• By -


In regards to the placement of the company, does it attract good skillful engineers ? is the location remote. writing from eu.


HQ, assembly and testing is in Midland, TX šŸ¤  šŸ¦… They also have facilities in Israel and other places manufacturing components and doing R&D. USA and Israel are *great* places to find engineering talent. They have been / are able to attract a lot of really great talent. [Board of Director](https://ast-science.com/company/our-board/) includes industry veterans and MNO partners from companies such as AT&T, Vodafone, Rakuten, American Tower, etc. [Abel Avellan](https://www.linkedin.com/in/abelavellan) himself is a serious engineer who succesfully built up and sold another satellite company (EMC) in the past. Look up some of their employees on LinkedIn and on the [company website](https://ast-science.com/company/our-team/)!


I want to get in. I feel late to the party. What are we thinking in terms of it dipping in the future?


Long term your buy price does not matter. If a dip comes buy more, I don't see us going below $9 ever again so $11 is not a bad price. Just buy more on every dip, every 2 weeks when you get a paycheck. 10 shares here and 10 shares there will add up to a lot over time and you may be able to get a sizeable position before this thing really takes off.


Any news that drops the share price will likely make most normal people lose confidence in ā€œbuying the dipā€. The question isnt if the price will drop or not, the question is if you have the balls to buy when launch is delayed for the umpteenth time, fcc is denied, and funding is running out and we dilute.


What if there is no dip?


Do you care if you buy in at $11 or $9 when this is going to $100? Many things are pointing to a long term hold for years with high potential


Yeah, okay, Iā€™m sold. I buy tomorrow!


On a long enough vision if it works the way we think then doesnā€™t matter whether you buy here or $5 really. Now if your trading thatā€™s a different story


i saw a couple of ppl mention theyā€™re hoping AST pays dividends in the future. what would be the reason AST would do that? wouldnā€™t it just mean theyā€™re giving money away?


Companies can either use excess profit to grow or return it to shareholders. Companies in mature sectors typically are limited on growth so return profits via dividends and buybacks. Once constellation is complete there really isn't much room to grow, besides investing in r&d for next Gen sats. That is why people are assuming dividends or buyback in 6+ years when constellation is complete. What else are they going to do? Make an uncle scrooge money pool and swim in it?


PSA you want them to give you money


Ah, come on y'all. It's an innocent question from someone trying to learn, down votes aren't necessary. Save your downvotes for people who say stupid things like WE'LL NEVER SEE THE 10S AGAIN!




i really donā€™t even know why the people donā€™t like it but i learned what i needed to!


Everyoneā€™s kind of jumping on you for this question, but to take a different tack: ASTS seems like a reasonable candidate for dividends because we ultimately view it (in final form) like a utility company. Once they reach a steady state, it makes sense that they would pay a dividend, similar to $T, $VZ, or even more clearly $AMT


thatā€™s a good thing for us as investors right? i mean obviously making money is great, but is there a downside to them just giving us money for holding shares?


If you owned a coffee shop, you would expect to make money from it, no? Shareholders own public companies, you should expect to make money from your shares. However, growth companies, like ASTS, are expected to use their cash to invest in growing the business and not return it to the owners immediately. The dream is that they will eventually be making so much money that the most reasonable use of the cash is to return it to the ownersā€¦ us!


wow, that really connected the ideas in my head. thank you, i guess i have to look at this investing thing differently. iā€™ve seen ā€œprofit margins of 90%ā€ a lot. so that would be a good indicator that after growth period we can see some payout via dividends? and probably a pretty good percentage huh iā€™m very green to all of this. hell, im using my 401k to invest in ASTS lol


Yes, if we are reaching 90%+ profit margins, I would be shocked if we weren't receiving dividends. Once the constellation is up and running, overhead costs are quite low and you're just raking in the money. Unless they have the world's most insane R&D budget to develop even more earth-shattering technologies, the logical choice would be a significant dividend.




The only inherent reason really to "own stock" is to profit from the distribution of operating profit of the entity. If you don't think they'd ever distribute dividends or somehow distribute profits back, why would anyone ever buy anything? There'd be no "there" there. Unless you're trying to get a controlling interest in a company. That's not to say all companies give dividends. Most don't.


>>If you don't think they'd ever distribute dividends or somehow distribute profits back, why would anyone ever buy anything? ??? Because you think it will appreciate in value, and can be sold for more than it was bought for. Stocks are one of the FEW things that people buy for future value that end up paying dividends. In that sense, stocks aren't any different from action figures, art, gold, antiques.... To answer the actual question, companies will start paying dividends to shareholders to distribute profits. If the company isn't expanding or investing, they'll do this instead of just sitting on a mountain of cash.


people still will buy stocks but it is speculation. dividends are a consistent payment a bit like interest.


It's just a different way to distribute profits to shareholders.


Everything is speculation. Even in a dividend paying stock you're still speculating that the stock retains its value.


And why the fuck do you think they appreciate? The point of ownership is control and/or stake in profit. The profit redistribution could come in dividends, stock buy back, etc. But the reason stocks appreciate is because equity holders ultimately get some stake in the success of the company. If you didn't ever get that stocks would be worthless


Jesus Christ wtf is this sub? OP didn't ask "how do companies distribute profits?" They didn't ask "how do stocks appreciate in value?" They specifically asked about paying dividends, so most of what you wrote isn't even relevant. If you actually paid attention in your first reply you'd have seen that going off on other methods of profit distribution was never the topic


It's literally not off topic. They asked why they'd pay a dividend. Paying dividends is returned equity to shareholders. That's why stocks are worth something. They want the stock to be worth something. Etc. wtf are you on?


Most of what you said was off topic. Go back and read what you wrote. Do you think it answers the question WHY a company pays dividends? No its a half baked reply on why stocks go up in value.


You're insane.


i understand the idea of owning stock. i think i understand now that itā€™s just a ā€œhopeā€ those people have that they would offer to pay out dividends in the future. that is now my hope, although im not 100% how it would work if its not standard to pay dividends.


Also the profit margins predicted are huge. If it's 10bn rev and 90%+ profit.... What are you going to do with the cash?


iā€™ve used my 401k money to invest via brokerage link with fidelity so.. keep it until iā€™m 59.5 i guess idk honestly


most people here are speculating and hoping that the stock price increases will give value, not earnings over time from dividends. however that is obviously more risky vs potential consistent dividends.


of course. i was speaking about the specific people speculating/hoping for dividends.


Did u/notoriouslush answer your question?




pretty much. i understand that the people i saw just HOPE AST will pay dividends eventually not that there is any real indicator that they will.


Chipotle is worth $90bn. Let that sink in.


![gif](giphy|4NhteElhVfD7OLfFAJ|downsized) Third world countries when ast has a full constellation


OK, dumb question time. If I have a $12.50 call that expires in January, and the price goes up to, say $15 (which is higher than my strike price), does that mean that I *automatically* get my calls converted to shares on expiration? I've never had calls that could actually expire ITM, so that part is sort of like a dog chasing a car - what do I do with it when I actually catch the car? :)


If youā€™re able to exercise it and buy the 100 shares for 1250, you will, but if you donā€™t have available funds your broker will typically sell the contract 30 minutes before the end of day on day of expiration. Itā€™s usually better to sell the contract earlier. Like if ASTS is $15 in November, your contract will have more extrinsic value based on the Implied Volatility and remaining time value in the contract.


You really shouldnā€™t be playing options if you donā€™t fully understand them. Setting yourself up for a face rip


It doesn't sound like he's been successful in the past with them šŸ˜Æ


I think exercising the calls that I have will be the last time I'm able to buy shares that cheap. Fingers crossed any ways.


You can turn off automatic-exercise with your broker (although thatā€™s insane, because then you would just get nothing). Generally it will be more valuable to sell before expiration and capture some small remaining extrinsic value.


You can exercise, purchasing 100 shares at your strike price $12.50/share or you can sell your call option and realize the gains with the increase in the contract value.


Yes you will get the cash equivalent of the intrinsic value times the number of contracts if you do not sell an ITM call at expiration


Working on getting a house loan and I had to provide the last 2 months statements for my etrade... my account increased so much because of asts they need "further evidence" that my account went up over 40k from April to May lmao.... it's even higher now 0.0


I sent them a screen shot of the asts price chart and my positions šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Good problem to have hopefully!


My bad everyone..I bought more today at $11.50




i'm trying to read the tea leaves and don't know what they are saying. the one month chart is incredible. i know this is speculation, but for the chartists, what's your interpretation of a steady upwards slope like that? institutional accumulation? retail continuing to buy in? a slow unwinding of long-held short positions? all of the above?


Seems like post-VZ/ATT deals, institutions aren't allowing the price to drop for long. I think its super bullish because there just aren't sell-off stretches where the price plummets. It gets bought-up. Even its down days look healthy. If the market still viewed this as a gimmicky spac, the profit taking would've caused a 20% sell-off for a few days. But its sell-off days always end-up finding intraday support and bouncing hard when it dips below it. Its sell-offs have been giving-back a morning price spike, not gapping down. The volume also makes it evident that the market narrative has changed. Highest volume day ever for this stock was the day after VZ announcement. Since then, its stayed high and hasn't allowed the price to drop much. This has been true on good and bad days for the market/tech generally. Its not tracking space stocks or telecom or memes, its on its own trajectory steady going uppies. Not that its a great predictor, but the put/call ratio has also stayed about .27 since the announcement. Pretty insane that a stock with this kind of run-up hasn't attracted more put buyers, idk.


i honestly think its more retail buying and lil short covering(prob like 1/2%) and a lil bit of insitutial buying but insitutional is picking up a bit but not alot imo


The volume since may 16th is NOT driven by retail. Retail maxed out at like 1-2 million shares per day. Tens of millions of shares being traded per day is institutional money that can move stocks and set a price floor.


Retail influence is weaker than some may want to believeā€¦


u right :P


AST hits over $20 this year and Iā€™m going to japan for Christmas on a dream solo trip šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I live in japan and look forward to your visit


Thatā€™s awesome! Which area are you in? The three areas Iā€™d like to visit are Tokyo Osaka and Sapporo


I lived near Tokyo for 3 years but recently moved to okinawa. I actually just got back from a trip to Osaka/kyoto since my family from the states came to visit, and it was an amazing vacation.


cycling on the rented bikes in Kyoto is great memory, will defo come back


Iā€™ve been reading that Japanese people really donā€™t like foreigners and treat them poorly, would say this is true in your opinion? Itā€™s the only thing holding me back from going (besides the share price being under $20 šŸ˜)


It's mainly the rare older person who dislikes foreigners, but that is largely from disrespectful tourists leaving a bad impression. Personally, I've only had great experiences with the locals. Also, a quick tip to getting on their good side is learning at least a few words or phrases in japanese. Most learn some English in school, but everyone seems to appreciate at least a little bit of effort in understanding their language/culture and are extremely welcoming.


That sounds way better than what Iā€™ve read lol. Good advice


Domo arigato Mr Abelo Roboto


We're officially at 16k subs on X! Before you give me the "it's all bots!!!1!!," sure there might be a few. But I've been tracking the growth for months now and it's been a steady and deliberate climb of roughly 100 per week until the last month or two when the price has rocketed. We've started gaining closer to 200-400 per week depending on the most recent news. Rant over, we're at 16k.


https://preview.redd.it/979rne38cx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689cda0358d4e646aa5557bb97f99a361ddb8f71 What is this type of orbit called? I know asts is in leo but not sure what to call the type of orbit in relation to spin of earth. And ehat accounts for the shift north to south like that?


Not entirely sure what kind of answer you're looking for but I'll try. The ISS has an orbital inclination of 51.6 degrees relative to the equator. > in relation to spin of earth In relation to the spin of the Earth this would be known as a *geosynchronous orbit*. This is also what "accounts for the shift north to south". If it was at a 0 degree inclination you wouldn't see those ups and downs. You can use [this link](https://observablehq.com/@jake-low/satellite-ground-track-visualizer) and play around with the sliders to better visualise and understand this. Edit: If you move the slider 'Orbital altitude in kilometers above mean sea level' to near enough the max value (35,786km, which is the specific altitude for geostationary orbits) and set the orbital inclination to 0 degrees, you'll see the satelliteā€™s orbital period matches the Earth's rotation period. This means the satellite will appear to stay in the same position with no movement. This is known as a *geostationary orbit* (as opposed to the *geosynchronous orbit* mentioned earlier).


Thank you. Geosynchronous was the term I was looking for!


The ISS is not in a geosynchronous orbit. A geosynchronous orbit requires 35,786 km altitude. Any other altitude makes the orbit simply inclined. The inclination causes the shift north to south.


If you were to draw this path on a globe, it would be a straight line. This is just what it looks like in 2d.


https://preview.redd.it/f2jv3h1zdx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d90f2eb14ba72cc5bbfe6c2aab00531f957dd6 Like the red geosynchronous orbit?


If you held a globe with north pointing up, would the straight line be a diagonal running roughly northwest to southeast?


Easy 10% on yesterday's $10 dip šŸ„±


Damn. Thought I was going to get out of some $12 covered calls for cheap this morning.


The new Chief Accounting Officer, ignored in the Press Release about new people for some reason, has been mentioned in the new 8K about those new people.


Today the new Short Interest numbers should be released after the close for the June 1 to June 15 (or 14) period. The last numbers released showed a dramatic amount of trading; daily average trading went from 2 million shares to 30+ million (!) and the days the shorts held their positions went from a ho-hum 11 days to a frantic 1 (meaning selling and buying over and over with, on average, NO holding of positions across the close). Based on the crazy overall activity of this new period the numbers are probably quite similar with, perhaps, a drop-off on the overall longer-term short shares (since they're trading instead of holding). Various sites will have the new numbers today; it seems that NASDAQ itself might take til tomorrow; the numbers are for the entire Market, not just a single Market Maker as reported by many DURING the period.


Shorts ā€œheld their positionsā€ that isnā€™t right. The report just says based on the average volume over the period how long would it take shorts to cover if they were all the volume.


Thank you! I always wondered how people got screenshots of daily short activity. Now it makes sense.


I wish I would've gotten that dip yesterday, congrats to those who did.


Got 300 more in that dip at 9.85


I really thought it was gunna keep tracing down, only picked up a couple hundred dollars worth. Sad I didnā€™t grab more while I could..


![gif](giphy|mjfxrNAZzo42QPwmkm) I wanna see this today


Curious about what people think ASTS will do pricewise when a general market crash (which is inevitable) starts. Personally i think Asts will dump harder than the market because its still a pre-revenue stock as of right now. Lets say the market crash will start from 2025 we will have revenue but the biggest risk (working service) is most likely no longer on the table because we will have a working service. Im afraid that by then SP will dump hard. Would love to hear youre insights!


Depends on the stage of the company (feel your downvotes seem a little harsh btw). If we're still finding our feet i.e. still putting up the constellation haven't made a profit etc probably a drop of around 75%. If we're turning a profit more around 30%. But that stuff only really matters if you buy calls otherwise simply ride out the bad times until new bull market starts. It's hard to watch your portfolio go deep red, but if it's a market issue rather than a company issue it will fix itself in time.


Can I get a specific date on the inevitable crash, since you are so well informed? The nearest month would work, the nearest week would be best.


>a general market crash (which is inevitable) Whoa whoa whoa let's not brush over this. Have you picked out your lambos yet? Which island chain are you going to buy, and have you picked which ocean it will be in? If you have the ability to predict major market moves with such a high degree of confidence, and know there's a general market crash inevitably coming, you should be able to play that for billions or trillions of dollars right? At that point island chain like Hawaii are probably not out of the question. I hope you remember all little people when you make it to the top.


Markets won't crash and even if they dip ASTS will continue signing commercial agreements, receiving pre-payments, launching sats, and building moat until the outlook reverses and markets soar again. Just hold.


###ASTS at full US coverage: I feel that in the future ASTS would be considered a "defensive stock" (provide essential services that remain in demand regardless of economic conditions) especially with ties to critical government services. My opinion here is that we'd be 100% safe. ###ASTS in it's current state: As it stands, ASTS is considered a speculative investment and so can be hit harder, especially being pre-revenue or in the early stages of revenue generation. My hope is that: - The partners we have (though not strictly considered defensive stocks themselves, still fare relatively well during downturns) will continue to see the value ASTS could bring, and so help to keep Spacemobile afloat. - The DoD tests produced favourable results enough for military funding to also step in. - Same as DoD but with Firstnet and government funding. - Any other non-US gov salivating in silent anticipation for rollout . If it was any other company I'd say it looks pretty bleak for them.


Source for military testing results


> My hope is that:


You win this round




I like turtles.


I've been on a mission to catch a BW3 signal. I caught one last weekend unexpectedly while camping and didn't realize until after the fact what I had just witnessed. If anybody here wants to try when you're in a low/no coverage area, here's how: How to track passes : https://www.satflare.com/track.asp?q=53807#TOP (App) Heavens Above (real-time pass data but only when the sky is dark enough to view them šŸ¤·) For signal diagnostics: (App) Network Cell Info Lite (unsure if available for iOS) Good hunting šŸ«”


I think I caught a signal while flying in a plane, I had my phone on, not in airplane mode and all of a sudden I got all of my push notifications. We were in a remote area of the country at 35,000 feet alt over unpopulated Utah. Is this what you are talking about?


Yeah! From my post on the daily (wish it was weekly) discussion thread 6/24 : "I was out camping this weekend (North Cascades, WA)at a place where I usually only have maybe 1 bar (A&TT). I was using the app Heavens Above (satellite tracker) to see if BW3 was going to be passing over. There were in fact a couple passes at like 30 and 44 degrees but couldn't see it since I was in a river valley with heavy tree cover. The weird thing is, I had full bars when it was overhead (for about 10 minutes). No shit. I should've taken some screenshots. Next time I'm there or somewhere with 1 bar and there's a BW3 pass, I'll run a connection speed test. At first I thought it was just a crazy coincidence, my wife asked if it could be testing, now I'm starting to wonder."


Nice! I love the North Cascades Hwy, I take it to get to Winthrop


Today we will mostly talk about how we want a weekly thread.


[If](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dn4kxn/daily_discussion_thread/la1ppmt/) - [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dn4kxn/daily_discussion_thread/la15cu5/) - [were](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dn4kxn/daily_discussion_thread/la18v2y/) - [to](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dn4kxn/daily_discussion_thread/la0wzs8/) - [happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dnwzzx/daily_discussion_thread/la7t6ww/) - [it](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dnwzzx/daily_discussion_thread/la6lxzn/) - [would've](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dnwzzx/daily_discussion_thread/la6avdl/) - [happened](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dopim1/daily_discussion_thread/labs43w/) - [already.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASTSpaceMobile/comments/1dopim1/daily_discussion_thread/labmzxj/) or this coming Sunday reset maybe? I'm not entirely opposed to the daily, just that it would make more sense when this sub is a *lot* more active. Maybe it was done in anticipation for the launch announcement and the subsequent jump in price followed by the subsequent influx of new fomo investors followed by the subsequent boost in new subs?


Daily thread encourages more participation, and people posting just to post, so you get more ... "filler" posts. Daily will make more sense sometime down the line when the company matures a bit.


How long do we gotta wait till we get our weekly back


If we finish green tomorrow can we switch back to a weekly thread?


I predict a great day tomorrow


Happy cakeday




Dude. Tomorrow is gonna be lit. I normally wake up early to keep an eye on it all day, just incase. But fuck that I'm sleeping in tomorrow with no worries. Up 200% with 8300 shares and aug/jan calls My prediction is close at 11.20, high of about 11.80. We won't see 10s again.


You pretty much called it for today.


Im basically the stonk whisperer


Thoughts on tomorrow?


Prolly gonna hover between 10.90 and 11.50 for a week or so.


So far so good on the prediction.


Pretty much nailed it


Recap for Tuesday, June 25, because a lot happened. 1. AST SpaceMobile Announces Executive Leadership Team for Next Phase of Accelerated Growth: [https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240625461191/en/AST-SpaceMobile-Announces-Executive-Leadership-Team-for-Next-Phase-of-Accelerated-Growth](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240625461191/en/AST-SpaceMobile-Announces-Executive-Leadership-Team-for-Next-Phase-of-Accelerated-Growth) This was basically a reshuffling of management, focusing on putting people in positions where they are better suited for the "next phase of accelerated growth" going into commercialization. This reshuffle included the removal of Sean Wallace, the previous CFO, who the SpaceMob shat on for making poor decisions surrounding the timing of past stock sales. (However, note that the SpaceMob also blamed Scott Wisniewski for those decisions, who got promoted to President). 2. Scott Wisniewski presented at the Jefferies Conference. There was no transcript or recording, but a few SpaceMobbers joined in on the livestream and took a few notes. TLDR: 1. first 5 satellites expected to achieve operating cash flow break even. This is a huge surprise as it was previously anticipated that 20-25 satellites would be required to achieve operating cash flow break even. There's speculation about how this is achieved, such as government contracts or that Scott was referring to prepayments being released. 2. ramping to 4 to 6 satellites per month in 2025 3. some companies have 100+ people working on their projects with AST 4. read more details here: [https://x.com/RingoBob4/status/1805636311597961576](https://x.com/RingoBob4/status/1805636311597961576) 3. Chris Sambar shouted out the SpaceMob: [https://x.com/chrissambar/status/1805660490649022623](https://x.com/chrissambar/status/1805660490649022623) 4. FirstNet presented: **The Cellular Space Race: What does it mean for Public Safety?** We didn't get any details out of this. We only got some obscure and generic tweets from FirstNet: [https://x.com/FirstNetGov/status/1805672991289659470](https://x.com/FirstNetGov/status/1805672991289659470)


Hmm. Very interesting. I wonder if they are thinking that the ramp up in production will be by the end of 2025? And will they be able to schedule 4-6 launches per month as well? Curious to see how this all plays out


Most we will see is 1 launch a month. Not 4-6. But each launch will have 4-5 BBs in them


Yes 6 per month by the end of 2025


> Chris Sambar shouted out the SpaceMob: https://x.com/chrissambar/status/1805660490649022623 What makes this so much better is that it's not just some company PR account managed by a group of marketing kids. I love that it's directly from a key member on the BoD taking the time to acknowledge the SpaceMob. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time either, but I can't find the post...


Going to be a great day


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Remind me! Wen sp hits 300$