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Mad respect for that phone mount.


Send this video to the phone mount company, allow them to use it in their ads, use the money they give you to pay for new underwear.


Imma need a link to that phone mount right now


Might be QuadLock. Saw a guy hit a deer while having a phone on a quadlock. Windshield broken, guy is ok, he didn't crash. The phone didn't move an inch. Instabuy


I've used Quadlock cases for years and I'm yet to lose a phone. If they had a version like the old LifeProof waterproof cases I'd marry one


Naaaah - your phone may stay whole on the outside, but modern smartphones got a lot of sensors in it and some sensitive tech in the camera... so even normal ride outs are really bad for the smartphone, don't even wanna speak about what happens in this video^^ TL;DR: your smartphone is sensitive to vibrations emitted at speeds 30+mph/50+kph


QuadLock has vibration dampers for sale that you install between your phone and their mount, specifically for the reason you mentioned. Edit:typo


Yep my first motorbike I got the quad lock without vibration damper. My iPhone camera was ruined. Bought a new iPhone and a damper. Never looked back since - many bikes and about a decade of riding later, no damage to the phones :)


Yeah what a great ad lol.


Real question: what caused that? It looks like one of the speed bumps destabilized the motorcycle but was that all simply bad luck and physics or would there be mechanical issues underlying it that would normally prevent this kind of thing from happen?


There are a few elements that cause tank slappers. They happen when the tire hits an object at just the right angle as the bike is accelerating. Since the bike wants to stay upright and go in a straight line when accelerating the handlebars overcorrect for the initial bumb to the tire, which causes this feedback loop of the handlebars over correcting and trying to staighten out over and over. Bikers say that tank slappers are more likely to occur with improperly tuned or bad suspension or the rider having a death grip on the handlebars. They say the best thing you can do in this situation. Is to let go of the bars and lean forward on the gas tank. Assuming you don't need to brake to avoid hitting something. If you do need to brake to avoid an obstacle you'll probably bail. ⚰️


That's funny, exact same with speed wobbles while longboarding, you need to coast out and burn off speed, but if you're going to fast you don't have an opportunity to manuevue without bailing.


That exact spot is in Richmond, CA, with the old Circuit City on the right. He accelerated while riding over the large lane indicators that have since been replaced. They were the taller pavement markers that indicated the carpool lane.


Going too fast. Going to fast for his skill level.


This is the correct answer and I don’t know why you’re being downvoted.


Because regardless of skill level it would still happen


I have a pretty high skill level at not shitting my pants, but I think I just shit this guy's pants.


I’ve never had a tank slapped personally. But whenever I see videos of it, it looks fucking terrifying


It would still happen if you drove over the wrong spot, because of your lack of judgement, because of your skill level. "Skill" also contains knowing you don't know what's in front of you, so not going too fast, and not crossing lanes at high speed, in a corner, when the markets could be raised.


Lack of skill* not lack of skill at that speed. I get where you’re both coming from, but I don’t think an irresponsible driver would be capable of having this happen and then safely cross 3 lanes to recover without a crash.


A responsible driver can drive irresponsibly though, which he did by crossing too soon, while the markers and the full line were still there. You can see a bit later it's actually possible to pass over, he was just a bit impatient. Dude had a great save nonetheless tho, I respect that. I myself also have lapses of judgement that stem from impatience, forgetting I'm going a respectable speed on two wheels. Having those moments less and less though.


Also I don't think he made a choice to cross the 3 lanes and he's very lucky there weren't any cars there.


All sorts of wrong. I’m sorry, nobody is Mr.AllKnowing dude. Shit happens. Do you have Elons NuraLink and have some sort of scanner in ur eyes where instead on looking at the cars around you, you are instead looking at the ground all the time?


There's a literal chasm between Mr.AllKnowing and someone who's aware of the markers next to a Carpool lane, and doesn't cross them cause shits bumpy, and bumpy bad. Speed+bumpy AND not going straight but crossing lanes? Even more bad, maybe even death. It's literally more than an inch above the ground and started like that when he got on the lane. It's also not allowed to cross lanes there. The rider is not gonna argue about it being an easy mistake, there was not a random rock in the road; that would indeed require Mr.AllKnowing, dude.


You're being too hard on them -- the world does need organ donors after all.


Because some people think that driving like an ass is cool, and a part of the real skill isn't scanning the road and the road surface ahead and driving safely.


As counter productive as it seems, going full throttle will remove the weight on the front wheel and the bike will likely stabilize itself. Last thing you want to do is brake. Although easier said than done!


There’s a video of a motogp race that a racer had the death wobble and he popped a wheelie to stabilize. You are absolutely correct in throttling it out would help the death wobble - speaking from someone who’s done it on the track! I 100% advocate for people to learn more advanced techniques when riding, like trail braking, full throttle control, and truly understand how the inputs the pilot makes affects the bike. Not just a two day beginner course and you get your license.


i'd say the effect of removing the weight on the front wheel vs bringing more force into the equation is neglectible, especially at these high speeds. the best you can do with a death wobble is hang on tight, keep your hands on the bar and roll out, as seen in this vid. though other sources say to let go, but don't accelerate


Hang on tight with your LEGS on the tank, but keep your grip loose and relaxed. Don't try to muscle it or you'll just make it worse. And there's nothing wrong with accelerating to take weight off the front wheel. > **How riders make the situation worse** > > Our typical reaction when the handlebars start to shake slightly is to stiffen up our hands and arms on the bars. When we automatically react and grip the bars tighter, the head shake is transferred through our bodies to the rest of the bike, and that is when the shaking can get more violent. Being too tight on the bars is one of the most common causes of motorcycle handling problems. > **What to do if you experience a tank slapper** > > If you do find yourself in the unfortunate situation of experiencing a tank slapper, don’t try to muscle the bike or force it to stop. This simply won’t work. Try to relax your grip on the bars, pinch the tank with your knees, and lift your butt slightly off the seat. > > Also, don’t chop the throttle as that will put more weight onto the front tyre, making the situation worse. Ideally, maintain a smooth and steady throttle or continue to accelerate if it’s possible to transfer the weight to the rear of the bike. > > Popping a wheelie would eliminate a tank slapper immediately as the front wheel would no longer be bouncing back and forth in an effort to straighten itself out. However, I don’t know many people that could pull off a stunt like that in the middle of a panicked situation.


oh well nvm xD


Letting go seems like a... bad idea.


It isn't a bad idea. This is a death wobble, it can be caused by gripping the bars too tightly and over correcting too much


Yeah, but letting go seems like the most surefire way crash...


I assume you've never ridden a bike before. You can let go, momentum means the bike will stay upright and go in a straight line


On a push bike with no limit to how far the bars turn yes


Most of the correct ways to handle situations on a motorcycle are completely counter intuitive. Even your steering is backwards once you get to driving speeds.


That's actually how you stabilize some larger vehicles too. I drive a bus. If I blow a steer tire I'm supposed to apply throttle to stabilize, then gently decelerate and get off the road. It happened to me once a long time ago when I was new and it really was that simple. The power at the rear wants to go in a straight line, so it could be used to help counter any pull/droop on my remaining steer tire. I never once felt out of control of the situation, it was so "uneventful" it... didn't feel right? Kinda kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and something REALLY bad to happen even though I was already stopped.




No brake is best with a tank slapper. Either maintain speed or speed up. Slowing down shifts weight forward and aggravates the issue.


Hm, the speeding up I can agree with maintaining speed isn’t really possible though seen as your hands getting chucked around like mad in a death wobble. Another advice is definitely don’t grip the handlebars harder that I know is Absolutley true the rear brake I mentioned was well meant but not particularly true the thought behind it was it stabilises the bike without putting massive weight on the front forks because it’s the rear


Seeing that made my feet sweat!


It's absolutely about the scariest thing that can happen while riding. But my instructor taught me that unless the bike hits something it's still gyroscopically stable - the bike will never fall over from the forces of the swinging on their own. In fact the best thing to do is to slap your tank and hold onto that fucker with all your might - no matter how badly you don't want to let go of the handlebars. The bike will stabilize and you'll be okay.


Wtf does slap your engine mean. Speed up?


Said the wrong word - meant to say tank. Literally take your hands off the handlebars and hold onto the body of the bike.


In a situation like this is the bike 100% uncontrollable or is there still a chance you can steer a bit?


Absolutely, it's kind of like riding a bicycle without your hands, leaning left or right will move the bike in that direction. You don't have great control, but you should be able to hold your place inside a lane in the worst case. The problem is that you don't have any control of your speed, if you're closing the distance to a car in front of you it can get pretty scary pretty quickly, and people can really struggle to see where they need to move to be safe when they're panicking.


Sounds devastating. I heard you should give more gas to fix this problem but that would be so scary i cannot comprehend


Can work but most people dont have that level pf throttle control amd probably fuck it up even more


Oh ok


Hopefully activating buckaroo mode will make him think twice about riding like an idiot in the future. Flooring it whilst threading the needle between those vehicles and hitting the lane markers wasn’t exactly a smart move.


No, it was something only fucking idiot bike riders do (about 98% of all motor bike riders).... They can do what ever the fuck they want. No! They HAVE TO get in front of everyone, no matter the cost. And if he would have died, it would be the car's fault for sure...


Seasoned rider. Nice job. Edit- I re-reviewed and somehow missed that he split 2 cars. I retract my previous compliment. He is a dumbass.


A seasoned rider wouldn't have pulled that wannabe moto gp pass in the first place.


Oh ya- I somehow didn’t see that in my first watch. 100% dumbass-move.


It can still be a nice save even though it was a dumbass avoidable situation that caused it


Fair point. Very happy injury was avoided!


New rider, what if you used just the rear break?


depends on how fast you're going when it happens, but at this speed it would be either an expensive trip to the ER if you're lucky, free trip to the morgue if you're not (google highside crash, bike stops but you keep going, usually head first)


Searched it and looked at the photos and it's quite scary that you could either fling or get kissed by the road/dirt with a sprinkle of potential death or lifelong injuries (unless god decided to give you protection)


Look up ‘motorcycle death wobble’.


Hope they wore their brown pants.


That’s what the glance back at the end would have been for me, admiring the brown streak I left for the last 300 yards.


Probably puckered up real quick!


if he wasn't he sure is now


What's the song that plays when Death took the handles?


https://youtu.be/qR2QIJdtgiU?si=Ygke0Wb1-fZH9l3s Crystal Castles - "KEROSENE" Release Nov 7, 2012. Yes, Twenty-Twelve.


My birthday plus a lot of years


Thank you


I've been seeing a lot of Crystal Castles songs in videos lately. They fucking kick so much ass


For sure. They have a lot of good songs.


Ethan Kath is apparently an awful human being though


Holy shit, I just read some headlines. I never looked into them beyond music.




Sorry, I couldn't get any audio from the [link](https://v.redd.it/x5kf5w1iss9d1) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


If they weren’t riding like an arsehole maybe that wouldn’t have happened


Phone is the real MVP in all of this.


Deserved it after that completely bullshit lanesplitting.


What is the best coarse of action when this starts?


Speed up a little will straighten you out




You just watched it?


Keep hands on slow down ?


Let go of clutch, don’t break unless you wanna fall




Speed wobble! This rider knew to just let off the throttle, not brake.


Nice save…..fucked riding .


I bet his ass took a big ol' bite outta that bike seat!


Almost absurd.


Speeding and overtaking on the right - well that's what you deserve I guess.


Death Wobble. Happed to me one time during acceleration around a curve. I had to stand it back up and grabbed the back brake hard and it stopped. Almost ran outta road before I hit guardrail on other side. Got lucky. I’ve heard different things. Some say accelerate through it. And some say let off gas and grab brake. Second worked for me.


I didn’t know Jeep made motorcycles




I'm sure that Wi Fi won't pass through his butt hole for a while.


IRL quick time event


If I had half the will to do my job as that phone holder I'd go to places


Damn, tank slap is usually a terminal diagnosis. That’s one lucky dude


That's possibly the worst tank slapper I've ever seen


Leave that bitch, you just cashed that 9th life


The synchronization of the music to the handlebar movement is “Be Amazed”.


fucking music


This happened to me on a normal bike and it was scary af.


Get this man a damper


song name before and after the abrupt chaos?


What is the name of the song that is more chill of the two?


no sympathy here. if you're this person, you suck....


Just a slight reminder to not do any fuckery that day😂


that is the longest video i’ve ever seen


Bet he pulled off to the side to shake out his underwear and possibly throw up. You know there's a full load in them now.


Nice save, my ass! Idiots like this need to stop. Why are they riding missiles through traffic with families all around? Stupid risky maneuvers can send them launching into another vehicle and cause a pile-up. I wish they'd quit trying to supplement their lack of overall awesomeness by simply pulling throttle on a dangerous object, effectively launching it through innocent people, and "hoping" something doesn't go wrong. It pisses me off, dude. Selfish..




Bro lucked out Even found a window to swerve towards right. Imagine if there was more traffic. Bro would’ve ragdolled over cars.


I was a test track down in Florida about 20 years back that Harley Davidson was also testing at. Their mad test drivers had a test where they were going about 30 mph and the slap the back of the cycle really hard to knock it off balance and see how well it restabilizes itself. It’s hard to believe that they could find people to run that one.


This happened to me when I hit a nasty patch of road on the freeway doing about 75 mph. Handlebars got ripped out of my hands, but fortunately it didn't last as long. Needless to say, scary shit.


Is that the jabberwocky?


I wonder if he doesn't have a steering damper.. with a steering damper wouldn't this not happen?


Upvote for the audio


Been there, it's sureal. Glad he made it!


That's one way to cure constipation.


I know how that feels 😞 I've had a few scares like this on my 08' Yamaha R6. It's a track bike right out of the box, not meant for the streets (compared to a GSX-R). I finally bought a steering stabilizer for it and it was a world of a difference.


Dude, you really need to change that ringtone.


His wrists must be hurting quite a bit


Lmao. The music tho….


Methinks this rider has already bought and fitted a steering damper after that….


Would a Steering Dampner have prevented that instance?


His pants are definitely shidded


ah yeah, the wobble of death... really sucks when it happens


The navigation program losing its fucking mind.


Another accident almost caused by lane splitting - FIFY


Whats the music called when hes wiggling the bike?


What’s the song when he’s rapidly correcting his steering?


He must've slipped on the quarter mile streak of poop that was right behind his bike


First, if the streak is being laid down behind him as he goes, how is it causing the tires to slip? Second, wouldn't it be the wobble that caused the poop in the first place? Not the other way around? The classic chicken or poop logic problem


Probably take him a week and half to dump all that adrenaline and clean out his pants.


The pants ain’t saved.


Next time that happens do a willie


That’s what he gets for illegally passing


That will teach him to skip bicep/triceps days at the gym.




Did you listen to the entire video or just mute immediately? It’s a joke made via background music. The absurd juxtaposition of the tracks matches the abrupt changes between control and lack thereof and back again.