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12 holidays + 22 days PTO.


But billable hours are still due. PTO is just permission to work more before you take it.


Ah but do we care about utilization?  I love my shareholders as much as the next one of us but muh pto is use it or lose it


42. 28 days basic + 8 public holidays which can be banked and used as you please + up to 6 days can be purchased pre tax which is a no brainer if you're at the top marginal rate.


You can purchase your time off??


Pretty standard in Europe yes.


It seems it’s the same concept as unpaid leave with maybe extra steps.


Not really. You do it via salary sacrifice like any other benefit like pension or health insurance. It then comes off the top of your gross salary at around 50% discount evenly over 12 months of the year since you buying the days before tax. It then gets added to your annual opening leave balance. If you decide not to use the leave by year-end then you can roll it to next year, or sell it and get your money back via gross up of your last paycheque.


Happy cake day!


I left a job in Higher Ed where I had 28 days/year off, plus the last few years before I left they gave us Christmas Eve through New Years off. Since I kept working from home after covid, I found I didn't come anywhere near using that many PTO days. I cashed out 28 days when I left. The job I went to gave me 10 days my first year. That was the one thing that sucked about it. I did like the huge difference in pay, though.


Did something similar, but starting to miss the pto now


How much is the pay difference?


It was a 40% pay increase. Higher ed pay is usually low. I loved working there, but I needed to be able to support my family. At the current job, I get an additional 2-3 days each year. So at least it doesn’t stay at 10 days forever.


I fellow higher ed person! I work in higher ed now but start my “official” accounting job at the end of May. Going from lots of vacation time down to 15 days a year. Big changes but waaay better pay!


Did the exact same thing, now I'm begging for more PTO. Yes I get paid more and work less hours, but having only 10 days really tough to plan a family vacation plus other obligations.


Industry. Unlimited PTO. In my first year I'm using about 6 weeks


I personally would hate unlimited since I would never know if im taking too much and it would lead me to take less (Which is why they do it im sure) lol


The key is deciding you care about your family more than your career advancement WITHIN that company.




Nope, only career growth at THAT company. The next one doesn't need to know I took 2 months off last year.


This is the way! I value my time with family WAY more than advancing at one company. Also, I am way too much of a transient to care about staying put in one state. But that’s just me :)


I also have unlimited PTO. You will see people watch each others time off and complain about it etc. You just have to decide that its your life and you don't care. Obviously this is all within the context of doing a very good job so nobody ever thinks to look at your PTO to begin with


You know how much vacation liability an unlimited PTO policy creates?




I read a study a couple years back comparing companies that offered unlimited PTO vs companies that offered traditional amount of PTO hours. The findings were the employees with unlimited actually ended up taking less days. Mainly because those who watched their PTO hours accrue felt the need to actually use them and/or they would eventually cap out.


Are you in Europe? This is pretty unheard of in the US, unless maybe you're in government or non-profit for a few years. My last couple jobs, I've negotiated to get 3 weeks of vacation instead of 2.


>My last couple jobs, I've negotiated to get 3 weeks of vacation instead of 2. To be fair, that's also fairly low even by US white-collar standards. I'd expect 3-4 weeks as standard in a white-collar position, and consider anything less to be an extremely stingy firm with a terrible culture.


Yeah, even 25 years ago 15 days vacation and three personal days were standard in Big Six.


Idk I get unlimited and took 6 weeks off last year. I think unlimited is getting kind of common but people are too scared to use it


We have unlimited and I still don’t use that much. I’m getting more comfortable in my 3rd year at the company. My coworkers have taken a month off at a time and it looks nice. I took 2 weeks at Christmas and it felt amazing.


I could definitely see that happening, I don't currently work in an accounting role but I struggle to schedule time off as I always have to play catch-up when I come back. When I don't take time off I stay on top of my work and it's quite easy that way in comparison. Ironically, taking vacation is one of the most stressful parts of my job.


The firm I was at before in the US was 5 weeks vacation and unlimited sick time in public accounting. The thing is that we were so busy it was tough to take time off without feeling some guilty of the burden put onto others. Mental health days were taken as sick time every now n then though


The big 4 all have 5 weeks PTO plus holidays based on my experience. So 6 is not crazy. Also 2 weeks for a white collar job is well below average and I would not consider a job that offered less than 4 weeks.


This post has been enlightening since I had no idea that big 4 gets so much vacation! My last job was at a tech company with a few thousand employees and I only had 3 weeks vacation, but there was separate sick time of like a week and a half or something, 3 personal days and a bunch of paid holidays.


I work for a state agency and I get 4 weeks of annual leave, 10 state/federal holiday's, and 12 sick days a year.


Thats pretty good!


PA here - 10 holidays and 4 weeks of PTO.


Same. Had to think. But yes that adds up to 4 weeks roughly. We also get petty leave which can only be used by the hour, service to others which can even include career day at your kid’s school for example, and sick allotment too.


Technically unlimited. I usually take about 4 weeks for vacation and a few sick days. We also get 8 holidays.


Do you like the unlimited? I currently have unlimited and don’t really like it. I’d prefer the three weeks honestly


Also there’s no vacation payout if/when you leave which also kind of sucks


I have it and I love it. What am I not gonna take the time off just to bank it? I enjoy my free time too much which is why I take 6 weeks. By the sounds of it though I need to bump that number up a bit haha.


Yeah idk I feel like I tend to take less time now, but maybe I should change that


You for sure should change that.


This is a big reason why companies are going unlimited PTO. When an employee quits the liability owed to the employee does not include PTO, which is a huge cost savings for the company. Also, studies have shown that employees take *less* time off on an unlimited PTO plan versus a set balance plan. Unlimited PTO is largely only good for the employer and not the employee, it just sounds cool on paper.


Exactly why I don’t like it lol. Just a good ploy, but in reality isn’t cool


Maybe it’s because I finally have my first white collar job but I’ve had 25+ jobs and not a single one of them ever paid me out for any remaining PTO/sick time. On top of that, using PTO after your notice isn’t allowed so I pretty much gave up any PTO when deciding to quit.


Unlimited, except for Feb-April. It's not tracked and since we're 100% remote, I don't need to take the day off to go on a vacation somewhere. For days I know I'm not going to be in, I just everyone on the team know.


Hello fellow Canadian. My vacation policy is okay but not great. I only get 15 days of paid vacation (3 weeks) and 5 sick days. Our office also closes between Christmas Eve and New Years Day inclusive, so that’s like maybe an extra 3-4 days of paid vacation, but it’s only at a particular time of year, I can’t take those days in lieu and use them some other time. Manager position in a public company, 11 yoe.


Hello fellow Canadian. Up until last year all I ever had was 3 weeks. 3 weeks seems to be the norm in most companies. Now my company gave me 4 this year but 4 is the max for this company


4 weeks is my goal. That’s a healthy amount. During my recent raise discussions, my company increased my maximum bonus considerably, but honestly next time around I would prefer it if they gave me 4 weeks or even 5 weeks of vacation instead of more bonus. Vacation is guaranteed but bonuses are a “maybe”. I have to work hard for a bonus but vacation time lets me recharge. I’d rather have more vacation than more money.


What per year?


I get 104 days off every year. They're called Saturday and Sunday.


20 days, which has to cover everything (sick time, vacation, etc.). This is also the cap, so even if you don't take any time off you can't accrue beyond the 20 days. You can roll over up to 6 days year to year. All time off is prohibited between Thanksgiving and the new year. Industry job, HCOL area, USA.


Not counting federal holidays, 15 PTO + 13 sick days + 2 floating holidays + 2 wellness days = 32 days. 12 days rolloverable I think


You guys get days off?


Every Friday in July/August. One week in August as PTO, every long weekend we get the Mon/Fri off (Thanksgiving = MOnday so we get the prior Friday, etc.) as well as 4 weeks vacation beyond that. Close to 7 weeks total days off.




Ontario, canada. Much like you said, we have great younger partners who are very open minded and forward thinking but also know how to get what we need to get done.




Whereabouts in Ontario are you guys? I'm in Waterloo and can't believe that


How much is pay in that region?


185. As an accounting professor, my contract is for 180 days. Someone mentioned last week that I could make more in industry, and I said, "But then I have to work ALL of the days!" I would probably have to show up at 8 and stay until 5, too.






14 paid holidays. Used to be 4 weeks PTO until we switched to "unlimited". Under the new unlimited system, you're looked at negatively if you take more than 4 weeks, so it's still 4 weeks, but now the firm gets to flaunt "unlimited" PTO and they don't have to pay out accrued PTO upon departure.


33 incl bank holidays. Plus 5 or so sick days nicely spaced out so as not to attract attention from HR


I work in government and I get 21 days of personal leave, 9 days of sick leave. I also get 10 holidays. Also around Christmas we usally get a week off or so


I get 3.5 weeks and all federal holidays. Private company, MCOL. Negotiated extra week under the guise of needed extra PTO time for CPE credits. Highly recommend for future interviews


6 weeks + 14 holidays.


21 days + 1 day per year of service up to 5. I'm up to 25 before standard holidays.


Officially it’s 20 days of PTO and Personal time. 7 sick days? And all the fed holidays and stuff.


14 Holidays + 29 PTO + one half day a week between Memorial and Labor Day


I take around 30 days off total, including holidays


3 weeks PTO and whatever the government holidays are


Same. These other answers are killing me.


Unlimited PTO in the US. Last year I took a European amount of PTO without issue


8 holidays + 24 PTO + birthday + 11 days extra paid leave for army reserves + 4 bought holidays = 48 total this year


28 plus all federal holidays


You get a limited amount of sick days wth is that for bullshittery? Or is that you get 5 sick days before you get a salary cut? Here in NL I get 28 days and the legal minimum would be 18 days on a 36 hour contract. But with the amount of overtime I have at the beginning of the year I can take a lot more off if I want to. We also have 2 free days from the boss and 8 possible free holidays iirc.




Sorry but to me it is the norm that they fucking pay you if you are sick (here in NL and BE they get compensated form the government for it, but still)


Unlimited, which for many companies and teams is a trap (employees tend to take fewer days off under an unlimited plan than when they have a specific number to hit), but I’d never want to switch. I take at least 5 weeks off each year, sometimes more. That 5 weeks doesn’t include 10 paid holidays - I take those on top of my 5 week minimum of PTO. I also take sick days as needed.




Yep, it can be harder to take time off without a “use it or lose it” target that a defined time off plan provides. Additionally, companies like unlimited PTO because it removes their liability to payout unused PTO when an employee quits (although the payout requirement law varies from state to state, so this may not always be a reason that companies have unlimited policies).


That's actually not the real reason for unlimited PTO. Companies need to accrue for PTO which has 2 drawbacks - it creates a liability on their balance sheet and if an employee leaves the employer is legally obligated to pay out unused PTO in cash. If the company switches to unlimited PTO policy, it can bypass all this legal/GAAP nonsense (and a side benefit is employees typically use less of it too).


See my other comment for a discussion on this! The PTO payout liability is not always the primary driver for an unlimited policy, since PTO payout laws vary from state to state. You’re correct that it can be a driver. I doubt many companies are choosing unlimited policies as a way to limit employees taking PTO; in cases where it’s not to avoid PTO payout liabilities, I would guess that simplifying tracking is a bigger driver (for example, no need for monitoring and updating PTO banks). However, employees taking fewer days as a result of unlimited plans is certainly a side effect, even where it’s not an intentional reason for the policy.


Yes, I completely agree on the record keeping aspect as I manage the person who tracks PTO at my company. A few years ago MA started requiring employers to allow up to 40 hours of carryover each year. To make things worse, everyone at my company has a different PTO reset date (which is the same as their work anniversary). I'm now considering pushing for an unlimited PTO policy.


If you have the power to do so, do it! As I mentioned, I love unlimited and have even declined a job offer for slightly more salary but only 3 weeks of PTO instead of unlimited. Just be sure to also advocate that the company needs to empower managers to encourage people to use PTO under an unlimited plan!


You get an entire month at once? I wish I could find that. I have massive burn out and taking 1 week at a time isn't helping because it goes so fast. I get 6 weeks plus holidays but I can only take 1 week at a time unless I ask for special consideration and it's approved. My boss also really pressures people not to take time off at all which is annoying.


6 holidays, 5 sick days, 15 vacation days. Fortune 500 company, USA.




Holiday meaning Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. Non flexible days that I still get paid for not working.


32 days of PTO/sick (below manager gets 28 days), plus the normal holidays and half day Fridays from May-labor day


15 vacation 13 holidays 3 personal 40 sick days (unpaid and honestly doesn't matter)


15 pto 5 personal 10 holidays 2 misc days (Volunteering/flex holiday)


10 holidays, 20 vacation/PTO days, and 35 hour weeks between memorial and Labor Day which also reduce vacation being used in the summer so a week off is 35 hours of vacation time or you can flex hours and not work Fridays, which a lot of people do.


I get infinite days off. Infinity pto


I like that. I'm gonna start referring to unlimited PTO as infinity PTO 😂


I'm in industry doing tax and get 20 days plus 10 holidays. I get 8 extra sick days though. In public accounting tax I got 25 combined PTO/sick days and I think 12 holiday days.


Internal Audit, US, 16 holidays, 196 PTO hours a year that is cap at 320 for accumulation but can be roll over, 96 hours for sick days a year with no cap on accumulation and can be roll over. No sick time is used if works half a day. I never got denied on any request. I was able to use up my PTO and sick days plus parental leave to get 12 weeks off when my kid was born. Quit PA is my message.


10 sick days, 3 personal days, 5 weeks vacation after 5 years of service.


5 weeks PTO, 2 free floating holidays to use whenever throughout the year, and 11 federal holidays. We also can flex hours within a month so if you work a shit ton over hours one week you can take time off within the same month


12 holidays + 4-5weeks PTO depending on tenure + a week off between xmas and new years


Annually, working for a University in the US (state agency): 4.4 weeks of vacation (up to) 2.4 weeks of sick time 3 weeks of holiday and closure time


6 weeks PTO + 10 bank holidays after next promotion first to 7 weeks But I am jumping ship this year for a bigger pay bump. Have young kids and can’t really even take advantage at this stage in life. Other then lots of days off in town at home etc.


Basically unlimited. Though the only reason it is extended to me is because they know I want abuse it. I view it as having the liberty to take a few weeks for a trip off if needed. Probably took 3-4 weeks last year


11 holidays and 20 PTO. I’ll have 25 next year.


10 holidays. 25 PTO


11 holidays plus 27.5 days PTO. Manager in public in US and I use all of the days.


I get five weeks now at an accounting firm. Started at 4 though, and we have to use PTO for sick days.


10 weeks a year, holidays and PTO.


~23 days is when you could run into issues getting approved at my firm. So, 4 weeks and a day here and there. Not including any sick days or other days off here.


Something like 15 holidays (can remember exact number) & unlimited pto for industry job


15 days vacation, 6 days Deloitte Days, 4 days some other type of day off. I think 3 personal days. And technically, (but not realistically) unlimited sick days.


I'd have to check my calendar but it's 21 days of personal PTO and something like another 21 days of holiday PTO. Plus as a first year I get some extra days of PTO for the CPA. I think it was 5 days for studying and then 1 day for each section. I'd have to check my calendar though like I said. I'm PA in America FYI. And I forgot to mention that I get flexible work from home (hybrid schedule) so I don't need to worry about using PTO for things like sick time unless I'm really a tax write off.


17 PTO, 6 Sick, and 10 holiday. But i work remote so...


4.5 weeks pto + 8 federal holidays + one wfh day a week (no commute in to the office once a week is a nice perk, feels like a 4 day work week even though I am plugged in wfh it’s still not the same and I appreciate that)


One day per month :(


2.5 weeks of regular vacation days. Another 2 weeks sick time and we get 13 holiday days. And we get half day Fridays during the summer months


15 Holidays + 23 PTO days


3 weeks plus about 12 firm wide days. This is in addition to the typical Canadian stat days.


Unlimited, but I usually take around 20-25 a year on top of normal holidays


I get 4 weeks PTO (combined vacation and sick leave) plus 11 holidays. However my company policy is that salaried employees only need to use PTO for full days off. If I do any work on a given day- no matter how minimal- I’m not required to use a vacation day even if I don’t work the rest of the day. I try not to abuse this policy so it doesn’t get changed.


I’m in the US. We have approximately 17 paid holidays this year, plus unlimited PTO which they suggest we take a minimum of 4-8 weeks depending on level. But it’s public accounting so you bust your ass several busy seasons a year.


I take close to 8 weeks. Unlimited pto life.


I need to pump my numbers up I guess, thought I was living the life with 6 weeks lol. Everyone hating on unlimited PTO but I'm loving it. Id rather take a bunch of time off while getting paid instead of not taking time off just to bank it lol.


It’s complicated. I think it’s 16 PTO days, federal holidays. We also can one day off a week for 8 predesignated weeks but it’s not PTO- we have to make up the hours during busy season- but that’s easy. Other than that we need to average 40 per year and can work 1/2 days so long as we meet that goal.


7 weeks


12 holidays, 15 sick days and 15 vacation days.


5 weeks vacation, 2 weeks sick


What firm is this? MNP?


3 weeks plus 3 days off every four weeks and a couple personal days. The three weeks works it's way up to six weeks


80 hours of sick, 80 hours of vacation, 16 hours of volunteer time, 11 company paid holidays and a floating holiday.


When I was hired I was told I was getting 5 weeks vacation. And then I discovered 2 of those weeks were conditional on whether they decided I had worked enough OT during busy season. So really I have 3 weeks guaranteed, which is one week more than what is the mandatory minimum in my province, and this time includes sick days. And according to my managers we should be thankful for that 3 weeks because a lot of places only give 2 even though 3 being the default was my experience in other firms. I don't love that the 2 extra weeks are dangled as a prize and that if I choose to take them they might decide on a whim at the end of the year that I didn't do enough and they'll claw it back, but it is what it is.


Wow, everyone here gets so much more time than I do. US, Public accounting - regional firm, I get 5 days for everything (includes sick time + vacation) and we work all federal holidays except July 4th, Christmas and Thanksgiving day.


That sucks ass. US is in dire need of some labor reforms.


12 holidays + 26 days vacation + 13 paid sick days. I roll over 6 weeks of vacation every year.


3 weeks PTO + 14 holidays + the week between Christmas and New Years.


9 paid holidays, 3.5 hours accrued sick pto & 3.25 hours accrued vacation pto every 2 weeks.


Normal, three weeks off, 5 bonus days to add onto long weekends, 5 personal days, 5 medical days and unlimited sick days which is normal for most firms. We also get 2k towards vacation like hotels, flights, etc.


16 days PTO and major holidays, but my boss gives me extra unofficial days if I work OT or work a weekend. (Industry, US)


8 holidays and weekends. That’s it.


20 pto + 12 holidays + 5 days at Christmas + summer Fridays off between memorial and Labor Day and half days don’t count against our pto balance, but they do need to be approved ahead of time. Edit to say that I work at a small private company as an internal accountant


I get 2 weeks a year, plus 11 paid holidays. In reality, if I need to leave early or come in late, I can. I just have to make up the time later. We also do 9/80s during slow season (right now), so we get every other Friday off. Not bad. But I used to work somewhere where we had 1/2 days on Fridays, good times.


PA firms usually have much better holiday / vacation policy cuz they can’t afford to pay 😅 once you get promoted to senior manager, good luck being to be off during August when your clients email/call you.


Unlimited* Where we can take up to 3 week blocks at a time though we have blackouts Sep - Nov, Feb - April


We have unlimited but there’s there hour goals to meet so there’s that


11 holidays. 25 pto. 1 week off at Christmas - the exact number depends on which days are already holidays.


12 days combined sick leave and PTO plus 6 or 7 holidays. It's miserable.


12 holidays & 20 PTO days, can rollover up to 40 days of PTO


Disclaimer: the Netherlands. I have 33 days off (legal minimum is 20). Add our 10-odd public holidays (differs by year; if a holiday falls on a weekend you're outta luck). Depending on how you look at it, we either have zero or unlimited sick leave. You call in sick, that's it. The only question your employer can ask is "Any estimate on your recovery expectation?". There's some terms and conditions (e.g. have to work on your recovery, consult a company doctor), but you get paid 100% the first year, 70% the second. Only after 2 years of being _continously_ sick may the company end your employment contract.


10 paid holidays plus three weeks PTO. I can roll forward up to 200 hours each year.


30 days, this excludes national holidays like Christmas and eastern etc. so even more.


30 days paid annual leave


22 days


16 days (starts at 15 and an additional day per year with company) + 2 floating holidays and unlimited sick days (doctors note required after 3 sick days in a row). I travel one week a month and mo days and Friday of that week are typically just travel days where I don’t do any work. Friday travel days are great since I’m normally home in my house and settled by mid afternoon


Hi Dear. I am Aditya from Docyt AI (a Silicon Valley, CA-based AI-powered Accounting Automation firm). In my opinion, it sounds like you have a fantastic work-life balance at your firm! Six weeks of paid vacation is very generous, and it's even better that they are flexible with additional time off requests. Having 5 sick days on top of that is another great perk. Small firms can definitely offer some hidden advantages, and it seems like you found one with a great culture and supportive partners. It's especially fortunate to find this situation as a young accountant in Canada. Enjoy it!


26 days of PTO / year. 13 days sick time / year which I’m allowed to take if my kids or my parents are sick. 11 paid holidays. So that’s…. 50 days off. Ten weeks. *government employee with 15+ years”


I think we accumulate something like 2 weeks a year? And we earn comp time during tax season on anything over 50 hours. Then the office is closed the Thursday and Friday after the season ends, we get Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, the days the office closes the week of thanksgiving depends on what we have for work, then the office is closed the last week of the year through the 1st.


40 PTO days plus 7 holidays plus flexible schedule so I can work four tens and take a three day weekend without using PTO


10 holiday, sick accrues at 4 hours/month which do not roll. 1 week vacation after 1 year, 2 weeks after two years, then three weeks after five years. Vacation also accrues throughout the year.


34 - 25 PTO + 9 holidays which can be banked and used whenever. Not sure how many days it equates to exactly but we also get to take a half day every Friday or every other Friday off in the summer.


I currently get 25 days PTO + 8 holidays, next year .y PTO gets bumped by another 10 days 😎


About 45. I sought out a job with tons of time off for a reason. However, I average at least 55 hours a week from January to April 15.


30 Basic Entitlement (28+2 for long service) 8 Public Holidays Can also buy or sell 5 So 43 at most


I get 19 days of annual leave, 13 days of sick leave, and 12 holidays per year.


Best way for me would be to get all of them and also using some from sick leaves :p


5 weeks pto, 2 weeks of firm shut downs around particular holidays. About another week of firm office closings for other holidays


4 weeks PTO, firm holiday shutdowns for another 2 and then some ransoms holidays thrown in. Unlimited sick- which is great for mental health days after a project end date. (PwC US).


American Pharma Company… 12 holidays, not including that we have the time between Christmas and New Years off. As well as 25 days PTO.


18 Holidays + 20 PTO/Sick days in KPMG US as a Senior Associate.


2 weeks time off. US corporate accounting.


Secretary in an office in Argentina, 14 days w payment


10 days vacation 5 sick 🥲


And I’ve been here for 10 years this month


We bank our OT and start with 4 weeks before the OT is factored in. I usually end up using about 10 weeks of PTO a year (lots of half days, 4 day weeks, and about 3 weeklong vacations) & I still carry over about 160 hours on average.


Canadian, currently at 4 weeks vacation + a few personal days, "officially." Work for a culture that doesn't mind if you squeeze a few days here or there, which is also nice.


A little over 45 days combined: - 20 days flex PTO - 15 days of firm shut down (4th of July and the two weeks around Christmas - 12 holidays and the half day ahead of each one as well. I love my firm.


6 stat holidays, 10 additional days off in the year, and 15 days PTO. I think 3 personal days


In the US with 20 vacation days, 10 sick days and 2 personal. 14 holidays.


Public accounting, technically we have unlimited PTO with a 3 week “minimum” but it’s more like a 3 week maximum and PTO subject to where you are at with you billable hours. So if you are not where your manager wants you to be they can deny your PTO on the grounds that they think you are not going to meet your minimum billable for the year.


12-13 holidays (depending on if it’s an election year), 4 weeks vacation, 12 sick days, 3 floating holidays. About to ask for another week for CPE requirements.


13 holidays, 13 days PTO, 13 days sick leave. PTO goes to 19.5 days a year at 3 years of service. 


11 holidays + 35 PTO days (10 years of experience) USA.  I have an awesome employer. (0-5 years is 25 days, 5-10 is 30 days, and I believe when you hit 15 it is 40 PTO days) Industry, no billable hours. 40 hour weeks.