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Good one. No, I'm not autistic, and unlike many, I'm literate and brilliant. What I wrote was from the heart and it's all true. I don't need ChatGPT to write a few paragraphs. Most people can't string together a sentence. I could see how it might be perceived as robotic, and if you came up in a pressure-cooker environment like me, you'd choose your words wisely as well. I wanted to make a point. I see that it struck some nerves. Good. That was my intent. Peace unto you, king.


Calling yourself brilliant makes it obvious you're not a personality fit on most teams. Sorry bud.


Honestly dude, it's your fucking personality.


Nah I’m a black CPA and have experienced some of the same thing that he’s talking about. My only recourse has been to be an asshole!


You don't know me personally. And that still doesn't explain why I can't get a call back if we're going off just resumes.


>me personally Heads up that's a redundant statement, and have you tried posting your resume here?


You have a tl;dr? Also the expression is *couldn’t* care less, not could care less. If you could care less that means you care at least somewhat.


tl;dr - OP is black and can’t get a job. Also writes like a robot and responds to comments like he is god. Hopefully future tl;dr - OP takes a long hard look at himself, changes what needs to be changed, and gets a full-time job


You're right, I stand corrected. I'm not infallible. Peace.


I hope you find a company that values your work, keep your head up and keep at it


You must be absolutely unemployable. There’s absolutely no reason why you should be having any trouble finding work as a black cpa.


We share the same opinion.


Maybe I’m the odd one out, but I didn’t read his comment as a good thing. Being absolutely unemployable is a horrible thing to be.


If I was your manager and you talked like this I’d proofread your emails as well. You sound like a weird homeschooled kid and this entire rambling post seems off. And honestly, I’d pass on any candidate in a job interview who talks like this unless they’ve got a stellar resume which you don’t given your limited work experience. Perhaps work on your soft skills before blaming the system which clearly gave you a leg up and tried to keep it a secret from your peers.




lol amazing


You a CPA?


My resume is PwC, Nomura, JPMorgan, Goldman. I went to public school in the early 2000's in Queens. Guns, knives, gangs, shady police, you name it. My soft skills are what got me through all that. The system gave your bitchass a leg up, and it continues to do so. Keeping it a secret was to prevent inciting outrage from entitled brats like you.


It's pretty obvious from your replies that you have antipathy for white people. That probably doesn't help in your professional interactions.


Hi there, what did you do at Nomura? Just curious


Bro I'm not reading this


Then it wasn't meant for you. Peace.


This is bait lol


If this post is real man, then I wouldn't have posted this online, what I would have done is talk to your fellow black peers about this. It's gonna rub people the wrong way to talk about you benefited from a program over others because of your race.  Even though we all know the cpa is hard, most people won't even go for it. I commend you passing it and doing what most people regardless of there ethnicity  won't be able to do


I appreciate you king. Nevertheless, what's the point of having a voice if I don't use it? 2 out of 100 CPAs are black. If you see any black CPAs in your office, you let me know. What I wrote absolutely should rub people the wrong way. Regardless of PwC's pilot program, what you didn't know is that I already came through with my 4 degrees, and I graduated summa cum laude as the top student in a class of over 1,700 in the accounting major. I had a cumulative 4.0 straight through grad school. If you saw me in the street, you would never think so. I'm muscular, heavily tatted, and I wear du rags outside. Yes, I'm an anomaly. PwC's initiative or lack thereof would likely have had no bearing on my ability to pass the exam. It was destined to go that way no matter what.


Bruh why would you get 4 degrees, I honestly think this is a troll post now 


I was 50/50 on if he was trolling until reading that reply.


Damn he got me lol


If you graduated with all that there’s no way you should be failing in this profession. Stop looking for advice. You can figure it out yourself. No one is going to help you. Spend the extra time to learn whatever you need to on your own time. (e.g., CPE, adding an extra day to your workweek). Don’t take anything from anyone. Be professional yet firm. If you want to be in the profession, be in the profession. That’s your mindset.


I smell fish


And I smell breast milk.


What does this even mean lol


> I since heard through the grapevine that the partners actually had a personal gripe against me for my self-assured nature and my unwillingness to **assimilate their office culture**. There might be racism involved with this and the other jobs, but this is also one of the surest ways to get fired any job regardless of race.


Early on your career you need to learn how to play the corporate game No Director wants to deal with a 20 something year old new hire who aggressively speaks their mind


I told 5 partners to go fuck themselves. Also y’all hiring rn?


These comments are savage 💀 Have you tried updating LinkedIn and straight up cold DMing accounting recruiters in your areas? 


Womp womp.


While a high IQ and the ability to get things done correctly is valuable, TACT is equally valuable. If you can't maneuver office politics, it means you aren't as good as you think you are. Interpersonal skills constitute a huge part of what we do. In an ideal world, racism wouldn't be a thing, but we live in the real world. It exists. It will always exist. To be successful in life, you'll have to come to terms with that. You'll also have to learn to respond to it diplomatically. You'll also have to desensitize yourself to it a bit. You're accusing black security guards of racism because you're black... ? While I suppose that's possible, I think it's more likely that you've decided that everything is racism if it's against you, when the reality is that people are just assholes to each other, often without a good reason. You don't have to believe anything I've typed here. You can call me a racist and go on with your unemployed self if you want. Or, you can do some serious self-reflection and figure out what parts of your personality are rubbing people the wrong way and try to learn how to correct them. I had to learn the hard way that "telling it like it is" doesn't necessarily help you the way you think it will.


Just a thought. Hear me out. Perhaps add a professional photo of yourself on the cover letter? That way there are no surprise comments. Just trying to help. Best of luck.


Don’t mind the negativity from these punk white boys. The answer is simple but requires consistent effort and perseverance. FIGHT BACK! Don’t fight to survive, fight to win. The “fight “differs by individual. I’m naturally a nice guy, so for me the fight began with being an asshole and not taking shit from anyone. That includes supervisors , clients and colleagues. Fighting could mean something completely different to you. But you still have to fight my guy! I’m a black CPA and have went through some of the same things you’re talking about. Don’t ever let anyone stop you from getting what you want out of this profession. Especially not these punk white boys! Go down fighting if you’re gonna go down. That’s my take. Don’ be soft.


Honestly I don't know what everyone else here is saying, I thought this was well written... Hello, people! It's a reddit rant, not a business email! Sorry you had to, and continue, experience this! Best of luck


The responses are because It’s a troll post. OPs nonsensical rant is complete bullshit.


Racism manifests in unique ways. Discounting it as a troll post is one way. Clearly, the post is well written. Clearly the guy is searching for advice. He wants to be accepted and feel included. I know this because I’ve gone through the same thing as a Black CPA. Blacks have no power in the world and thus get treated as such. Pushing back has worked for me. Partners try to mislead, I push back. Clients become pushy. I push back. All from a substantiated position. Can’t be a pushover because no ones wants us there. Too late now. I wouldn’t turn back. Im making partner. Not going to let “punk white boys” stop me. “Punk white boys” is the only way I can describe the treatment I’ve gotten from white men in this profession. They’ve refused to even try to form a genuine relationship with me. After three years, I’ve learned to be 100% accountable for myself and work. To stop looking for someone to take me under their wing and show me the ropes because it’s not going to happen. I know what I’m doing. I can lean on that.