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Just post your questions and we’ll answer as a group. A group of shitposters and idiots.


Although I love this mentality I am an eager beaver for a high gpa so I must follow the rules for this interview at least bc it’s so heavily weighted 😭


That perspective bodes well for your future! So much more refreshing than, "I just failed the CPA exam. What should I do?" or "Should I become a CPA?"


As a student and entry level accountant, I got you. If there is a chance I will sound like the wolf of wall street as an accountant though


Here a tip, call any cpa firms in your city. Ask to connect with HR and ask them to connect with one of the partners or person in the firm so you can interview them for your class assignment. They will direct you and you also network with that firm and leave a good impression. Dont ask randon redditor; use this as an opportunity to network for future job prospect.


I would but they’re in the works for an intern, and then I just got word I have an internship in tax season that’s 2 hours away while I’m in university lol


Go to a local AICPA event next couple of weeks?


Seems like your professor is doing this to get you and your classmates to network with local firms to get your foot in the door with potential employers. I'd find a regional firm or local firm and see if they can set you up with someone. This is the type of thing firms eat up so they can find potential grads for employment.


True but the problem is I’m getting out of my area as soon as I graduate


That's ok. 1.) you don't need to tell them that. Just play along. 2.) Do you know where you want to settle? Call someone there. Just as easy to get on a Zoom call these days.


Yeah I just got an internship for next tax season but I don’t know any of the accountants and they’re kind of busy rn so I hate to be a bother


oh stop. Reach out .. they're accountants, not the CIA. "Hi this is Nice Item. I have an internship with the company coming up and I've been asked to interview an tax accountant for an assignment at school and wondering if anybody has availability for a 15-20 minutes? I don't have any direct contacts and thought this was a great opportunity to meet someone from the tax team before I start. Thank you. " Give someone on the team a chance to meet you and vice versa so you can a sense of what you're getting into. Then they go back to the team and say I just met so and so.. they seem nice. Should be fine. They asked what they should focus on this year to be ready for when they start.


You're making up excuses...


Why don’t you pull up to your local accounting office and introduce yourself to some of the staff & partners? I know it’s sounds intimidating but you would be surprised! Most people are happy to help. It would be a great way to meet some contacts and learn about what’s happening in your area. Edit: fixed typo


I am self-employed in the bookkeeping and controllership (industry) world. I have held employment positions in the past. DM me if you can't find any tax people.


Thank you so so much in advance! If I don't find a tax specific individual, I will certainly hit you up in the dms :)!!


Bro accounting is so easy to get into, and it's so popular, that everything you need to learn to **get** a job is online. If you want specific advice about specific paths, then you contact people for advice.


I understand that but I don’t know any accountants and I need to interview one within a few weeks :)


I was required to do this too. What I did was go on LinkedIn and asked an alumni of my university to interview them. Chances are they'd be happy to be interviewed by someone from their alma mater. Also would be good to find an alumni that aligns with your goals. I interviewed someone who is a CPA and works at a company I want to work for, so I was able to be more engaged in the convo and ask more questions. Good luck!


An interview with me will get you to switch majors lmao


It seems you've got people but I'm open. I'm a CPA and worked in audit and now government technical accounting. Honestly might not hurt to do a couple interviews to get different perspectives.


I just graduated recently. I remember these assignments. I wish I had more experience to offer you but if you want perspective from a fresh grad. Let me know and DM me.


I volunteer as tribute! DM me.


Honestly, I feel that the goal of this is to get you to network and connect with individuals in your area. For your benefit, I think it would be wiser to take this chance as you have an excuse to spend time with these people.


Sure. Corporate Controller.


Sure. Send me a message if other people fall through.


I work in tax in public accounting, send me a message if you’d like to set something up


I'm currently in finance ops. I previously spent almost 7 years in corporate tax. Feel free to DM if you're still looking for someone.


Didn't read all the responses so maybe you're covered, but im a CPA who's spent 5 years working in tax at a couple different public accounting firms. I'd be happy to help ya out and talk about my career path, accounting in general, and anything else you'd like to chat about.


I’m happy to although I work in New Zealand tax so probably not that relevant for you lol


Seems like you got people but I’m a tax manager with my EA who’s been in public accounting for 8 years. Message if you still need someone!


DM me if you want. I’ll help you out


I’m not tax either but corporate controller for a small company - would be happy to do this if you don’t find anyone better suited.