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Proposal to add an auto mod response and an “I didnt read the FAQ” flair for anyone who posts talking about elon sabotage or spaceX refusing to launch.


The automod to include this as part of the response https://preview.redd.it/gw5in94fs4ad1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82e03b335b1913ecc2078f9a26653421ce47f9d5


My bad


Well. I picked up 30 more shares today to add to my small pile of now 87. My share average has moved up to 10.61 but that’s ok. I left a few dollars in the bank in case she keeps running downhill? Maybe I can average down for a change. 😬 Would like to thank you all for the sound information you share. Sure hope all the stars align for some good returns over the next few years. 🙏🤞


Same - I picked up 12 more yesterday before close for a total of 237. Hoping to build my position to 500 before the launch then hold long-term for the next several years.


Picked my first 10 shares today.


Seeing lots of news articles because of the press release yesterday. Think it’s actually going to slowly attract a lot of new retail investors over the next few weeks


Wish I found out about these guys earlier, but I guess 147 shares for an average of 10.83 ain’t too bad


Cat and Kook getting very optimistic on X. If they are happy I'm happy.


[https://twitter.com/CatSE\_\_\_ApeX\_\_\_](https://twitter.com/CatSE___ApeX___) [https://twitter.com/thekookreport](https://twitter.com/thekookreport)


They've been pumping nonstop for a few days - I would not call that "optimistic".


Then what do you call being excited about future prospects and sharing thoughts?


So if they are pumping, does that mean by implication that the DD they have both done is also pumping? Seems to me if you accept both their DD stuff as accurate, then therefore their posts recently cannot be pumping. And vice versa.


They've been pump and dumping for 5 years lol.


Your account is 3months old, so is this an alt or are you a troll?


Is it really that hard to interpret the sarcasm in that?


You had the audacity to speak truth rather than hopium - just expect and accept the censorship of downvotes.


Hur dur my censorship!!!!


Yes, censorship - downvotes that implicitly add up to make someone's ELSE'S thoughts disappear from viewing by OTHERS is the purest of censorship; that's why I never downvote a post no matter how wrong, dumb, or derogatory it is - I am strongly against censorship - let all thoughts be considered, IMHO.


No, it was literal sarcasm. Cat and Kook have been invested and spent probably thousands of hours doing DD and put it put here for us which is why most of us are invested in this company. That's not a pump and dump, that's called an investment.


Calls are too expensive. Just picked up a few more shares today. Was hoping for more of a pullback but nervous about it skyrocketing away. My basis is about $8.


Long dated deep ITM calls are an option for increasing leverage if you want to avoid paying a premium. Currently holding Nov 15 $5 calls, in addition to commons.


I have about 12 calls for that expiry as well. Though different strikes near the money and OTM. (12.5 & 15.) I wanted the extra leverage and to be able to comfortably sell something that isn’t long term after delivery/launch. They weren’t too pricy, but I have only added a couple on this dip.


Nov isn't long dated 😂


so has the daily defaulted back to sorting by "best"?


Tbh I expect 10-12.5$ range until news


Since we all waiting for any news, in the meantime, I was thinking... What is gonna be the pleasure of yours once you sell ASTS? (assuming we moon and we all be rich) I will definitely get a proper bricked pizza oven in the backyard (assuming I will have enough money to buy the house).


Buy an apartment cash. Also get a nice travel fund with some of the profits and spend 3-5 years just traveling Japan and Europe


Wow are you me?


I'll be able to retire early, very comfortably. Buy my Mom the Cadillac convertible she always talked about when I was a kid. Send my in-laws on their dream vacation that they went on their honeymoon. Pay for my kids' college. My retirement plans include not telling anyone I retired. My wife and I go on a lot more vacations. And I get to take her to Europe, which is currently the top of her bucket list.


At what price can you retire ?


Minimum? $150-$200. To replace current income with a 3% distribution. I likely won't sell there though, depending on the when/what's still out there in terms of revenue for ASTS. I'm hoping for 3-5x that price.


I'd want to buy a house. And a kick ass guitar. Martin D28 level


Holding until dividends for fancy vacations (I'm not that into luxury items), or honestly college for my potential, yet non- existent children. If there's a scenario where we aren't getting dividends at that point and my forever hold thesis is broken, it'll be a swimming pool full of gold so I can go full Scrooge McDuck. (There will also be a pizza oven back there too, lol, those things are awesome!)


Not worrying about work or the future so much. Maybe a pool if things go really well. Though I’ll only sell calls, not shares.




I have 2458 shares with two call options to potentially add 200 more shares in total, so 2658. Doing some calculator fun at potential future share prices and I'd need it to hit $376ish to become a millionaire (without accounting for taxes). I would like to become a millionaire at a more reasonable future share price and not \*need\* it to hit these very high numbers (though I do believe it totally has the upside to get there), so, I don't have enough shares. Increasing my shares is the only way to decrease the requisite share price to become a millionaire. Let's say I want to become a millionaire at a $100 share price, I'd currently need almost $80,000 to be able to buy enough shares (10,000 total). I don't have that money lying around, so I'm stuck potentially cashing out at $500K or lower unless I find a way to increase my shares over time. long way to say a milly is my "fuck around and buy a few real indulgences" threshold, so with anything under that I'd just indulge in the niceties of life more like eating at restaurants, upgrading my kitchen, get an electric car, helping my family and friends a bit, and live without the daily stress of whether i'm going to survive this capitalist hellhole each month (yes, i understand the irony of my participation in this system in this manner; have to participate in the system to escape the system). if I did somehow get a milly or more, a house with space and no neighbors and a mini recording studio space in it and a top of the line kitchen... but a even milly doesn't go as far as it used to, so who knows what i'll really be able to shoot for. if i move to LA like i think i want to, that milly REALLY won't mean that much i guess.


Damn a milly won't even buy a 3 br 2 bth house in a nice suburb in Australia.


these days in the US, it would be pretty city-dependent. for a milly I could definitely find such a house where i currently live, or modify one to get it the way i want it, but in a bigger city it probably wouldn't be enough to get everything on my wishlist.




25 BB satellites (five Block 1 BB satellites and 20 Block 2 BB satellites) as per page 30 of the latest 10Q. Hopefully by end of 2025 as presumably they are supposed to ramp up to 4 satellites per month next year. [https://irp.cdn-website.com/1fadf91c/files/uploaded/ASTS\_Q1\_2024\_10Q.pdf](https://irp.cdn-website.com/1fadf91c/files/uploaded/ASTS_Q1_2024_10Q.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/5v6rqrqo52ad1.png?width=2340&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9a9967840166437a62abb73e0869a3e36aa136f


I’ve seen estimates of 50+ or so, if they accomplish full production capability in early next year and launch every month it would be early 2026 when it’s accomplished




Volume looks like it's dead until there's actual news. Investors on the edge of their seats waiting to see if there will be more delays.


The volume today was 7 megashares - that's 2.5 times the traditional volume.


Yes 7-10% daily moves are "dead"


There's a big difference in volume and volatility. Low volume is more prone to higher negative volatility when.


Picked up 4 more shares. Still averaging down after getting in at 11.40. Down to 10.98 now


anyone have any thought on LEAPS? thinking about getting a few


I’m holding about 125 LEAPS for 2026 at various strikes. 🤞


Pricey but I bought a few. 2026 has a great chance of skyrocketing the stock.


yea i was looking at 2026, I feel like that’s just free money at that point.


I have 10 2026 $10 calls. Will be buying more if we dip under $10.


looking like we might


Still looking at my phone and haven’t had a chance to see FCC correspondence on my computer…..but do we need FCC approval for launching this block coming up? I need to look at those attachments on a real screen but just curious based on my initial scan


Just picked up some shares of this stock.


Obligatory Wen launch


Wen announcement?


https://preview.redd.it/eapk4grak4ad1.png?width=1030&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9c4eaf6faacb62c34769784d78bd17ec0843737 [https://www.gsma.com/solutions-and-impact/connectivity-for-good/mobile-for-development/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ConnectivityInCrises2\_R\_Web-1.pdf](https://www.gsma.com/solutions-and-impact/connectivity-for-good/mobile-for-development/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ConnectivityInCrises2_R_Web-1.pdf)


Is this new?


No - and it doesn't mention that Lynk-Global has existing contracts with a handful of MNOs around the world (midPacific, Canada, Mongolia (!)). Be careful about "news" articles that show a distinct bias. AST needs some working satellites up there to begin to provide service, Kenya or not, and we have little idea when that will happen.
















Will i be a Millionair with my 2000 Shares if everything goes to Plan? Like realistically speaking, with romm for failure.


If we hit $500/share, but I'm no expert in using a calculator. Too difficult.


($1,000,000) / (2,000 shares) = 500 $/share Will ASTS hit a price of $500/share? Who knows. Some of us think this is very possible. Some of us think it is maybe possible in a best-case scenario. Some of us think that level is extremely unlikely but think $100/share is very likely and would be happy with that. None of us knows. If we had ability to predict price action with even a 1-2% edge over the market as a whole, we'd already be millionaires. Alas, most of us are not.


I like to say "one *million* dollars! " in a Dr Evil voice whenever these posts come up.


I’m hoping for 150 by September. However, I’m considering selling some profits from Nvda to buy more ASTS.? I’m having a really hard time parting with my Nvda shares though.,


>I’m hoping for 150 by September ![gif](giphy|KFt2DA9T82paOA1Yci)


It's definitely not going to be 150 in september


Pretty sure they meant 150 shares


Let the man manifest, jeez.


Sorry for the confusion. Yes. I meant 150 shares. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do yall think it’ll drop more or it’ll continue to rise? Genuinely curious because it seemed to spike quickly but it looks like it’s either going down or staying flat.


If I knew that I'd have the options chain open, looking for opportunities. Nobody knows Share price could slide to the 9's or 8's if there isn't any news or launch delivery confirmation soon. The new money flowing in doesn't seem to have a very long attention span. There could be a launch delay and we're back in the 6's 🤷 On the other side, a number of catalysts including FirstNet funding, FCC approval, additional prepayments or binding contacts from MNOs. Any of that could drop at any time, which would send it flying.


You're right, no one knows. If it stays above 6 with launch delays I would be very surprised, I was thinking even lower... let's hope we don't have to worry about that.


Short term price action will be volatile and unpredictable. It could easily fluctuate+/-$5 for a number of months. When is anybody guessing.


Tomorrow is the day before a typical 4-day weekend since July 4th is Thursday. If you were going to announce news considered bad by folks typical of this board, when would you announce that news?