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“Our fan fiction is sacred” Bestie you’re on AO3, the only thing sacred is the TOS.


The only thing sacred is that *nothing is sacred*


Nothing is sacred, everything is permitted.


I understood that reference!


I clearly did not lol


Yes, that’s what I said.


I was just refining it to quote Assassin’s Creed


Ah, I didn’t know it was a quote.


And even then, it's only a matter of time until someone makes a fic out of AO3 TOS.


>Bestie you’re on AO3, the only thing sacred is the TOS. Jesus, tell that to hp fans. 🙄 They're so crazy about their fandom that I'm about to quit writing for it, which I've considered anyway due to jkr.


This is something I'm somewhat afraid of dealing with - writing for a fandom that goes berserk when they don't agree or like something. But the other part of me wants to start writing fics to deliberately piss these kinds of people off.


If you don’t like the ship, then stay on the dock.


People getting territorial over canon not being adhered to in **fanfiction** are strange enough. But these guys are also homophobic and adding in hate towards just any other they can think of. And notice it's all guest comments, too.


If it were me I’d turn off guest comments on that work/possibly my other works (at least on a temporary basis, some would probably opt permanent, which is fine too). At least then if they want to troll and be hateful then they have to own up to it not obscured by anonymity. And also you can block them at that point no?


I agree. I've found a lot of writers have turned off guest comments so they can block the harrassers. I wish the harrassers would realize that fanfiction works the same way as the multiverse. You don't like that specific timeline? Go to another one where you feel more comfortable. It isn't hard.


That’s less likely to happen anytime soon, unfortunately.


Unfortunately, I would agree. I swear some people just want to spread misery.


These guys? This is one person a single worthless waste of oxygen pretending they have friends.


And transphobic, misgendering Emma. Gross.


Otherwise we will chuck you overboard into the “Stop ruining AO3 for others” Ocean


And tell them, “Go back to your fanta-sea!” That sounded better in my head 🙂‍↕️


Updoot for a good metaphor and pun


It sounded good in my head too.


I love this and think it's eloquently stated. Please accept my humble upvote.


I'm stealing that, sounds so catchy.


This is a perfect metaphor.


this!! and it’s always unnecessary drama too, like get over it for the love of the gods 😭


Like, if you don't like something, be a big boy and use filters


exactly this!! there’s a whole damn system in place for them to use and they just ignore it for funsies


Ikr like damn if you hate it so much why are you even hereee


They could have just glanced at the tags then kept scrolling.




The same thing happened to my friend. She's a writer of one of the biggest SIs in the ASOIAF fandom, and she's also an Alicent/Rhaenyra shipper. She got a similar comment from a guest on one of her side fics. A certain homophobic slur was used multiple times towards her. Edit: I've read it in more detail. They have a group chat where they take turns shitting on fics? How incredibly sad 💀


I'm not even surprised 🫤🫤I've seen so many and I leave comments informing the authors that the people who write the comments are reoccurring guests who have done this to other fics under the tag


Hmm, I believe there's a Rhaenyra/Alicent discord server out there, and you're welcome to crosspost to r/AsoiafFanfiction if you want - subreddit I mod that's to do with that fandom in general. That way, in both cases, you let more people know at once, especially the discord server, since it's literally for that ship.


Omg alright lemme post this there too


Posting on r/TheCitadel might be good too.


not sure if mine is the server you’re thinking about, but i’m a mod in (a? the?) rhaenicent discord server and seeing us mentioned out in the wild like this was kind of surreal 😅 we’re well aware of this asshole commenter and mostly try to take it in stride & with a bit of humour lol


If it's called "Rhaenicent Hell," then yes, that's the server I'm talking about! Regardless, I'm glad ye are aware, I wouldn't want authors being put off writing by some very sad individuals.


ah yes that’s us!! and yup, we try to be as supportive as we can when the troll(s?) pop up - we even have a role that’s bestowed upon only the most deserving of individuals when they’re targeted lol. lets us know when to point and laugh 🤭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsoiafFanfiction using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsoiafFanfiction/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Is this Fanfic Cat?](https://i.redd.it/jznfxtfoyknc1.jpeg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsoiafFanfiction/comments/1bbmme9/is_this_fanfic_cat/) \#2: [King Edwyn II Stark has ordered these propaganda pieces be spread throughout White Harbor and Barrowtowm](https://i.redd.it/mekjv7ooq3tc1.png) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsoiafFanfiction/comments/1bybq9f/king_edwyn_ii_stark_has_ordered_these_propaganda/) \#3: [So, any memes?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1awoehp) | [19 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsoiafFanfiction/comments/1awoehp/so_any_memes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What’s your friends fic called? I’m always looking for more high quality Alicent/Rhaenyra fics


Imagine being in your twilight years and/or needing to tell stories to your grandkids, and the only notable thing you remember is wasting energy and time hating and bullying fictional stories...


I think all those people in the chat are the same person


Unhinged. I particularly enjoy the way this person is a hair's breadth away from implying that lesbians don't count as women.


I'm particularly fascinated by the theory that all popular high-school girls are closeted lesbians lmao. Like what a strange persecution complex to end up with!


I once got a comment saying “All of your fanfictions are homosexual” 💀


😭😭I'm sorry I laughed at that. I would have been like, "Yes. Thank you for reading all of em"


I laughed too, it was funny 😭


? https://preview.redd.it/lphsb1bq8r9d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0532bbe3d42a155c13f3833b0b9fc4110c3356e0




Most of my fanfics are homosexual, too! I think they’re all queer in some way.


“Straight women can’t have anything” Jesus Christ these people are delusional. Go watch/read literally anything else lmaooo


Seriously! Like, let me introduce you to the entire romance publishing industry! The genre, btw, with the highest sales. 95% straight! And that (generously estimated) 5% is a very recent development.


And even then, most of that generous 5% is m/m if we're being honest. So to get this upset over a f/f fanfic is wild.


Like, have they ever tried to find queer rep outside fanfic? You can go to a romance section at a bookstore, blindly pick out a book and 98% of time you'll end up with het (bonus points for really heteronormative het)


When will the straights be freed from this yolk of oppression! /S


yolk of oppression 🤣


I realized right after I typed it that I used the wrong one lmao. I decided it's funnier so I'm keeping it xD


🤣🤣🤣 Truly their struggle is endless


Well tbf, it's hard to free the yolk when they're scrambled.


LMAO I snarffed my coffee, so thank you.


F/f is literally the smallest category on AO3. F/m *dominates* f/f, even in a place as queer as AO3. Hell, these weirdos are complaining that there are no ship straight ships, when there are twice as many fics for the f/m ship Rhaenyra/Daemon than this ship.


A similar thing is happening in the Bridgerton fandom. They’re whining about the idea of one queer season when they have 7 other straight seasons saying it’s not fair to straight woman. Like really? BFFR They keep trying to hide their homophobia with “We wanted Eloise to be the gay” when I got downvoted for a month for suggesting Eloise and Cressida.


Omg I know- “how will they do the infertility storyline” they’re two cis women- it’s literally so easy lmao


Right? Like explain to me how to queer woman in the 1800s have a baby 😭 All they want to do is see a miscarriage. Like damn, go watch Dead to Me if you wanna see a miscarriage so badly. I don’t give a shit about “fertility Rep 🥹”


It's giving "white men are the most persecuted group these days".


r/Arethestraightsok and the answer is not at all


If possible, you could spread the info among the authors that they can turn off guest comments on AO3 because there's always a chance some of them might not know that.


I have also posted on tumblr and warned many authors of these people. I also messaged big creators on tumblr under the rhaenicent tags and showed them these pics...I do hope they see it cause there are so many fics and all I can hope is people see what I posted and sent so that they aren't discouraged


I've had guest comments off forever and every time I see one of these posts I'm reminded of why. An AO3 account is still anonymous, but it's slightly less anonymous than a guest account and that seems to curb bad behavior just a tiny bit.


"The gentleman and the maiden" LMFAOOOOO, the gentleman?! The fuck kind of drugs is this dude on? Crispin is the personification of a fedora-wearing incel. I, too, would be a lesbian if he were the only man left alive (the character, that is. The actor is amazing and deserves nothing but praise). Let people enjoy things in peace. It's AO3, getting your knickers in a twist over a lesbian ship is just... weird. You wouldn't go to Red Lobster and throw a fit because they serve seafood. Why go to a lesbian ship only to complain about the lesbians?? Beats me.


Yes, Criston Cole is the kind of “gentleman” who beats a gay dude to death in public because he’s pissy that the girl he likes ended their affair to marry the gay dude’s boyfriend. It’s homophobia all the way down with these idiots. (But yeah, Fabian Frankel is an amazing actor who plays him perfectly!)


Also "Daemon and Rhaenyra are the perfect romance". Lmao.


"Choke me harder, uncle-daddy!" 🥵💦


I've been scrolling through the comments waiting for someone to call this out. I have a lot of uncles and I almost gagged when I read that comment tbh 😂


this is literally just homophobia, wow these people need to get a life


There's A LOT of that in hotd/got fandoms. Ick. Back to writing Daenerys/Margaery I go . . .


Well, this is a ship I never even considered, and I'm surprised by how much I love the idea now. Down another rabbit hole I go!


There isn't much available, but I'm working on contributing to the tag. I DO think I'm going to have to try really, really hard to deal with the hate it's sure to bring 😬 I love them both so much.


Hate? On a noncanon ship? A noncanon ship that features the dreaded *gayyy*? In my AO3? Noooooo.... that couldn't possibly happen! /s For real though, this line of thinking has always baffled me. Read the tags. Stay out of spaces that will upset you, whether because it features teiggering content or just stuff you don't like. Why waste your time on that when you could focus your attention on things you actually like?


Why do they always argue about who’s “canon” or not? It’s fanfiction, I literally don’t care


I literally roll my eyes anytime someone in a fanfic comments about how it's not canon


Like, fanfic is more interesting when it ISN'T something canon. Doesn't matter if it's a character study with extra scenes added to the canon, or if it's a genderflipped AU where they're replacing the crew of the ship in Farscape, or some crackfic where they all got some curse thrown at them so they became tiny earthworms and they all still love each other anyway.


thank you! the whole point of fanfic, or at least the great majority, for me is to rip canon to shreds, pick out the bits I like, and stick them back together with duct tape in a new shape that pleases me! GTFOH with this canon foolishness. lol


Like yeah, all fanfic is not canon. That’s absolutely how it works. It’s the point.


"free rhaenyra", "rhaenyra loves men something something satisfy her in bed" why do they talk like these characters are real. what's going on in this fandom. like,,, one part of me really wants to know and maybe even watch this. another wants to stay safe and reading lucemond/jacegon without any context.


1) anti/purity culture 2) laced with homophobia, especially the bed comment


Part of me is wondering how tf you're supposed to pronounce "Rhaenyra"? 


Ray - Near - uh


"The average man is ugly." Hey, are you so sure about being straight there, commenter? Also these people seem to think that all women are either straight or lesbian and there are many bisexual and pansexual women who would like a word.


> "The average man is ugly." Hey, are you so sure about being straight there, commenter? I'm pretty sure there are straight men who think the *average* woman is ugly, so I'll easily believe the same pattern exists on the other side.


I’d just comment “fuck canon” or delete it. Depends on the mood.


As someone who writes in the GoT fandom, when I get comments about incest and all that I usually respond with, "You're talking about books/a show with dragons and magic. I'm writing characters where most of them are already dead by the end, and you want realism?"


There's people complaining about incest in the GoT fandom?


Yeah. It's wild. There was a big argument with at least 3 people on one of my fics about it. I don't think they've been on AO3 long, because they absolutely didn't read the tags and it was a whole shit show. I just sat back like, "Ok, so there's actual dragons and magic and zombies, and yet, here we are, the hot topic being incest and how morally wrong it is, blah blah blah," Absolutely astounding.


Fucking wild, dude. 😂 Those people really need to touch grass


Oh, and then the one person: "You must be new around here. This isn't what/how we use tags." Um, nah. They needed to learn to use AO3 because my start date on AO3 was in 2014 and is clearly visible on my profile page 🤣 People confuse me at the best of times, but this shit's beyond my capabilities to understand.


I'm part of this ship's community and we've know this guest commenter for quite a while, nicknamed "Terf Fairy" since they go ballistic every time someone dares to represent the characters as anything masc or maybe even gender-fuckey. This person is a sad troll and nothing more.


omg thee alicent pookie in the flesh :0


My favorite thing about these is that I have no fucking clue who anyone is and the names all sound like random gibberish to me so its like "how dare you flip flop the Bling bloom with Blablue the Third when its obvious that that Blim is all about Ulylululolool. When will people get that BliUly is the best!" I'm just sitting here nodding like "makes sense" I'm watching Rick and Mortys Multiuniverse TV or whatever.


This comment made my day😭😭😭


>women have romance and fanfiction because our lives are ugly and lesbians are trying to steal our canon. The average straight man is ugly and unkind and that's why our fanfiction is SACRED. >Popular girls in highschool were all lesbians and are now bullying us. >We're not homophobic we support the most basic hetero-friendly threesome that is 2 girls, 1 guy! I am CRYING. The straights are not okay and it's so funny. The victim complex is also crazy and gives radfem vibes. But also, I'm sorry are these people new? Fanfic is historically queer AF, it wasn't m/f fanfic that saved Star Trek. And I just looked it up. HotD is the straightest fandom on AO3 I've ever seen, these people are acting like poor put upon bullied nerds cuz there's 3k wlw to their 11k straight fics. There's more than 3 to 1 straight fic and they're going so insane over wlw they have a GROUP CHAT? I am dying.


Also, fanfiction is not stealing canon. If you want to defend it so bad, just stick to canon material. And where the hell were all the lesbians in my high school? Even that one girl I had a bit of a crush on was straight as a ruler! And who's making you date straight men if you dislike them so much. Plus, as a gnc demisexual woman, romance never made me feel better, it just made me feel like I'm womaning wrong


I straight up laughed at that comment actually its just ridiculous


>The average straight man is ugly and unkind and that's why our fanfiction is SACRED. This line fucking killed me, like, ma'am. You know you don't _have_ to date then, right???


I mean, if you think the average straight man is ugly, you might not actually like men.


Exactly. I don't wanna pull the "homophobe is actually gay" card because I know it can be a harmful trope, but between that and the only good threesome being 2W1M, it's like, okay, I think maybe commenter ought to examine some things about their sense of sexual attraction. 😂 ETA: I just realized those were in two different comments, so different folks, but still. I stand by the "maybe have some internal examination" comment. 😅


I wasn’t even necessarily pulling that card, because right next to it in my hand is the “you know it’s fine to admit that you’re asexual” card…. 🤣


Extremely valid! I hope I didn't come off as scolding there -- I wasn't aiming at it, but sometimes I don't aim right, lol. 😅


Nope, you’re good my friend! That comment was just giving off big time “I don’t actually like men for (mumble, mumble) reasons” vibes!


There's never been more proof sexuality is not a choice. The men you are attracted too are such shitty options you have to go to FANFICTION?


I mean, idk about ugly lol, but hey. Either way, that doesn't mean you go harass f/f writers. If you want m/f fanfic, go read that or write it yourself.


Exactly! There is a ton of fanfic out there, and it's not hard to avoid things that aren't to your taste. And if you stumble across it, just like, scoot along.


Because lesbians aren't women. They're sex demons trying to steal women's things away. In...the realm of fanfic. Fuckin lolcows. If they like to write so much then they should write their own fics. There's not a limited number of fics that can be written. We won't read them but their gc will be happy for a change.


Yeah like, I'm not in fandom but I do see a lot of HotD fic crop up in the tags I keep an eye on, and I've never seen FF before. Het and MM yes, but never FF even though that seemed like the most obvious pairing, especially going into the new season.


This \*has\* to be satire, it's way too self-aware and on the nose otherwise lmao


You would think so but I've been on the Internet long enough to see how we've murdered satire and dance it's corpse around like a marionette. So it's entirely possible this is a bunch of straight women who truly believe they're being bullied and oppressed because queer people exist. It could equally be a group of dedicated trolls but it just seems weird to subject a minority of authors in your fandom to wild performance art.


Not sure if it's just me, but these comments read like a bunch of men concern trolling by pretending to be women. Not sure if anyone else got the same vibe. (I used to spend a lot of time on 4chan).


I had the same thought but then having seen the radfem/terf communities it also just reads like how they speak because in the end it's all the same red pill bullshit. Especially things like the "f/f ships are only popular because men find lesbians hot", straight women get nothing (or in terf circles lesbians get nothing because ya know queer cis women suddenly exist then). Which, for me, also clocks the idea they probably think m/m shippers are mostly straight women and is also just shitty anti/radfem/red pill logic because in my experience most people who engage in queer fic...are queer. Whether they have realized it yet or not.


I think what gave it away for me was the "Alicent is not a man and will not be able to satisfy her in bed" comment. I don't think I've ever seen a woman speak like that, lol. I could be wrong though. This is just a hunch given that the hate I've seen towards lesbians on ao3 in other fandoms like she-ra and owl house has always come from male trolls.


Top nine ships for the ASoIaF/HotD fandom are F/M. TOP NINE. This is the straightest fandom in existence.


As an avid member of the WLW community, having to fight tooth and nail just to get a hand-holding scene between two women in media, these guys seriously need to get out from under their rock. Like, "the straight's can't have anything" ???? Are you fr right now? Actual incel behavior The straights are obviously not okay


Waiting for more pairings where both women are gnc or butch. I feel like all I can find is femme/femme or butch/femme


With how little there is out there, I'll take anything I did hear there's a butch/butch couple in the new Superman show, but it's background. That's the best we're gonna get for the next couple of years


I cannot believe 40 people ganged up together and decided to trash on a ship tag and thought that was better than just one person. How? Why?


Hotd fans being hotd fans, as if them not understanding that in the whole green vs black debacle there are no good guys wasn't bad enough


I mean, I'm team black but I agree. Everyone is evil. Pick your favourite villains! And my favourites are team black.


Yeah, westeros during the dance is so fucked up that the nicest adult in all of the whole debacle is a crazy one-armed religious zealot leading the people to kill dragons, which to think of it its incredibly badass immagery and would be great for a painting


That would be a badass painting.


"Straight women can't have anything." I'm sorry???? Straight for *anyone* is the social default standard irl *AND* in fiction, what do you even mean they don't get anything???? 40 losers is indeed an apt description because I can't imagine being so bothered by a fictional ship that *nobody* is holding them at gunpoint to read for to the point of harassing authors like that. Revolting and pathetic. These people need to have their internet access revoked and go touch some goddamn grass.


Knowing this is a House of Dragons fic and saying Alicent and Criston are the “Maiden and the Gentleman” grosses me out, just knowing how shitty of a person Criston is. 😭


This. That what my first thought. "What? Criston is no gentleman! He's an ass!"


hotd never beating most unhinged fandom allegations 😭


"Alicent and Criston are in love" is peak media literacy. Literally WHAT in the show gives you that idea?? Ramblings of a lunatic 😭


He's a man, she's a woman, they might even interact if you're lucky


The only rule in fanficton is: Don't like it? Don't read it! Man, the HotD fanfiction community really is a cesspool of toxicity. A few weeks ago, there was this individual harassing one writer in their demand for more Daemon/Rhaenyra fic, even though there are well over 6000 fics of that ship. I myself got a hateful comment from a member of "Team Black" which I deleted without any answer. It's ridiculous, just read the stuff you're interested in and if you got nothing nice or constructive to say then shut up.


Yea I'm also seeing other authors delete their comments which is good cause these people are everywhere. But I'm also worried for new authors who got the courage to post a chapter because the third picture is from an author who is shy to post and was excited to post her first f/f pairing😕😕


I love hearing how much fandoms I’m not in are a cesspool. mushroom cloud in the distance style. You have to tell me what Team Black is. Please to god let it be really stupid.


HOTD fandom is wild and I say that as a HOTD fan and writer 😭


Me who has plans on writing more F/F fanfics: 👁️👄👁️ Seriously, if I got these similar comments in my yuri fanfics, I would delete them. Bruh, unnecessary drama is unjustified.


"We aren't homophobic, we just trash every non-het ship and made a discord for attacking non-het fanfics!" Homie you might be *a lil homophobic*.


“daemon and rhaenyra are the perfect romance” lol WHAT? nothing against the ship, but “perfect romance” is not how I’d describe it. He’s literally her uncle by blood and groomed her from a young age (he’s quite a bit older) - and that’s just the basics


I don't think there's any healthy ship in HOTD that's why such fanwars are stupid and pointless lol


very, very true lol


Rhaenys and Corlys are solid. And Jace and Baela have been cute so far. That may literally be it.


I mean, Jace and Baela are cute but they’re also stepsiblings and first cousins once removed by blood, so still not sure it’s that healthy. But Rhaenys and Corlys are definitely good together! Not perfect - she rightfully read him the riot act about leaving her behind to chase his ambitions last season - but there’s genuine love on both sides and they’re generally actual partners (and they’re not, y’know, twigs off the same family tree branch, which helps).


Honestly, it’s kind of depressing she thinks being groomed by a relative would be the perfect romance. Like, I’m all for reading whatever you want but when you explicitly say it’s what you want irl it’s like… are you genuinely okay.


"alicent and criston are in love" look not to be a hater on a certain ship... but lol. Lmao even. OP I'm so sorry you got these freaks in your comments. Would love to read your fic and drop a nice comment and a kudos!


Are these people new to fanfic? People are supposed to create fics based on what they want. Lol.


That's way too much effort to flame someone. Isn't this canon anyway but stopped by duty?


Do people forget that you can just, ship things for fun? Most of my ships are nowhere near becoming canon nor do I want them to be canon. Shipping is like playing with dolls and being like okay now kiss, like it's so unserious. These people need to chill tf out.


managed to voice a terrible take and use incorrect pronouns for emma all in one comment, it truly takes an asshole


Least toxic hotd comment


Generally, people who just want to hate on things: https://preview.redd.it/ja704byxkp9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be37422414c3395a8b87d722bae64b4de06e2a1b


Reason I blocked guests


Is "the perfect straight romance" in the room with us??? Daemon literally choked Rhaenyra out of anger 💀 Anyways, I will keep writing Rhaenicent just to piss these ppl off lmaooo.


"If straight women want to read about women and their friendships they are free to write about it. This is a near unlimited resource. For some reason many straight women however prefer m/m stories. I don't know why. Not gonna judge. But everyone of them is free to write great friendship stories about women. You can complain to them, not wlw people writing for wlw loving readers that are not only writing great friendships between women, but even more epic love stories. You're definitely barking up the wrong tree. Or instead of harassing people online go write the stories you want to read, but I guess some deficiencies in creativity and experiences (e.g. being a decent human being) are difficult to overcome. But then again this was never about straight women, but bullying queer women and other minorities. Amirite? So for your own sake GTFO out of the F/F section if it triggers you that much. Hating on people, feeling unhappy, depressed and the stress from all that anger and bigotry, unhealthy relationships and toxic 'friendship' circles, etc all make you age faster because of stress hormones and unhealthy habits and it leaves visible wrinkles from the outrage on your face. 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼️‍🌈👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼" And then close guest comments.


Likely just one person. Turn off guest comments or restrict


i could tell who this was within the first 3 words of reading the comment lmao this person is known in that ship tag for being (besides homophobic), transphobic, and practically stalking the tag for the newest fic to shit talk to the point that ik several authors in the fandom post smut out of spite. all things considered, its weird bc for someone who claims to hate the ship so much, they sure spend an awful lot of time reading fanfic about them 😭🫢


What did I just read? Some people really have nothing better to do…


I don't know this ship and I don't really care to know what it is from. But I hate these comments a lot and I am sorry for the author of this story, who received so much hate. Obviously, first of all, if you hate so much, why are you reading it? Or even just giving your opinions? Since I am sure that like 2 of them read the whole thing, most of them only watched the tags and were like "I hate this, let's comment" It's not gonna change anything if not ruining the author and the commenters day. Second: I do not like what they are saying. What they are talking about can be "valid" at some capacity. There is a bit of an issue with some authors writing stories where a female character becomes a bad person, just because she is the original love interests and there is a need to antagonize her, so the ship is now "better" than the canon. But these authors are a small portion and it doesn't happen in every fandom. Even in this case you shouldn't leave such comments. I also hate how one said that a lesbian ship is only famous "because men like them". As a lesbian is very insulting: it's basically saying that the fetish is what appeals not the possible chemistry between the two, or the fact that lesbians enjoy them (because we only exist in men's fantasies)


"daemon and rhaenyra are the perfect romance that we all STRAIGHT women aspire to have." ah yes, as a straight woman i too aspire to marry my manipulative UNCLE 💀💀💀wtf


okay this is so funny as someone who knows nothing about the characters or fandom. The straight representation we deserve, arranged incest age gap marriage!


“I can excuse the book/show with canon incest but I draw the line at lesbian fanfic” like do these people hear themselves


Oh, I know! My fandom is *super* toxic. Like, probably the most toxic fandom I've ever been in. It's built into the fabric of the fandom too, due to the Black verses Green narrative. We all know that too many people mistake shipping for moral (which is definitely happening here). But this fandom has the extra layer of "your team" defines your morals too. The whole show is about two factions (Black and Green) fighting for the throne, and even though they all do horrible things, the fandom has decided if you "support" a team, it means you support their actions (people usually ignore the bad things their own team does). So if you're Team Black, then every character on Team Green is evil, and anyone who likes Team Green is a rapist apologizing misogynist. And if You're Team Green, then every character on Team Black is evil, and anyone who likes Team Black is a child murdering psychopath. And fandom discourse is only about to get nastier as the war crimes continue. This ship (Rhaenyra/Alicent) in particular gets hate from both teams because it centers on probably the two biggest characters from Team Black and Team Green. For anyone who hasn't seen the show, Rhaenyra (the crown princess) and Alicent were best friends who were driven apart by court politics. Alicent marries Rhaenyra's father (they're the same age) and gives him a son, but the father still supports Rhaenyra as his claim (against tradition). When he dies, both Rhaenyra and Alicent's son claim they are the new monarch and a civil war breaks out between the family. I should also note that Rhaenyra/Alicent is also extremely popular. It's the 3rd most popular ship in the fandom, behind the canon black ship of Rhaenyra/Daemon (Rhaenyra and her husband), and the non-canon cross-team ship of Aemond/Luke (Alicent and Rhaenura's sons). I could legit write an entire essay in the shipping dynamic of this fandom, as well as the toxic behaviors of the fandom, but I'll end this here, lol. Just know that this isn't suprising at all and I expect it only to ramp up as the show continues.


Are these people twelve years old? Do they need a nap? A snickers? Parental supervision? I’m (almost) genuinely concerned.


"Great that you are so invested in my favourite lesbian ship that you read my fic and add to my comment count. Thank you so much!"


“All the popular girls from high school were closeted lesbians ????” Man I wish, maybe they would have secretly dated me instead of bullying me lol Anyway, Rhaenicent is good toxic yuri and these fucks shouldn’t be harassing people


Dang the homophobia just is jumping out! Do straight women in this day and age really still feel like gangs of evil lesbians are roving about writing f/f stories and taking things from them? Like??? The insecurity of it all!


Great so now we have an Alicent obsessed version of that weirdo who freaks out anytime Rhaenyra is presented as anything but 100% fem or doesn't get pregnant. Wonder what would happen if they ever met lol


They have a whole ass gc? Damn, how hateful do you have to be? 💀 Also like, most mlm ships contain canonically straight men, like, huh? If they like mlm then they're hypocrites.


To be precise, not straight men, but men who date women and who are assumed to be straight because of it. They could be bisexual (and tbh it's often nice if they're portrayed as such). But even if someone changes a character's sexuality, that doesn't mean they're deserving of harassment in any way.


Those people can't be real all the fuss over some damn fanfiction you can choose NOT to click ? A passionate author writing their fave fictional ship on Ao3 won't make ur ship any less canon 


Hate commenters on ao3 when they find out transformative fanworks are indeed transformative, and not everything in the world is catered to their personal tastes and interpretations 😱😱


"erasing-" stop right there. This is that same bullshit of people changing things from canon blah blah, as if writing a fanfic somehow rewrites the fabric of the universe


There’s one pairing (platonic, familial, or romantic) that I despise but is REALLY popular, so you know what I do? I don’t read those fics. It’s really not that hard.


.....Are the straights ok?


Ship issues can get so very toxic. I'm not technically in the HotD fandom, I've only watched half of season 1 and haven't read the book yet, but I am in the GoT fandom, so I'm sort of on the sidelines of this one. This sounds rather similar to the Jonaerys vs Jonsa stuff in GoT, to be honest, but with hints of homophobia, since this is about an f/f ship. I mean, I get it a tiny bit, Rhaenyra and Allicent are straight canonically. But, well, this is fanfic, which is massively well known for slash shipping canonically straight characters. Yeah, more about m/m than f/f, but it applies to both. Plus, this is Westeros, which has strict gender roles and expectations, including the whole marrying and having kids thing where at least the woman has to be loyal to her husband. It actually doesn't matter what sexuality these characters have, they'd be expected/demanded to hide anything other than being straight. This is literally canon in GoT, we see the issues a little with Loras and Renly, and the way people react to Oberyn. It would be way worse if it was the women who weren't straight, due to the expectations for them compared to men. Rhaenyra is a Targaryen princess, one who was declared heir to the throne at that, and Allicent is the daughter of a Lord Paramount who was Hand of the King and went on to become Queen after marrying the King. These women would be slaughtered if they showed signs of liking women in canon! So, of course, fans are going to play with that. Whether they're lesbian authors wanting lesbian characters in their fandom, men who think it's hot, or just someone wanting to explore a lesbian relationship in a Westerosi context, it was always going to happen. And I've noticed GoT is a bit of an odd fandom when it comes to slash shipping, and this likely applies at least somewhat to HotD, as well. Most slash ships in fandom are more m/m than f/f, you can see the difference, no mater how popular f/f is in any given fandom, there's always more m/m. GoT and possibly HotD is different in that f/f is more popular than m/m, it can actually be difficult to find m/m ships for canonically straight characters in GoT that don't involve genderbending. I think I've noticed a bigger focus on m/m in HotD, but f/f is still the more popular. I've never paid much attention to what ships are popular in HotD, but I'm honestly not surprised Rhaenyra being paired with Allicent is a known ship. It took me just the half season I've watched to realise that was going to get shipped to some extent. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, either. Shipping in fic is an exploration of what could have been, not what was, and has zero affect on canon. It doesn't hurt anybody. People who get so bent out of shape about non canon ships in non canon fic are just weird, and probably shouldn't be reading fanfic considering they seem to believe fic writers are only allowed to write canon. Of course, this is probably about these particular idiots shipping Allicent with Cristen, given they kept bringing that up, rather than the ship not being canon. But in that case, just don't read Rhaenicent fic!


Whenever someone says ‘so and so is straight canonically!’ I can’t help but ask - are they *actually* stated specifically to be straight? Or have we just only seen them in romantic relationships with a different gender so they’re *assumed* to be straight since straight is the default? Usually it’s the second one.


Anyways......Rhaenicent 🔛🔝


https://preview.redd.it/im8k8yevlp9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510b8b366c1dfd4709f6321d6ac6825df2d09317 Literallyyyy tho


"Daemon and Rhaenyra are the perfect romance that we all STRAIGHT women aspire to have"... Like sure, Matt has great chemistry with Millie and Emma, but girl... Your ideal romance is an incestuous marriage to your uncle? You might wanna tell your therapist that, not AO3 😳


Lol it’s called "fanfiction" for a reason like if those people don’t like the ship?… then don’t read it lol But tbh from personal experience with these type of ppl they’re miserable and they truly want everything else/everyone else to be just as miserable, it’s a shame.


I just want to know who writes these queer baiting checks.


Guess I'm gonna have to write Rhaenyra/Alicent out of spite now. They're basically forcing my hand at this point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"Alicent and Criston are in love" ...fucking *what*?? Are we watching the same show? Did we read the same books? They simply share a dislike for the same girl. That's their relationship. Edit to add: if Alicent and Criston are "in love" because they're "the gentleman and the Maiden" then I'm just curious what these bigot flavored antis think was Rhaenera and Criston's relationship right up until he asked her to abandon her future crown and titles and come live with him raising cattle or whatever his plan was?


Rhaenicent antis are absolutely fucking insufferable, sorry op


if someone spends their time on ao3 tags trying to Ermmm Ackchually people… well, grass is a good thing then again, i can’t say i’m surprised


my answer would be: "write your own damn fanfic, and read the tags next time."


I'm unfortunately so straight that I'd break into pieces if I tried to bend. Women are wonderful and I cherish the conversations and debates. Don't know the fandom or characters, but they sound like a lovely couple. I ship Pepper/Natasha. And Willow/Tara is the best love story that ever happened and Joss Will Never Be Forgiven. EVER. I just skim the sexy parts. Canon creators are so terrified of the bigot backlash and getting locked out of certain markets that straights get all the good ships in canon. It's called privilege and we all need to recognize that instead of getting snotty and controlling in fan spaces because non straight people exist and create fan works, too. I hate religion. Heading to atheist spaces to self soothe. Peace.


This is why I have "approve comments" on. Out of sight, out of mind. Not letting any shitposting drama or hate ruin the fun for the other readers.


TBH this reminds me of middle school when some kids would still be teasing each other about cooties and chasing each other around, interrupting me reading some cool fantasy book with dragons in it. Like, get better hobbies y'all.


ASOIAF fans be normal challenge (impossible)


I bet it’s not even a group chat of 40 people. It’s just one chronically online homophobic person


Do they know they can just filter out f/f ships? Or specifically search for the ship they want? And they don’t need to read something they hate? Or maybe they do know that and they just want to be an asshole


I never understand when folks argue that a character can't be X thing bc of canon. Like babe this is fanfiction??? If the only thing standing between me and a fictional lady I have the hots for is her canonical straightness then you better believe I'm throwing it out the window and writing her as some sorta queer in an instant with zero regrets


Fighting to keep Alicent with Crispy Cole? Insane work. I don’t ship anyone for HOTD but I definitely don’t ship Crispy with anyone. He’s lame.


Every day my decision to skip this show feels like the right one


I saw a post on tumblr notifying all AO3 users of fake hate comments posted under guest accounts. I can see that the comments in the screenshots were posted on such accounts, so I'm imagining this is a case of that. Just ignore/delete and keep doing what you're doing. So sorry this is happening under your fics, but don't let it get to you!