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Give me some bear case before I buy more...


Anyone else start preemptively start planning your FIRE (early retirement) strategy? Or even your eventual sell strategy? I saw one guy post on stocktwits on selling 'x' amt of shares at price points from $100-$1000 to lock in gains as it rises. I thought it was interesting... not sure that's how I'll roll though, but i liked hearing alternative strategies. I also have a pretty locked in retirement strategy if this hits the way I hope in 4-10 years, but I'd love to hear others' plans. (I.e. sell, diversify and spend between 3%-3.5%, or sell 50%, retire, let the other 50% grow, etc). What are you all thinking for down the line? What's that "goal" that's going to help you hold through volatility in the early 3-digit share price phase?


I made a spreadsheet with all my buys/sells, everything I've gained from related Options premiums, everything I've lost from options expiring worthless, how many shares I hold that are tax-free, and how many I hold which would have tax to pay on them etc etc. I hold shares across multiple accounts so this is a good way for me to see my totals in one place, and my "true" average price. Get all your basic information in and then you can use those figures to start on more complex cells which work other stuff out, and then even more complex cells beyond that. A few days ago someone mentioned that they would sell 20% of their position if it was enough to cover their cost basis. So I added a cell to work that out for me too, which also took in to consideration things like tax which I'd plugged in earlier - I won't do it but I was just curious to know what that looked like for my situation and what SP it would need to hit. I have a few fields to show what my total holdings would pay out at different percentages if there was a dividend. A field displaying what share price I'd need to hit to join the 2 comma club etc. You can get all sorts of fancy with it to plan your strategy. I saw all the big numbers and decided my strategy would be to never sell.


You may change your strategy when they begin to pay dividends. A 3% dividend on $200 share price would exceed my basis by ~20% and a 3% dividend on $300 share price would exceed my basis by 100%, so while I may trim for cash to do specific purchases such as my oceanfront home, (LOL) I will not be selling my main holdings anytime soon.


I sold 5% at 10 via covered calls. Will sell 20% at 20. Then back down to 5% for every doubling. At least that's my plan. I have also been selling csps, so if it were to dip below 10, i would buy back.


Barring unforseen life circumstances you should ride out your original investment thesis and evaluate there. I'm as bullish as anyone but if asts validates the thesis and transitions from a growth company to a mature, high revenue company with valuations to match, it would be silly not to diversify away from it to a degree. Black swan events happen, don't have all your eggs in one basket etc. Remember, concentration of assets is to build wealth, diversification is to protect wealth. How much depends on a lot of factors. If you value dividends, if they are offered, what's your bet worth, what % of that is asts, what's your household expenses, are your shares in a tax advantaged account or not etc. If asts validates my investment thesis it would be much to high of a % of my net worth for me to be comfortable. I'd likely create a plan to rebalance, being aggressive with shares held in tax advantaged accounts and creating a time line for diversification in taxable account that takes tax brackets and any gov subsidies into account. On the path towards that period in time it would be tempting to sell shares before thesis is validated. I won't know until we get there. One option is to sell enough to cover original investment. That's attractive as share count needed would be tiny compared to original cost if share price was in triple digits. The other milestone in which we may need to evaluate selling is in late 2025-early 2026 when warrants (unless called early) and current leaps are nearing their end date. The decision will be to sell options for profit and buy a reduced amount of shares, sell a few to cover cost of conversion or introduce fresh capital to cover cost. I'm not a math Wizz do I'm just planning on simulating ea scenario and seeing which is most attractive at the time. What you saw on Twitter was what was called an exit strategy. Everyone should have one even if it's a little murky. Just as many recommend dollar cost averaging in, many recommend doing the same out. That would be selling x amount at set intervals of time or price as part of your exit strategy


I'm not entirely sure but I know it'll be hard to keep to the plan when/if I'm worth a million.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth




Block him if you want but he does share good stuff sometimes


A part* which is the opposite of apart




We do not tolerate rude, menacing, belligerent, obscene, vindictive, antagonizing, or aggressive behavior.


Just trying to help you man, you literally said the opposite of what you intended




I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are




Will approval necessarily come before FN funding?


If I were in charge of releasing 100s of millions or even billions of dollars, I wouldn't 'assume' anything and would want to see the approval stamp prior to releasing funds.


They could also put a contingency in the agreement for certain regulatory approvals like Verizon did


[https://x.com/Ja3Tdw/status/1806961043010433522](https://x.com/Ja3Tdw/status/1806961043010433522) https://preview.redd.it/8ghlzepc4i9d1.png?width=1746&format=png&auto=webp&s=7207182a49324c9039a949b64e49ccf35be7519e


very interesting especially with the recent Rakuten comments of service in 2026. I can't seem to find the transmission on satNOGS though.


Why does one of the most value plays in the market need a daily discussion thread


To... talk about it daily? What's the confusing part?


So people can post dumb fucking questions every day, obviously.


Please refer to the stickied FAQ


Absolutely not


Edit: Thanks for the flair.


Please lend the simple folk a few of your ASTS good sir


First post in the sub but longtime lurker. First buy was Jan 2023. Now at 5360 shares $4 avg. currently 55% of portfolio in cash account. Would it be bad idea to switch to a margin account? Seems like it would be risky with volatility even though not intending to use the margin. Any thoughts appreciated.


just keep the cash account and start to sell covered calls at otm strikes with weekly expires and make money on your shares. aka premium farm.


Margin account is nice for writing csp's and for just having a buffer when making moves. Don't recommend using margin to actually trade on but it can be really useful so you don't need to calculate everything down to the last dollar.


Be patient. It’s a volatile enough stock as it is and you’ll get amazing gains either way $4. Why risk it further for the extra bit??


Don’t do margin. If you must, wait until the RSI/MACD cool off (when it people are posting pictures of cars they will buy)


$15 today for sure

