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Growing up, did you (she) know anyone that had been alive during the civil war? Are there any stories you (she) heard from her grandparents or other older people about what life was like in the 1800’s? thanks for doing this AMA I am looking forward to these answers


1. Yes her uncle Buddy 2. Yes her great grandmother purchased land in the 1800s. She worked the lane herself to support her and her 4 children


Thank you very much for sharing. This is fascinating.


Because it’s unlikely she knew anyone that could remember the civil war, I’d just like to know the oldest person she did know as a younger person


Believe it or not, up until a few years ago, there was still someone alive who was receiving a pension check from the US government from the Civil War. She was the daughter of a Civil War veteran born in 1929. She was 10 when her father died. The last Civil War veteran died in 1956.


Fact that the last civil war vet made it that long is so crazy to me. Seeing the civil war, German unification (part 1), WW1, the depression, WW2, Korean War, commercial aircraft. Like what the fuck


Both my parents are younger and grew up in different parts of the country. Both of them had church elders in their congregations that were born slaves.


Wow! That’s incredible. The past is barely past


Far from certain, but not unheard of. If her memories start around 1944, a great-grandparent (if she had one living) might be old enough (86ish or older) to have childhood memories of slavery, the Civil War, and of Emancipation.


Not unlikely at all. Especially that far south.


From her perspective, is there hope for the future, after everything she’s lived through and seen? And what does that look like? What is the greatest thing that’s has had an impact on her life and why? And what does she think the greatest impact in yours will be? Being from Texas - is she religious and how has the significance of faith or no faith stayed with her towards the end of her life? If she had to sum up her life in 20 words what would they be? If she had one piece of advice for life - what would that be? And thank you!


1. There is always hope 2. She said her husband and she thinks my family is a big impact in my life. 3. Faith is the most important thing in her life 4.


Did anyone ever sneak out and fuck with the whites only fountains? I feel like someone would have like snuck out and taken a piss on one or something.


She said she didn’t know anyone with that much guts


Historian here. I'm sure it happened, but the punishment would have been too much for most people to risk. 


Oooh great question


Is she proud of where black culture is today and if not, what is one thing she would like us to fix?


She’s very proud of us today


What's her opinion on the terms, "Negro, African American, and Black," seeing as these have all been considered acceptable during her lifetime? Which does she prefer?


Black is fine with me as long as white is good for white folks. I do not like African American. Most Black folks in America are Americans. We we're not born in Africa. Some of us are Indigenous to America. So yes, I'll go with Black American.


I’m white but I always felt “African American” or any of the “(blank) American” labels were super patronizing.


I can get that but we're also not homogeneous, it's not racist to admit we have different race-based subcultures because we do come from a plethora of culture and racial backgrounds. As long as we embrace that aspect instead and remember that we're more alike than different (which I think the "_____ American" is good for) then I don't see anything wrong with it - Some biracial dude


Thank you for straightening out this 49-year-old white female. Since I was a teenager I have been using "African American" because I thought that's what Black Americans wanted to be called. However, it DOESN'T make sense because the majority of Black Americans were born here in America and not in an African nation.


There isn’t a right answer though. Some want to be called African American and some don’t.


It’s of the same pattern as Irish-American, Italian-American, Polish-American etc. doesn’t mean the person was born in that place, it means (some of) their ancestors came from there.


I understand that, but some Black Americans may not know what their ancestry is like some of us white Americans do. For instance I know I'm part Irish, Welsh, German, French and Italian. However, since horrible racists kidnapped people from Africa and did not record from what nation, then it leaves some Black Americans questioning their heritage. Also, some may not be able to afford getting their DNA tested. I'm a poor white woman who can't afford it. I only know what I know by what I have been told by family who has not had their DNA tested.


I haven't met any African Americans that find the term disingenuous. You may find an issue with Africans who came to America separate from the slave trade though. They prefer the distinction


This confused me all my life we’re just assuming all black peoples are from Africa with the term African Americans? That’s insane.


Don't forget 'colored'. (Not being a dick....very common term back then)


Another one I saw on some army document my grandfather had. “Negroid”


That's a real term. They claim there's four races if human. Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasian, Australoid. Only sounds racist if you look through a lens of everything is racist.


Yeah no that shit is fundamentally racist as those are outdated classifications created by early armchair anthropologists; the system was overly vague and deliberately designed for Caucasians to be the "best" one. They lumped people together based on geographical region/physical features/skin color and dug no deeper into the massive cultural differences between members of the same groups. These were the same groups of people that propagated phrenology and other white-centric pseudoscience. So yes, it is literally based in racism.


I'm sorry...I'm laughing at your use of Phrenology and 'lumped together' in the same response. Was that on purpose? If so...kudos!


Oh God it wasn't on purpose! That is dark as fuck lol.


You mean “claimed”, as in people used to think this way. In modern terms there is one extant race with different ethnicities. I would have been called “Mongoloid”, as a Finn, about 150 years ago


Except that there aren’t biological races. Those are only correct in the context of falsely claiming biological races exist. Race exists because racism does, not the other way around.


She preferred the term Black


My (black) grandma was born in 1918 and she never stopped calling people “colored.”


What does she remember of Martin Luther King Jrs passing? How did it make her feel? Thank you OP for making an actually good AMA. I miss these days they are hard to come by


She was very sad and so was all the people she knew. There is was so many questions and disappointment


In her eyes, which black person was the biggest influence in black empowerment? (Other than MLK if that's her answer.)


President Obama


That's an interesting answer. Though, I was really young when he was elected, so I guess I never really understood the full impact of his election


I'm white and was in my 20s when he was elected. I cried when I realized he had won. I was so proud of my country and hopeful for what this meant for the future. The last several years have been a massive letdown. Now I think it future looks more like Parable of the Sower than anything.


The several years that followed really crushed all of the hopes and dreams Obamas election did for this country. I was so proud. Now I'm embarrassed.


What did she imagine the near future (50-100 years) to look like when she was a young girl?


She said she couldn’t imagine a future where blacks and whites could live together in harmony. She’s happy she got to see it tho


What invention or technical advance have you seen in your lifetime be the most useful? What invention would you erase if you could?


1. Computer 2. Social media influencers


So interesting. Thank you!


Did your aunt ever fear for her life growing up in the Jim Crow era South?


She personally never experienced that because the people of her town got along for the most part


Really? Like black & white folks in town were regularly interacting with each other in the same spaces?


Texas isn't as bad as Alabama / Mississippi when it comes to racism. It's pretty diverse in alot of areas.


What is something younger people take for granted in 2024?


Their freedom to have more money, food and resources


Very true. Your aunt lived at the end of the great depression and dust bowl and then through three major military conflicts where ration books were issued. And then there was the gas shortage in the 70s.


What is a food/meal from your childhood you miss? Or maybe one you still enjoy to this day? Do you have any special memories tied to it?


Cream peas


What is the single biggest change for Black America between then and now?


We are more recognized as people now. We have more rights


What’s your aunt’s favorite guilty pleasure? And thanks for doing this. You must be a pretty cool great great niece. Give your great aunt a hug for me!


Sweets! I get my sweet tooth from her 💕


When did she notice white people changing? As in, I’d like to think most white people are not open racists these days, and most are not even closeted racists. Obviously there are still people with racist ideology, but That would have been a strange thing to notice throughout the years.


In the 60s


Thank you for getting back to me! I hope it’s changed a lot. If you can for a follow up, what’s the biggest change in the American public?


When did she first watch tv and when did she get one?


When she was a teenager she seen them in others home but she didn’t get her own tv until around 1967


What is her opinion on LGBT rights?


She says she has nothing against gay people and they are just as human as


I'm sure she has had many opportunities to learn and grow and become a wise person. What is the one piece of advice she would give to anyone?


Trust in god


What advice does she have for younger generations? 


Keep praying


What did she do for fun when she a little girl? Did she think she'd ever see America elect a mixed-race President? Did anyone in her family work on oil wells during the East Texas oil boom?


1. Roll around in tires 2. No 3. No our family had a farm


Ever since I saw To Kill a Mockingbird\*, I've always wanted to roll in a tire. Unfortunately, I 6' tall and I'd need a giant tire. \* Can you ask her if she's ever seen that movie, and if so, what did she think about it? It's in my top 5 all time favorites.


Auntie forgot you’re supposed to answer the questions.


No im answering them tomorrow when I visit her


What ate her favorite memories?


A favorite memory from when she was small. Her uncle used to roll her down a hill in a tire!


That sounds super fun!


Does she have her race on her birth certificate? If so, what does it say?


It says Colored


What’s her favorite comfort food/recipe? What does she like to eat on hot days?


Ice cream malt


Does your aunt have a favourite musician/band?


Stevie Wonder


My people are from the same town! Grandma was born in the 20s. We might be kinfolk! Sending a DM


👋🏾👋🏾 yes dm me


Any updates??


No lol


What makes her feel most happy, hopeful and loved?


Her family 🥰


What did she think of Elvis? As an entertainer were there any feelings of unfairness at the attention he received even though he was just repackaging Rhythm and Blues from Black Artists?


She said he was okay but she wasn’t a fan


Interesting..thank you! My mom was from about 2 hours north of you. Also Born in 1939. Mt Pleasant in Titus County.


What’s one of your fondest memories?


When she first started raising my fathers cousin (she has no kids of her own)


Aww that’s so sweet 🥹


I hope this aunt is okay.


She’s very strong 🥰


What's her favorite recipe?


Banana puddling (which so happens to be my favorite🥰)


What has been the most significant technological as well as social change during your lifetime? Hope you’re doing well




What is the biggest positive change in society that you have seen? What had you hoped or expected by now would have happened to improve treatment of blacks that hasn't? What time period was the best for blacks in America? What was the worst?


1. Equal rights 2. She had hoped there were white people who accepted black people as black people. 3. Best is today and the worst was the 1960s


How did being born in 1939 in the south effect your generation


She said that was hard to answer because she knew nothing else but the country life


Is she the oldest in your family to live that far back?




Do you think bees are cool?


Hell yeah


favourite movie?


The color purple :)


What is one story /lesson about/from her life she feels everyone should know


She said “Trust in God”


I hope you and your great great grandma are doing well! Lot's of prayers for her. Here are my questions.... What's your opinion on biased news/entertainment media? Does history always favors the winners? What is your life story if you don't mind sharing? What did you struggle with during your youth and middle age? Any advice for us all? Also, what's your opinion on racism now?


I will only answer one, for her advice she said “make sure you are god fearing people”


How does she get along with white people today? Does she appreciate the social movements we have in popular media against racism and other discrimination?


She’s gets along with them good enough she said. And she does appreciate it but she doesn’t wanna hear about it all the time 😂😭


I'd definitely want to be updated on this post, this is great we can hear her story.


Replying to comments now


What are your views of racism in the US specifically towards minorities? I’m so tired of having to hear news through the media. I would love to hear the perspective of a real person.


What was something that never in her life did she expect to get better, but then it did? What is her biggest personal victory? What is something she wished she knew at 40? Secret to a long life?


You know anyone who was a slave? What did blacks think of slavery back then? Good/bad/indifferent?


What do you think they thought about slavery?


Maybe they enjoyed the comfort and reliability of their masters? Seems better than what came next: Jim Crow and the KKK


How can someone have comfort in a master if they are a slave? Please think with your head and stop replying to my post


You’re not a smart person are you?


Yeah what do you think BLACKS thought about slavery? Tell the class


Please thank your great aunt for her willingness to share her experiences and time with us. Are there family memories she’d like to share?


Give your auntie my best. The fact that she is willing to share her history is a blessing.


Yes, just saw this post and I had to stop scrolling, i just want to cry thinking of everything she mustve had to live through and how strong life mustve force her to be. Please tell her: thank you so much auntie!!!! Your strength will guide the rest of us to be strong when we have to carry through and things dont go our way. I’ll be stopping by to learn from her tomorrow ✨💜💜


What were her daddy and mama’s names? Any idea what their slave trade travel pattern was? (Did they land on the east coast and get purchased and immediately go to tx or were they somewhere for some generations before tx)? What was her job growing up? What about her partner’s? Did she ever imagine that less than 100 years from her birth, we’d be as far as we are as a country in terms of race? (Obvs not far enough but still tons of progress!) Thank u, auntie!!!!


What is your Aunt’s view of the current political climate?


What are the biggest positive changes she’s seen through the years?


Who were the best Presidents in her lifetime?


Please answer this. Thank you for your time!


That’s very cool. My grandma was born in the 1890’s and used to tell me things about growing up in her time. Told me that she remembered seeing a car for the first time. I gave her a diary and it’s one of my most treasured possessions. RemindMe!


What was her favorite decade and why?


Please answer this!


My grandmother was born in 1931 in Mississippi.  The only thing she would tell my mom about her life there is that she would never go back, never step foot inside that state again. 


This one is for you. Have you written her stories down? Take it from someone with regrets. You will not remember her yarns like you think you will.


God bless you Auntie, thank you for keeping witness to everything that has unfolded historically in your lifetime and for sharing your wisdom here. We appreciate you so very, very much and please know your words will be cherished. What are some traditions that you remember the Black community practicing when you were growing up? For example how did people help the sick? How did they help the poor? How did they stay creative? How did they stay positive? What practices do you think we, as Black Americans today should never, ever abandon? Thank you.


To provide context to the questions. What state does she live in now?


What do you think about Black Lives Matter and similar movements today?


What was the scariest thing to happen to her that was racism related?


When was the first time she met a white person that wasnt racist? What happened? Was the encounter enough to negate the hateful ways of the majority of them?


Is your aunt familiar with Purtis Creek? Athens TX?


What are your memories of segregation as a child? If you were turned down from entering certain public spaces, what kind of spaces were they?


What invention does she consider the most impactful to society?


Did she only attend segregated schools? Or, if she went to integrated schools, how was she treated by white students?


My mom integrated her schools and I just had a conversation with her about it. She said they were all bad, but teachers were even worse than the students. Many of the students eventually came around but the teachers always had it out for her. I’ve heard similar comments from other black who integrated schools.


I’ve watched a few video where they as kids about segregated schools, they said it was just another day. Maybe Generational embarrassment is passed down.


RemindMe! 15 hours


What was the most ground-breaking technological advancements that really made your jaw hit the floor?


Some colleges and universities have now created black only floors such that students feel more comfortable. What are your thoughts on universities having black only floors? Similarly, public universities have essentially revoked affirmative action. What are your thoughts on these recent actions?


Update me


No question. Born and raised in Texas. Just thank you!


Yes! Im an hour away from Palestine! Born and raised. Thank you auntie!!


What's her most recurring good memory she has of her childhood?


Care to share some old family Sothern cooking food recipes? the kind that no one see's being cooked any more but every one should try it cooking? or Adding to the dish to make it better?


Just sending love


What types of professions or accomplishments did you dream of, that you knew from very young “could” never happen in America because you were a black female?


Growing up in Palestine, what did she think of the prisons being so prominent in the area? Did people normally ride the prison train between Rusk and Palestine?


What was the hardest struggle she's dealt with? What was it like as a black child in Texas during WW2? What did your father do for a living?


No questions here, just wanted to say I am fairly close to Palestine and I hope she continues to live a long happy life!


It's baffling to see how many people have hijacked this post. Stop answering others questions when they are for OP. Smh


What is her opinion on some Black communities wanting to re-segregate? Does she see that as a step backwards or not.


This isn’t a question but, niece, when you visit- it would be a beautiful thing to ask if she has any seeds to pass on. Flowers in the garden you can dig a few extra bulbs off of. Plants large enough to a cutting, etc. The question part is, Auntie, do you still grow any plants? What’s your favorite homegrown food that a grocery store variety doesn’t hold a candle to? Favorite way to eat yams? (Or, sweet potatoes)


What item of new technology was the most fascinating or life-changing invention during her life? 


Sending all the ❤️ 😍 💖. I just really want you to be happy. I admire you. Blessings.


What’s something people think is new but hasn’t really changed for a while?


If she could remake any movie into a Muppet movie what would it be?


What is her big picture take on where things sit in America right now, especially relative to her lifetime? I think a lot of younger people could use a sense of context these days by way of looking at things in a bigger picture because, for awhile in life, everything that is happening around you can feel unprecedented. In the grand scheme of things, is the present moment, for all its craziness, a normal ebbing and flowing of time or are we in real trouble? Thank you for this ama


Did you ever encounter any sundown towns while traveling?


Wow that's so much history to live through. Tell your aunt we all say hi! I would be curious about her entertainment experiences. What did they do for entertainment as kids, young adults, and now? Does she have favorite authors, music or movies from when she was younger that she thinks people should still be enjoying?


What was the most fun you did in the 1960s?


How does she feel about intersectional feminism? Has she seen more changes (on a fundamental level) between the races or the sexes throughout the years? In what ways?


What are her favorite go-to comfort foods?


does she think the country is regressing?


I'll just insert myself here, go on 😀


Hi. My grandmother was born in 1913 in Louisiana. Her grandmother was born a slave on a plantation in 1850 and died in 1933. She knew her and was told stories that were passed down to us. Your family’s history and experience matters and is very interesting. Thank you for sharing!


Do you feel that we are moving backwards in this country?


Can she describe her emotions/experience when MLK was assassinated? Same for JFK? She's lived through so much. Always amazing to hear from the great elders of a generation/group who made it through such tragedy only to see some of the same evil rearing it's head today.


Has she ever lost a friend (via murder, or similar) due to violent racism? Who, and how did it happen + what was her favorite memory of them? If she did, that is. If not that, was there a time she ever seriously feared for her life just for the color of her skin?


What's her feeling on the Uncle Remus stories? We had a book of them when I was a kid about 45 years ago. But I've heard now they were badly appropriated / exploitative. Is there a source for this folklore that's more acceptable?


Was there a decade, time period or geographical location that offered her an easier and more enjoyable season of life, than others? What has brought her the most joy in her life? Auntie, thank you for your time! God bless you precious!


What does she believe we should be doing right now to better the world? What does she believe people (esp POC) are too complacent about? What is her happiest memory? Who were/are her dearest friends? What is her favourite meal?


Half white half Mexican (look 100 percent white) here born in the late 80's. No question, just wanna say all love. I hope you're doing well and even though I don't believe in any higher power, bless you and your family.


Is there anything historical (an event, beliefs, or time period) she sees or hears about today about times she lived through that feel misrepresented or portrayed incorrectly in conversation and media, today?


Hope you record her answers for future generations to hear. They should know what her experiences were like, hearing it from her first hand, to get a sense of context for life before the Civil Rights Act.


You should write a memoir or stories or video record her telling some of the stories. Nothing but love. Wishing you, her, and your family the best. What was the reason why you or she thought about doing an AMA? It's wonderful.


In terms of Racism and Prejudice against yourself, how was your social experience during the 70's in contrast to the 80's? And in general, did it affect your well being and living standard?