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Nothing you can do at home, take it to a repair shop or claim warranty if you have it


Before doing anything else, please clean your laptop. It’s nasty.


I don't understand how people can just sit down and be like : " Yep that's how I'm going to leave that today" Like take some pride in your possessions lol


No. We like our Nitro 5s dirty.


>We You.


I always have wipes, and air duster in reach when I clean my laptop, it’s crazy how people are like this..




😂 i was about to say the same thing


Unplug battery, reseat ram. Worked for me but prob not for you


I’ve had the same issue for a while. A temporary fix is to hold down the power button until the pc shuts off. Then hold it down again for up to a minute, and then press it again. I’m never buying an Acer laptop again that’s for sure.


First of all, have you made any hardware changes? If so, maybe a bit of patience is needed, as it can take a while to do its self check. Usually only takes 30 secs - 1 minute though. Another thing to check is to shine a flashlight on the screen to see if you can see anything - it could be that the backlight's just turned off or broken (or unplugged, if you've had it open). And finally, try pressing F5/fn+F5. It could just be that you've switched it to external video only.


Did you recently upgrade RAM ?


Turn it off (long press the power button until all lights went out), unplug your AC-Adapter, press and hold down the power button for about 15sec. Plug the AC-Adapter back in and power it on.


Okay I am gonna take advantage of this I have the same laptop and it is just as if not more dirty Please tell me how can I clean it, first ever laptop and I am way too scared to use products to clean it


Just wipe it off with a dry cloth


air canister and screen cleaner and a microfiber cloth. i use the air first to spray away dust n stuff then use a little screen cleaner on a cloth to wipe down the screen n keys.


Last time this happened to me, I had a bad stick of ram. Now may be a good time to reseat them, and change as needed


I had the same problem, keyboard would light up but then whole system would turn off abruptly with a sound,tried almost all of the above suggestions but unfortunately it didn't solve the problem. Later during troubleshooting i found the keyboard connection ( tape connector) to be faulty ( right beneath the battery). As for now I disconnect it after booting it up, as replacement is costly (~12k) and not readily available in my city. Please comment if could try anything else or if i am missing something.


Try youtube, usually find a fix


Try dusting off your ram connection port in the laptop and dust off the place that comes in contact with the connection port on your ram stick, then sticking it back in A soft makeup brush will do (important to have it soft!!) I had this problem turns out the dust accumulated inside my ram connection port over the years , and I used the brush to fix this problem


I have a experience something like that but mine is it goes black screen after 30minutes sometimes 15minutes after turning on my laptop, I just buy some ssd and make it my boot drive and it solve the problem for me. I also encountered your problem black screen only when turning on, usually i did'nt properly equipped my ram into the slots.


Clean it 🤦‍♂️


Driver issue go to bios turn on discrete gpu only THEN GO TO WINDOWS> DEVICE MANAGER> UPAR VIEW VALE TAB MEIN SHOW HIDDEN ITEMS KA Option dhundhna Then in display adapter you'll find intel uhd adapter uninstall it and reboot your pc this will reset your igpu driver and you will be good to go Thank me later


I can't go to bios. Laptop does not go to any menu wherever I click


Do you get acer logo when you start