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Abraham doesn't care for astrology, astral projection, crystals, strict/healthy diets, or pretty much any other spiritual practice other than meditation and being ecstatically, blissfully happy no matter what the cost. That doesn't stop me from practicing yoga, Kundalini yoga, pranayama, working out, astral projection, dream yoga (lucid dreaming), and meditating with my crystals, but I still value AH's teachings above all other channeled material. Abraham is THE teacher on reality creation and it gets no better than them, point blank.


I find astrology interesting and I have enjoyed dabbling in it from time to time, as a way to gain insights into who I am and what my relationship with others may be like. However, I’m not sure I could make a link between astrology and Abraham teachings - Mostly because I’ve heard Abraham talk about not giving our power away to readers or astrologers or anything like that. I saw someone in the hot seat asking about an astrological reading she received that predicted something very specific about her life that she seemed to be holding out for, and Abraham’s response was, “you’re going to guide your life and decisions based on the way the stars were aligned when you were born?!?” Astrology seems more set-in-stone and predictive vs. Abrahams focus on the now, the power of the present moment and the current desires you are projecting. They emphasize the power of making a decision and lining up with it, creating whatever it is you want. Everything is in constant expansion and we have the freedom to choose. Abraham steers people away from thinking too much into past lives and astrology and psychic predictions because that’s all past, and what really matters is your alignment with where you are and where you want to be. If the astrologers said things that don’t feel good regarding your love life, don’t hold on to that. People can only give insight from their own personal life experiences and whatever vibration they are at - it often has nothing to do with you. I know there are well-meaning astrologers out there, but don’t form your beliefs off of these predictions. YOU create your reality. I love Abraham’s teachings because they are always uplifting and emphasize the power of our own focus. They’re never telling us what’s going to happen, but rather guiding us to feel as good as possible for all that we want to begin flowing into our experience.


Beautiful reply. I have nothing to add to your wonderful words, but I appreciate them very much. You’re very wise!


Ah said astrology is irrelevant. Someone once asked about it


AH says to take astrology readings as entertainment and not serious


I've recently become interested in astrology because I found a particular astrologer that I like, and she says something like "The stars give the tendency not a sentence".


ok what i learned about astrology is that, like life, it's SYMBOLIC. it's interpretive, relative, contextual. there is wiggle room. for example "malefic" pluto is death, destruction, darkness etc but also power, rebirth, reincarnation. saturn is slowing and harsh but also structuring and staying. working with abraham i realize everything can be for my good. everything can work out for me. even when i have contrast i know my inner being sees it another way. i've come to learn i can find my strength in contrast. similarly i only read astrology to my benefit, and i find no determinism in it. it's for FUN. in that way, i do not see LOA and astrology as mutually exclusive. but i keep my power and ignore if it doesn't serve me, or turn it for another angle view.


Hi there, this year marks 30 years of my involvement with astrology. I almost read your chart a few days ago at r/astrologyreadings, I think I spent 8 hours writing a draft but couldn't finish it, so didn't post. ;) First of all, Vedic astrology and Western astrology are completely different branches of astrology. Vedic is extremely fatalistic, and it's basically a tool to keep you demure and subservient in your caste so you won't challenge the system. Meanwhile, in the last 50-60 years Western astrology has evolved many times to incorporate much more empowering attitude and concepts from psychology. Most YouTube astrologers still fearmonger, but there are folks like me who always seek to do a positive read of the chart. We believe in free will. Astrology does not have power over you; astrology is a weather report and **weather reports have no power over weather. They are often also inaccurate ;)** You can wilfully choose to actualize or defy what I think I see in your chart, because I'm just one of gazillions of interpreters. That's the proper attitude to treat anything an astrologer or fortune teller might say to you. The 12th house rules what we now call black swan events, things that seem to be beyond human control, "acts of God" like pandemic, natural disasters, war, terminal illness. It's also the house of secrets. You are naturally mindful that the world is not just the surface, you're sensitive to what goes on under the table. Having Venus here simply means your love life is not publicly holding hands and doing PDAs on the street; the action occurs somehow behind the scenes in another layer of the world that we don't exactly see. So, there need not be any conflict between astrology and Abraham-Hicks. Abraham wants you to see the positive in everything in order to manifest positive experiences; you can choose to use astrology that way and treat it as one of dozens of systems that each have its strengths and weaknesses. In the Abraham system, your life is formed by hundreds of thousands of beliefs on individual subjects, and the explicit goal of Abraham is to get you to believe what you want into being, instead of just believing by default what you've been told. So, instead of being what Vedic astrologers have told you about your love life, in your mind you can begin to picture what you want as possible, imagine you having what you want, without facts contradicting the picture.


I just look for the synchronicities between the two and feel for intuition. We get to decide meaning and what happens to us. Everything is a reflection of you


Astrology is real. The personality profiles are real. Most astrological predictions are bullshit. Your alignment with Source is all that matters. Get into alignment, and then....


My take on this is pretty simple. I used to consult a lot of channelers, mediums, tarot, astrologers, etc. The way I see it is: they'll give you the answer that your current energy/vibration is creating, plus their own mindset/beliefs/vibration influences the reading. So if a prediction is negative, if you take AH teaching's into consideration, it simply means you need to shift your vibes to create a better outcome. Now, achieving it is the challenge, since we tend to focus on the problem and not the solution/feeling good/etc. I've had very negative predictions from readers that I utterly trusted that turned out a 100% positive. At the time I didn't follow AH yet, but was already into LOA and related stuff, so I knew superficially that I had changed something in my energies that changed the outcome of the situation from awfully bad to the answer to my prayers. Now that I've been listening to AH, I think I know what happened: I didn't change my energy so much as I made my desire SO STRONG out of despair, that I managed to manifest the best solution I could've gotten. It really came as a huge surprise. Abraham very often talks about it, don't they? "Strong desires trumps energy" or something like that. Anyway, I've also had very positive predictions never happen, and I also know why. I remember that as soon as I got the very positive predictions, I would instantly start the negative self-talk and introduce a LOT of doubt, non-stop: "I wonder if it's going to happen... I don't think it will. The good stuff never happens, I always block it, I don't know why, but I do. I need to unblock myself. Why am I like this? I don't think it's going to happen... I wish it would but surely it won't...." Well. Duh. They obviously didn't happen lol. Anyway. I don't believe everything is written in stone. Even the readers themselves says so (or at least they used to tell me so). They are just reading your current energies, not a fatalistic fixed outcome. You can still conciliate Abraham's teachings with whatever you wanna use as a tool to help you. I do it.


I loveeee astrology but I know it ain’t real haha AH has mentioned this before but if you believe it, it’s real. You know what I mean? Still it’s fun and I indulge in it anyway


I enjoy astrology, it's fun. I've really enjoyed the personality profiles and how different signs supposedly interact and connect. I'm a Scorpio, water sign, and the people I've always had the deepest connections with are other water signs. Since I'm so completely aware of this and i have loved these relationships so much... I constantly attract Pisces and Cancers, lol. It's become a running joke that my tribe enjoys, especially the non water signs! I don't see the two being related at all. If I'm not enjoying what's happening around me, eventually I remember my Alignment and self correct. I never go read a horoscope looking to feel better. One can be a fun distraction, the other is the most consistent philosophy for life I've ever seen. Big difference.