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I mean generally the people that started in the same class together hang out with each other the most. The senior managers hang with the other senior managers and managers. The seniors hang with the seniors. And the exp staff hang with the other exp staff and staff. In my firm we all mingle with one another but generally they stick to those groups. There is a small group of seniors who hang with other managers but no one is disrespectful to each other. It’s just who you hang out with.


My job is like this. Our accounting department is like the island of misfit toys, we are the only ones without our own offices and frequently get treated like crap. We are as okay as we can be for 6 people staring at each other all day. The only advice I have is go to work and do your job. Don’t get involved in cliques, let them be. Don’t engage in shit talking, don’t share personal life. Just keep distance and work while you’re at work and socialize after.


This sounds like a terrible working set up.


It truly is.


Why? You are there to work. All that other mess is secondary.


They are the only department that doesn’t get an office, apparently sitting in an awkward arrangement where they have to stare at each other all day, and they get treated like crap. What about that sounds good?




instructions unclear. currently having affair with partner. His wife would never understand, in the one he loves.


Your username gave me hemorrhoids


spicy hemorrhoids I hope!


It takes a while for people to get used to new folks so just do your work, be friendly, make small talk and eventually they will think, oh this person is here for a while, let’s accept them.


I’ll sit with you at lunch. ♥️


Bro. I saw 2 admin staff and a staff 1 form a clique and leave out the other admin staff that is literally the nicest/sweet person I’ve ever met in my life. They planned a party together and left her out and man it was hard seeing her cry. Ironically, of the clique, one was fired, one only works seasonally, and the last one was moved to the other side of the building. Still man. Fucking hurt to see. Luckily the other admin staff took her under their wing and now the three of them are really close. So there was a silver lining in the end.


Bro I hate the office cliques so much. I only have 3 people in my office but I got this one coworker always asking me what's for lunch and telling me how tired they are. My other coworker comes to my desk daily and has to slap my keyboard and sometimes leave half eaten apples on my laptop. I need to invest into another baby gate and some headphones.


If they don’t step on your foot why does it bother you? Just mind your business, don’t gossip, and you will be alright






It's toxic if they are overtly or even discreetly blocking out others from participating. This doesn't sound like the case. People that get together well are going to gravitate towards each other. If you're not a part of that it doesn't make it toxic.


People are allowed to have friends at work.


Says who?


It's hard to tell if it is a clique so early on. Most of us tend to open up after a few months, especially if you when coming from a cutthroat environment. Type A's don't always excel in our work, because they want to make friends before hitting deadlines. Nothing wrong with that, you spend most of your day at work, you should like the people. But the majority of us don't trust you to be around long enough to put that effort in until you can prove yourself to be proficient at what you do. Just do your job well, and be personable if you are approached. You'll be fine. These are 100% just my experiences and do not relate to everyone in this sub as a whole...


Isn’t that the opposite of type A


Crap, you’re right. Yea. Disregard my essay please. Don’t be a dork, and just talk when talked to.




Big clique in my office. 12 or so people in the department. Three most senior people have known eachother ten plus years. They’ll chat loads about non-work stuff to eachother and will barely interact with anyone else. Even when I try to join in I get blanked and when I try to start conversations it’s totally one-way. Everyone else in the team is so demotivated from it we barely interact with eachother as it’s so miserable. The day I realised it was too toxic for me was when one person in the clique went up to another and loudly asked him what he’s doing for his first Father’s Day with me right next to him. It was also my first Father’s Day and he was fully aware. But I got completely blanked. I wouldn’t do that even to a coworker I despised. I enjoy the work but I’m totally mentally checked out now This is in industry btw. In practice this sort of cliqueness does make sense but in industry where you all work very closely every day and are all in very close proximity it’s very different


When we actually worked in the office, we definitely had cliques, and they were a cult...christians! Hardcore christians that would get together and pray every.fucking.morning!


If being a clique keeps them the fuck away from me then great, clique on


*If being a clique* *Keeps them the fuck away from* *Me then great, clique on* \- dustysnudevibrations --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Donuts. Bring donuts. They are the great office equalizer.


Unless one of them is "gluten-free" or one is diabetic, this should work. Before I get some hate about GF being in quotes, there are many people out there who say they're gluten sensitive, but don't even know what gluten is. One of our admin ladies is actually gluten sensitive and the whole office knows when she ate something with gluten. I feel bad for the extra stress it causes her.


What’s toxic about workplace friends?


Do you work and go home. Pretty simple.


Most jobs are like this unfortunately - and when they’re not they’re completely disfuncional environments. My current team is tiny and I’m the newest staff to join - at a mid/high tier position. Even then , the other members can be cliquey as hell and kiss each other’s ass while I feel out of the loop and neglected constantly . Even to the point there’s often information they have and then it appears they withhold from me (not out of spite just bc we all manage our own things) and it sucks. They’ve known each other for years so it makes sense. But yea the way I deal is just remind yourself consistently you’re jus there for the paycheck . Do your job - be friendly but don’t be a pushover. Fake banter and smiles for the $


I didn’t come to work to fraternize, socialize, or make friends. I came here to do accounting, do a good job, and get my BONUS. And that’s that.