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Good to know beforehand. Imagine uploading a chapter right before it shuts down. The frustration 😂


Imagine getting notification that the fic you absolutely love and waited desperately to update got a new chapter, but it happened right before maintenance and you had no time to download that chapter.


That might be worse haha


I was planning to update/post a new chapter right before this I just realized lol. Not that my fic is anything beloved, but it does have subscribers and this is the longest I've gone between updates haha


This is why I write my fics in a different place first then copy and paste to the AO3 editor. I know some folks write IN the editor so... RIP to them 😭😭


i do not trust my wifi connection enough to ever write somewhere without auto backup offline 😭 poor souls


Right?? Who knows what will happen?? I even got a back up of all my writing (fanfiction and original fiction since I do that too) on a USB stick as well 😂


Hilariously, I have been screwed over writing like this with everything EXCEPT maintenance because I actually get WARNED for those


this just reminded me that i forgot to backup my fic 😭


I could not imagine this!! I’ve written everything in Google Docs ever since Google released it in 2006. Coming up on nearly 20 years of writing securely saved in the cloud. Could not imagine writing anywhere else!!


Damn 😭😭 I used to write in Google docs when I discovered what it was in high school (in 2016.... Oops. Before then I would write stories in composition notebooks. Fanfics I used to write in the editor in AO3 lol) but recently I moved to a different bit of software because it's offline capable and Im not locked into google


Did you know Google Docs has an offline mode? You can save your docs for offline work and it just syncs the document once you’re back online. So far I haven’t found anything nearly as useful (and free), especially when it comes to editing and sending work to beta readers. Editors/beta readers can leave comments and highlight specific sections and you can see the entire editing history of the document. I dunno, I just love Google Docs to bits haha! The only downside I guess is that you’re trusting Google with your data but honestly that’s gonna be the case with pretty much any software.


I didn't know that And yeah, the only downside to the software that I use is that it's not very collab friendly but I tend to write my stuff alone so I'm fine with that. It's basically just a mark down editor with fancy (very useful) features but I'm just happy I get to keep my files and put them where I want so if said software decides to implode one day at least I have a copy of my writing on my USB stick


Omgg i sound like a spokesperson for Google haha but I actually save copies of my work on my computer from Google Docs and for stuff I’m very fond of I transfer to a usb. You can export Google docs files as pretty much any text format out there (.txt, .doc, .pdf, .rtf, etc). of course stick to what you love because it may have great features you need, but wanted to make sure you knew about these features for Google Docs in case you ever considered going back! 💜


I write everything in word and then copy it over. Makes it so much easier just to copy and paste it.


You unlocked that dark memory of mine when I submitted my thesis electronically but my university's platform unexpectedly went down while the transfer was happening. Good thing that it was a few days left before the deadline so I could send it later, but I was terrified at the time.


This had 666 likes and then I ruined it without thinking. 😭


I have an idea...


I cannot express how much I appreciate when AO3 gives us a nice advance warning for this, and even goes the extra step of linking so that we can double-check what time we should anticipate the site being unavailable. I mean, I have a sort of AO3 emergency kit for when the site is down (it's basically a collection of downloaded fics from several fandoms, a blank sheet to take notes on, and a picture of a bottle of water so I don't forget to drink something while reading) so I'll be okay, but it's just nice to know in advance so I can stock up on a couple of extra fics and not worry that some evil hacker has taken down the site. I do love AO3.


3 am to 1pm for me. That's fine imo


same. it looks like I'm actually going to have to work while working that day


Same lol. I wake up at 1pm /j


I’m the same except I’m not joking. I woke at 2pm today. Ahh summer vacation.


I woke up at 5pm 👍🏻 its backwards asf


2 AM to Noon. I can stomach four or five hours without lol. Better yet, it might just force me to work on my WIPs (which I write in a separate document so I don’t have to worry about losing a draft!).


This. Instead of reading, I'll have a push to start my next chapter...hopefully...XD


10 am to 8 pm. yay


You and me both (っ-_-)っ


1am for me. And I work nights. Looks like I have no choice but to write. Oh no.


9 to 7pm for me. Luckily I’ll be at work. 😂 


Same time for me, but I'll be going out for some D&D preparations :)


almost same lol 4-2 on canada day… i wont even be awake till 12 lmao


Same for me, but that’s also when I get the most engagement :’)


It’s 4am to 2pm for me. Some of that I’ll be sleeping for (I have an overnight shift on Sunday night and get off at 8am) and for the other part I have a new video game to play lol that I’ve had less than a week, so I should be good.


Yeah same, July 1st is Canada Day so I will probably have plans anyway.


It's 3pm to 1am for me. So not fine.


1am to 11am for me. Unless I mathed wrong...


I'll update my fic for my readers before the maintenance. I need to sustain my children's needs. 😭✨


I think I’ll take the time to write! C’mon writers! Let’s gooooo!


I haven't written much in the last month but I might take this as an opportunity to go and write a bit or at least organize some things about my upcoming fic. Letssss goo




I love how AO3 is going down immediately after June ends. Pride month is over, no more gay sex website for you


They literally said we’ll follow suit in rainbow capitalism


This is AO3's way of saying "Go outside"


from 8am until 6pm UK summer time... that's like awake time :(


The world is not ending. Go download some fics from your read later. Or do anything else for a few hours.


Do anything else? What blasphemous thoughts spiral through your mind you godless *heathen?!*


Please. Do *anything* else for those 10 hours.


>Stares & refreshes


I saw someone already comment but for EST (eastern standard time people) that is 3 am to 1 pm. PST (pacific standard time) would be 12am to 10 am.


I’m screwed. I wake up at 12:00 and have to go to bed by 10:00. Ahhhhhhh!


Bed by 10 am?


Well it’s not entirely going to bed, but it’s this thing where I have planned ‘naps’ almost like two to three hours each. Been happening for years and I don’t expect it to stop happening yet.


It's genuenly upsetting how emotionally addicted i am to this website. And it's just BOOKS. It's READING. What a bunch of nerds. Anyway maybe a break will force me to read some of my 76 open tabs💀


Id download those fics ahead of time. Likely those tabs won't work during the downtime


From past experience as long as you don't completely shut down the chrome app the fics are there during downtime you just cant switch chapters but I always read as one chapter anyway. I really need to push myself to clear those tabs i dont even have a tab number count anymore its just :D


Oh good! These days to me it feels like nothing stays loaded when you leave it for a bit!


There is an option in chrome that does it. Supposed to save battery/RAM/power.


I thought I was the only one who had tons of tabs with fics open.


I’ve got 494. About four aren’t AO3. I have a tab problem. XD


Nope. I've toned it out a bit lately though. Its my goal to never see that smily face in place of numbers again


Oh thank God I'll be asleep during most of it. Really nice of them to link the time conversion site. Thanks for posting, OP.


how many times do the same things need to be posted?


can't wait for the influx of posts on july 1 asking if the archive is down for everyone or it's just them😭


i'm gonna try to make a 10-minute warning post but i'll be at work when that happens so we'll see. can't wait to block a new influx of spammers 🙃


as always, thank you for your service 🙏🫶🤣


Which is so annoying since the site itself literally warns people beforehand, just pay attention and there wouldn’t be a problem.


There are sites that can tell you that. For anyone not in the know, [here's one example](https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/).


Soon, the sub will become like r/CharacterAI.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CharacterAI using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Two.](https://i.redd.it/zzu2b6y9e6db1.png) | [528 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/1551gwa/two/) \#2: [Real photo of CharacterAI devs trying keeping up the servers](https://i.redd.it/lyw5jfyno8db1.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/155ccy3/real_photo_of_characterai_devs_trying_keeping_up/) \#3: [This cant be real 💀](https://i.redd.it/lnw7jr95vcab1.png) | [376 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CharacterAI/comments/14sb08m/this_cant_be_real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot. 💙


And after all the work you did to keep the sub in the loop as soon as they posted to Twitter even while you’re doing pride makeup. 😅


I find it quite fun each time. I always either download or most likely have tabs open and don't even notice until I get on Reddit. Its amusing seeing everyone running around like headless chicken




I checked when it happens for me, it's not a bad time, Midnight to 10 AM. I'm going to be asleep for most of it, then awake the last couple hours. So I don't mind...


I'm so glad they provided a link because I was trying to figure out how long it would be down on my own and was having absolutely no luck with it, lol. Midnight to 10am here.


https://preview.redd.it/15qcpkrdcj9d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa336e85cd723c6a5799bc4d8afcc27a000ed11a When I opened it up today and read that


He looks so odd without clothes… I don’t like it.


If 10 h make you break down you have issues


Not denying it


I feel like a lot of people who frequent ao3 have issues. I am no exception. But thankfully it’s 2 am to noon for me so i was either asleep or at work for most of that time.


strange how tis announcement suddenly induces a surge of motivation to continue writing I've been put off for a week. anyone? XD


On Canada Day :(


Hi fellow Canuck.


I’m glad they’re letting us know though. No panic when I go to read Monday and I’ll download a good long fic to get me through. (Edited because fix and fic are the same yet different)


Calm down. This is a non-issue.


I'll be finishing a one shot today, is it worth it to post? Or wait until Tuesday?


If you hadn't seen this, what would you have done? Do that.


probably just post it today, I mean I almost certainly still will, it's just for a relatively small fandom


Ugh, it will take most of the day for me. It will be back in the evening. And I was planning to update on the first, but finished earlier and updated yesterday. Thank goodness!


Time to get downloading!


Time to download people


Good thing to get an advance notice on this beforehand. 3am to 1pm for me. I usually do classwork in the mornings before I write my fics later in the day, so that's fine by me.


Time to download a lot of fics i wont be able to read in that time frame


download your fics guys!! just in general tbh lol


Download your fics and pull up an e-reader guys 😎


Why are people being so dramatic? Just download the fics you want to read while it's down.


It's practically tradition to scream every time this happens at this point lmao.


Time to start downloading fics you want to read


Of course we like to joke about not surviving AO3 maintenance but some of the comments on Tumblr to this ao3 update were so horrible and entitled, (unironically getting angry, saying it’s unfair etc). It really does seem like more and more people are consuming fanfiction without giving a thought to the humans behind it.


Some people need to grow up and realize the world doesn't revolve around them. How do they expect the site to function without regular maintenance?


This means I’ll have to read books. Or epubs… or gasp socialize.


My exact reaction was: "What?! WHAT?! ... Oh, I have 254 downloaded fanfics, I'll be fine lol." But fr, AO3 is the goat for giving notice like that. I would've cried if I had opened AO3 only to find out it was down for maintenance lol


this means i’ll be returning to my roots✊😔 [read: wattpad]


I cross post there too, especially after leaving FFnet.


Fan fiction. Net I am coming


God what am I going to do for 10 hours


heres to hoping they'll let ppl sort by main + bg relationships, anyone know if they've said whats gonna be in the update?


Oh no. You’ll have to do something else. How tragic.


Guess it's time for me to finally write again


....wwwwwelp. Good thing I've got a doctor's appointment and lotsa other business that day :')


At least for me it starts at like 12 am... but it ends at 10 am so I have to go a whole morning not being able to read anything 😭


i’m grateful they told us so early in advance, the reveals for my fest lies right in the middle of this so i bumped it up a day


So should I update tomorrow or next Sunday??


10 hours to work on my fic… nah.


10am to 8pm over here. Thank god for all my permanently open tabs


1 am to 11 am for me. I won't even be awake long enough to notice


Oh, no! But I'm glad you posted about it so I can download some fics ahead of time!


And this is why we have alternatives to finding fanfics too!


Eh, it's my midnight to 10, but I do wake up at 4 that day, just gotta download some fics :)


Lithium app and using e pub download button like mad the next couple days in prep


Screaming and crying and rolling on floor in despair


On monday... And I have free day then... What the fuck will I do while eating breakfast?


oh no! I might have to open a printed book. My tbr pile rejoices while I cry.


That would be from 3AM to 1PM EST, I think?


There's a link on the twitter (and tumblr?) post that converts it to your local time for you.




Dang it


Well now that I’ve seen this I gotta go post chapters on all 4 of my ongoing fics. Haven’t updated since March so this is my sign to give anyone who reads my stuff a chance to download something new before they’re cut off for a few hours haha And before anyone says that’s too long, if you watch New Girl, “dead dad pass.” Past few months have been straight up garbage. 0/10 would not recommend. Happy reading!


:( Happy Canada Day /s 😭


I’ll be at work the entire time 🙂‍↕️


*furiously opens new tabs*


omfg i was just thinking about downloading my favorite fic some way. guess i gotta do that now lol 


Download the fics you’re intending to read, people! It’ll mitigate the crisis at least a little bit


From 9 AM to 7 PM...Shit.


The sudden urge to write an absolute masterpiece of a one shot, post it and only tell my friend about it after the site went down.


Me right now. I instantly woke up and just started banging out a chapter for a wip like never before.


I know brother…Before I read it, I thought it was saying that it WAS down. I was able to read another chapter of my 60k word porn with plot fic


Can’t wait to see Tumblr trending with overdramatic reactions when this happens


It's not forever and it's not the result of a malicious hack. Go write your own story during this time to keep yourself occupied.


8am to 6pm for the UK :( I think we lost.


Literally before I get into work and my journey home 😭😭. Then again I use Opera and if its an offline page then I can still read it... Thats how I survived last time 😅🥲


why are some people in the comments so pressed about others poking fun at this situation. like, believe me, people *will* do something else and not actually sit in a corner tweaking out because of this. people are just over-dramatizing for laughs and giggles. also this has happened before and will happen again, and to my knowledge there haven't been any repercussions. learn to take a joke... not everything that's being said is to be taken seriously


I have fics saved in preparation :) Can’t wait to end up not feeling like reading any of them but not being able to read anything else


I'm glad I make a habit of downloading my favorite fics (in case of deletion/being hidden. Still, I know what you mean. It is kind of ironic not being able to settle on which fic to read and not have the option to get more.


And on the first day of narumitsu week too...


Oh no! I have to work double time to post a chapter or two before then, I guess happy day before July?


12am to 10am for me... my peak ao3 grind time😭😭😭


This is 2 AM my time so by the time I wake up I will only be deprived of it for 1-3 hours.


...at least they waited till pride month was over


I literally put it in my calendar, I refuse to be caught off guard 😭😭


I swear there’s this guy who literally pediatric this on tik tok 😭😭


While I’m on a plane 😭😭😭 what am I to do?!?!


Sort by word count. Download. Thank me later.


I’m only frustrated that I won’t be able to correct some grammatical errors I’ve spotted on a recent reread.


9pm to 7am HI 11pm to 9am AK Midnight to 10am PDT 1am to 11am MDT 2am to noon CDT 3am to 1pm EDT 8am to 6pm BST


8am to 6pm for me and that’s great as I usually go to sleep between 8am-12pm and wake up 7pm-10pm so I’m happy with this icl 💀


5pm-3am for me. Prime reading time 😪😪😪😪😪😪


Right when I was going to post!!! Lol


2am to 12pm for me, unless I pull an all-nighter again, I’ll just be asleep for most of it. …But then I’ll wake up and want to get on Ao3, realize it’s still down, and wait out the last hour or two.


THANK YOU!!! I'm actually reading a long fic on fanfiction.net right now but I'm nearing the end (I'm at 291 of 341 current chapters - incomplete last updated Dec 2023), so with my luck that's when I would have went to AO3 and would have been completely blindsided.




I’m glad I already got this notification before today and that because of my habit of reading; instead of chapter by chapter, but all the chapters at once, that I can still finish what I’m reading without having to be frustrated about pages not loading.




pfft this just showed up my notifications, two minutes ago. thanks reddit lol, impeccable timing


It's ten hours. You will not die. Go do something else. It's not the end of the world.