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What if the us government were to buy it's own constellation from ast instead of buying it from ngc?


They buy their own - ASTS manages. That would be... butter.


https://preview.redd.it/b1um7ux2e69d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f96ac0836592bed6f0fe560727a6d5848bf6179 Not a whale but extremely bullish even when it drops, I'm waiting for drops at any extent šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ¤˜šŸ»


does ASTS have other option on satellite launch? wouldnt it be risky when there is only one option and their boss runs a company that competes you?


Lol fuck this get posted every single day. The answer is no. It's not risky, not even a little bit.


I'm pretty sure I got a ten minute blast of 5g service when I was camping in a low coverage location the other day. (Low key trying to suggest I maybe connected to BW3) I'm heading back out right now to try to replicate the results and actually take some screenshots and collect some data. There is a pass around 11pm where I'm going, I'm planning on using this app I literally just downloaded, Open Signal for speed tests and allegedly information about the tower I'm connected to ( appears this function is still in beta so I don't know how well it will work) . I'll run some other generic connection speed tests too if I have time. I'm looking for recommendations for other connection speed tests or any software I can run on Android that will give me information about local cell signal sources. I'm running this experiment around 11pm PST, if it works there will be a full post with screenshots and connection data šŸ«” which will be uploaded to Reddit, from my phone, using a signal from BW3. Edit: realized there is a pass at 930pm that I might be there in time for. That pass is max 46 degrees and the 11pm pass is max 27 degrees. It would be nice to get data from both. Update: Totally unsuccessful. I'll try again next time I'm camping. A little disappointing because I was actually prepared with some tools to get some decent data. The diagnostic app I'm using is "Network Cell Info Lite"


I thought it only passed twice a day? Also at some point Abel did say they have seen thousands of phones try and connect to BW3 and that it provided valuable data to the MNOs


I wasn't able to get a signal this time. Here's a link of the tracker I use to predict passes. It's been very accurate. [https://www.satflare.com/track.asp?q=53807#TOP](https://www.satflare.com/track.asp?q=53807#TOP) https://preview.redd.it/klnmpop89v8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c43c501f8dba655fd8fa830d23e9bc88b22c87 I'm getting 3 or 4 passes a day.


So much encouraging news today! Can't wait to see what next few months bring




does anyone know if Stankey actually spoke at the jeffries event (stupidly, absurdly bullish) and gave the 30-40% adoption estimate, or did ASTS just say during the presentation that AT&T gave that estimate in a secondhand way (very bullish)?


Well, today's dip got me out of 5 $10 covered calls for a break-even price. I appreciate that, if nothing else.


Yeah too late for me, my $9 calls got assigned last week. Just took the $$ and bought looooong calls (Jan 2026). Trust me, this is the way.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMwlfd7jHilyWsg|downsized) We got a long way to go boys and girls. Keep climbing!


Yea, itā€™s a lot like life, one step forward and two steps back, but I am more confident than ever.


Gym, whatā€™s a gym? Ohhhhā€¦a gym.


Strong rally from 9:40am EST on


Any reason why you think?


pretty tilted that I missed the dip today. the one time I had a dumb meeting at work to attend and couldnā€™t monitor asts


Hopefully we get some insider intel regarding the FirstNet 5x5 going on right now


Remember when it was below $10 for a hot second today? That was awesome.


https://i.imgur.com/KE26i0o.jpeg The volume at the dip was hilarious. People were buying so hard lol let's goooo.


I nearly got a fill on selling $9 puts for this Friday at $0.35. It happened so quick wasnā€™t fully ready. Did snag a handful of July $8.5s for only $1.6


I scrambled to get an order in at $9.85. Only filled 730 of my 1000 share request. It hasnā€™t looked back since.


I got a fill order at 9.85 and it went down I was gutted


lmao i bought too early and entered at that price...at least i got a discount though.


The recent news the past few days mentions something about soon moving the 5 sats to Canaveral. Do we know who is launching them? I know they signed something with NASA but is there a provider yet or is it still speculation?


3rd QuarterĀ Falcon 9 ā€¢ BlueBird Block 1Launch time:Ā TBD Launch site:Ā SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch five 700-square-foot Block 1 BlueBird satellites on behalf of its customer, AST SpaceMobile, Inc. Updated: April 02 [https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/](https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/)


Nice thanks! I'm going on a DIS cruise out of there 7/20 returning 7/26 maybe I can see our $$ sats take off....doubtful they would already have the date most likely.


SpaceX for the first 5 I believe. I canā€™t find the number in press releases now but I seem to remember the number being 5 plus BW. Lots of talk at the time of a ā€œframeworkā€ for future launches. https://ast-science.com/2022/03/09/ast-spacemobile-announces-multi-launch-agreement-with-spacex/ Figuring out who the launch provider will be for block 2 is a pertinent question. Not sure Elon is going to give a ride for the entire constellation.


Would love to see a second launch platform as an option, but don't see why SpaceX wouldn't launch AST as they are primarily in the business of launching payloads into orbit.


Musk hasnā€™t acted rationally for a minute now. Since AST will be a direct competitor to Starlink for cell phone connections he may not want to offer a ride beyond what is committed already. If AST announces their plans for block 2 launches that will be another derisking event to me.


I agree...he's a loose cannon for sure. At least they're committed for the first set, locking in another for round 2 would make investors feel warm and fuzzy


Spacex first need to be able to develop a satellite that can provide a D2D service *and* meets FCC requirements, before they can be called competitors


I understand all that and I agree with you BUT if Elon thinks they are a competitor then thatā€™s all that matters. I will feel better when they have a backup launch provider.


Well if the FCC will just waive all their interference regulations and Space X can lower the satellites enough they might be able to send text messages. LOL


Spacex is absolutely doing the 1st launch. I believe the second launch is also on paper. But nonetheless, as Elon always says, he encourages companies to compete with him.


That's what I was wondering, whether Elon is going to launch the full constellation given his own interests etc


Same. I can see it going either way tbh.


SpaceX is launching them.


Thanks I thought I read that but couldn't find it in the kook report glancing through earlier.


https://preview.redd.it/erf4epy8zq8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94487ad9fd963701fe09fc47bc8981348551eff All of these guys look like psychopaths that would sell their own mothers for corporate success, so I know weā€™re in good hands šŸ„°


Jeez. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve a crush on Abel. God damn it.


I'm just disappointed in the lack of ties.


No tie is the new "corporate cool".


Dude in the middle looks like he is finishing up a coke bender


Justin Timberlake vibes


I love how the dips are bought so heavily. Look at the chart since the AT&T announcement. It seems like weā€™re on a very upwards trajectory and even without a new announcement we could be above $15 within a month. A good news drop would propel us even higher


Looks like accumulation




GIFs are BACK!!! ![gif](giphy|tyxovVLbfZdok|downsized)


Mmmmm yes, that was a nice dip for my chips. Tasty tasty dip & we allocate MORE CHIPS.


I feel like a fucking idiot for waiting to buy until it sank to 9 or below. Passed up an easy ~10%


Just buy more I get in on the dips


Well that was brief....


https://preview.redd.it/0isnzoq45q8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ebe1ce03dc58b8115b80bcc843d6ead4ec65335 Every time the sky is falling I want all of you knuckleheads to repeat after me: buy the dip


These new WSB redditors here are getting real old real quick


Yea, but as long as they are buying and pumping the SP, I have medications to deal with it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's what having a daily discussion will do.


Total cringe AFĀ 




We're all getting old real quick :(


Itā€™s my birthday today


Happy birthday! šŸŽ‚


Happy birthday! Mine in a few days too! partner asked what I wanted, I just asked for a few asts shares


Happy birthday spšŸ…°ļøce šŸ…±ļøro


Happy buy the dip day!




Thank you mob!


Basically a SPAC again


Youā€™re tiring.


Slurping up this dip


wow im cheesed that i didnt at the lowest. i was able to buy some of the dip though. bouncing back already


going with my random CFO change algo theory and buying some dip


the dow dropped 100/.30%..market not doing well




Wut happening? Looks like good news and we drop?




What news


Announcement of an executive leadership team for the next phase of accelerated growth.


That's the most neutral who cares news, why would you attribute any movement up or down to that? This is a volatile stock...it's going to run up and down a lot for no reason often.


Buy buy buy buy


Market not keen on Scott?


Its not new info, was announced with AT&T deal


I think you're thinking of Chris Sambar?


Oh shoot looks like I am the one out of the loop, thanks


When not tank?


At least I was able to buy back my covered calls for 5 cents on this drop lol


How do I get a SPACEMOB title? Iā€™ve been accumulating for almost 2 years now, over 3k shares šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜¬šŸŽ‰šŸ™Œ


What the f is this shit!!!


Why premarket +3% now down -6%?šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


random algo programmed to sell off on any CFO change news?


Weā€™ll never see the 10s again


the weong way šŸ˜‚


Did Sean Wallace leave or get fired?


Mutual departure is my guess. Company is switching gears and needs new focus. Sean made lot of money at AST and isn't very young so probably happy to retire


was sick and tired of being admired


What is u guys prediction today? šŸ„¹


DD stands for Daily Discussion. šŸ¤£


Buying 13 shares today


Make it 14


It did end up being 14 with the price dip


5X5 schedule today?


I would rather have the weekly discussion thread back.


Hello everyone, I'm new to Reddit and I'm from Europe. Do you guys think it's worth buying ASTS? And are there any downsides to it? Also is it worth to buy US ETF's?


> Do you guys think it's worth buying ASTS? You should ask that question anywhere else but here. That's not me dismissing you - just that if it was me, I wouldn't be asking a group of ASTS fanatics if it's worth buying. Probably 99% of the people subbed here own shares, and so they've already asked themeselves that same question and the answer was obviously "yes". If you're looking for anything more than that, look beyond the daily/weekly discussion threads within this sub, all of the DD you need to make your own financial decisions is right there.


I think i misphrased my sentence because im not fluent in english. I want to buy asts but i dont know about tax in europe and what broker to use


The tax is whatever the government in your country decides, you would need to look in to that yourself. I am in the UK, I use several different brokers which may or may not be available in your country, so again, this is something you would need to look in to yourself. Within those brokers I also have tax-free Stocks and Shares Individual Savings Account (S&S ISA) your country may also offer something similar... again something you would need to look in to yourself.


I own shares in Mercedes Benz and there are some tax and investment implications but you will have to check the tax laws in your country. I use Fidelity and have used ETrade, but prefer Fidelity, IBRK also can do global investing, so you should be ok once you clarify the laws and establish an account.


The down side is it might go to $0, the upside is it might go to $1000.


Ya to be fair I ACTUALLY believe the $0 argument is no longer the reality. Worst case scenario Iā€™d imagine they would be able to sell the business for something given that other companies already funding many millions. Even if a launch failure, or a satellite issue, those would cause more delays and cash burn but not invalidate the business


I meant morw like tax wise. I am aware of the risks. And what broker should I use?


I dont know the tax laws of your country.


I think that itā€™s unlikely that it will go to 0 at this point, but who knows


Yeah daily discussion is dumb. Not enough people participating to make it worth it. Needs to go back to weekly


I think mods got a bit ahead of themselves when they saw 500 posts on a Monday. Some of the discussions on the weekly discussions thread spanned across multiple days and were interesting reads which had responses from multiple aspects. Someone may have missed something on Monday, but have time to check in on the sub on Wednesday... True they could just check in on the old posts - but most won't do that. The thread quickly goes stale, and people want the latest. I thought the original purpose of this discussion thread is ###*"do not post small questions in the subreddit. Do it here instead!"* But now I expect we'll just see multiples of the same question by different people across each daily for the week. Much like how this is the third time I've seen this: > Yeah daily discussion is dumb


I think itā€™s also an outcome of the people who have made their way here from the GME short stock subs and the daily will become about options and stock price movement only. Itā€™s already annoying and will likely become much worse. Agree that a weekly thread is much better.Ā 


Hello, would it be wise to anticipate for a big stock-price drop if the launch fails and save some money to buy for that case.


Buy the shares you want now. When it comes time closer to launch hedge your long position with puts. Ezpz. If the launch goes off without a hitch you lose out on your puts and win with shares. If the launch is unsuccessful and the share price tanks you gain money from the puts in the short term while still holding your long position, giving you a chance to average down.


There are a few more potential catalysts before launch but if it does fail then I would expect a pullback. I will have a very small amount of cash on hand for that but I have at least 8000 more shares in options that I will exercise so thatā€™s how Iā€™m ā€œholding on to the priceā€ if that makes sense.


well what if it goes well? Then you missed the actual lower price.


True, but isnā€™t the price already relatively high te last days anticipating for succesvol launch? I have a gut feeling the price isnā€™t going to explode after the launch (But i am just a rooky)


Successful launch, unfurling the panels, and complete testing of handoff, etc, etc after ā€œmayā€ open the funding from FirstNet which IMO propel the SP to +$20 but thatā€™s just my opinion, govern yourself accordingly, but I wouldnā€™t be betting on failures.


I really hope so. I bought 1000 shares the last few days and I would be really bummed out if i lost a lot of money. Luckily the technology is superior.


Pretty sure youā€™re gonna be ok, it is a long term play, Iā€™ve been in for +2 years and have been down as much as 80%, but my resolve regarding the technology and revenue potential just inspired me to buy more. Now I am up like 100% on shares and 300% to 1000% on various options, all in the last 2 months. It is a volatile stock, but it will surge good on positive catalyst because a LOT of shares are locked up, so available shares to trade on a relatively small float means higher prices when demand increases. Unless something unexpected happens the next 1-2 years will be very fruitful. Good Luck !!!


You don't have to be a rookie to know that more contracts will come once the tech has been launched and proved. Real results=a bandwagon effect.


I honestly think the rise right now is due more to new and potential partnerships. FirstNet getting confirmed will probably boost it even before those launch days. That's at least how I see it.


Thanks for the insight.






Iā€™ve heard Abel throw around the 4 satellites a month in 2025 production capacity a few times, but havenā€™t heard recently if thatā€™s still achievable and on what timeline. What does seem a mystery is that if 4 satellites a month is achievable, what does the ramp up to that production quantity look like? I doubt itā€™s an instant increase, but we are sort of in the dark on this. Letā€™s see how the launch goes and Iā€™m sure this will become more evident soon!


I'd say it's also a bit of a chicken and egg with revenues, i.e. with the relatively high cost per satellite you need to create pretty significant revenue streams to fund the build-out. So initially it may not be just about production ramp-up but also how to fund that


Just heard over on twitter that today at a conference, Scott reiterated 4-6 satellites a month in 2025. There was actually multiple accounts I've seen attend and share similar details so I assume it's authenticity. [https://x.com/RingoBob4/status/1805636311597961576](https://x.com/RingoBob4/status/1805636311597961576)


That's exactly it, 4-6 per month so let's say 50 sats in one year at a cost of $20-30M each requires $1-1.5B in capital...


This is big. Anyone know where to find a recording?


We're all kinda wondering the same thing. You can see from Anpanman's tweet that Barclays asked some heavy questions about timelines. Hope we get to hear the answers ourselves, maybe at the next earnings call? [https://x.com/spacanpanman/status/1805228259358933057](https://x.com/spacanpanman/status/1805228259358933057)