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It's normal. Wait until you meet with your doctor. Elevated cholesterol is a known side effect of Accutane. Your doctor will advise further if anything needs to be done.


That’s good to hear!!


Sometimes my bloodwork comes back weird too. Last time my glucose was crazy high and at one point I had a high A/G ratio. My derm usually says nothing or that all looks good. If it’s a consistent issue then I think it’s worth looking into.


Gotcha! Hopefully my derm says the same.


I have struggled with the exact same issue, and my derm has not been worried about it. I have genetic predisposition for high cholesterol, so despite also being a runner with a healthy to underweight BMI my entire life, my total cholesterol has gone up about 60 points (~200 —> ~260) since starting accutane. My derm has had me add in fish oil (helps with other side effects too, I recommend), and I’ve added plant sterols (do some research on them and decide if they’re worth it to you, they have helped me lower my cholesterol the tiniest 🤏🏻 amount, and I’m going to stick with it)


That’s good to hear. I was worried I was dealing with a borderline health crisis😭 I’ve been taking fish oil since starting I’ll make sure to continue doing so! Thanks