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Glad to hear that you are feeling better again :) I was on movie pass till the start of this year and then switched over to A-List. I agree with you, it's so much better to pretty much see what I want when I want, and not be juggling the whole p0ints system. This community is great to. Just a bunch of folks genuinely interested in seeing movies and saving monies. Glad to have you on board as well!


Thank you, I really appreciate that! ๐Ÿ™ What is the pricing like on movie pass these days? I think I was paying $14.99 for three movies per month (not week) at the time, and again no IMAX/Dolby access. It was still worth it then, but nowhere near the A-list value.


It was 9.99 for 34 kajigers per month. I used to get 2-3 per month if I did matinees. But they jacked it up in the last half of the year last year. In my area at least, I couldn't get more than 1x per month, so it wasn't worth it anymore. (sorry to dance around the terminology, the sub auto-removes comments that talk about using r3wards programs)


A List is so much better! You can book tickets in advance and if you want some bonus movies, use Fandango to book your tickets and get $5 off coupon for every 4 movies you see with A List. And there are no convenience fees. Current movie pass sucks because they switched to a dynamic point system. The $10 tier gets you like 1.5 movies per month. It's still cheaper than full price tickets but offers no flexibility and you can only see one movie per day and you can't get premium large formats. I mainly use to it watch fathom events or to see flashback movies at other theaters.


Yikes! Sounds like movie pass is still a bit of a headache to use. $10/month might be worth it though for the fathom events, I hadn't considered that. I'm not sure if it still is this way now, but movie pass to me always felt like it was being run by tech bros who truly couldn't care less about making the user experience friendly. Much more interested in marketing schemes and such than actually improving their product. Whereas I can already tell AMC puts time into their app and into making sure A-List is pretty easy and seamless to use. Also I didn't know about the Fathom thing so thanks for the heads up on that!


I will forever credit MoviePass for changing the way that I watch movies. I saw so many films that I "ran out" of things to watch and would just see every movie that was in the theater completely blind. I've had some of my most enjoyable experiences that way. Now, I never want to see another trailer or promo again. Hell, I barely need to see a poster.


I definitely appreciated it at the time. I saw a lot of films at an indie theater (that unfortunately permanently closed during COVID) that I wouldn't have otherwise. I think I was paying $14.99 for 3 films per month, which I always maxed out. Average ticket price where I live is about $10 so I was getting decent savings. But the math geek in me already can't wait to see how much I can now save with access to 3 films *per week*. Very exciting stuff!


Welcome and glad you're able to get treatment that helps you get back into things you enjoy. ๐Ÿ˜€ It's a running joke that AList pays for itself with 1-2 movies a month depending on your market but genuinely my subscription is $19.95+tax and Dolby can be as high as $20.99.


Thank you I really appreciate that! And the math geek in me already can't wait to start calculating the savings. I'm the kind of person who doesn't mind seeing the same movie 3 different times if I really enjoy it, so definitely looking forward to being able to do that now and in Dolby no less.


Depending on how big your theater is, it's actually pretty easy catching good movies so you can utilize the AList while also catching great films without having to rewatch films. I go every Friday - Sat and I still have trouble watching everything I want to see ๐Ÿ˜‚


Welcome to A-List!! I was never an MP customer. I signed up for A-List because I used to get stuck in horrendous traffic on my way home from work. I had to go past an AMC right around where it got bad (South Bay, for the Boston folks), so Iโ€™d hop off the highway and see whatever was playing next. I cancelled it when I started taking the train to work instead, but picked it up again 2 years ago when I moved to New York. I wanted to see a movie, and it was less than $2 between the movie ticket and A-List for a month. Being in the same city as Lincoln Center, it was a no brainer. Glad youโ€™re having a great experience with it.


Thank you!! Very nice, I used to live in NYC actually right before I started dealing with the health stuff. Not the easiest city to get around when you have bone issues ๐Ÿ˜‚ I can only imagine how much money you're saving with A-List there, though. I did notice that when I signed up for A-List they asked where I'd be using it before confirming the price. Is there a different tier for places like New York or is it still the $20/month?


Mine is $25/month.


Still a great deal!




I just joined. I was on an old stubs that I used to pay for but then they changed the tiers without notice. I was noticing fees that used to be waived. Iโ€™m in Chicago so we have a lot of AMC to choose from. Just bummed we lost a real imax and only have a fake one in the suburbs.


That's a bummer, was there a real IMAX within the city that got shut down? I've started preferring Dolby to IMAX, mostly because the sound mix is easier on my ears and i enjoy the screen more than the fake IMAX. Is there a Dolby in the theater that has the fake Imax?


Yes. We have a couple theaters with Dolby. I live those. Itโ€™s my go to. The IMAX that shut down during Covid was my favorite. They premiered the Dark Knight there with the red carpet.


What does fake imax even mean?


https://www.slashfilm.com/519043/qa-imax-theatre-real-imax-liemax/ Known to theater geeks as "LieMax", it's a theater advertised as a regular IMAX theater and charging as one, but the technology isn't top notch IMAX. It's more of a compromise technology, both visual and audio, compared to the full IMAX experience. Basically it's a noticeablely lesser quality experience, and it pisses people off because theaters don't actually tell you or distinguish if it's "real" or "fake" IMAX until you actually show up to that theater and see for yourself. And also the advertising can be obnoxious because lieMax theaters can vaguely advertise as if they are the full blown IMAX experience.


I orignally looked into both and A-List was a no brainer. Also much better than Regal Unlimited unless you literally see a movie in theaters nearly every day, which is insane to me but to each their own. (Unless you only live near a Regal & not an AMC)


I left movie pass years ago a few months after the beginning of amc a list. I donโ€™t regret it at all (hell I have regal unlimited and Alamo season pass too. All three for different reasons. I love them all).


A List is definitely worth every dollar. Very undervalued. Please don't read this AMC. Well if you do read this... Keep it the same. Or if you do markup at least justify it by additional perks. :)


Lol for real I'm honestly surprised it's as cheap as it is! Feels like they're actually trying to be reasonable to the customer, a rarity nowadays.


Exactly what I said when I first started it. Don't find many deals that are actually deals these days. Its why I don't mind paying the obnoxious price of popcorn some times because they still have to make money.


Brutal. Dolby where I used to live (So Cal) was $24-5 . Same with IMAX. A-List saved me a fortune. I would go 3x a week.


Yes. I rejoined MoviePass a year or so ago when they announced they were coming back. It turned out that I could only see one movie a month for $20 because the credits were so high for one movie! I would have saved money just by buying a ticket directly from the theater! A-List is so much better!


I was ready to sign up again after being away for over a year. They took the first month for a $1 away which made my decision. No A List for me when the price jumped up $22. Strange time to pull the promo.