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I remember seeing this in the theater about 25 years ago. I think it was in German with English subs and titled "Lola Rennt". The lead character was like the picture-postcard of a cute, late-90s alternachick. Watching her today is like looking through a time capsule. Fun film then and now. Too bad my AMC is only showing it at night. Timing doesn't work for me.


Great time seeing it. Don't know why the a list disc0rd didn't mention this 4K re-release, i only saw it here on the forum.


a list discord? 👀


One of my favorite movies, and it held up on a recent rewatch!


I watched it for the first time years ago and didn’t quite take it in but I saw it in the theater this past weekend and was a lot more engrossed.


Manni!! 😂 Saw it this week, and while it’s fun and entertaining—even giving thought to timing and circumstances—I’m uncertain if it holds up this many years later. Cool techno soundtrack, which I certainly enjoyed!


Still showing anywhere in IL..?


>I had been mostly ignoring it the past week when browsing Why? (ah yes, r/AMCsAList, where you get downvoted for simply asking a question and trying to learn more about another person)


No particular reason!


Not to rain on any parades, I only stayed for maybe 45 minutes and left. The cinematography and editing felt like watching an endless loop of tv commercials and didn't care about the plot. As she's running I didn't know if I should presume that the moments flash forwarding to the deaths of the people she passes by would pay off. It's the point family guy tried making about the Godfather when they described a movie as insistant upon itself. Like it was trying to assure me I just need to keep watching and that stuff would eventually come together at the end. I really did not like the heroine either. She comes from an affluent family but is the stereotypical rejecting societal normality for the sake of being her true self. Why do her screams break glass? How does she run all this time without getting tired? Can she see into the future and is that why we get all these flashforward shots? My only guess is she must be a mutant from xmen. I would still give it 2/5 stars because it at least had a few interesting moments.


It definitely works best if you mostly don't over think it, and just get absorbed in the soundtrack and visuals. It's not exactly a logic-based film. But also, not everyone will love every film! All good, I can definitely see this not being for everyone. Thankfully the parade was still able to carry on without rain 🌧 I still think the film rocks.


Nice! There's certainly a lot of creative talent put into the production and I was asking myself if people were just pretending it's good or if they were genuine fans, so your thoughts are reassuring. I think I probably would've sat to the end if it was edited down to the length of a short film.


Also, I went in not realizing it was a foreign film and expecting spoken English.


Okay, I think I realize now that I mixed this movie up with the fifth element. Maybe amc should play that one, too.


>Why do her screams break glass? Sounds like you don't understand cinema at all.


Yeah to me this was a film made just to show how fun and interesting the actual art of cinema can be. The story itself was less relevant than the vibes and energy oozing out of this film.