectful and interested in helping the women have a good experience.


Good question. I've never really thought about that. We all really get off on pleasuring women, and I've never seen a woman in as much sexual ecstacy as when she is the centre of attention with a bunch of fit, well hung guys giving her attention in every way possible. The sight of her going insane with pleasure makes me incredibly horny. I don't think any of the guys are in any way bi or gay, I've never got that vibe. Nobody has ever tried anything. Logistically it works well too because the women can usually go for hours but we need a break, so teamwork makes the dream work!


Is it real the woman can last that long? Bc my experience is girls will feel tired or sore at their vagina region, so they will say no if I want to have more sex after 1 or 2 intense ones


Usually we go for 1 or 2 hours. Sometimes she wants to stop for a break. I think it's fair to say that women who are into this lifestyle will have a much higher sex drive than the average woman.


If you are doing it right, a woman can last a long time with multiple orgasms. If you’re doing it wrong then we will tap out sooner than later. Every body is different. What’s right for one isn’t right for every one. When you take the time to understand your sexual partners expectations and boundaries-sex can go on for hours and hours.


Never had a full on gang bang like this guy hosts. Have been in several MFM, MFF, MFFM, play sessions. Any I can say most of what will go down is well agreed upon beforehand. Kinks and limits are well established. You wouldn't typically spring a move on another guy at the event. That said if you did it wouldn't likely get you more than a no thanks if they weren't interested. The pre-planning and negotiations the guy is talking about they go through helps insure everyone has a good time and gets what they are looking for out of the situation.


I work in the floral industry as a straight guy. You are the second gay guy I’ve ever met who didn’t think guys were secretly gay. I have been to many gay bars and enjoy the gay community, but I will never understand why anyone would have that mentality. Also, I’ve never stood around with 5-8 other dudes in a circle


I think it’s wishful thinking for a lot of guys, driven by frustration at how small the dating pool is. I mean, think about it: as a straight man, something like 95% of the gender you are attracted to is also potentially attracted to you. Of course they may not find YOU in particular to be attractive, or they may not be available, or whatever. But fundamentally most women are straight so it’s at least a possibility. For gay people those proportions are reversed. 95% of the gender we are attracted to are definitionally incapable of reciprocating that attraction. Also, perceptions are skewed because openly gay men do discover that there are some VERY straight-seeming, straight-acting men who are secretly interested in sex with other men. It’s not the majority, but it does exist. Plus I think it’s just hard for any fully straight or gay person to REALLY understand how the other group works. Sexuality is so fundamental and basic and feels like it’s one of those universal things. I’ve had straight friends who know I’m gay say things to me like, “Okay, but you HAVE to like boobs, right? I mean, EVERYONE likes boobs!” or “Yeah yeah, I get that you like men, but it’s just objectively a fact that women are prettier.”


As a pansexual woman, I just think it’s hard not to picture others liking what you like. Like, as a straight man, I can assume you only find women not men attractive and while I know logically that that is true for you, I have a hard time wrapping my head around others not being attracted to attractive people regardless of their gender.


If you are attracted to sexually adventurous/aggressive women, if you like seeing a ultra confident woman in public i.e a woman dressed in suggestive erotic style a gang bang is seeing a womans sexuality at its most extreme. Its not everyones cup of tea but for some/many women its the most erotic and fulfilling sexual situation.


Yeah I agree because I’m straight and I struggle to see how I could enjoy it with heaps of other guys in the room. Kind of on two levels, one I don’t really get the appeal in sharing a girl with heaps of other people, it grosses me out a bit. Two, like you say, you’re surrounded mainly by guys, which wouldn’t arouse me. Maybe it’s just a sex drive thing and if you have a really high sex drive you don’t care, but I definitely have only ever been attracted to the thought of a threesome with two girls 🤷‍♂️. Not trying to judge others or anything, just replying to your comment


What do those hotel rooms smell like by the end of it? What's the craziest moment you can recall from one of your events? How'd all this get started for you? Is your group consistent between gangbangs? Aka you could very accurately describe your buddies' dicks because you've seen them a dozen times now? Any MM moments happen at any of these? I have to imagine if you're in a regular rutting team, there have to be times when you're like "Oops, looks like Bill slipped out and it's a weird angle, lemme just tuck him back in there. You're good to go, Bill," with a slap on the ass. I'm not sure how to phrase this into a question, but respond I suppose: I cannot imagine being one of your stable of guys lol. Like literally, at any point you might get a ping on your phone from the bangchat with a photo of a woman who wants you and all your buddies inside her. And you get to be like "Aw, sorry Dave, I've got rugby that weekend. But if she really wants the double anal DP special from me and Chuck, see if she can bump it to the following Saturday."


What do those hotel rooms smell like by the end of it? - Sex and a bit of body odour from an hour or two of sweaty action. Nothing terrible. What's the craziest moment you can recall from one of your events? - I think crazy is subjective. Most people would probably say every party of ours is crazy compared to their sex life... but I can't think of anything especially crazy. How'd all this get started for you? - I've been doing lifestyle stuff ever since I was late teens. This is just an era of that. Is your group consistent between gangbangs? Aka you could very accurately describe your buddies' dicks because you've seen them a dozen times now? - Not really, other than a few who have very large ones, I don't really notice. Any MM moments happen at any of these? I have to imagine if you're in a regular rutting team, there have to be times when you're like "Oops, looks like Bill slipped out and it's a weird angle, lemme just tuck him back in there. You're good to go, Bill," with a slap on the ass. - Haha, no that's never happened. I'm not sure how to phrase this into a question, but respond I suppose: I cannot imagine being one of your stable of guys lol. Like literally, at any point you might get a ping on your phone from the bangchat with a photo of a woman who wants you and all your buddies inside her. And you get to be like "Aw, sorry Dave, I've got rugby that weekend. But if she really wants the double anal DP special from me and Chuck, see if she can bump it to the following Saturday." - oddly enough, that's not too far off the tone of conversation


A someone who does the exact same thing in the US (hosts these), I can confidently say there is a distinct smell afterwards, it's very strong, and I honestly couldn't describe it but if I ever smelled it I'd know it right away.


Poor housekeeping team 😂


Poor next guests is more accurate. We always clean everything up and put things into garbage bags for them. The smell is gone after a few hours. Unless they open the garbage bags to look, they'd never know. If anyone were to bring a black light into that room though, oh god the horror.


I'll have to come back to this later, sit tight


How long is the process of communication till every one follows through? And how do yall guarantee no leaks?


It usually takes a week or two. Sometimes longer. People new to the lifestyle are always concerned about privacy, and rightly so, but the thing is that we all want to keep it private, so nobody leaks because they would get outed too. Normal society isn't ready to accept this type of thing so it's in all of our best interests to keep it quiet. We usually don't use our real names either (and I assume the women & couples we host don't either). None of us associate outside of the lifestyle. Usually there is a no photos or filming rule. Some women/couples want to film, and that's ok, but we just say that our faces can't be in it.


Have yall done breeding party? Or just all safe sex?


Some women specifically want raw, but I wouldn't call it a "breeding party" as such. They just prefer the feeling of natural. So obviously STD screening is critical.




We don't advertise as such. Usually a woman/couple will post on reddit looking for a group, or one of us will start chatting to them on an adult dating/swingers app and go from there. Some word of mouth.


What subreddits should I look at for these parties?


Is it always a one time thing or do you have repeat women/couples?


How do gang bangs logistically work? I guess I could google it. But I wanna hear how it generally goes down. I don’t have 8 holes. So what are the guys who aren’t in the midst doing while waiting?


Just chatting or having a drink mostly. Or washing up in between (hygiene is important). Usually 5 or 6 is the most number of guys that can actually be involved. That could just be touching her, stroking her leg, etc.


Watching Diners Drive-Ins and Dives on the flat screen in the hotel room. That show is ALWAYS on in any hotel room you ever go to on any day of the week at any time of day.


Any married women ever joined one of these parties without telling their husbands?


Rarely, or not that I know of. We don't pry. But the majority of women we have are married and their husbands are fully aware. Most of the time the husband is there and watches, or joins in.


What's the maximum age of the woman you guys will cater to?


Our only age rule is older than 18. After that it just comes down to whether or not the guys are attracted to her. I think the oldest we have hosted was around 60. She was in incredible shape for her age and absolutely insatiable!


Was there ever a woman that nobody wanted? Or just one guy wanted?


Are you involved or just set it up? How many women at once?


Usually just one woman, and as many guys as she wants. Generally 4-8 guys. And yes I am Usually involved.


Is there a reason you dont do double gantbangs (besides the added logistical challenges)?


So your wife is okay with you participating but she doesnt so it?


Does p size matter in those gangbangs?


I find most girls prefer above average, but most of them are more interested in how overall attractive the guys are - fit, well groomed, and good personality. We do occasionally get size queens who only want larger than a certain size.


What is above average to you inch wise?


I guess like 6" & above or so. I don't get the ruler out at the parties though!




Is It a free of charge service or do you get something back?


We will all chip in to pay for the hotel room, drinks, condoms etc.


So basically your logistic service Is free of charge


I guess so, yeah!


How much is your portion usually?


Usually only 50-100 bucks.


100 bucks for condoms and a motel? Interesting…..what do you do for a living ? 🤔


Yeah, usually about $500 a night or thereabouts for a 5 star hotel room and a few boxes of condoms and a bottle or two of nice champagne. Split amongst 5-10 people.


Whats the worst experience with a customer(i think thats what they would be referred as) you have had?


None to be honest, our screening process has proven to work very well.


Also like where would you be doing it? Would it be at the customer’s house? Or like in some warehouse? Its probably a very stupid question 😭


I wouldn't say customer as such, as this is just a group of like minded people having fun. Guest, I suppose? We generally do it at a nice hotel and everyone chips in to cover the cost


In this nice hotel… does it come with breakfast? And if so, what would you get for breakfast?


"So on the plus side, I had two of the biggest dicks I've ever had railing me at the same time, plus a third one in my mouth, and I came so hard I blacked out for a minute, and when I came to, it turns out I squirted! For real, first time in my life, I absolutely soaked the guy underneath me. On the minus side, all the hotel had was a continental breakfast with that waffle station, you know, where the waffles are kinda chewy and the syrup is the fake stuff from the little packets you peel the top off, and then some yoplait yogurts in a bowl of ice that smelled a little dodgy."


We never stick around for breakfast ;)


We sometimes do larger ones (30-50) where we have to invite new ones outside of our core group. Had a guy show up one time, act all normal at first, then start violently swaying backwards and forwards. Obviously had taken something or drank too much. Luckily we always have a number of other women who go alongside myself to make sure the woman is comfortable and safe and the woman participating didn't even know it happened. Definitely shook us all up though. Thought I might have to fight a naked dude!


How does a woman/couple find you to start the conversation? Outside of all of the DMs you probably have now? Where are you located? You mentioned preferences women may have to men. What about the reverse? Do the men have things they are more/are not interested in?


We are on fetlife so we get some contact us there. But also couples & women will post on nsfw reddit subs in our area looking and then we will contact them. Also adult dating sites like POF & RHP etc. Word of mouth from people in the lifestyle... we are in Australia. Yeah the guys will all have their preferences but most of the women we get are quite attractive so there's usually plenty of interest from the guys. It usually is the woman's preferences that dictate the guys, not the other way around


Do you only do couples or are single women allowed to enjoy a gang bang too?


Where in Australia? Which state?


How do you recruit men for gangbangs?


There's no need to recruit, there's never any shortage. We are regularly declining guys.


So. Question. What is the highest number of men one woman has had in a night?


The ones I've been to I think 10 was the most.


If a guy wants to join can they just do so?


No, they have to be invited to join the group first, which requires some amount of vetting. Then they might not get invited to an event for months


Why so much vetting/invitation? Who gets to go in?


It's all about creating a safe and enjoyable environment. You gotta realise a situation where a woman is so vulnerable as her in a hotel room with a bunch of guys. So we need to make sure the men are all respectful and above board and have the right attitude


Makes sense I guess, so is it hard for older men to join?


I think our oldest guy as 48 or so. It is a bit harder for older guys but if they are fit, handsome, and have good stamina and good in bed they should have a good chance


The fit part seems easy to vet, but how would you know if they have good stamina or good in bed?


The inevitable embarrassment that they would feel by not being able to perform in front of everyone is probably self-selecting, and guys who wouldn't be up to the task just don't ask to join


What if women say, I would like you guys bang each other? Have you had any issues? Or disagreements? Or disappointments?


We wouldn't be up for that, we're all straight. No major issues. We had a couple of guys who have gone a bit beyond the boundaries and were booted from the group. But that's it


How did they go beyond the boundaries?


Just got a little rough or not sharing


Dude, bucket list shit. I have never felt safe enough for this.


Find a group like ours and tick off that bucket list! YOLO. But yes, be safe!


Apologies if this has already been asked but have you done a DP and assuming so is that a common request for these events?


Very common, yes. Almost every time


Follow up questions with a little bit of context. When I think of gangbangs I think of the porn industry before I think personal events. Is what you experience in personal life mimic what we see in porn films with gangbangs? E.g you’ve confirmed DPs, but is there hair pulling, spit play or humiliation? Also how does everyone finish? Porn films tend to go facials is that the same in your events? By the way this is very fascinating 🧐


What is the cost


No cost, just the hotel room which we all chip in for. There's never any shortage of guys who want to do this so no woman would ever need to pay for it.


How do u make money from this business model then tf


Most of us are accomplished professionals, we just do this for fun.


When did he say this was a business lol


This was super interesting. Are you personally in a relationship? If not, would you envision continuing this setup even once you’re in one? Would you ever date one of the women you met this way? If you met a different way, would you be comfortable if your partner wanted to join a gangbang?


I'm married and my wife and I are both in the swinger lifestyle. Gang bangs aren't her thing but if she did want to then I would be ok with it


Thanks for answering! Is there anything that makes you (or her) jealous? Have emotions ever entered into the equation for people outside your marriage?


We are very close and best friends, I've never had any feelings for any play partners. She predominantly plays alone with other girls, and those girls are typically also friends and they do non sexual things together too. For me, I never do anything with play partners, that's a completely separate part of my life. We do occasionally play with other couples but again we aren't really friends with them in vanilla life. I don't get jealous really, I just love watching her pleasure


What was the best gangbang event you have hosted?


Last weekend was awesome. She was gorgeous, amazing body, and was extremely into it. Hot mom in her early 30s. Her hubby was a great guy. Whenever she didn't have anything in her mouth she had a huge smile on her face. That's the best in a while. Last year we had a gorgeous young Asian wife. She was stunning, petite, and also was into everything with lots of enthusiasm.


How do you handle Onlyfans girls? I run a similar group in the US (am mostly active on Fet) and we haven't done so yet but get written by them a lot.


As a group we don't do only fans and stuff. We are wanting to keep a low profile. I have personally done some stuff with OF creators but not with this group. Our group started life on fet too!


It is expensive?


No money changes hands other than to cover the cost of the hotel room and supplies


Is your inbox getting blown up right now?


Do you provide a photographer or videographer to capture the moments if requested for the lady or couple?


No, we don't video at all (unless the woman/couple say so, but usually they don't). We do allow them to film, as long as our faces aren't in anything


Have you guys ever rejected a woman because none of the guys wanted to bang her?


That's never happened, fortunately. Although definitely some get a lot more interest than others. Mostly the women are above average attractiveness and 20-45yo so it's not normally a problem getting enough guys interested. Usually it's a case of culling the list


If a woman wanted the most amount of men, how many would you say is the limit?


Logistically more than 8 or 10 starts to get tricky if there's only one woman


How did you get into this career lol


what kind of guys do the women typically go for??


Fit/muscular, nice smile, good personality. They usually see being well hung as a nice bonus but not a requirement


How do you find women for this?


Surprisingly its very easy, on reddit or swingers dating sites etc. Word of mouth


Do you organize gang bangs for gay men?


No we don't, but I have a feeling that gay men probably don't need to try too hard to organise one. The ones I know are all horny as fuck and down for just about anything!




We get women of all ages, races, shapes and sizes, but I'd say most commonly they are 25-45, attractive & in good shape. I'd say the "average" woman we entertain would be in her 30s, married with a kid or two, middle class suburban type.


Are the guys every race too?


If the women taps out do you all stop?


Of course, yes. Otherwise I'm pretty sure that would be rape!


Are there ever any drugs or excessive alcohol involved? Either known or suspected use?


No we don't want that. From our perspective we don't want there to be any ambiguity around consent, so if the woman/women are noticeably drug or alcohol affected that is very risky for us, not to mention risky for her. A few drinks to calm the nerves is the maximum. The odd line of cocaine or an ecstacy tablet is ok and not uncommon.


How do you determine where and when the guys get to “finish”? Is that all part of the pre conversation?


How many men are in the entire group you run?


Do you get paid for this service and how did you get started? I kind of want to know everything.


What do you think drives the husbands who want to see their wives have sex with others? I can understand swapping of partners or a collective group orgy as both parties of the couple benefit But why would anyone want to see the girl u theoretically love the most have all the enjoyment and observe? Not kink shaming btw - I’m genuinely curious


Compersion is a strong one. Also voyeurism - it's like watching porn except you know the actress and she's also your favourite person in the world.


Thanks It’s a totally foreign concept to me Do the husbands tend to prefer to participate or just watch ?


Where do all of these guys cum at the end?? And if you cum are you out? Or how does that work??


What’s your rules on HSV (1 and 2)?


Hmmm how old are the women.


How many guys eat pussy after the first few guys have cum in it? And do they really want dick instead?


I don't recall that ever happening to be honest. And we generally wear condoms.


Is the stereotype that mostly drug addicted, alcoholic, irresponsible women go to gangbangs true or not? Did you have women who looked like it?


so like is there a food table or does everyone just eat before they arrive there?


I’ve got some female friends that have been curious about this. What part of Australia are you in?


Has anyone ever been turned away because of a positive STD test?


Do you feel you respect women?


Yep, that's really at the core of this. It is all led by her and what she wants


I believe I read you guys go for an hour or two. What if a woman wants to go all night/the entire weekend?


Do the husbands often join in? How much do you charge? What about if they change their mind at the last minute do they still have to pay? Has a woman ever freaked out and changed her mind during or afterwards?


We don't charge anything, it's just for fun. Husband's often join in a little bit, but most of them spend most of the time just watching and/or filming. We've had a couple of women who decides during pre-drinks that they just wanted to do some flirting in the bar and that was it, they weren't ready to go through it. We've never had any freak outs mid way. It is very common for first-timers to be super nervous to start with, but once we start, they get into it very quickly. We do everything we can to make them feel comfortable and safe which helps.


Very altruistic of you haha! How do you advertise your services? Have you ever had a woman that no one wanted to bang?


Do you enjoy making stuff up on Reddit? 😂


I'll love try some day It's my biggest fantasy Do you have any advice?


Does everyone take a shower beforehand ? I couldn’t imagine a bunch of sweaty balls coming at me and then switching to more sweaty balls.


what got you into it?


Do you do bukkakes?


How do you get all these people in a single hotel room ?


Have you noticed more women of a particular race are hosted? Or is it mostly egalitarian? (No judgement either way just wondering)


Is this technically prostitution? Don't mean that in a judgemental way. I'm just guessing this costs money?


Are there incentives of you hosting? If so how does it work?


Are you attracted to all of your clients or does that not matter as much? Have you ever had to take performance pills for this or any other reason?


What is the highest number of cum shots a woman has taken on her face?


Do you ever go raw? If so, what's the screening process for STI prevention, if there's one?


Have you ever planned an all women orgy with no men?


who pays who? these mans are getting paid to perform? how much? i asking this bc i honestly probably would pay if the girl is hot


How much fun is it?


Is there a fee?


Is there any financial gain for you? Do the women pay for the service, or do you pay the women?


Do you guys have an official business for this?? It sounds awesome. I’m interested