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It's definitely worth it to see in theaters but fair warning they are long movies




If you've read the books, the movies feel short lol


Mercifully short. And mercifully Tom Bombadil free.


Especially Two Towers and Return Of The King


I just rewatched fellowship and two towers today and will do return tomorrow. It’s remarkable how well paced they are and how fast they go by. Last time I watched them I watched them all in one day. One of the greatest film achievements ever.


4 grams of mushrooms made the 4 hours of ROTK an absolute breeze. One of my all time favorite theater experiences.


Saw FOTR in theaters last weekend and it was AMAZING. Highly recommend seeing any/all of them if you can. I worry the limited run may be over but I hope I’m wrong.


Still on in my area! Im wondering if they will still be on the next week.... It is a lil packed for me this week smh


AMC in my area (SoCal) has it this weekend as well. But I also have a Cinemark in my area that’s showing it until next weekend. It’s also cheaper - tickets are $12.50. Will def be going to Cinemark.


My Cinemark's small theaters are better than AMCs. Louder, brighter and super nice leather recliners. Food delivery too.


are you la area? what are your recommended theaters for amc and cinemark?


From what I saw, they play again June 15-17th, and June 22-24th




Were there trailers before hand?


There were. It didn’t feel like it was a full 20 mins or whatever like for a typical movie though


Worth every penny!!!






1000% worth it Currently there are no announcements of another weekend beyond this coming weekend*, so I would not bank on that. EDIT TO ADD: My knowledge is solely AMC due to theater chains in my area. Looks like Regal (and maybe other chains?) could potentially be showing them at other times.


Regal is playing all three in 4DX next weekend!


That's cool! There are no Regals in my area, so my extent of knowledge is pretty much just AMC.


what’s the consensus on 4DX? never seen them before and they sound iffy for such long movies lol


My wife and I saw return of the king on Monday and we had a blast. It was a packed house, the crowd was really into it, and of course the movie is excellent


Absolutely if you have the time. They’re epic movies


I’ve seen them a million times but this was my first time seeing them in theater and it was so worth it!


I committed to seeing the trilogy in theaters for the first time and it was worth it.


As a first time viewer you’d probably have to sit through the first movie but you’ll really appreciate it when you watch the second and third movies. For me LOTR is the best trilogy ever made and I wish I could have erased my memory and watch it for the first time in the theatres.


Let’s just say you’re gonna need a lot of popcorn


I just watched them all in theaters this weekend, but I usually do this anytime they show them at the theatre, love it every time.


Depends entirely on how into relatively slow paced fantasy epics you are. I adore these movies they are entertaining and beautiful but they're also long and occasionally slow.


I have alist but I paid to watch the Trilogy so i can take my kids.


Well, two towers and return of the king are definitely worth seeing on the big screen, bigger the better.


1000% worth it. Some of my most vivid theater-going experiences are still each of the LOTR films when they each first came out. The music and visuals are both epic, especially in a theater.


Honestly I'd only do it if my theater had recliners. I can't sit at my Classic for that long 😭😭


They were fantastic. Just do it.


I watched the first 2 at home and then saw return of the king in theaters. Also gives you the flexibility to watch the theatrical editions first because those are definitely better for a first time watcher.


That sounds like the ideal way to do it, especially since Return's EE is necessary to close up all the arcs.


They are amazing films. I believe they are the best films ever made. But they are long. Very long. Unfortunately you can’t pause the theater if you need to go to the bathroom. However, if somehow you DONT go to the bathroom for all that time comfortably, it’s worth it. I can’t imagine them in theaters, that’s how good they’d be. But seriously if you don’t think you can stay put for the 3.5 hours then I wouldn’t do it because you can’t miss a single shot


I’m never gonna say “no, don’t go see LotR on the big screen.” They’re great, epic movies and they deserve to be seen on the biggest screen available. However - these are the extended editions and they aren’t kidding about that. It’s not “we found an extra 5 minutes on the cutting-room floor and spliced them back in.” They are MASSIVELY longer than the original theatrical cuts. The extended version of Return of the King clocks in at FOUR HOURS AND 20 MINUTES. I’m not saying don’t go. I’m just saying, you should know what you’re getting in to. If it were the theatrical cuts I would say absolutely, run and get tickets immediately. The extended editions are wonderful and are my preferred version but they are CRAZY long.


Yes, it’s one of the greatest film trilogies of all time


100% yes, as another person said they are long and they do not have an intermission. For a 1st time though HIGHLY recommend


Yea you should 100% pay up and go see these in the theater.


I wouldn’t for your first time. The crowds will be going insane during certain lines and it’s pretty distracting.


They’re my favorite trilogy so I want to say yes.


The scenery is amazing and some of the shots really benefit from a proper large and calibrated screen.  Go for it 


I took my wife to all 3 last weekend. It was her first time watching. I don't think it was too much for her.


I am a lifelong Lord of the Rings fan with a cat named Tolkien, every single release of the extended editions on DVD, a file with notes on the Silmarillion… I would not recommend that a first-time viewer watch the extended releases. It’s not the end of the world if you do, but the pacing of the films is not ideal. The added scenes are like a feast for fans. However, the experience of watching the movie on the big screen might make it worthwhile. I really wish theaters would also screen the theatrical releases every now and then. The worst is that so many local theaters do marathons of all the extended releases in a single day. I have lived for too many decades to be able to subject myself to that.


AMC had the theatrical releases on separate days over the course of 1-2 weeks back in... Either late 2020 or (more likely) someone in 2021.


For the first two, I agree. However, I think Return's EE is essential (even though it is ironically the longest one).


Curious why you’d say that about Return of the King. It is already quite a commitment to get a non-fan to watch a 3+ hour movie. Adding more to the runtime seems like a risky move.


Conclusion to the villain's arc, when they are completely cut out of the theatrical cut. If they're watching the third movie, at this point, there's no risk -- either they're invested by now or not.


What conclusion to the villain’s arc? I’m not sure what you’re referring to. The risk is that they would end up liking the film less, not that they wouldn’t go to the screening.


Literally Sarumon and Wormtongue are cut from the entire film.


Okay, well, I had to ask since “the villain’s arc” is such a vague and unclear way to describe that. I frankly do not think the stabbing scene is important, especially given that they deviate so much from the books. It’s enough resolution for a film-only viewer to know that Saruman was defeated by the Ents.


The Extended Editions are not ideal for first time viewers (and are not Jackson's preferred cuts either), so I'd personally wait for the Theatrical Cuts to play.


For the first two, I agree. However, I think Return's EE is essential (even though it is ironically the longest one).


I could see them at cinemark - do you only have access to AMC? And yeah I’d say they are definitely worth it, just got done seeing them last weekend. Seeing them for the first time in theaters would be millions dream


Usually I would say yes, I still say yes. I just had a horrible experience watching the fellowship the other day. Lights were on the first 30 mins. No trailers so 3/4s of a packed theater was still walking in getting situated. Audio was really low. Had a bunch of people talking in the theater and I also had a freaking weirdo sitting next to me. I guess I just lucked out. I wished I just stayed home and watched it in 4k.


I don't like The Lord of the Rings, I still say yes.


Definitely worth it, it’ll be one of the best experiences you have


Absolutely! If you've never seen it, it's a great opportunity!. The price is a reasonable deterrent, But if you've got the dough, then you gotta go!


Hopefully you can make it. If not the extendos are on MAX


One of the greatest film series ever, I wish I could see it again in theaters for the first time. It was a fantastic experience!


Left work for the day for it back in the day. In fact the whole office left.


well its gone, it was only june 8-10 according to tge app


Sure. Why not. If you can’t swing it though, you could probably watch first one at home then the next two in the cinema.


I'll put it this way: I'd skip a couple of months of A-list if it lets you go see LOTR. The only exception would be if you can't handle watching something that's 3+ hours each night






So LOTR at home is a movie. In a theater it’s an experience. It’s one of the few movies where the whole experience of watching it is significantly upgraded when watching it on the big screen aka Lawrence of Arabia. I would do everything in my power to watch all three movies in theaters. It will be one of the best choices you can make when watching something in theaters.


Just watched the first two movies for the first time it definitely worth it I hope you went so excited to watch return of the king tomorrow


$22 for each movie?!! Why not sign up for a month of AMC A lister and watch it


Its A list excluded


Hmmm....I would live to see it in theatre, lord of the ring trilogy is an absolute top tier classic that still looks amazing today, but that's $66 for tickets and a few snacks will run it over $100...... I think maybe enjoying online streaming is pretty good too.


I got an opportunity to rewatch last week in theatre, and I saw God.


Yes, but I think you're too late


They are playing at my local theater this weekend. Not as many times as last weekend but all three movies are playing at least once.


It’s Fanthom event. They are doing it for 3 weekends + Monday. It depends on your local theaters want to participate all 3 weekends. Mine only do it for two weekends.


I went to the first two and I fell asleep like 3 times during each.


Maybe if you've never seen them.


No, just get the 4k and watch the theatrical cut at home. Extended cut was never meant for theaters


Allegedly something that somebody could allegedly potentially do is reserve other tickets and sneak in (allegedly).